KB Home Chief Financial Officer to Retire in Early 2025

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KB Home (NYSE: KBH) announced that Jeff J. Kaminski, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, will retire in early 2025 after more than 14 years in the position. Kaminski will continue as CFO through the filing of KB Home's 2024 Annual Report and assist with the transition. The company is following its succession planning process to identify the next CFO.

Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Mezger praised Kaminski's contributions, highlighting his role in improving the company's financial structure and driving the returns-focused growth strategy. Mezger noted that under Kaminski's leadership, KB Home has strengthened its balance sheet, achieved low debt-to-capital ratio, and generated substantial cash, resulting in significant stockholder returns.

Kaminski expressed gratitude for his time at KB Home, describing it as the highlight of his career. He expressed confidence in the company's future as a leading national homebuilder.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH) ha annunciato che Jeff J. Kaminski, Vice Presidente Esecutivo e Direttore Finanziario, andrà in pensione all'inizio del 2025 dopo oltre 14 anni nel ruolo. Kaminski continuerà come CFO fino alla presentazione del Report Annuale 2024 di KB Home e assisterà con la transizione. L'azienda sta seguendo il suo processo di pianificazione della successione per identificare il prossimo CFO.

Il Presidente e CEO Jeffrey Mezger ha lodato i contributi di Kaminski, evidenziando il suo ruolo nel migliorare la struttura finanziaria dell'azienda e nel guidare la strategia di crescita focalizzata sui ritorni. Mezger ha osservato che sotto la leadership di Kaminski, KB Home ha rafforzato il proprio bilancio, raggiunto un basso rapporto debito/capitale e generato liquidità sostanziale, con conseguenti significativi ritorni per gli azionisti.

Kaminski ha espresso gratitudine per il suo tempo trascorso in KB Home, descrivendo questa esperienza come il momento culminante della sua carriera. Ha espresso fiducia nel futuro dell'azienda come uno dei principali costruttori di abitazioni a livello nazionale.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH) anunció que Jeff J. Kaminski, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Director Financiero, se jubilará a principios de 2025 tras más de 14 años en el cargo. Kaminski continuará como CFO hasta la presentación del Informe Anual 2024 de KB Home y ayudará con la transición. La empresa está siguiendo su proceso de planificación de sucesión para identificar al próximo CFO.

El Presidente y CEO Jeffrey Mezger elogió las contribuciones de Kaminski, destacando su papel en la mejora de la estructura financiera de la empresa y en la implementación de la estrategia de crecimiento centrada en los rendimientos. Mezger señaló que bajo el liderazgo de Kaminski, KB Home ha fortalecido su balance, alcanzado un bajo índice de deuda sobre capital y generado un flujo de caja sustancial, resultando en importantes retornos para los accionistas.

Kaminski expresó su agradecimiento por su tiempo en KB Home, describiendo esta etapa como el punto culminante de su carrera. Expresó confianza en el futuro de la empresa como un destacado constructor nacional de viviendas.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH)는 제프 J. 카민스키2025년 초에 은퇴할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 카민스키는 14년 이상 이 역할을 맡아왔습니다. 그는 KB Home의 2024년 연례 보고서 제출까지 CFO로 재직하며 전환을 도울 것입니다. 회사는 다음 CFO를 식별하기 위해 후계 계획 프로세스를 따르고 있습니다.

회장 겸 CEO 제프리 메저는 카민스키의 기여를 칭찬하며, 그의 역할이 회사의 재무 구조를 개선하고 수익에 집중한 성장 전략을 추진하는 데 중요한 역할을 했다고 강조했습니다. 메저는 카민스키의 리더십 하에 KB Home이 자산 대 부채 비율을 강화하고, 낮은 부채 비율을 달성했으며, 상당한 현금을 생성하여 주주들에게 의미 있는 수익을 가져왔다고 언급했습니다.

카민스키는 KB Home에서의 시간을 감사하게 생각하며 이를 자신의 경력의 정점으로 묘사했습니다. 그는 이 회사를 선도적인 국가 주택 건설업체로서의 미래에 대한 확신을 나타냈습니다.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH) a annoncé que Jeff J. Kaminski, Vice-Président Exécutif et Directeur Financier, prendra sa retraite au début de 2025 après plus de 14 ans à ce poste. Kaminski continuera en tant que CFO jusqu'à la publication du Rapport Annuel 2024 de KB Home et aidera à la transition. L’entreprise suit son processus de planification de la succession pour identifier le prochain CFO.

Le président et CEO Jeffrey Mezger a salué les contributions de Kaminski, soulignant son rôle dans l'amélioration de la structure financière de l'entreprise et dans la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de croissance axée sur les rendements. Mezger a noté qusous la direction de Kaminski, KB Home a renforcé son bilan, atteint un faible ratio d'endettement et généré des liquidités substantielles, entraînant ainsi d'importants retours pour les actionnaires.

