KB Home Celebrates Milestone of 200,000 ENERGY STAR Certified Homes Built

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KB Home (NYSE: KBH), a leading U.S. homebuilder, has achieved a significant milestone by building 200,000 ENERGY STAR® certified homes, more than any other builder. This accomplishment underscores the company's dedication to energy efficiency, with KB Home recognized as the most energy-efficient national homebuilder. The company has achieved one of the lowest publicly reported national average Home Energy Rating System (HERS®) Index scores among large national homebuilders.

KB Home's energy-efficient homes have cumulatively reduced utility bills for homeowners by an estimated $1.3 billion and CO2 emissions by 8 billion pounds, equivalent to removing over 846,000 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles from the road for a year. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has acknowledged KB Home’s efforts, awarding them the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence Award for 14 consecutive years.

Additionally, KB Home has built over 26,000 WaterSense labeled homes, conserving approximately 2.1 billion gallons of water annually. The company has earned recognition under all EPA homebuilder programs, including ENERGY STAR, WaterSense, and Indoor airPLUS. KB Home has also been named to Newsweek's America’s Most Responsible Companies list for five consecutive years and USA Today's 2024 America’s Climate Leaders, ranking in the top 5% of all companies listed.

For more details, visit here.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH), un importante costruttore di case negli Stati Uniti, ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo costruendo 200.000 case certificate ENERGY STAR®, più di qualsiasi altro costruttore. Questo risultato sottolinea l'impegno dell'azienda verso l'efficienza energetica, con KB Home riconosciuto come il più efficiente costruttore nazionale di case. L'azienda ha ottenuto uno dei punteggi più bassi riportati pubblicamente dell'indice del Home Energy Rating System (HERS®) tra i grandi costruttori nazionali.

Le case efficienti di KB Home hanno complessivamente ridotto le bollette per i proprietari di case di circa 1,3 miliardi di dollari e le emissioni di CO2 di 8 miliardi di libbre, equivalenti a rimuovere oltre 846.000 veicoli passeggeri a benzina dalla strada per un anno. L'Agenzia per la Protezione Ambientale degli Stati Uniti (EPA) ha riconosciuto gli sforzi di KB Home, assegnandole il premio ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence Award per 14 anni consecutivi.

Inoltre, KB Home ha costruito oltre 26.000 case etichettate WaterSense, risparmiando circa 2,1 miliardi di galloni d'acqua all'anno. L'azienda ha ricevuto riconoscimenti in tutti i programmi di costruttori dell'EPA, tra cui ENERGY STAR, WaterSense e Indoor airPLUS. KB Home è stata anche inclusa nella lista delle aziende più responsabili d'America di Newsweek per cinque anni consecutivi e nel ranking 2024 dei Climate Leaders di USA Today, posizionandosi tra il 5% delle aziende listed.

Per ulteriori dettagli, visita qui.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH), un destacado constructor de viviendas en EE.UU., ha alcanzado un hito significativo al construir 200,000 casas certificadas por ENERGY STAR®, más que cualquier otro constructor. Este logro resalta el compromiso de la empresa con la eficiencia energética, siendo KB Home reconocida como el constructor de viviendas nacionales más eficiente en energía. La empresa ha conseguido uno de los puntajes más bajos reportados públicamente en el índice del Home Energy Rating System (HERS®) entre los grandes constructores nacionales.

Las casas eficientes energéticamente de KB Home han reducido cumulativamente las facturas de servicios públicos para los propietarios en aproximadamente 1.3 mil millones de dólares y las emisiones de CO2 en 8 mil millones de libras, equivalente a retirar más de 846,000 vehículos de pasajeros a gasolina de la carretera durante un año. La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE.UU. (EPA) ha reconocido los esfuerzos de KB Home, otorgándole el Premio ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence Award durante 14 años consecutivos.

Además, KB Home ha construido más de 26,000 casas etiquetadas como WaterSense, conservando aproximadamente 2.1 mil millones de galones de agua al año. La empresa ha sido reconocida bajo todos los programas de constructores de la EPA, incluyendo ENERGY STAR, WaterSense e Indoor airPLUS. KB Home también ha sido nominada a la lista de las empresas más responsables de América de Newsweek durante cinco años consecutivos y a los Climate Leaders de USA Today 2024, clasificándose en el 5% superior de todas las empresas listadas.

Para más detalles, visita aquí.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH)는 미국의 선도적인 주택 건설업체로서 200,000 ENERGY STAR® 인증 주택을 건설하는 중요한 이정표를 달성했습니다. 이는 다른 어떤 건축업체보다 더 많은 수치입니다. 이 성과는 회사의 에너지 효율성에 대한 헌신을 강조하며, KB Home은 가장 에너지 효율적인 전국 주택 건설업체로 인정받고 있습니다. 회사는 대규모 전국 주택 건설업체 중 가장 낮은 공개 보고된 주택 에너지 등급 시스템(Home Energy Rating System, HERS®) 지수 점수를 달성했습니다.

