Kairos Pharma Provides Business Update and Outlook into 2025

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Kairos Pharma (NYSE American: KAPA), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, shared an update on its business milestones for 2024 and the outlook for 2025.

Key highlights from 2024:

  • Closing of the Initial Public Offering and listing on the NYSE American on September 16, 2024.
  • Agreement with PreCheck Health Services to develop a biomarker panel for ENV105 targeting cancer drug resistance in prostate and lung cancer.
  • Addition of City of Hope Cancer Center to the Phase 2 trial of ENV105 for castrate-resistant prostate cancer.
  • First patient dosed in combination therapy of ENV105 and Osimertinib for EGFR-driven lung cancer.
  • Initiation of research coverage by EF Hutton and Rodman and Renshaw.

For 2025, Kairos expects:

  • Continuation of Phase 2 and Phase 1 trials of ENV105 in prostate and non-small cell lung cancer, respectively.
  • Safety data readouts for both trials, with prostate cancer data expected in the first half of 2025 and NSCLC data by year-end.
  • Pre-IND studies of KROS 101 and initiation of partnering discussions.

The company raised $3.5 million through a PIPE transaction and expanded patent coverage to protect their technologies. Kairos aims to provide significant shareholder value through continued development and presentation of their clinical data.

Kairos Pharma (NYSE American: KAPA), un'azienda biofarmaceutica in fase clinica, ha condiviso un aggiornamento sui suoi traguardi aziendali per il 2024 e le prospettive per il 2025.

Principali punti salienti del 2024:

  • Chiusura dell'Offerta Pubblica Iniziale e quotazione al NYSE American il 16 settembre 2024.
  • Accordo con PreCheck Health Services per sviluppare un pannello di biomarcatori per ENV105 mirato alla resistenza ai farmaci antitumorali nel cancro alla prostata e al polmone.
  • Inclusione del City of Hope Cancer Center nella sperimentazione di Fase 2 di ENV105 per il cancro alla prostata resistente alla castrazione.
  • Primo paziente trattato con terapia combinata di ENV105 e Osimertinib per il cancro ai polmoni di tipo EGFR.
  • Inizio della copertura di ricerca da parte di EF Hutton e Rodman e Renshaw.

Per il 2025, Kairos si aspetta:

  • Continuità delle sperimentazioni di Fase 2 e Fase 1 di ENV105 per il cancro alla prostata e il cancro al polmone non a piccole cellule, rispettivamente.
  • Pubblicazione dei dati di sicurezza per entrambe le sperimentazioni, con dati sul cancro alla prostata attesi nella prima metà del 2025 e dati sul NSCLC entro la fine dell'anno.
  • Studi Pre-IND di KROS 101 e avvio di discussioni per partnership.

L'azienda ha raccolto 3,5 milioni di dollari attraverso una transazione PIPE e ha ampliato la copertura brevettuale per proteggere le proprie tecnologie. Kairos mira a fornire un valore significativo agli azionisti attraverso lo sviluppo continuo e la presentazione dei propri dati clinici.

Kairos Pharma (NYSE American: KAPA), una compañía biofarmacéutica en fase clínica, compartió una actualización sobre sus hitos empresariales para 2024 y las perspectivas para 2025.

Puntos destacados del 2024:

  • Cierre de la Oferta Pública Inicial y listado en el NYSE American el 16 de septiembre de 2024.
  • Acuerdo con PreCheck Health Services para desarrollar un panel de biomarcadores para ENV105 dirigido a la resistencia a los fármacos contra el cáncer en el cáncer de próstata y de pulmón.
  • Adición del City of Hope Cancer Center al ensayo de Fase 2 de ENV105 para el cáncer de próstata resistente a la castración.
  • Primer paciente dosificado en terapia combinada de ENV105 y Osimertinib para el cáncer de pulmón impulsado por EGFR.
  • Inicio de la cobertura de investigación por parte de EF Hutton y Rodman y Renshaw.

Para 2025, Kairos espera:

  • Continuación de los ensayos de Fase 2 y Fase 1 de ENV105 en cáncer de próstata y cáncer de pulmón no de células pequeñas, respectivamente.
  • Lecturas de datos de seguridad para ambos ensayos, con datos sobre cáncer de próstata esperados en la primera mitad de 2025 y datos de NSCLC para fin de año.
  • Estudios Pre-IND de KROS 101 y inicio de discusiones para asociaciones.