Kaminski a exprimé sa gratitude pour son temps passé chez KB Home, décrivant cette période comme le point culminant de sa carrière. Il a exprimé sa confiance dans l'avenir de l'entreprise en tant que constructeur national de premier plan.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH) gab bekannt, dass Jeff J. Kaminski, Executive Vice President und Chief Financial Officer, anfangs 2025 in den Ruhestand tritt nach mehr als 14 Jahren in dieser Position. Kaminski wird bis zur Einreichung des Jahresberichts 2024 von KB Home als CFO tätig bleiben und bei der Übergabe unterstützen. Das Unternehmen verfolgt seinen Prozess zur Nachfolgenplanung, um den nächsten CFO zu identifizieren.

Der Vorsitzende und CEO Jeffrey Mezger lobte die Beiträge von Kaminski und hob seine Rolle bei der Verbesserung der finanziellen Struktur des Unternehmens und der Förderung der renditeorientierten Wachstumsstrategie hervor. Mezger stellte fest, dass KB Home unter Kaminskis Führung ihre Bilanz gestärkt, eine niedrige Verschuldungsquote erreicht und erhebliche Liquidität generiert hat, was zu signifikanten Rückflüssen für die Aktionäre geführt hat.

Kaminski äußerte Dankbarkeit für seine Zeit bei KB Home und beschrieb sie als den Höhepunkt seiner Karriere. Er äußerte Vertrauen in die Zukunft des Unternehmens als führenden nationalen Hausbauer.

  • Strong balance sheet with low debt-to-capital ratio
  • Substantial cash generation
  • Significant stockholder returns
  • Robust system of internal control over financial reporting
  • None.

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KB Home (NYSE: KBH), one of the largest and most trusted homebuilders in the U.S., today announced that Jeff J. Kaminski, its Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, has decided to retire in early 2025 after more than 14 years in that position. Mr. Kaminski will continue to serve as Chief Financial Officer through the filing of KB Home’s 2024 Annual Report on Form 10-K and plans to assist the Company with the transition of his position. KB Home is following its succession planning process to identify its next chief financial officer.

“It is a true privilege to recognize and thank Jeff on behalf of our team and our board of directors for his considerable contributions to KB Home since he joined us in 2010,” said Jeffrey Mezger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “Jeff has played a critical role in improving the financial structure of our business, particularly in architecting and driving the execution of our returns-focused growth strategy over the past eight years. Through his dedicated efforts, our balance sheet is strong, with a low debt-to-capital ratio and substantial cash generation, helping to produce significant stockholder returns and position our company for growth. He has also overseen the development of a deep and capable finance and accounting team and a robust system of internal control over financial reporting. And, on a personal level, I have greatly appreciated Jeff’s partnership as a leader at KB Home and wish him the best in his retirement,” concluded Mezger.

“I am incredibly grateful to have been a part of this venerable company and see its growth over the past 14 years,” said Kaminski. “It’s been the highlight of my career working with such a terrific team, successfully developing communities and delivering the American Dream to thousands of our homebuyers while also enhancing stockholder value. KB Home is a special place, with a unique business model and culture, and I am confident it will continue to stand out as a leading national homebuilder in the years to come.”

About KB Home

KB Home is one of the largest and most trusted homebuilders in the United States. We operate in 47 markets, have built over 680,000 quality homes in our more than 65-year history, and are honored to be the #1 customer-ranked national homebuilder based on third-party buyer surveys. What sets KB Home apart is building strong, personal relationships with every customer and creating an exceptional homebuying experience that offers our homebuyers the ability to personalize their home based on what they value at a price they can afford. As the industry leader in sustainability, KB Home has achieved one of the highest residential energy-efficiency ratings and delivered more ENERGY STAR® certified homes than any other builder, helping to lower the total cost of homeownership. For more information, visit

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Source: KB Home


When will KB Home's CFO Jeff Kaminski retire?

Jeff Kaminski, KB Home's CFO, will retire in early 2025 after serving more than 14 years in the position.

What is KB Home's stock symbol?

KB Home's stock symbol is KBH, and it is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: KBH).

How long has Jeff Kaminski been CFO at KB Home (KBH)?

Jeff Kaminski has been CFO at KB Home for more than 14 years, having joined the company in 2010.

What financial improvements did Jeff Kaminski achieve at KB Home (KBH)?

Under Kaminski's leadership, KB Home improved its financial structure, strengthened its balance sheet, achieved a low debt-to-capital ratio, and generated substantial cash, resulting in significant stockholder returns.

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Residential Construction
Operative Builders
United States of America