KalVista Pharmaceuticals Presents Sebetralstat Data at the 2024 HAEi Global Angioedema Forum

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KalVista Pharmaceuticals presented data at the 2024 HAEi Global Angioedema Forum showing the effectiveness of sebetralstat in reducing anxiety during hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks. The data, from the KONFIDENT phase 3 clinical trial, revealed that sebetralstat significantly reduced anxiety compared to placebo, especially in patients with moderate-to-extreme anxiety.

Key findings include:

  • Anxiety reduction correlated with earlier symptom relief
  • Sebetralstat 300mg and 600mg doses showed significant anxiety reduction versus placebo
  • For moderate-to-extreme anxiety, sebetralstat showed greater improvement at 4 and 12 hours compared to placebo

Additional presentations highlighted the impact of HAE attacks on quality of life, work productivity, and the potential benefits of early treatment with oral on-demand therapies.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals ha presentato dati al Forum Globale sull'Angioedema Ereditaria (HAEi) 2024, dimostrando l'efficacia di sebetralstat nella riduzione dell'ansia durante gli attacchi di angioedema ereditario (HAE). I dati, provenienti dal trials clinico di fase 3 KONFIDENT, hanno rivelato che sebetralstat riduce significativamente l'ansia rispetto al placebo, in particolare nei pazienti con ansia da moderata a estrema.

I principali risultati includono:

  • La riduzione dell'ansia è risultata correlata a un sollievo dei sintomi più precoce
  • Le dosi di sebetralstat da 300 mg e 600 mg hanno mostrato una significativa riduzione dell'ansia rispetto al placebo
  • Per l'ansia da moderata a estrema, sebetralstat ha mostrato un miglioramento maggiore a 4 e 12 ore rispetto al placebo

Presentazioni aggiuntive hanno evidenziato l'impatto degli attacchi di HAE sulla qualità della vita, la produttività lavorativa e i potenziali benefici di un trattamento precoce con terapie orali a richiesta.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals presentó datos en el Foro Global de Angioedema Hereditario (HAEi) 2024 que muestran la efectividad de sebetralstat en la reducción de la ansiedad durante los ataques de angioedema hereditario (HAE). Los datos, provenientes del ensayo clínico de fase 3 KONFIDENT, revelaron que sebetralstat redujo significativamente la ansiedad en comparación con el placebo, especialmente en pacientes con ansiedad de moderada a extrema.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • La reducción de la ansiedad se correlacionó con el alivio temprano de los síntomas
  • Las dosis de sebetralstat de 300 mg y 600 mg mostraron una reducción significativa de la ansiedad en comparación con el placebo
  • Para la ansiedad de moderada a extrema, sebetralstat mostró una mejora mayor a las 4 y 12 horas en comparación con el placebo

Presentaciones adicionales destacaron el impacto de los ataques de HAE en la calidad de vida, la productividad laboral y los beneficios potenciales del tratamiento temprano con terapias orales a demanda.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals는 2024 HAEi 전세계 혈관부종 포럼에서 유전성 혈관부종(HAE) 공격 시 세베트랄스타트가 불안을 줄이는 데 효과적이라는 데이터를 발표했습니다. KONFIDENT 3상 임상 시험의 데이터에 따르면, 세베트랄스타트는 특히 중등도에서 극도의 불안을 가진 환자에서 위약에 비해 불안을 상당히 감소시켰습니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 불안 감소는 조기 증상 완화와 연관이 있었습니다.
  • 300mg 및 600mg 용량의 세베트랄스타트는 위약에 비해 불안 감소가 뚜렷했습니다.
  • 중등도에서 극도의 불안에서, 세베트랄스타트는 위약에 비해 4시간 및 12시간 후에 더 큰 개선을 보였습니다.

추가 발표에서는 HAE 공격이 삶의 질, 업무 생산성에 미치는 영향과 즉각적인 치료가 필요한 경구 치료법의 잠재적인 이점에 대해 강조했습니다.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals a présenté des données lors du Forum Mondial sur l'Angioedème Héréditaire (HAEi) 2024 montrant l'efficacité de sebetralstat dans la réduction de l'anxiété lors des attaques d'angioédème héréditaire (HAE). Les données, provenant de l', ont révélé que sebetralstat réduisait significativement l'anxiété par rapport au placebo, en particulier chez les patients présentant une anxiété de modérée à extrême.

