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The Carbon Strategy ETF (NYSE: KARB) will ring the Closing Bell at the New York Stock Exchange on February 7, 2023. KARB focuses on providing exposure to global compliance carbon markets and aims to track the Carbon Streaming BITA Compliance Index through liquid carbon allowance futures contracts. Tim Collins, President of Carbon Fund Advisors, emphasizes KARB's role in providing access to previously inaccessible carbon markets, aligning with global efforts to lower carbon footprints. Justin Cochrane, CEO of Carbon Streaming Corporation (OTCQB: OFSTF), highlights the ETF's potential for ESG-driven investors amid renewed climate commitments following the Paris Agreement.
Carbon Streaming Corporation (OTCQB: OFSTF) reported a net loss of
Carbon Fund Advisors has launched the Carbon Strategy ETF (NYSE: KARB), targeting global compliance carbon markets. The ETF aims to offer exposure to carbon allowance futures, addressing barriers that prevent investors from accessing these markets directly. The global compliance carbon markets surged in value from 186 billion euros in 2018 to 760 billion euros in 2021. The ETF will focus on heavily traded markets in Europe and North America, including EUAs and CCAs. This initiative coincides with a rising demand for emissions trading systems amid climate change regulations.