KB Home의 에너지 효율적인 주택은 주택 소유자에 대해 약 13억 달러의 유틸리티 비용 절감과 80억 파운드의 CO2 배출량 감소에 기여했습니다. 이는 1년 동안 846,000대 이상의 가솔린 차량을 도로에서 제거하는 것과 같습니다. 미국 환경 보호국(EPA)은 KB Home의 노력을 인정하여 14년 연속 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence Award를 수여했습니다.

추가적으로, KB Home은 26,000개 이상의 WaterSense 라벨이 부착된 주택을 건설하여 매년 약 21억 갤런의 물을 절약하고 있습니다. 회사는 ENERGY STAR, WaterSense 및 Indoor airPLUS를 포함한 모든 EPA 주택 건설업체 프로그램에서 인정을 받았습니다. KB Home은 5년 연속으로 Newsweek의 미국에서 가장 책임 있는 기업 목록에 오르며, 2024년 USA Today의 미국 기후 리더 목록에서도 전체 기업의 상위 5%에 해당합니다.

자세한 내용은 여기를 방문하세요.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH), un constructeurs de maisons de premier plan aux États-Unis, a atteint un jalon significatif en construisant 200 000 maisons certifiées ENERGY STAR®, plus que tout autre constructeur. Cet accomplissement souligne l'engagement de l'entreprise envers l'efficacité énergétique, avec KB Home reconnu comme le constructeur national de maisons le plus économe en énergie. L'entreprise a atteint l'un des indices les plus bas du Home Energy Rating System (HERS®) rapportés publiquement parmi les grands constructeurs nationaux.

Les maisons écoénergétiques de KB Home ont cumulativement réduit les factures de services publics des propriétaires d'une estimation de 1,3 milliard de dollars et les émissions de CO2 de 8 milliards de livres, ce qui équivaut à retirer plus de 846 000 véhicules de passagers à essence de la route pendant un an. L'Agence de protection de l'environnement des États-Unis (EPA) a reconnu les efforts de KB Home, lui décernant le ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence Award pendant 14 années consécutives.

De plus, KB Home a construit plus de 26 000 maisons étiquetées WaterSense, économisant environ 2,1 milliards de gallons d'eau par an. L'entreprise a été reconnue dans tous les programmes de construction de maisons de l'EPA, y compris ENERGY STAR, WaterSense et Indoor airPLUS. KB Home a également été nommé dans la liste des entreprises les plus responsables d'Amérique par Newsweek pendant cinq années consécutives et dans la liste des leaders climatiques de USA Today 2024, se classant dans le top 5 % de toutes les entreprises répertoriées.

Pour plus de détails, visitez ici.

KB Home (NYSE: KBH), ein führender Hauseigentümer in den USA, hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht, indem es 200.000 ENERGY STAR®-zertifizierte Häuser gebaut hat – mehr als jeder andere Bauunternehmer. Diese Errungenschaft unterstreicht das Engagement des Unternehmens für Energieeffizienz, wobei KB Home als der energieeffizienteste nationale Hausbauer anerkannt ist. Das Unternehmen hat einen der niedrigsten öffentlich gemeldeten nationalen Durchschnittswerte des Home Energy Rating System (HERS®) Index unter großen nationalen Bauunternehmen erreicht.

Die energieeffizienten Häuser von KB Home haben die Nebenkosten für Hausbesitzer schätzungsweise um 1,3 Milliarden Dollar gesenkt und die CO2-Emissionen um 8 Milliarden Pfund reduziert, was dem Entfernen von über 846.000 benzinbetriebenen Personenkraftwagen von der Straße für ein Jahr entspricht. Die US-Umweltschutzbehörde (EPA) hat die Bemühungen von KB Home anerkannt und ihr den ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence Award für 14 aufeinanderfolgende Jahre verliehen.

Außerdem hat KB Home über 26.000 mit WaterSense gekennzeichnete Häuser gebaut, die jährlich etwa 2,1 Milliarden Gallonen Wasser sparen. Das Unternehmen wurde unter allen EPA-Hausbauprogrammen anerkannt, darunter ENERGY STAR, WaterSense und Indoor airPLUS. KB Home wurde außerdem fünf Jahre in Folge in die Liste der verantwortungsvollsten Unternehmen Amerikas von Newsweek aufgenommen und gehört zu den Top 5% aller aufgeführten Unternehmen in der Liste von USA Today für die Klimaführer 2024.

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Company has built more ENERGY STAR certified homes than any other builder and is recognized as the most energy-efficient national homebuilder in the industry.

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KB Home (NYSE: KBH), one of the largest and most trusted homebuilders in the U.S., today marked a significant milestone for the company and industry: 200,000 ENERGY STAR® certified homes built, more than any other homebuilder in the nation. This milestone highlights the company’s long-standing commitment to building highly energy-efficient new homes and further demonstrates its leadership position as the #1 energy-efficient national homebuilder based on achieving one of the lowest publicly reported national average Home Energy Rating System (HERS®) Index scores among large national production homebuilders.

