KB Home Named to Newsweek’s 2025 List of America’s Most Responsible Companies
KB Home (NYSE: KBH) has achieved a significant milestone by being named to Newsweek's America's Most Responsible Companies 2025 list. The company stands out as the highest-ranked national homebuilder and maintains the unique distinction of being the only homebuilder to receive this recognition for five consecutive years.
The selection process evaluated over 2,000 public companies based on key performance indicators from various corporate reports and included an independent survey of more than 17,000 U.S. residents. The final list features the top 600 most responsible companies across 14 industries. KB Home's commitment to sustainability spans over two decades, focusing on building efficient and affordable sustainable homes.
KB Home (NYSE: KBH) ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo essendo stata nominata nella lista delle Americhe Aziende più Responsabili 2025 di Newsweek. L'azienda si distingue come il costruttore nazionale di case più quotato e mantiene l'unica distinzione di essere l'unico costruttore di case a ricevere questo riconoscimento per cinque anni consecutivi.
Il processo di selezione ha valutato oltre 2.000 aziende pubbliche basandosi su indicatori chiave di prestazione da vari rapporti aziendali e ha incluso un sondaggio indipendente su più di 17.000 residenti statunitensi. La lista finale presenta le 600 aziende più responsabili in 14 settori. L'impegno di KB Home per la sostenibilità si estende per oltre due decenni, concentrandosi sulla costruzione di case sostenibili, efficienti e accessibili.
KB Home (NYSE: KBH) ha alcanzado un hito significativo al ser nombrada en la lista de Las Empresas Más Responsables de América 2025 de Newsweek. La empresa se destaca como el constructor nacional de viviendas mejor clasificado y mantiene la distinción única de ser el único constructor de viviendas en recibir este reconocimiento durante cinco años consecutivos.
El proceso de selección evaluó más de 2,000 empresas públicas basándose en indicadores clave de rendimiento de varios informes corporativos e incluyó una encuesta independiente a más de 17,000 residentes de EE. UU. La lista final presenta las 600 empresas más responsables en 14 industrias. El compromiso de KB Home con la sostenibilidad se extiende por más de dos décadas, enfocándose en la construcción de viviendas sostenibles, eficientes y asequibles.
KB Home (NYSE: KBH)는 Newsweek의 2025년 미국에서 가장 책임감 있는 기업 목록에 이름을 올리며 중요한 이정표를 세웠습니다. 이 회사는 최고 순위의 전국 주택 건설업체로 두드러지며, 5년 연속 이 인정을 받은 유일한 주택 건설업체라는 독특한 차별성을 유지하고 있습니다.
선정 과정에서는 2,000개 이상의 상장 기업을 다양한 기업 보고서에서의 주요 성과 지표를 기준으로 평가하였으며, 17,000명 이상의 미국 거주자를 대상으로 한 독립 설문조사를 포함했습니다. 최종 목록은 14개 산업에 걸쳐 가장 책임감 있는 600개 기업을 특징으로 합니다. KB Home의 지속 가능성에 대한 헌신은 20년 이상 지속되어 왔으며, 효율적이고 저렴한 지속 가능한 주택 건설에 중점을 두고 있습니다.
KB Home (NYSE: KBH) a atteint un jalon important en étant nommée dans la liste des entreprises les plus responsables d'Amérique 2025 de Newsweek. L'entreprise se distingue comme le constructeur national de maisons le mieux classé et conserve la distinction unique d'être le seul constructeur à recevoir cette reconnaissance pendant cinq années consécutives.
Le processus de sélection a évalué plus de 2 000 entreprises publiques sur la base d'indicateurs de performance clés issus de divers rapports d'entreprise et a inclus une enquête indépendante auprès de plus de 17 000 résidents américains. La liste finale présente les 600 entreprises les plus responsables dans 14 secteurs. L'engagement de KB Home en faveur de la durabilité s'étend sur plus de deux décennies, axé sur la construction de maisons durables, efficaces et abordables.
KB Home (NYSE: KBH) hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht, indem es in die Liste der Newsweeks verantwortungsvollsten Unternehmen Amerikas 2025 aufgenommen wurde. Das Unternehmen hebt sich als höchstgestuftes nationales Wohnungsbauunternehmen hervor und hat die einzigartige Auszeichnung, der einzige Wohnungsbauer zu sein, der diese Anerkennung fünf Jahre in Folge erhält.
Der Auswahlprozess bewertete über 2.000 öffentliche Unternehmen anhand von Schlüsselkennzahlen aus verschiedenen Unternehmensberichten und beinhaltete eine unabhängige Umfrage unter mehr als 17.000 US-Bürgern. Die endgültige Liste zeigt die 600 verantwortungsvollsten Unternehmen aus 14 Branchen. Das Engagement von KB Home für Nachhaltigkeit erstreckt sich über zwei Jahrzehnte und konzentriert sich auf den Bau effizienter und erschwinglicher nachhaltiger Häuser.
- None.
- None.
Company is listed as the highest-ranked national homebuilder and the only one to receive this distinction five years in a row.

KB Home has been named to Newsweek’s America’s Most Responsible Companies 2025 list. The company is the highest-ranked national homebuilder and the only one to receive this distinction five years in a row. (Graphic: Business Wire)
“We are truly honored to be recognized once again by Newsweek as one of America’s Most Responsible Companies,” said Jeffrey Mezger, KB Home’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “For over two decades, KB Home has been building sustainable homes that are more efficient and affordable to operate, and delivering on the enduring promise of the American dream.”
America's Most Responsible Companies were selected from an initial pool of over 2,000 public companies and based on publicly available key performance indicators from annual reports, corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports, sustainability reports and corporate citizenship reports, as well as an independent survey of more than 17,000
For more information on KB Home’s sustainability initiatives, visit kbhome.com/sustainability.
For more information on KB Home, call 888-KB-HOMES or visit kbhome.com.
About KB Home
KB Home is one of the largest and most trusted homebuilders in
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241204091592/en/
Craig LeMessurier, KB Home
Source: KB Home
What recognition did KB Home (KBH) receive in Newsweek's 2025 list?
How were companies selected for Newsweek's 2025 Most Responsible Companies list?
What is KB Home's (KBH) track record in sustainable homebuilding?