KalVista Announces the Submission of Additional Marketing Authorization Applications for Sebetralstat for the Oral On-Demand Treatment of Hereditary Angioedema

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KalVista Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: KALV) has submitted Marketing Authorization Applications (MAAs) for sebetralstat in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, and Singapore. Sebetralstat is an investigational oral plasma kallikrein inhibitor for on-demand treatment of hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks in adults and adolescents aged 12 and older. The submissions were made through the Access Consortium framework, designed to maximize regulatory collaboration and support timely review.

The MAAs are supported by results from the KONFIDENT phase 3 clinical trial and ongoing KONFIDENT-S open label extension trial. Sebetralstat met its primary endpoint, achieving faster symptom relief than placebo, and demonstrated a consistent safety profile. The KONFIDENT-KID trial for pediatric patients aged 2-11 began dosing ahead of schedule in June 2024.

If approved, sebetralstat would be the first oral on-demand treatment for HAE, addressing a significant unmet need globally.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: KALV) ha presentato domande di autorizzazione alla commercializzazione (MAA) per sebetralstat nel Regno Unito, Svizzera, Australia e Singapore. Sebetralstat è un inibitore orale della plasma kallikrein in fase investigativa per il trattamento on-demand degli attacchi di angioedema ereditario (HAE) negli adulti e adolescenti di età pari o superiore a 12 anni. Le domande sono state presentate attraverso il framework del Consorzio di Accesso, progettato per massimizzare la collaborazione normativa e supportare una revisione tempestiva.

Le MAA sono supportate dai risultati del trial clinico di fase 3 KONFIDENT e dell'attuale trial di estensione open label KONFIDENT-S. Sebetralstat ha raggiunto l'obiettivo primario, ottenendo un sollievo sintomatico più rapido rispetto al placebo e dimostrando un profilo di sicurezza consistente. Il trial KONFIDENT-KID per i pazienti pediatrici di età compresa tra 2 e 11 anni ha iniziato la somministrazione in anticipo rispetto al programma a giugno 2024.

Se approvato, sebetralstat sarebbe il primo trattamento orale on-demand per l'HAE, rispondendo a un'importante esigenza insoddisfatta a livello globale.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: KALV) ha presentado solicitudes de autorización de comercialización (MAA) para sebetralstat en el Reino Unido, Suiza, Australia y Singapur. Sebetralstat es un inhibidor oral de la plasma kallikrein en investigación para el tratamiento a demanda de ataques de angioedema hereditario (HAE) en adultos y adolescentes de 12 años o más. Las solicitudes se realizaron a través del marco del Consorcio de Acceso, diseñado para maximizar la colaboración regulatoria y apoyar una revisión oportuna.

Las MAA están respaldadas por los resultados del ensayo clínico de fase 3 KONFIDENT y del ensayo de extensión abierto KONFIDENT-S en curso. Sebetralstat cumplió su objetivo primario, logrando un alivio de síntomas más rápido que el placebo, y demostró un perfil de seguridad consistente. El ensayo KONFIDENT-KID para pacientes pediátricos de 2 a 11 años comenzó la dosificación antes de lo programado en junio de 2024.

Si se aprueba, sebetralstat sería el primer tratamiento oral a demanda para el HAE, abordando una necesidad insatisfecha significativa a nivel mundial.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: KALV)는 영국, 스위스, 호주 및 싱가포르에서 sebetralstat에 대한 판매 허가 신청(MAA)을 제출했습니다. Sebetralstat는 성인 및 12세 이상의 청소년의 유전성 혈관부종(HAE) 발작을 즉각적으로 치료하기 위한 조사 중인 경구용 플라스마 칼리크레인 억제제입니다. 제출은 규제 협력을 극대화하고 신속한 검토를 지원하기 위해 설계된 접근 컨소시엄 프레임워크를 통해 이루어졌습니다.

MAA는 KONFIDENT 3상 임상 시험 및 진행 중인 KONFIDENT-S 오픈 라벨 확장 시험의 결과로 뒷받침됩니다. Sebetralstat는 주요 목표를 달성하며 위약보다 더 빠른 증상 완화를 초래하고 일관된 안전성 프로필을 입증했습니다. 2-11세의 소아 환자를 위한 KONFIDENT-KID 시험이 2024년 6월에 예정보다 일찍 투약을 시작했습니다.