KB Home, one of the largest and most trusted homebuilders in the U.S., today marked a significant milestone for the company and industry: 200,000 ENERGY STAR® certified homes built, more than any other homebuilder in the nation. (Graphic: Business Wire)

KB Home, one of the largest and most trusted homebuilders in the U.S., today marked a significant milestone for the company and industry: 200,000 ENERGY STAR® certified homes built, more than any other homebuilder in the nation. (Graphic: Business Wire)

“We are proud to celebrate this industry-leading milestone of 200,000 ENERGY STAR certified homes built, which underscores our focus on building highly energy-efficient new homes at an affordable price that also reduce the overall cost of homeownership through monthly utility savings,” said Jeffrey Mezger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of KB Home. “We believe that a KB home is a better home, one that is more efficient and affordable to operate, and delivers on the enduring promise of the American dream.”

KB Home was the first national homebuilder to make a broad commitment to building ENERGY STAR certified homes, a standard that fewer than 12% of new homes nationwide meet. An energy-efficient KB home helps lower the cost of ownership through monthly utility savings and is designed to deliver greater comfort and well-being than new homes without certification. To date, the company’s high-performance, energy-saving homes are estimated to have cumulatively reduced utility bills for their homeowners by $1.3 billion and the generation of CO2 emissions by 8 billion pounds, the equivalent of removing over 846,000 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles from the road for one year.

“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) congratulates KB Home on reaching the milestone of building 200,000 ENERGY STAR certified homes,” said Jean Lupinacci, EPA’s Climate Protection Partnerships Division Director. “KB Home has been a valued ENERGY STAR partner since 2000 and has earned recognition from EPA as an ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence Award winner for 14 consecutive years, the most of any homebuilder.”

Additionally, nearly 20 years ago, KB Home became the first national builder to participate in the WaterSense® program, recognizing the important role the program could play in helping to lower its buyers’ monthly utility costs. To date, the company has built over 26,000 WaterSense labeled and Water Smart homes — more than any other homebuilder — and installed over 1.2 million WaterSense labeled fixtures. KB Home estimates that these homes conserve approximately 2.1 billion gallons of water annually.

KB Home has also prioritized building homes that can be healthier. The company’s homes are designed with quality construction techniques and features that are guided by the ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS standards to offer a broad set of health-related benefits compared to other new or existing homes.

KB Home has earned awards under all of the EPA homebuilder programs, including ENERGY STAR, WaterSense and Indoor airPLUS. The homebuilder’s sustainability leadership was also recognized by Newsweek®, with the company being the only homebuilder named to the publication’s prestigious America’s Most Responsible Companies list five years in a row. Additionally, KB Home was named as one of USA Today’s 2024 America’s Climate Leaders, with the distinction of being ranked in the top 5% of all companies listed as well as the highest-ranked homebuilder.

For more information on KB Home’s sustainability initiatives, visit

For more information on KB Home, call 888-KB-HOMES or visit

About KB Home

KB Home is one of the largest and most trusted homebuilders in the United States. We operate in 47 markets, have built over 680,000 quality homes in our more than 65-year history, and are honored to be the #1 customer-ranked national homebuilder based on third-party buyer surveys. What sets KB Home apart is building strong, personal relationships with every customer and creating an exceptional experience that offers our homebuyers the ability to personalize their home based on what they value at a price they can afford. As the industry leader in sustainability, KB Home has achieved one of the highest residential energy-efficiency ratings and delivered more ENERGY STAR® certified homes than any other builder, helping to lower the total cost of homeownership. For more information, visit


ENERGY STAR is the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, providing simple, credible, and unbiased information that consumers and businesses rely on to make well-informed decisions. Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped American families and businesses avoid more than $500 billion in energy costs and achieve 4 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions. More background information about ENERGY STAR’s impacts can be found at

For Further Information:

Craig LeMessurier, KB Home


Source: KB Home


What milestone did KB Home achieve with ENERGY STAR certified homes?

KB Home has built 200,000 ENERGY STAR certified homes, more than any other builder.

How has KB Home's energy-efficient homes impacted utility bills?

KB Home's energy-efficient homes have reduced utility bills by an estimated $1.3 billion for homeowners.

What recognition has KB Home received from the EPA?

KB Home has been awarded the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Sustained Excellence Award for 14 consecutive years.

How much CO2 emissions have KB Home's energy-efficient homes reduced?

KB Home's energy-efficient homes have reduced CO2 emissions by 8 billion pounds, equivalent to removing over 846,000 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles from the road for a year.

What water conservation achievements has KB Home made?

KB Home has built over 26,000 WaterSense labeled homes, conserving approximately 2.1 billion gallons of water annually.

What other recognitions has KB Home received?

KB Home has been named to Newsweek's America’s Most Responsible Companies list for five consecutive years and USA Today's 2024 America’s Climate Leaders, ranking in the top 5% of all companies listed.

What is the significance of KB Home's HERS Index scores?

KB Home has achieved one of the lowest publicly reported national average HERS Index scores among large national homebuilders, highlighting their energy efficiency.

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Residential Construction
Operative Builders
United States