Kraig Biocraft Laboratories Enter Rapid Growth Rearing Phase for Third Spider Silk Production Cycle
Kraig Biocraft Laboratories (OTCQB: KBLB) has entered the rapid growth rearing phase for its third spider silk production cycle of the season. The company has expanded production space to accommodate the rapidly growing silkworms, which are preparing to spin proprietary recombinant spider silk cocoons. The BAM-1 Hybrids are reported to be the most robust production strain ever fielded by the company.
Kraig Labs has implemented a batch-rearing process to optimize silkworm colony health and ensure ideal rearing conditions. This approach aims to minimize overcrowding and manage mulberry supply during the rainy season. The company's COO, Jon Rice, highlighted significant breakthroughs in their business plan, emphasizing advancements in production capacities for cost-effective, commercially scalable spider silk.
Kraig Biocraft Laboratories (OTCQB: KBLB) è entrata nella fase di rapida crescita della produzione per il suo terzo ciclo di produzione di seta di ragno della stagione. L'azienda ha ampliato gli spazi di produzione per accogliere i bachi da seta in rapida crescita, che si stanno preparando a filare i bozzoli di seta di ragno ricombinante proprietari. I BAM-1 Hybrids sono stati segnalati come il ceppo di produzione più robusto mai utilizzato dall'azienda.
Kraig Labs ha implementato un processo di allevamento a lotti per ottimizzare la salute della colonia di bachi da seta e garantire condizioni di allevamento ideali. Questo approccio mira a minimizzare il sovraffollamento e gestire la fornitura di bambù durante la stagione delle piogge. Il COO dell'azienda, Jon Rice, ha evidenziato importanti progressi nel loro piano aziendale, sottolineando i miglioramenti nelle capacità produttive per una seta di ragno economica e commercialmente scalabile.
Kraig Biocraft Laboratories (OTCQB: KBLB) ha entrado en la fase de rápido crecimiento para su terciclo de producción de seda de araña de la temporada. La compañía ha ampliado el espacio de producción para acomodar los gusanos de seda, que se están preparando para hilar los capullos de seda de araña recombinante propietarios. Se informa que los BAM-1 Hybrids son la cepa de producción más robusta que la empresa ha utilizado jamás.
Kraig Labs ha implementado un proceso de crianza por lotes para optimizar la salud de la colonia de gusanos de seda y garantizar condiciones de crianza ideales. Este enfoque tiene como objetivo minimizar el hacinamiento y gestionar el suministro de morera durante la temporada de lluvias. El COO de la empresa, Jon Rice, destacó los avances significativos en su plan de negocios, enfatizando las mejoras en las capacidades de producción para una seda de araña rentable y escalable comercialmente.
Kraig Biocraft Laboratories (OTCQB: KBLB)는 시즌의 세 번째 거미줄 생산 사이클을 위한 빠른 성장 사육 단계에 들어갔습니다. 회사는 빠르게 성장하는 누에를 수용하기 위해 생산 공간을 확장했으며, 이들은 독점적인 재조합 거미줄 고치를 만들 준비를 하고 있습니다. BAM-1 하이브리드는 회사가 현재 운영 중인 가장 강력한 생산 균주로 알려져 있습니다.
Kraig Labs는 배치 사육 프로세스를 도입하여 누에 집단의 건강을 최적화하고 이상적인 사육 조건을 보장합니다. 이 접근 방식은 과밀을 최소화하고 우기 동안의 뽕나무 공급을 관리하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 회사의 COO인 Jon Rice는 비용 효율적이고 상업적으로 확장 가능한 거미줄 생산 능력의 발전을 강조하는 사업 계획에서 중요한 이정표를 강조했습니다.
Kraig Biocraft Laboratories (OTCQB: KBLB) est entré dans la phase de croissance rapide pour son troisième cycle de production de soie d'araignée de la saison. L'entreprise a élargi son espace de production pour accueillir les vers à soie en pleine croissance, qui se préparent à filer des cocons de soie d'araignée recombinante propriétaires. Les BAM-1 Hybrids sont rapportés comme étant la souche de production la plus robuste jamais utilisée par l'entreprise.