승인될 경우, sebetralstat는 HAE에 대한 최초의 경구용 즉각 치료제가 되어 전 세계적으로 중요한 충족되지 않은 요구를 해결하게 됩니다.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: KALV) a soumis des demandes d'autorisation de mise sur le marché (MAA) pour sebetralstat au Royaume-Uni, en Suisse, en Australie et à Singapour. Sebetralstat est un inhibiteur oral de la plasma kallikréine en phase d'investigation pour le traitement à la demande des crises d'angéodème héréditaire (HAE) chez les adultes et les adolescents à partir de 12 ans. Les soumissions ont été réalisées via le cadre du Consortium d'Accès, conçu pour maximiser la collaboration réglementaire et soutenir une révision rapide.

Les MAA sont soutenues par les résultats de l' et de l'essai d'extension ouvert KONFIDENT-S en cours. Sebetralstat a atteint son objectif principal, offrant un soulagement symptomatique plus rapide que le placebo et a démontré un profil de sécurité cohérent. L' pour les patients pédiatriques âgés de 2 à 11 ans a commencé à doser en avance sur le calendrier en juin 2024.

Si approuvé, sebetralstat serait le premier traitement oral à la demande pour l'HAE, répondant à un besoin mondial significatif non satisfait.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: KALV) hat Anträge auf Marktzulassung (MAA) für sebetralstat im Vereinigten Königreich, in der Schweiz, in Australien und in Singapur gestellt. Sebetralstat ist ein experimenteller oraler Plasma-Kalikrein-Hemmer zur bedarfsorientierten Behandlung von Anfällen des hereditären Angioödems (HAE) bei Erwachsenen und Jugendlichen ab 12 Jahren. Die Anträge wurden über den Access Consortium Rahmen eingereicht, der darauf abzielt, regulatorische Zusammenarbeit zu maximieren und eine zeitnahe Überprüfung zu unterstützen.

Die MAAs werden durch Ergebnisse aus der KONFIDENT Phase-3-Studie sowie der laufenden offenen Erweiterungsstudie KONFIDENT-S gestützt. Sebetralstat erreichte den primären Endpunkt und sorgte für eine schnellere Linderung der Symptome als ein Placebo und zeigte ein konsistentes Sicherheitsprofil. Die KONFIDENT-KIND-Studie für pädiatrische Patienten im Alter von 2 bis 11 Jahren begann im Juni 2024 vor dem Zeitplan.

Wenn sebetralstat genehmigt wird, wäre es die erste orale Bedarfsbehandlung für HAE, die ein erhebliches unerfülltes Bedürfnis weltweit anspricht.

  • Sebetralstat met primary endpoint in phase 3 trial, achieving faster symptom relief than placebo
  • MAA submissions in multiple countries expand potential market reach
  • If approved, sebetralstat would be the first oral on-demand treatment for HAE
  • KONFIDENT-KID trial for pediatric patients began dosing ahead of schedule
  • None.


The submission of Marketing Authorization Applications (MAAs) for sebetralstat in multiple countries represents a significant milestone for KalVista Pharmaceuticals. This oral plasma kallikrein inhibitor could potentially become the first oral on-demand treatment for Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) attacks, addressing a important unmet need in the market.

Key points to consider:

  • The MAAs are supported by positive results from the KONFIDENT phase 3 trial and ongoing KONFIDENT-S open-label extension trial.
  • Sebetralstat demonstrated statistically significant faster symptom relief compared to placebo (p<0.0001 for 300 mg, p=0.0013 for 600 mg).
  • The median time to beginning of symptom relief for laryngeal attacks was 1.3 hours in the KONFIDENT-S trial.
  • The drug's safety profile was similar to placebo, indicating good tolerability.

The potential approval of sebetralstat could significantly impact the HAE treatment landscape, offering patients a more convenient and potentially faster-acting option compared to existing injectable treatments. This could lead to improved patient compliance and quality of life for those living with HAE.

