Kellanova & The Global FoodBanking Network Partner to Ensure Better Days for Children

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On World Food Day, Kellanova and The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) highlight their partnership to combat child hunger globally. GFN, with 39 food banks in 33 countries, implements various child hunger programs supported by Kellanova. These include school meals, summer food programs, and nutrition education. In South Africa, Food Forward SA's Mother & Child Nutrition Program, backed by Kellanova, provides 250-500 monthly food parcels to pregnant and nursing women, addressing the 27% stunting rate in children under 5.

Kellanova has invested $5.8 million since 2006 in GFN member food banks worldwide. This partnership aligns with Kellanova's Better Days Promise to feed 400 million people facing hunger by 2030. The collaboration spans multiple countries, including Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand, aiming to ensure better nutrition and development for children globally.

In occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell'Alimentazione, Kellanova e il Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) evidenziano la loro collaborazione per combattere la fame infantile a livello globale. GFN, con 39 banche alimentari in 33 paesi, attua vari programmi contro la fame infantile supportati da Kellanova. Questi includono pasti scolastici, programmi di alimentazione estiva e educazione nutrizionale. In Sudafrica, il Programma di Nutrizione Madre & Bambino di Food Forward SA, sostenuto da Kellanova, fornisce 250-500 pacchi alimentari mensili a donne in gravidanza e in allattamento, affrontando il tasso di crescita stentato del 27% nei bambini sotto i 5 anni.

Kellanova ha investito 5,8 milioni di dollari dal 2006 nelle banche alimentari membri del GFN in tutto il mondo. Questa partnership è in linea con la Better Days Promise di Kellanova per nutrire 400 milioni di persone che affrontano la fame entro il 2030. La collaborazione si estende su più paesi, tra cui Brasile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Messico, Singapore, Taiwan e Thailandia, con l'obiettivo di garantire una migliore nutrizione e sviluppo per i bambini a livello globale.

En el Día Mundial de la Alimentación, Kellanova y la Red Global de Bancos de Alimentos (GFN) destacan su asociación para combatir el hambre infantil a nivel mundial. GFN, con 39 bancos de alimentos en 33 países, implementa varios programas para combatir el hambre infantil apoyados por Kellanova. Estos incluyen comidas escolares, programas de alimentos en verano y educación nutricional. En Sudáfrica, el Programa de Nutrición Madre e Infante de Food Forward SA, respaldado por Kellanova, ofrece de 250 a 500 paquetes de comida mensuales a mujeres embarazadas y lactantes, abordando la tasa de crecimiento estancado del 27% en niños menores de 5 años.

Kellanova ha invertido 5,8 millones de dólares desde 2006 en bancos de alimentos miembros de GFN en todo el mundo. Esta asociación se alinea con la Promesa de Mejores Días de Kellanova de alimentar a 400 millones de personas que enfrentan el hambre para 2030. La colaboración abarca varios países, incluyendo Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, México, Singapur, Taiwán y Tailandia, con el objetivo de asegurar una mejor nutrición y desarrollo para los niños a nivel global.

세계 음식의 날을 맞아 켈라노바와 글로벌 푸드뱅킹 네트워크(GFN)는 전 세계 아동 기아를 퇴치하기 위한 파트너십을 강조합니다. GFN은 33개국 39개 식품은행을 운영하며, 켈라노바의 지원을 받아 다양한 아동 기아 프로그램을 시행하고 있습니다. 여기에는 학교 급식, 여름 식품 프로그램, 영양 교육이 포함됩니다. 남아프리카 공화국에서는 켈라노바의 지원을 받는 Food Forward SA의 모자영양 프로그램이 매달 250-500개의 식품 꾸러미를 임신 중이거나 모유 수유 중인 여성에게 제공합니다. 이는 5세 이하 아동의 27%가 영양불량으로 성장 발달이 저하되는 문제를 해결하는 것입니다.

