Kraig Biocraft Laboratories to Host Upcoming Investor Web Conference Highlighting Commercialization Progress of Spider Silk Technologies

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Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCQB: KBLB), the leading developer of spider silk-based fibers, has announced plans to host an investor web conference in the coming weeks. The conference will provide an in-depth review of the Company's progress over the past twelve months in commercializing its revolutionary spider silk technology.

The upcoming conference will cover recent advancements, detailed production metrics, and critical developments accelerating Kraig Labs' trajectory to bring its spider silk technology to market. Attendees can expect insights into total spider silk production, development of next-generation spider silk fibers, targeted markets for early adoption, and projections for production levels in 2024.

Company Founder and CEO, Kim Thompson, expressed excitement about sharing the substantial progress made in scaling up spider silk production. The Company is finalizing event details, with a follow-up announcement to be made as the event approaches.

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCQB: KBLB), il principale sviluppatore di fibre a base di seta di ragno, ha annunciato piani per ospitare una web conference per gli investitori nelle prossime settimane. La conferenza fornirà una revisione dettagliata dei progressi dell'azienda negli ultimi dodici mesi nella commercializzazione della sua rivoluzionaria tecnologia della seta di ragno.

La conferenza imminente tratterà i recenti sviluppi, le metriche di produzione dettagliate e i principali eventi che stanno accelerando la traiettoria di Kraig Labs per portare la sua tecnologia della seta di ragno sul mercato. I partecipanti possono aspettarsi approfondimenti sulla produzione totale di seta di ragno, sullo sviluppo di fibre di seta di ragno di nuova generazione, sui mercati mirati per un'adozione precoce e sulle proiezioni dei livelli di produzione nel 2024.

Il fondatore e CEO dell'azienda, Kim Thompson, ha espresso entusiasmo nel condividere i sostanziali progressi realizzati nell'aumento della produzione di seta di ragno. L'azienda sta finalizzando i dettagli dell'evento, con un annuncio di follow-up che sarà fatto man mano che l'evento si avvicina.

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCQB: KBLB), el principal desarrollador de fibras basadas en seda de araña, ha anunciado planes para organizar una conferencia web para inversores en las próximas semanas. La conferencia ofrecerá una revisión profunda del progreso de la compañía durante los últimos doce meses en la comercialización de su revolucionaria tecnología de seda de araña.

La próxima conferencia cubrirá los avances recientes, métricas de producción detalladas y desarrollos críticos que aceleran la trayectoria de Kraig Labs para llevar su tecnología de seda de araña al mercado. Los asistentes pueden esperar obtener información sobre la producción total de seda de araña, el desarrollo de fibras de seda de araña de próxima generación, mercados objetivo para adopción temprana y proyecciones de niveles de producción para 2024.

El fundador y CEO de la compañía, Kim Thompson, expresó su entusiasmo por compartir el progreso sustancial logrado en la escalada de la producción de seda de araña. La compañía está finalizando los detalles del evento, y se realizará un anuncio de seguimiento a medida que se acerque la fecha.

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCQB: KBLB), 거미 실크 기반 섬유의 선도적인 개발업체는 향후 몇 주 내에 투자자 웹 컨퍼런스를 개최할 계획을 발표했습니다. 이번 컨퍼런스에서는 지난 12개월 동안의 혁신적인 거미 실크 기술 상용화 진행 상황에 대한 심층적인 검토가 이루어질 것입니다.

다가오는 컨퍼런스에서는 최근 발전 사항, 세부 생산 지표 및 Kraig Labs의 거미 실크 기술을 시장에 내놓기 위해 가속화하는 중요한 개발을 다룰 것입니다. 참석자들은 총 거미 실크 생산량, 차세대 거미 실크 섬유 개발, 초기 채택을 위한 목표 시장 및 2024년 생산 수준에 대한 예측에 대한 통찰력을 기대할 수 있습니다.

회사의 창립자이자 CEO인 Kim Thompson은 거미 실크 생산 확대에서 이룬 상당한 진전을 공유하게 되어 기쁘다고 밝혔습니다. 회사는 이벤트 세부 사항을 마무리하고 있으며, 이벤트가 다가오면 후속 발표가 있을 예정입니다.

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCQB: KBLB), le développeur leader de fibres à base de soie d'araignée, a annoncé son intention d'organiser une web conférence pour investisseurs dans les prochaines semaines. Cette conférence fournira un examen détaillé des progrès réalisés par l'entreprise au cours des douze derniers mois concernant la commercialisation de sa technologie révolutionnaire de soie d'araignée.

La conférence à venir abordera les avancées récentes, des métriques de production détaillées et des développements critiques qui accélèrent la trajectoire de Kraig Labs pour mettre sa technologie de soie d'araignée sur le marché. Les participants peuvent s'attendre à obtenir des informations sur la production totale de soie d'araignée, le développement de fibres de soie d'araignée de prochaine génération, les marchés ciblés pour une adoption précoce et les prévisions des niveaux de production pour 2024.