La compañía recaudó 3.5 millones de dólares a través de una transacción PIPE y amplió la cobertura de patentes para proteger sus tecnologías. Kairos tiene como objetivo proporcionar un valor significativo a los accionistas a través del desarrollo continuo y la presentación de sus datos clínicos.

카이로스 제약 (NYSE American: KAPA)는 임상 단계의 생명공학 회사로 2024년 사업 이정표에 대한 업데이트와 2025년 전망을 공유했습니다.

2024년 주요 하이라이트:

  • 2024년 9월 16일 NYSE American에 상장된 초기 공개 제안 종료.
  • 전립선 및 폐암에서의 약물 저항성 타겟팅을 위한 ENV105의 바이오마커 패널 개발을 위해 PreCheck Health Services와 계약 체결.
  • 호르몬 저항성 전립선암에 대한 ENV105의 2상 시험에 희망의 도시 암 센터 추가.
  • EGFR 주도 폐암에 대한 ENV105와 오시메르티닙의 병합 요법에서 첫 환자 투여.
  • EF 헛턴 및 로드맨과 렌쇼에 의한 연구 보장 시작.

2025년에는 카이로스가 다음을 기대합니다:

  • 전립선암 및 비소세포 폐암 각각에 대한 ENV105의 2상 및 1상 시험 지속.
  • 두 시험의 안전성 데이터 발표, 전립선암 데이터는 2025년 상반기에, NSCLC 데이터는 연말에 발표될 예정.
  • KROS 101의 Pre-IND 연구 및 파트너십 논의 시작.

회사는 PIPE 거래를 통해 350만 달러를 모금하였고, 그들의 기술 보호를 위해 특허 범위를 확대했습니다. 카이로스는 지속적인 개발 및 임상 데이터 발표를 통해 주주에게 중요한 가치를 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Kairos Pharma (NYSE American : KAPA), une entreprise biopharmaceutique en phase clinique, a partagé une mise à jour sur ses jalons commerciaux pour 2024 et ses perspectives pour 2025.

Points marquants de 2024 :

  • Clôture de l'introduction en bourse et cotation au NYSE American le 16 septembre 2024.
  • Accord avec PreCheck Health Services pour développer un panel de biomarqueurs pour ENV105 ciblant la résistance aux médicaments contre le cancer dans le cancer de la prostate et du poumon.
  • Ajout du City of Hope Cancer Center à l'essai de phase 2 d'ENV105 pour le cancer de la prostate résistant à la castration.
  • Premier patient traité avec la thérapie combinée ENV105 et Osimertinib pour le cancer des poumons à dépendance EGFR.
  • Initiation de la couverture de recherche par EF Hutton et Rodman et Renshaw.

Pour 2025, Kairos s'attend à :

  • Poursuite des essais de phase 2 et de phase 1 d'ENV105 dans le cancer de la prostate et le cancer du poumon non à petites cellules, respectivement.
  • Publication des données de sécurité pour les deux essais, avec des données sur le cancer de la prostate attendues au premier semestre 2025 et des données sur le NSCLC d'ici la fin de l'année.
  • Études Pre-IND pour KROS 101 et début de discussions pour des partenariats.

L'entreprise a levé 3,5 millions de dollars grâce à une transaction PIPE et a élargi la couverture des brevets pour protéger ses technologies. Kairos vise à offrir une valeur significative aux actionnaires grâce au développement continu et à la présentation de ses données cliniques.

Kairos Pharma (NYSE American: KAPA), ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen in der klinischen Phase, hat ein Update zu seinen geschäftlichen Meilensteinen für 2024 und den Ausblick für 2025 veröffentlicht.

Wichtige Höhepunkte aus 2024:

  • Abschluss des Börsengangs und Listung an der NYSE American am 16. September 2024.
  • Vereinbarung mit PreCheck Health Services zur Entwicklung eines Biomarker-Panels für ENV105, das auf die Arzneimittelresistenz bei Prostata- und Lungenkrebs abzielt.
  • Ergänzung des City of Hope Cancer Center zur Phase-2-Studie von ENV105 bei hormonresistentem Prostatakrebs.
  • Erster Patient mit der Kombinationstherapie von ENV105 und Osimertinib bei EGFR-vermitteltem Lungenkrebs behandelt.
  • Beginn der Forschungsberichterstattung durch EF Hutton und Rodman und Renshaw.