Les principaux résultats comprennent :

  • La réduction de l'anxiété était corrélée à un soulagement précoce des symptômes
  • Les doses de sebetralstat à 300 mg et 600 mg ont montré une réduction significative de l'anxiété par rapport au placebo
  • Pour l'anxiété de modérée à extrême, sebetralstat a montré une amélioration plus importante à 4 et 12 heures par rapport au placebo

D'autres présentations ont souligné l'impact des attaques d'HAE sur la qualité de vie, la productivité au travail et les avantages potentiels d'un traitement précoce par des thérapies orales à la demande.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals präsentierte Daten beim HAEi Global Angioedema Forum 2024, die die Wirksamkeit von sebetralstat bei der Reduzierung von Angst während Angioödem-Anfällen (HAE) zeigen. Die Daten aus der KONFIDENT Phase-3-Studie zeigten, dass sebetralstat die Angst im Vergleich zum Placebo signifikant verringerte, insbesondere bei Patienten mit mäßiger bis extremer Angst.

Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

  • Die Reduzierung der Angst war mit einer früheren Linderung der Symptome korreliert
  • Dosen von sebetralstat 300 mg und 600 mg zeigten eine signifikante Reduzierung der Angst im Vergleich zum Placebo
  • Bei mäßiger bis extremer Angst zeigte sebetralstat eine größere Verbesserung nach 4 und 12 Stunden im Vergleich zum Placebo

Zusätzliche Präsentationen hoben die Auswirkungen von HAE-Attacken auf die Lebensqualität, die Arbeitsproduktivität und die potenziellen Vorteile einer frühzeitigen Behandlung mit oralen Bedarfsmedikamenten hervor.

  • Sebetralstat showed significant reduction in anxiety during HAE attacks compared to placebo
  • Anxiety reduction correlated with earlier symptom relief, potentially improving patient outcomes
  • Both 300mg and 600mg doses of sebetralstat demonstrated efficacy in reducing anxiety
  • Sebetralstat's oral administration may address treatment-related anxiety associated with current parenteral therapies
  • None.


The data presented at the HAEi Global Angioedema Forum provides valuable insights into the potential impact of sebetralstat, KalVista's investigational oral treatment for hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks. Key findings include:

  • Sebetralstat significantly reduced anxiety during HAE attacks compared to placebo, especially in patients with moderate-to-extreme anxiety
  • Anxiety reduction correlated with earlier symptom relief
  • 87% of survey respondents considered their attacks moderately to very severe, highlighting the need for effective treatments
  • Patients reported they would likely treat more attacks and treat earlier with an oral on-demand option

These results suggest sebetralstat could address important unmet needs in HAE management, potentially improving quality of life and treatment adherence. However, it's important to note that while promising, sebetralstat is still investigational and awaiting regulatory approval. The market impact will depend on the final FDA decision and how sebetralstat compares to existing injectable therapies in real-world use.

While the clinical data for sebetralstat appears promising, the financial implications for KalVista Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: KALV) are still uncertain. Key considerations:

  • Market potential: The global HAE treatment market is projected to reach $4.76 billion by 2027, presenting a significant opportunity
  • Competitive advantage: As the first oral on-demand treatment, sebetralstat could capture market share from injectable therapies
  • Regulatory hurdles: FDA approval is still pending, which represents a major risk factor
  • Commercial readiness: KalVista's ability to effectively launch and market sebetralstat will be crucial

With a market cap of $463 million, positive FDA news could significantly boost KALV's valuation. However, investors should be cautious as the stock price likely already factors in some expectation of approval. The company's financial health and cash runway to support potential commercialization will be important to monitor.

–New data show effectiveness of sebetralstat in reducing anxiety during attacks; supports need for oral on-demand option to treat attacks earlier and more often–

–Patient perspectives spotlight the prevalence of anxiety when faced with administering injectable on-demand therapies–

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. & SALISBURY, England--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: KALV), today announced that it presented data showing the effectiveness of sebetralstat in reducing anxiety among people experiencing hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks at the HAEi Global Angioedema Forum (GAF) taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark, October 4 - 5, 2024. These data were generated in the KONFIDENT phase 3 clinical trial, for which the Company disclosed top line results in February 2024. Sebetralstat is a novel, investigational oral plasma kallikrein inhibitor for the on-demand treatment of HAE attacks in adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older.