Le fondateur et PDG de l'entreprise, Kim Thompson, a exprimé son enthousiasme à l'idée de partager les progrès considérables réalisés dans l'augmentation de la production de soie d'araignée. L'entreprise finalise les détails de l'événement, et une annonce de suivi sera faite à l'approche de l'événement.

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCQB: KBLB), der führende Entwickler von spinnennetzbasierten Fasern, hat Pläne angekündigt, in den kommenden Wochen eine Investoren-Webkonferenz abzuhalten. Die Konferenz wird eine eingehende Überprüfung des Fortschritts des Unternehmens im vergangenen Jahr bei der Vermarktung seiner revolutionären Spinnennetztechnologie bieten.

Die bevorstehende Konferenz wird kürzlich erzielte Fortschritte, detaillierte Produktionskennzahlen und wichtige Entwicklungen behandeln, die Kraig Labs' Weg zur Markteinführung seiner Spinnennetztechnologie beschleunigen. Die Teilnehmer können Einblicke in die insgesamt produzierte Spinnennetzmenge, die Entwicklung von Spinnennetzfasern der nächsten Generation, gezielte Märkte für eine frühe Annahme und Prognosen für die Produktionsmengen im Jahr 2024 erwarten.

Der Unternehmensgründer und CEO, Kim Thompson, äußerte Begeisterung darüber, den erheblichen Fortschritt beim Ausbau der Spinnennetzproduktion zu teilen. Das Unternehmen finalisiert die Einzelheiten der Veranstaltung, und ein Folgeankündigung wird erfolgen, sobald das Ereignis näher rückt.

  • None.
  • None.

ANN ARBOR, Mich., Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCQB: KBLB) ("the Company" or "Kraig Labs"), the leading developer of spider silk-based fibers, today announced plans to host an investor web conference in the coming weeks. This conference will provide an in-depth review of the Company's progress over the past twelve months in commercializing its revolutionary spider silk technology.

As part of Kraig Labs' ongoing commitment to transparency and shareholder engagement, the upcoming conference will cover recent advancements, detailed production metrics, and critical advancements accelerating the Company's trajectory to bring its spider silk technology to market. Attendees can expect insights into total spider silk production, the development of next-generation spider silk fibers, targeted markets for early adoption, projections for production levels in 2024, and how these innovations are set to transform the global performance materials industry.

"We are excited to share the substantial progress Kraig Labs has made this past year in scaling up our spider silk production," said Company Founder and CEO, Kim Thompson. "This shareholder conference will provide an excellent opportunity to highlight the substantial progress made this year and how we are delivering on our commercially scalable spider silk system for textile markets."

The Company is in the process of finalizing the details for the event, and a follow-up announcement with the confirmed date and additional information will be made available as the event approaches.

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About Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc.

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (, a reporting biotechnology company is the leading developer of genetically engineered spider silk-based fiber technologies.

The Company has achieved a series of scientific breakthroughs in the area of spider silk technology with implications for the global textile industry.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Information

Statements in this press release about the Company's future and expectations other than historical facts are "forward-looking statements." These statements are made on the basis of management's current views and assumptions. As a result, there can be no assurance that management's expectations will necessarily come to pass. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by phrases such as "believes," "plans," "expects," "anticipates," "foresees," "estimated," "hopes," "if," "develops," "researching," "research," "pilot," "potential," "could" or other words or phrases of similar import. Forward looking statements include descriptions of the Company's business strategy, outlook, objectives, plans, intentions and goals. All such forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security.

Ben Hansel, Hansel Capital, LLC
(720) 288-8495


What is the purpose of Kraig Biocraft Laboratories' upcoming investor web conference?

The purpose of the conference is to provide an in-depth review of Kraig Biocraft Laboratories' (KBLB) progress over the past twelve months in commercializing its revolutionary spider silk technology, including recent advancements, production metrics, and critical developments accelerating the company's market entry.

What topics will be covered in Kraig Biocraft Laboratories' (KBLB) investor web conference?

The conference will cover total spider silk production, development of next-generation spider silk fibers, targeted markets for early adoption, projections for 2024 production levels, and how these innovations are set to transform the global performance materials industry.

When will Kraig Biocraft Laboratories (KBLB) host its investor web conference?

The exact date has not been announced yet. Kraig Biocraft Laboratories is in the process of finalizing the details for the event, and a follow-up announcement with the confirmed date and additional information will be made available as the event approaches.

What is Kraig Biocraft Laboratories' (KBLB) main focus in biotechnology?

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories (KBLB) is the leading developer of genetically engineered spider silk-based fiber technologies, focusing on commercializing revolutionary spider silk technology for the global textile industry.



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Specialty Chemicals
Basic Materials
United States of America
Ann Arbor