켈라노바는 2006년 이후 GFN 회원 식품은행에 580만 달러를 투자했습니다. 이 파트너십은 켈라노바의 더 나은 날 약속과 일치하여 2030년까지 기아에 처한 4억 명의 사람들에게 음식을 제공하겠다는 목표를 가지고 있습니다. 이 협력은 브라질, 콜롬비아, 에콰도르, 과테말라, 멕시코, 싱가포르, 대만, 태국을 포함하여 여러 나라에 걸쳐 있으며, 전 세계 아동들에게 더 나은 영양과 발전을 보장하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

À l'occasion de la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation, Kellanova et le Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) mettent en avant leur partenariat pour lutter contre la famine infantile dans le monde entier. GFN, qui dispose de 39 banques alimentaires dans 33 pays, met en œuvre divers programmes de lutte contre la faim infantile soutenus par Kellanova. Cela inclut des repas scolaires, des programmes alimentaires estivaux et une éducation nutritionnelle. En Afrique du Sud, le programme de nutrition mère-enfant de Food Forward SA, soutenu par Kellanova, fournit 250 à 500 colis alimentaires par mois aux femmes enceintes et allaitantes, faisant face à un taux de retard de croissance de 27 % chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans.

Kellanova a investi 5,8 millions de dollars depuis 2006 dans les banques alimentaires membres de GFN dans le monde entier. Ce partenariat s'inscrit dans la promesse de Kellanova de meilleurs jours, qui vise à nourrir 400 millions de personnes souffrant de la faim d'ici 2030. La collaboration s'étend sur plusieurs pays, y compris le Brésil, la Colombie, l'Équateur, le Guatemala, le Mexique, Singapour, Taïwan et la Thaïlande, avec l'objectif d'assurer une meilleure nutrition et un meilleur développement pour les enfants à l'échelle mondiale.

Am Welternährungstag heben Kellanova und das Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) ihre Partnerschaft hervor, um global gegen Kinderarmut vorzugehen. GFN betreibt 39 Lebensmittelbanken in 33 Ländern und führt verschiedene Programme zur Bekämpfung der Kinderarmut durch, die von Kellanova unterstützt werden. Dazu gehören Schulmahlzeiten, Sommerernährungsprogramme und Ernährungserziehung. In Südafrika bietet das Mutter- und Kindernährungsprogramm von Food Forward SA, das von Kellanova unterstützt wird, monatlich 250-500 Lebensmittelpakete für schwangere und stillende Frauen an und adressiert die Stunting-Rate von 27% bei Kindern unter 5 Jahren.

Kellanova hat seit 2006 5,8 Millionen Dollar in die Mitgliedslebensmittelbanken von GFN weltweit investiert. Diese Partnerschaft steht im Einklang mit Kellanovas Better Days Promise, bis 2030 400 Millionen Menschen, die mit Hunger kämpfen, zu ernähren. Die Zusammenarbeit erstreckt sich über mehrere Länder, darunter Brasilien, Kolumbien, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexiko, Singapur, Taiwan und Thailand, mit dem Ziel, eine bessere Ernährung und Entwicklung für Kinder weltweit zu gewährleisten.

  • Kellanova has invested $5.8 million since 2006 in GFN member food banks
  • Partnership aims to feed 400 million people facing hunger by 2030
  • Food Forward SA's program delivers 250-500 food parcels monthly in South Africa
  • Expansion of child hunger programs to multiple countries
  • None.

CHICAGO, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- To mark World Food Day, we invited our partners at The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) to share how the contribution and support of organizations like Kellanova helps ensure children around the world have the food they need. Kellanova (formerly Kellogg Company) is a founding member of GFN.

Kellanova and GFN Partner to Ensure Better Days for Children

Bylined by: Jason Woods, managing editor, The Global FoodBanking Network

 It's critical for children to get the nutrition they need during their first 1,000 days — if a child lacks adequate nutrition during this crucial window of development, the adverse consequences may last a lifetime.

The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) is partnering with Kellanova (maker of Pringles®, Cheez-It®, Pop-Tarts® and more) to ensure children around the world have the foods they need to grow and thrive.

Within our Network, 39 food banks in 33 countries implement at least one child hunger program. GFN supports these programs by offering information, resources, capacity-building grants, and links to experts, best practices, and partner organizations like Kellanova.