Kraig Labs a mis en œuvre un processus de reproduction par lots pour optimiser la santé de la colonie de vers à soie et garantir des conditions de reproduction idéales. Cette approche vise à minimiser le surpeuplement et à gérer l'approvisionnement en mûrier pendant la saison des pluies. Le COO de l'entreprise, Jon Rice, a souligné des avancées significatives dans leur plan d'affaires, mettant l'accent sur les améliorations des capacités de production pour une soie d'araignée rentable et commercialement évolutive.
Kraig Biocraft Laboratories (OTCQB: KBLB) befindet sich in der Phase des rasanten Wachstums für ihren dritten Produktionszyklus von Spinnenseide der Saison. Das Unternehmen hat den Produktionsraum erweitert, um die schnell wachsenden Seidenspinner unterzubringen, die sich darauf vorbereiten, proprietäre rekombinante Spinnenseidekokons zu spinnen. Die BAM-1 Hybriden gelten als die robusteste Produktionslinie, die das Unternehmen jemals im Einsatz hatte.
Kraig Labs hat einen Batch-Aufzuchtprozess implementiert, um die Gesundheit der Seidenspinnerkolonie zu optimieren und ideale Aufzuchtbedingungen sicherzustellen. Dieser Ansatz zielt darauf ab, Überfüllung zu minimieren und die Versorgung mit Maulbeerbäumen während der Regenzeit zu verwalten. Der COO des Unternehmens, Jon Rice, hob bedeutende Fortschritte in ihrem Geschäftsplan hervor und betonte die Verbesserungen in den Produktionskapazitäten für kosteneffiziente und kommerziell skalierbare Spinnenseide.
- Entered rapid growth rearing phase for third spider silk production cycle
- Expanded production space to accommodate growing silkworms
- BAM-1 Hybrids reported as most robust production strain
- Implemented batch-rearing process to optimize silkworm colony health
- Significant breakthroughs in production capacities for commercially scalable spider silk
- None.
ANN ARBOR, Mich., July 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (OTCQB: KBLB) ("the Company" or "Kraig Labs"), announces that it has entered the rapid growth rearing phase for its third spider silk production cycle of the season. During this phase, the silkworms grow exponentially in preparation for spinning the Company's proprietary recombinant spider silk cocoons.
Over the last week, the Company has taken steps to add additional production space to accommodate the rapidly growing silkworms during this phase. The Company continues to closely monitor the health and performance of the entire silkworm colony during this period of significant growth. Reports from the Company's rearing team continue to show that the BAM-1 Hybrids are the most robust production strain that the Company has ever fielded.
As previously reported, the Company has adopted a batch-rearing process to minimize overcrowding and level loading the need for fresh, dry mulberry during the traditional rainy season. This approach is designed to further support silkworm colony health and ensure optimal rearing and cocooning conditions.
"Kraig Labs has delivered a quantum leap in spider silk production capacity. This advancement was powered by our strategic investments in facilities, equipment, silkworm genetics, and building out a team with the knowledge and expertise to utilize those resources," said Company COO, Jon Rice. "We are seeing significant breakthroughs in our business plan nearly every week as we methodically and systematically advance our production capacities for the world's first cost-effective, commercially scaleable spider silk."
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About Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc.
Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. (, a reporting biotechnology company is the leading developer of genetically engineered spider silk-based fiber technologies.
The Company has achieved a series of scientific breakthroughs in the area of spider silk technology with implications for the global textile industry.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Information
Statements in this press release about the Company's future and expectations other than historical facts are "forward-looking statements." These statements are made on the basis of management's current views and assumptions. As a result, there can be no assurance that management's expectations will necessarily come to pass. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by phrases such as "believes," "plans," "expects," "anticipates," "foresees," "estimated," "hopes," "if," "develops," "researching," "research," "pilot," "potential," "could" or other words or phrases of similar import. Forward looking statements include descriptions of the Company's business strategy, outlook, objectives, plans, intentions and goals. All such forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security.
Ben Hansel, Hansel Capital, LLC
(720) 288-8495

What is the current production phase for Kraig Biocraft Laboratories (KBLB)?
How has Kraig Biocraft Laboratories (KBLB) adapted to accommodate growing silkworms?
What is the BAM-1 Hybrid strain mentioned in Kraig Biocraft Laboratories' (KBLB) announcement?