KONFIDENT was the first randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of an on-demand treatment on anxiety associated with HAE attacks. This prespecified exploratory analysis was presented by Dr. William R. Lumry, AARA Research Center, Dallas, TX, USA and investigated attack-associated anxiety (in the absence of injectable therapy) in the phase 3 KONFIDENT trial and the impact of sebetralstat on anxiety, compared with placebo. Participants self-reported anxiety using a Modified Generalized Anxiety Numeric Rating Scale. Overall, anxiety was reduced among patients treated with sebetralstat 300mg (P=0.004 and P=0.022, respectively) and 600mg (P=0.0008 and P=0.0012) versus placebo. For participants with moderate-to-extreme anxiety, change from baseline at 4 hours was −2.8 (−3.6, −1.9) for each sebetralstat group and −1.3 (−2.2, −0.4) for placebo and at 12 hours was −3.5 (−4.3, −2.6) with sebetralstat 300mg, −4.3 (−5.2, −3.5) with 600mg, and −1.7 (−2.6, −0.8) with placebo. Notably, anxiety reduction was correlated with earlier time to beginning of symptom relief.

“The data presented at the Global Angioedema Forum highlights that people living with HAE often experience substantial anxiety when they have attacks, which reduces quality of life. In KONFIDENT, oral sebetralstat significantly reduced anxiety during attacks compared with placebo, especially among participants with moderate-to-extreme anxiety,” said William Lumry, M.D., Allergy and Asthma Research Associates, Dallas, Texas, United States. “If approved, sebetralstat has the potential to become an important option for people living with HAE who experience attack-related anxiety, enabling them to treat early and recover from their attacks sooner.”

Additional poster presentations at the HAEi Global Angioedema Forum 2024:

  • Anxiety Associated with Parenteral On-Demand Treatment for Hereditary Angioedema Attacks: Riccardo Senter, Azienda Ospedaliera, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy
    • A substantial proportion of survey respondents experienced moderate to extreme anxiety due to anticipated use of on-demand treatment, particularly adolescents and those previously diagnosed with anxiety.
    • Reasons for anxiety were most commonly related to treatment effectiveness, administration burden/side effects, and cost/access.
    • Effective alternatives to current parenteral on-demand treatments are needed to address treatment-related anxiety associated with HAE attacks.
  • The Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Attack Journey: A Conceptual Model of Patient Anxiety and On-Demand Treatment Burden During an HAE Attack: Douglas Jones, Metrodora Institute, Salt Lake City, Utah
    • The survey highlighted that people living with HAE experience anxiety when anticipating parenteral on-demand treatment.
    • People with HAE often delay administering on-demand treatment with longer treatment delays reported by those feeling moderately to extremely anxious.
    • Participants expressed that anxiety decreased once they began to recover from their attacks.
  • Impact of Delayed Treatment of Hereditary Angioedema Attacks on Quality of Life and Ability to Work: Patrick Yong, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, Frimley, United Kingdom
    • Nearly all participants waited an hour or longer to treat their attacks and reported quality of life and work productivity were worse.
    • Findings highlight the need for more education on treating at the earliest recognition of an attack and addressing barriers that contribute to treatment delays.
  • Impact of Hereditary Angioedema Attacks on Quality of Life and Ability to Work Among UK Patients Receiving Long-term Prophylaxis or On-demand Treatment Only: Patrick Yong, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, Frimley, United Kingdom
    • More than half of the total respondents were receiving long-term prophylaxis at the time of their most treated attack.
    • 87% of respondents considered their attacks moderately severe to very severe.
    • Those receiving parental on-demand treatment only and those receiving parental on-demand treatment plus LTP experienced substantial burden during their last treated HAE attack, in terms of physical, mental, and social QoL, as well as work productivity.
  • Phase 3 KONFIDENT Trial of Oral Sebetralstat for Treatment of Hereditary Angioedema Attacks: Analysis of the European and US Patient Subgroups: Andrea Zanichelli, Operative Unit of Medicine, Angioedema Center, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, San Donato Milanese, Milan, Italy; Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, University of Milan, Milan, Italy (Poster presentation)
    • In the KONFIDENT phase 3 clinical trial, the positive efficacy and safety of sebetralstat as an on-demand treatment for HAE was consistent between the European and U.S. subgroups.
  • Patient-Reported Benefits of Early On-demand Treatment of HAE Attacks: Mar Guilarte, Allergy Department, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, Spain
    • People living with HAE reported several positive benefits when treating attacks early with on-demand treatment: more likely than those who delayed treatment to carry their on-demand treatment with them, treat more attacks, feel less anxious when anticipating on-demand treatment, and recover more quickly from HAE attacks.
  • Treatment of HAE Attacks with Anticipated Future Oral On-demand Therapies as Reported by Patients: Anna Valerieva Department of Allergology, Medical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
    • According to a survey of more than 100 participants, people living with HAE who are using parenteral on-demand treatment may treat more of their attacks and treat earlier with the availability of an oral on-demand treatment option.
    • In addition, respondents noted they are less likely to experience anxiety when anticipating administration of an oral on-demand treatment.
  • Global Frequency and Diagnosis of Hereditary Angioedema with Normal C1INH: A Real World ACARE Survey: Markus Magerl, Angioedema Center of Reference and Excellence (ACARE), Institute of Allergology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP, Immunology and Allergology, Berlin, Germany
    • Due to varying clinical approaches, there are substantial delays in diagnosis of HAE for people with normal C1INH, which currently has no standardized diagnostic pathway.
    • There is a need for evolved and consistent approaches to improve accurate diagnosis and clinical management of this patient population.