Für 2025 erwartet Kairos:

  • Fortsetzung der Phase-2- und Phase-1-Studien zu ENV105 bei Prostata- und nichtkleinzelligem Lungenkrebs.
  • Sicherheitsdatenveröffentlichungen für beide Studien, mit Daten zum Prostatakrebs, die in der ersten Hälfte von 2025 und NSCLC-Daten bis Ende des Jahres erwartet werden.
  • Pre-IND-Studien zu KROS 101 und Beginn von Partnerdiskussionen.

Das Unternehmen hat 3,5 Millionen Dollar durch eine PIPE-Transaktion gesammelt und den Patentschutz erweitert, um ihre Technologien zu schützen. Kairos strebt an, einen erheblichen Mehrwert für die Aktionäre durch die fortlaufende Entwicklung und Präsentation ihrer klinischen Daten zu bieten.

  • Closed Initial Public Offering and listed on NYSE American.
  • Raised $3.5 million through a PIPE transaction.
  • Expanded patent coverage domestically and internationally.
  • Initiated research coverage by EF Hutton and Rodman and Renshaw.
  • None.


The company's clinical pipeline shows meaningful progress with two key programs: ENV105 in Phase 2 for prostate cancer and Phase 1 for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The addition of City of Hope Cancer Center strengthens their Phase 2 trial credibility. The biomarker panel development with PreCheck Health Services is strategically important for patient selection and could improve trial outcomes.

The expected safety data readouts in H1 2025 for prostate cancer and year-end for NSCLC are important catalysts. The combination study of ENV105 with Osimertinib in EGFR-driven lung cancer represents a smart strategic approach to tackle resistance mechanisms. The pre-IND studies of KROS 101 suggest pipeline expansion potential.

The company's financial position shows mixed signals. While they successfully completed their IPO in September 2024 and raised an additional $3.5 million through a PIPE transaction in 2025, this level of funding may be insufficient for extensive clinical development. For a clinical-stage biotech with multiple ongoing trials, cash burn rate concerns exist. The initiation of research coverage by EF Hutton and Rodman & Renshaw provides needed visibility, but the relatively small market cap of $22.2 million suggests significant market skepticism about their programs.

The planned partnering discussions in 2025 could be important for securing additional funding or validation through potential collaboration deals. Without specific cash runway guidance, investors should monitor burn rate and potential dilution risks carefully.

The expansion of patent coverage mentioned in the update is important for protecting their intellectual property portfolio, particularly for ENV105 and KROS 101. However, without specific details on patent claims, territories, or expiration dates, it's difficult to assess the strength of their IP protection. The focus on both domestic and international patent expansion suggests a comprehensive IP strategy, which is essential for future partnering discussions and maintaining competitive advantages in key markets.

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Kairos Pharma Ltd. (NYSE American: KAPA), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing therapies to surmount current cancer drug resistance and immune suppression, provides an overview of key 2024 milestones and outlook into 2025 in a Letter to Shareholders:

Dear Kairos Pharma Shareholders,

The management team and Board of Directors of Kairos Pharma Ltd. are pleased to provide you with a brief update on the state of business and noteworthy milestones of 2024 and outlook into 2025. Last year was focused on building the foundation for our business based on breakthrough science and impactful therapeutics, while creating the fundamental infrastructure that facilitated our entry into the public markets.

Highlights from 2024 include:

  • Closing of our Initial Public Offering and listing of our common stock on the NYSE American stock exchange on September 16, 2024.
  • Agreement with PreCheck Health Services to further develop a biomarker panel to identify patients responsive to ENV105 to target cancer drug resistance in prostate and lung cancer patients.
  • Addition of City of Hope Cancer Center to the Company’s Phase 2 clinical trial of ENV 105 for castrate-resistant prostate cancer.
  • First patient dosed in combination therapy of ENV105 and Osimertinib to improve therapy sensitivity for EGFR-driven lung cancer.
  • Participation in and presentation at various investor conferences and non-deal road shows
  • Initiation of research coverage by two leaders in the healthcare industry, Jason Kolbert of EF Hutton and Tony Butler at Rodman and Renshaw; we look forward to attracting additional research coverage of our exciting clinical programs as we move forward.
  • In 2025, we completed a PIPE transaction, raising gross proceeds of $3.5 million, ensuring continuous execution of our clinical trials and rigorous development of our key preclinical assets.
  • Expansion of patent coverage of our assets to protect our technologies domestically and internationally.

