KB Home Wins 2024 WaterSense Sustained Excellence Award, the Only National Homebuilder to Receive This Prestigious Honor

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KB Home (NYSE: KBH) has been awarded the 2024 WaterSense Sustained Excellence Award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the 14th consecutive year. This makes KB Home the only national homebuilder to receive this prestigious honor, highlighting its leadership in building highly water-efficient homes.

The company has built over 21,800 WaterSense labeled and Water Smart homes, installing more than 1.1 million WaterSense labeled fixtures. KB Home estimates its homes conserve approximately two billion gallons of water annually. The company has committed to building all future communities in Arizona, California, and Nevada to EPA's highest water-efficiency standard, WaterSense.

KB Home's sustainability efforts have also been recognized by Newsweek and USA Today, with the company being named to America's Most Responsible Companies list and ranked in the top five percent of America's Climate Leaders, respectively.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH) ha ricevuto il Premio di Eccellenza Sostenuta WaterSense 2024 dall'Agenzia per la Protezione Ambientale degli Stati Uniti (EPA) per il 14° anno consecutivo. Questo rende KB Home l'unico costruttore nazionale di case a ricevere questo prestigioso riconoscimento, evidenziando il suo ruolo di leader nella costruzione di abitazioni altamente efficienti in termini di consumo d'acqua.

L'azienda ha costruito oltre 21.800 case etichettate WaterSense e Water Smart, installando più di 1,1 milioni di apparecchi etichettati WaterSense. KB Home stima che le sue abitazioni conservino circa due miliardi di galloni d'acqua all'anno. L'azienda si è impegnata a costruire tutte le future comunità in Arizona, California e Nevada secondo il più alto standard di efficienza idrica dell'EPA, WaterSense.

Gli sforzi di sostenibilità di KB Home sono stati riconosciuti anche da Newsweek e USA Today, con l'azienda inserita nella lista delle Aziende più Responsabili d'America e classificata nel cinque percento delle Aziende Leader del Clima in America, rispettivamente.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH) ha sido galardonada con el Premio de Excelencia Sostenida WaterSense 2024 por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE. UU. (EPA) por decimocuarta vez consecutiva. Esto convierte a KB Home en el único constructor nacional de viviendas que recibe este prestigioso honor, resaltando su liderazgo en la construcción de hogares altamente eficientes en el uso del agua.

La empresa ha construido más de 21,800 casas etiquetadas WaterSense y Water Smart, instalando más de 1.1 millones de accesorios etiquetados WaterSense. KB Home estima que sus viviendas conservan aproximadamente dos mil millones de galones de agua anualmente. La compañía se ha comprometido a construir todas las futuras comunidades en Arizona, California y Nevada según el más alto estándar de eficiencia hídrica de la EPA, WaterSense.

Los esfuerzos de sostenibilidad de KB Home también han sido reconocidos por Newsweek y USA Today, siendo nombrada en la lista de las Empresas Más Responsables de América y clasificándose en el cinco por ciento superior de los Líderes Climáticos de América, respectivamente.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH)는 미국 환경 보호국(EPA)으로부터 2024 WaterSense 지속 가능성 우수상을 14년 연속 수상했습니다. 이는 KB Home이 이 저명한 상을 수상한 유일한 전국 주택 건설업체임을 의미하며, 매우 물 효율적인 주택 건설에 있어 리더십을 강조합니다.

회사는 21,800개 이상의 WaterSense 라벨이 부착된 에너지 효율 주택을 지었으며, 110만 개 이상의 WaterSense 라벨이 부착된 기구를 설치했습니다. KB Home은 자사의 주택이 연간 약 20억 갤런의 물을 절약한다고 추정하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 아리조나, 캘리포니아, 네바다의 모든 미래 커뮤니티를 EPA의 가장 높은 물 효율 기준인 WaterSense 기준으로 건설할 것임을 약속했습니다.

KB Home의 지속 가능성 노력은 NewsweekUSA Today에 의해 인정받아, 미국의 가장 책임 있는 기업 목록에 이름을 올리고, 미국 기후 리더의 최상위 5%에 랭크되었습니다.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH) a reçu le Prix d'Excellence Durable WaterSense 2024 de l'Agence de Protection de l'Environnement des États-Unis (EPA) pour la quatorzième année consécutive. Cela fait de KB Home le seul constructeur national à recevoir cet honneur prestigieux, mettant en évidence son leadership dans la construction de maisons très efficaces en matière d'eau.

L'entreprise a construit plus de 21 800 maisons labellisées WaterSense et Water Smart, installant plus de 1,1 million de dispositifs labellisés WaterSense. KB Home estime que ses maisons économisent environ deux milliards de gallons d'eau par an. L'entreprise s'est engagée à construire toutes les futures communautés en Arizona, Californie et Nevada selon la norme de la plus haute efficacité en matière d'eau de l'EPA, WaterSense.

Les efforts de durabilité de KB Home ont également été reconnus par Newsweek et USA Today, l'entreprise étant incluse dans la liste des Entreprises les Plus Responsables d'Amérique et classée dans le top cinq pour cent des Leaders du Climat en Amérique, respectivement.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH) wurde zum 2024 WaterSense Sustained Excellence Award von der U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) für das 14. Jahr in Folge ausgezeichnet. Dies macht KB Home zum einzigen nationalen Hausbauer, der diese prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung erhält, und unterstreicht seine Führungsrolle beim Bau von hochwasser-effizienten Häusern.