Links to all posters and presentations can be found on the KalVista website under Publications.

In Memoriam: KalVista would like to acknowledge and honor the memory of Prof. Marcus Maurer, Professor of Dermatology and Allergy, Executive Director of the Institute of Allergology at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, and Co-Director of Allergology and Immunology at the Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP. Our thoughts remain with his family and the entire angioedema and urticaria community.

About Sebetralstat
Discovered and developed entirely by the scientific team at KalVista, sebetralstat is a novel, investigational oral plasma kallikrein inhibitor for the on-demand treatment of hereditary angioedema (HAE). Sebetralstat received Fast Track and Orphan Drug Designations from the U.S. FDA, as well as Orphan Drug Designation and an approved Pediatric Investigational Plan from the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

About Hereditary Angioedema
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare genetic disease resulting in deficiency or dysfunction in the C1 esterase inhibitor (C1INH) protein and subsequent uncontrolled activation of the kallikrein-kinin system. People living with HAE experience painful and debilitating attacks of tissue swelling in various locations of the body that can be life-threatening depending on the location affected. All currently approved on-demand treatment options require either intravenous or subcutaneous administration.

About KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a global pharmaceutical company that seeks to develop and deliver oral medicines for diseases with significant unmet need. The Company is focused on understanding the needs of patients and the limitations of current therapies to design treatments that empower people to better manage their disease and improve their lives. KalVista’s NDA filing for sebetralstat for the on-demand treatment of hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks has been accepted by the U.S. FDA with a PDUFA goal date of June 17, 2025. In addition, KalVista has received validation of its MAA for HAE from the EMA and has submitted MAA applications to regulators in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, and Singapore.

For more information about KalVista, please visit or follow on social media at @KalVista and LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains "forward-looking" statements within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as: "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "goal," "seek," "believe," "project," "estimate," "expect," "strategy," "future," "likely," "may," "should," "will" and similar references to future periods. These statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from what we expect. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, timing or outcomes of communications with the FDA, our expectations about safety and efficacy of our product candidates and timing of clinical trials and its results, our ability to commence clinical studies or complete ongoing clinical studies, including our KONFIDENT-S and KONFIDENT-KID trials, and to obtain regulatory approvals for sebetralstat and other candidates in development, the success of any efforts to commercialize sebetralstat, the ability of sebetralstat and other candidates in development to treat HAE or other diseases, and the future progress and potential success of our oral Factor XIIa program. Further information on potential risk factors that could affect our business and financial results are detailed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including in our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended April 30, 2024, our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and our other reports that we may make from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.

Jenn Snyder

Vice President, Corporate Affairs

(617) 448-0281

Ryan Baker

Head, Investor Relations

(617) 771-5001

Source: KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


What is the main finding of KalVista's sebetralstat data presented at the 2024 HAEi Global Angioedema Forum?

The main finding is that sebetralstat effectively reduced anxiety during hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks compared to placebo, especially in patients with moderate-to-extreme anxiety.

How did sebetralstat perform in the KONFIDENT phase 3 clinical trial for HAE attacks?

Sebetralstat (both 300mg and 600mg doses) significantly reduced anxiety compared to placebo, with anxiety reduction correlated to earlier symptom relief in HAE attacks.

What potential advantage does sebetralstat (KALV) offer over current HAE treatments?

As an oral medication, sebetralstat may address treatment-related anxiety associated with current parenteral (injectable) therapies, potentially enabling earlier and more frequent treatment of HAE attacks.

What were the anxiety reduction results for sebetralstat in moderate-to-extreme anxiety patients?

For moderate-to-extreme anxiety patients, sebetralstat showed greater improvement at 4 and 12 hours compared to placebo, with changes from baseline of -2.8 to -4.3 for sebetralstat versus -1.3 to -1.7 for placebo.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


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