Having built the key foundations of our business, we anticipate the following key upcoming milestones for 2025, including:

  • Continuing to execute Phase 2 randomized clinical trial of ENV 105 in prostate cancer.
  • Continue to conduct our Phase 1 clinical trial of ENV 105 in non-small cell lung cancer.
  • Report safety data of both trials and interim efficacy data, with an initial readout of the prostate cancer safety data anticipated in the first half of 2025 and the NSCLC by year end.
  • Presenting data at national scientific meetings.
  • Pre-IND studies of KROS 101, which we also anticipate publishing.
  • Initiation of partnering discussions.

In the meantime, we continue to feel confident in the paradigm-shifting potential of our therapeutics, which are based on breakthrough science of our officers. We believe these therapeutics will show the potential to make a lasting impact by stopping the relentless spread of human neoplastic disorders.

We continue to be grateful to our partners and our shareholders and look forward to expanding upon our science, while providing value to our shareholders both in the near and long term. We look forward to continuing to provide updates on our progress.


John Yu, M.D.
Kairos Pharma

About Kairos Pharma Ltd.

Based in Los Angeles, California, Kairos Pharma Ltd. (NYSE American: KAPA) is at the forefront of oncology therapeutics, utilizing structural biology to overcome drug resistance and immune suppression in cancer. Our lead candidate, ENV105, is an antibody that targets CD105—a protein identified as a key driver of resistance to various cancer treatments. Elevation of CD105 in response to standard therapy results in resistance and disease relapse. ENV105 aims to reverse drug resistance by targeting CD105 and restore the effectiveness of standard therapies across multiple cancer types. Currently, ENV105 is in a Phase 2 clinical trial for castrate-resistant prostate cancer and a Phase 1 trial for lung cancer aimed at addressing significant unmet medical needs. For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You can identify forward-looking statements as those that are not historical in nature, particularly those that use terminology such as “may,” “should,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “contemplates,” “estimates,” “believes,” “plans,” “projected,” “predicts,” “potential” or “hopes” or the negative of these or similar terms. The reader is cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements. If underlying assumptions prove inaccurate, or known or unknown risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results could vary materially from the expectations and projections of Kairos Pharma. We base these forward-looking statements on our expectations and projections about future events, which we derive from the information currently available to us. Such forward-looking statements relate to future events or our future performance. In evaluating these forward-looking statements, you should consider various factors, including: our expectations regarding the success and/or completion of our Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials; our success in completing newly initiated clinical trials, commence new trials, and obtain regulatory approval following the conclusion of such trials; challenges and uncertainties inherent in product research and development; and the uncertainty regarding future commercial success. These and other factors may cause our actual results to differ materially from any forward-looking statement. Forward-looking statements are only predictions. The forward-looking statements discussed in this press release and other statements made from time to time by us or our representatives, may not occur, and actual events and results may differ materially and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions about us, including those described in Kairos Pharma’s prospectus and other filings made with the SEC. We are not obligated to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, and Kairos Pharma is not required to update any forward-looking statement as a result of new information or future events or developments, except as required by U.S. federal securities laws.


Louie Toma

Source: Kairos Pharma, Ltd


What are the key milestones for Kairos Pharma (KAPA) in 2024?

Key milestones include closing the IPO and listing on NYSE American, developing a biomarker panel with PreCheck Health Services, and dosing the first patient in combination therapy for lung cancer.

What are Kairos Pharma's plans for 2025?

Kairos plans to continue Phase 2 and Phase 1 trials of ENV105, report safety data, conduct pre-IND studies of KROS 101, and initiate partnering discussions.

How much did Kairos Pharma raise through the PIPE transaction?

Kairos Pharma raised $3.5 million through the PIPE transaction.

What is Kairos Pharma's (KAPA) focus in cancer treatment?

Kairos Pharma focuses on developing therapies to overcome cancer drug resistance and immune suppression, particularly in prostate and lung cancer.

When is the safety data for Kairos Pharma’s prostate cancer trial expected?

The safety data for the prostate cancer trial is anticipated in the first half of 2025.

What new partnerships did Kairos Pharma establish in 2024?

Kairos Pharma established a partnership with PreCheck Health Services to develop a biomarker panel and added City of Hope Cancer Center to its Phase 2 clinical trial.



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Pharmaceutical Preparations
United States