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Kairos Pharma (NYSE American: KAPA), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, has announced its participation in the LD Micro Main Event XVII. The event is scheduled for October 28-30, 2024 at the Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel in Los Angeles.
Dr. John S. Yu, Chief Executive Officer of Kairos Pharma, will deliver a corporate overview during the conference. His presentation is set for Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at 12:00 PM PT.
Interested parties can register to watch the presentation online through the provided link: https://me24.sequireevents.com/
Kairos Pharma (NYSE American: KAPA), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, has announced its participation in the 2024 Maxim Healthcare Virtual Summit. The company's Chief Executive Officer, John S. Yu, M.D., will engage in a fireside chat with Jason McCarthy, Ph.D., Senior Managing Director and Head of Biotechnology Research at Maxim Group.
The virtual summit is scheduled to take place from October 15 to 17, 2024. Kairos Pharma's fireside chat is set for Thursday, October 17, 2024, at 1:00 PM ET. Interested parties can access the webcast of the event through the provided link: https://m-vest.com/events/healthcare-10152024.
This participation offers an opportunity for Kairos Pharma to share insights and updates with the investment community, potentially discussing their ongoing clinical-stage research and development in the biopharmaceutical sector.
Kairos Pharma (NYSE American: KAPA) has entered a collaboration with PreCheck Health Services Inc. to develop companion biomarkers for its cancer therapy, ENV105, targeting prostate and lung cancers. The partnership aims to enhance patient screening and therapy monitoring for Kairos Pharma's Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials.
PreCheck will analyze biopsy tissues and circulating tumor cells from patients in ongoing trials, including a Phase 2 randomized trial in prostate cancer and a Phase 1 trial in lung cancer. The collaboration will use PreCheck's SolidTumorCheck+ platform for gene expression profiling of tumor biopsies.
The partnership focuses on developing an FDA-approved companion diagnostic for ENV105, which will help identify suitable patients for treatment in Phase 3 clinical trials. This collaboration is expected to advance personalized cancer treatment and improve patient outcomes.
Kairos Pharma (NYSE American: KAPA) has successfully closed its initial public offering, raising $6.2 million by selling 1,550,000 shares at $4.00 each. Trading began on September 16, 2024. The company plans to use the funds to advance its cancer therapeutics pipeline, including a Phase 1 trial for lung cancer and a Phase 2 trial for prostate cancer with its lead candidate ENV 105. Additionally, proceeds will support preclinical development of KROS 101, a small molecule agonist for GITR ligand. Underwriters have a 45-day option to purchase up to 232,500 additional shares. Boustead Securities led the offering, with EF Hutton and Sutter Securities as co-managers.
Kairos Pharma, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, has announced the pricing of its initial public offering (IPO) of 1,550,000 common stock shares at $4.00 per share. The company expects to raise $6.2 million in gross proceeds before deducting underwriting fees and other expenses. Kairos Pharma has granted underwriters a 45-day option to purchase up to an additional 232,500 shares at the same price. The company's stock is set to begin trading on the NYSE American under the symbol 'KAPA' on September 16, 2024. Kairos Pharma plans to use the net proceeds to fund its Phase 1 trial in lung cancer and Phase 2 trial in prostate cancer for its lead product candidate ENV 105, as well as advance preclinical candidates like KROS 101.
What is the current stock price of Kairos Pharma, Ltd. (KAPA)?