KalVista's strategic approach to global market access is noteworthy. By leveraging the Access Consortium framework, the company is pursuing a coordinated regulatory review process across multiple countries, potentially accelerating time-to-market and expanding its global footprint.

Key market implications:

  • Potential first-mover advantage in the oral HAE treatment space
  • Expanded market opportunities in the UK, Switzerland, Australia and Singapore
  • Alignment with the June 17 PDUFA date in the US and EMA MAA validation in Europe
  • Ongoing KONFIDENT-KID trial for pediatric patients aged 2-11 years could further broaden the market potential

If approved, sebetralstat could capture a significant share of the HAE market, estimated to reach $4.76 billion globally by 2027. The oral formulation may provide KalVista with a competitive edge over existing injectable treatments, potentially driving strong revenue growth and market expansion for the company.

– Submissions support KalVista’s mission of building a global footprint for sebetralstat to address the significant unmet need for people with HAE worldwide –

– If approved, sebetralstat will be the first, oral on-demand treatment for HAE –

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. & SALISBURY, England--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: KALV) today announced Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) submissions to the regulatory authorities in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, and Singapore for sebetralstat, a novel, investigational oral plasma kallikrein inhibitor for the on-demand treatment of hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks in adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older. The four MAAs have been submitted via the Access Consortium framework for which KalVista has obtained a four-way work-sharing agreement by the Medicines and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency, Swissmedic, the Therapeutic Goods Administration and Health Sciences Authority. The Access Consortium is designed to maximize regulatory collaboration across countries and support a timely review process.

“Today’s news, which comes only a few weeks following our announcements regarding our U.S. FDA PDUFA date of June 17 and validation of our MAA by EMA, further underscores our focus and dedication to getting sebetralstat to as many people living with HAE as possible,” said Ben Palleiko, CEO of KalVista. “To serve that goal, we are building a global commercial presence to provide the greatest possible access to potentially the first oral on-demand treatment for this debilitating disease. I am proud of the KalVista team for their dedication and continued hard work submitting these additional MAAs.”

The MAA submissions are supported by previously disclosed results, including data from the KONFIDENT phase 3 clinical trial and ongoing KONFIDENT-S open label extension trial. Sebetralstat met the primary endpoint for its phase 3 trial with both 300 mg and 600 mg formulations achieving the beginning of symptom relief significantly faster than placebo (p<0.0001 for 300 mg, p=0.0013 for 600 mg) and was well-tolerated, with a safety profile similar to placebo. In KONFIDENT-S, sebetralstat has enabled patients to treat attacks early with a median time from attack onset to treatment of 9 minutes, demonstrated a consistent safety and efficacy profile with KONFIDENT, and included a median time to beginning of symptom relief for laryngeal attacks of 1.3 hours. KONFIDENT and KONFIDENT-S are the only clinical trials ever conducted in HAE that instruct participants to treat their attacks as early as possible, regardless of severity, in accordance with on-demand treatment guidelines. Early treatment of attacks, prior to progression, is a critical element in proper management of HAE, to minimize symptom burden.

KalVista’s KONFIDENT-KID clinical trial, designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of sebetralstat in a pediatric population aged 2-11 years, began dosing patients ahead of schedule in June 2024.

About the KONFIDENT Phase 3 Trial

The KONFIDENT phase 3 clinical trial was a randomized, double blind, 3-way crossover trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of sebetralstat 300 mg and 600 mg versus placebo for the on-demand treatment of HAE in adult and pediatric patients aged 12 years and older. The trial randomized a total of 136 HAE patients from 66 clinical sites across 20 countries, making it the largest clinical trial ever conducted in HAE. In the trial, participants treated each eligible attack with up to two doses of study drug and treated up to three attacks over the course of the study. The trial included type 1 and type 2 HAE patients who had at least two documented HAE attacks in 90 days prior to randomization, including patients receiving long-term prophylaxis.