Child hunger programs look different depending on the needs of the community. For example, school meal programs provide breakfast and/or lunch to children during the school day. Summer or holiday food programs provide meals to children during the summer or holidays when they cannot rely on school meals. And nutrition education programs provide opportunities for children to learn more about different types of food, healthy eating habits, and social and cultural aspects of food and eating.

In South Africa, GFN partner Food Forward SA (FFSA) implements a maternal health program that ensures pregnant and lactating mothers living in vulnerable situations can access the nutritious food needed for the healthy growth and development of their children.

FFSA's Mother & Child Nutrition Program launched in May 2023 in Eastern Cape and Western Cape and has since expanded the program nationally. Through the initiative, which is supported by Kellanova funding, FFSA provides pregnant and nursing women, their children, and the whole family with food parcels containing: micronutrient-rich fresh fruit and vegetables, protein-rich products such as eggs, soya mince, peanut butter, canned beans and fish, and calcium rich-products like yogurt, as well as breakfast cereals and staples such as maize, rice, samp, and cooking oil. The program delivers 250-500 food parcels monthly.

 Andy Du Plessis, FFSA's managing director, says that in South Africa, 27% of children under 5 years are stunted. Since the implementation of the program, every underweight mother and child experiencing stunting has picked up weight, and several have already exited malnutrition. "The scaling up of this program is crucial to maintain maternal and child health," he said.

In addition to FFSA's Mother & Child Nutrition Program, Kellanova supports child hunger programs run by GFN food bank partners in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand.

Since 2006, Kellanova has invested $5.8 million in supporting GFN member food banks that are helping to fill the gaps in food security in communities worldwide through food assistance and dedicated child hunger programs. The partnership is a part of Kellanova's Better Days Promise to "advance sustainable and equitable access to food" and feed 400 million people facing hunger by 2030.

Programs like these, powered by strong partnerships, help ensure better days and brighter futures for the youngest members of our communities. For more information on GFN, visit their website.  

About Global FoodBanking Network

Food banking offers a solution to both chronic hunger and the climate crisis. GFN works with partners in over 50 countries to recover and redirect food to those who need it. In 2023, our Network provided food to more than 40 million people, reducing food waste and creating healthy, resilient communities. We help the food system function as it should: nourishing people and the planet together. Learn more at

About Kellanova
Kellanova (NYSE: K) is a leader in global snacking, international cereal and noodles, and North America frozen foods with a legacy stretching back more than 100 years. Powered by differentiated brands including Pringles®, Cheez-It®, Pop-Tarts®, Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats®, RXBAR®, Eggo®, MorningStar Farms®, Special K®, Coco Pops®, and more, Kellanova's vision is to become the world's best-performing snacks-led powerhouse, unleashing the full potential of our differentiated brands and our passionate people. Our net sales for 2023 were $13 billion.  

At Kellanova, our purpose is to create better days and ensure everyone has a seat at the table through our trusted food brands. We are committed to promoting sustainable and equitable food access by tackling the crossroads of hunger, sustainability, wellbeing, and equity, diversity & inclusion. Our goal is to create Better Days for 4 billion people by the end of 2030 (from a 2015 baseline). For more detailed information about our commitments, our approach to achieving these goals, and methodology, please visit our website at

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What is Kellanova's partnership with The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN)?

Kellanova partners with GFN to implement child hunger programs globally, supporting 39 food banks in 33 countries with funding, resources, and expertise to ensure children have access to nutritious food.

How much has Kellanova (K) invested in GFN member food banks since 2006?

Kellanova has invested $5.8 million in supporting GFN member food banks since 2006 to help fill gaps in food security through food assistance and dedicated child hunger programs.

What is Kellanova's Better Days Promise goal regarding hunger?

Kellanova's Better Days Promise aims to advance sustainable and equitable access to food and feed 400 million people facing hunger by 2030.

How many food parcels does Food Forward SA's Mother & Child Nutrition Program deliver monthly?

Food Forward SA's Mother & Child Nutrition Program, supported by Kellanova, delivers 250-500 food parcels monthly to pregnant and nursing women in South Africa.



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