Das Unternehmen hat über 21.800 WaterSense-zertifizierte und Water Smart-Häuser gebaut und mehr als 1,1 Millionen WaterSense-zertifizierte Armaturen installiert. KB Home schätzt, dass seine Häuser jährlich etwa zwei Milliarden Gallonen Wasser einsparen. Das Unternehmen hat sich verpflichtet, alle zukünftigen Gemeinden in Arizona, Kalifornien und Nevada nach dem höchsten Wassereffizienzstandard der EPA, WaterSense, zu bauen.

Die Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen von KB Home wurden auch von Newsweek und USA Today gewürdigt, wobei das Unternehmen in die Liste der verantwortungsvollsten Unternehmen Amerikas aufgenommen wurde und im oberen fünf Prozent der Klimaführer Amerikas eingestuft wurde.

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Homebuilder recognized for a record 14th consecutive year, further demonstrating the company’s leadership position in building to EPA’s highest water-efficiency standards.

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KB Home (NYSE: KBH), one of the largest and most trusted homebuilders in the U.S., today announced that its commitment to building highly water-efficient homes has again been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a record 14th consecutive year. KB Home is the first and only national homebuilder to receive the WaterSense® Sustained Excellence Award, the highest level of recognition given by EPA’s WaterSense program.

KB Home wins 2024 WaterSense sustained excellence award, the only national homebuilder to receive this prestigious honor. (Graphic: Business Wire)

KB Home wins 2024 WaterSense sustained excellence award, the only national homebuilder to receive this prestigious honor. (Graphic: Business Wire)

“We value our long-standing partnership with KB Home, a homebuilder that continues to be an industry leader in water efficiency,” said Veronica Blette, Acting Associate Director of the Water Infrastructure Division in the EPA Office of Wastewater Management. “We commend KB Home’s efforts to building water-efficient homes that can help save their customers money and conserve resources — as well as the company’s commitment to building all future communities in Arizona, California and Nevada to EPA’s highest water-efficiency standard, WaterSense.”

WaterSense, a voluntary partnership program sponsored by the EPA, is both a label for water-efficiency and a resource for helping consumers learn ways to save water. More than 2,100 manufacturers, builders, retailers, utilities, and government and nonprofit organizations partner with WaterSense to produce and promote water-efficient products, programs and homes.

“KB Home is honored to be recognized by the EPA for a record 14th consecutive year. We were the first national builder to participate in the WaterSense program, helping our homeowners lower the long term cost of homeownership,” said Jeffrey Mezger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of KB Home. “As the leading water-efficient national homebuilder, we believe that a WaterSense labeled KB home is a better home, one that is more efficient and affordable to operate, and one that helps to conserve this precious natural resource for future generations.”

KB Home continues to champion the important role EPA’s WaterSense program plays in helping to lower its buyers’ monthly utility costs and minimize their carbon footprint and energy usage. To date, KB Home has built over 21,800 WaterSense labeled and Water Smart homes — more than any other homebuilder — and installed over 1.1 million WaterSense labeled fixtures. The company estimates that its homes conserve approximately two billion gallons of water annually.

KB Home has earned awards under all of EPA’s homebuilder programs, including WaterSense, ENERGY STAR®, which establishes energy-efficiency standards, and Indoor airPLUS, which focuses on indoor air quality. The company’s sustainability leadership was recognized by Newsweek®, with the company being the only homebuilder named to the publication’s prestigious America’s Most Responsible Companies list four years in a row. Additionally, KB Home was named as one of USA Today’s 2024 America’s Climate Leaders, with the distinction of being ranked in the top five percent of all companies listed as well as the highest-ranked homebuilder.

For more information on KB Home’s sustainability initiatives, visit

For more information on WaterSense, visit

About KB Home

KB Home is one of the largest and most trusted homebuilders in the United States. We operate in 47 markets, have built over 680,000 quality homes in our more than 65-year history, and are honored to be the #1 customer-ranked national homebuilder based on third-party buyer surveys. What sets KB Home apart is building strong, personal relationships with every customer and creating an exceptional experience that offers our homebuyers the ability to personalize their home based on what they value at a price they can afford. As the industry leader in sustainability, KB Home has achieved one of the highest residential energy-efficiency ratings and delivered more ENERGY STAR® certified homes than any other builder, helping to lower the total cost of homeownership. For more information, visit

About WaterSense

WaterSense, a partnership program sponsored by EPA, seeks to protect the future of our nation's water supply by offering consumers and businesses simple ways to use less water with water-efficient products, homes and services.

Craig LeMessurier, KB Home


Source: KB Home


What award did KB Home (KBH) receive from the EPA in 2024?

KB Home (KBH) received the 2024 WaterSense Sustained Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), marking the 14th consecutive year the company has been recognized for its water-efficiency efforts.

How many WaterSense labeled homes has KB Home (KBH) built?

KB Home (KBH) has built over 21,800 WaterSense labeled and Water Smart homes, more than any other homebuilder in the United States.

What is KB Home's (KBH) estimated annual water conservation from its homes?

KB Home (KBH) estimates that its homes conserve approximately two billion gallons of water annually through the use of water-efficient fixtures and designs.

In which states is KB Home (KBH) committed to building all future communities to WaterSense standards?

KB Home (KBH) has committed to building all future communities in Arizona, California, and Nevada to EPA's highest water-efficiency standard, WaterSense.

How has KB Home's (KBH) sustainability efforts been recognized outside of the EPA?

KB Home (KBH) has been named to Newsweek's America's Most Responsible Companies list for four consecutive years and ranked in the top five percent of USA Today's 2024 America's Climate Leaders, being the highest-ranked homebuilder on the list.

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Residential Construction
Operative Builders
United States of America