About the KONFIDENT-S Trial

KONFIDENT-S is an open label extension trial with numerous real-world elements evaluating the long-term safety and efficacy of sebetralstat for on-demand treatment of HAE attacks in adults and pediatric patients aged 12 years and older with HAE Type I or Type II. KalVista plans to transition ongoing participants in the trial to an oral disintegrating tablet (ODT) formulation in Q4 2024 to support a planned 2026 sNDA filing of this additional formulation. If approved, the ODT formulation would provide people living with HAE an alternative, novel option for oral, on-demand treatment.

About the KONFIDENT-KID Trial

KONFIDENT-KID is an open label trial enrolling approximately 24 children aged 2 to 11 years across seven countries in North America, Europe, and Asia. KONFIDENT-KID will collect safety, pharmacokinetic, and efficacy data for each patient for up to one year and will feature a proprietary pediatric oral disintegrating tablet (ODT) formulation of sebetralstat. If approved, sebetralstat would be the first oral on-demand therapy for this age group, and only the second FDA-approved on-demand therapy of any type for this population.

About Sebetralstat

Discovered and developed entirely by the scientific team at KalVista, sebetralstat is a novel, investigational oral plasma kallikrein inhibitor for the on-demand treatment of hereditary angioedema (HAE). Sebetralstat received Fast Track and Orphan Drug Designations from the U.S. FDA, as well as Orphan Drug Designation and an approved Pediatric Investigational Plan from the EMA.

About Hereditary Angioedema

Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare genetic disease resulting in deficiency or dysfunction in the C1 esterase inhibitor (C1INH) protein and subsequent uncontrolled activation of the kallikrein-kinin system. People living with HAE experience painful and debilitating attacks of tissue swelling in various locations of the body that can be life-threatening depending on the location affected. All currently approved on-demand treatment options require either intravenous or subcutaneous administration.

About KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a global pharmaceutical company that seeks to develop and deliver oral medicines for diseases with significant unmet need. The Company is focused on understanding the needs of patients and the limitations of current therapies to design treatments that empower people to better manage their disease and improve their lives. In August 2024, the Company announced its NDA for sebetralstat for hereditary angioedema (HAE) was accepted by the U.S. FDA with a PDUFA goal date of June 17, 2025. In addition, KalVista received validation of its MAA for HAE from the EMA and has submitted MAA applications to regulators in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, and Singapore.

For more information about KalVista, please visit or follow on social media at @KalVista and LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains "forward-looking" statements within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as: "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "goal," "seek," "believe," "project," "estimate," "expect," "strategy," "future," "likely," "may," "should," "will" and similar references to future periods. These statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from what we expect. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, timing or outcomes of communications with the FDA, our expectations about safety and efficacy of our product candidates and timing of clinical trials and its results, our ability to commence clinical studies or complete ongoing clinical studies, including our KONFIDENT-S and KONFIDENT-KID trials, and to obtain regulatory approvals for sebetralstat and other candidates in development, the success of any efforts to commercialize sebetralstat, the ability of sebetralstat and other candidates in development to treat HAE or other diseases, and the future progress and potential success of our oral Factor XIIa program. Further information on potential risk factors that could affect our business and financial results are detailed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including in our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended April 30, 2024, our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and our other reports that we may make from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.


Jenn Snyder

Vice President, Corporate Affairs

(857) 356-0479


Ryan Baker

Head, Investor Relations

(617) 771-5001

Source: KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


What is the PDUFA date for sebetralstat in the US?

The U.S. FDA PDUFA date for sebetralstat is June 17, as mentioned in the press release.

Which countries has KalVista submitted MAAs for sebetralstat?

KalVista has submitted Marketing Authorization Applications (MAAs) for sebetralstat in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, and Singapore.

What is the primary use of sebetralstat (KALV)?

Sebetralstat is an investigational oral plasma kallikrein inhibitor for the on-demand treatment of hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks in adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older.

What were the results of the KONFIDENT phase 3 trial for sebetralstat (KALV)?

In the KONFIDENT phase 3 trial, sebetralstat met the primary endpoint with both 300 mg and 600 mg formulations achieving the beginning of symptom relief significantly faster than placebo and was well-tolerated with a safety profile similar to placebo.

KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


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