Kellanova's Ongoing Efforts to Create an Inclusive Workplace Recognized by Seramount's Global Inclusion Index

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Kellanova has achieved a significant milestone in its Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) efforts, with all four regions and 17 country locations recognized on the 2024 Seramount Global Inclusion Index for the second consecutive year. This prestigious index benchmarks companies' progress in areas such as Demographics, Retention & Advancement, and Corporate Culture.

Sam Thomas-Berry, VP of Talent & Chief Diversity Officer, emphasized that this recognition reflects Kellanova's organizational identity and commitment to creating an inclusive workplace. The achievement aligns with Kellanova's Better Days Promise, aiming to positively impact 4 billion people by 2030 through workplace inclusivity, community support, and consumer engagement.

This recognition serves as both a validation of Kellanova's current efforts and a roadmap for future progress in fostering an inclusive environment where every employee feels valued, empowered, and celebrated for their diverse perspectives.

Kellanova ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo nei suoi sforzi per l'Equità, Diversità e Inclusione (ED&I), con tutte e quattro le regioni e 17 paesi riconosciuti nel 2024 Seramount Global Inclusion Index per il secondo anno consecutivo. Questo prestigioso indice valuta i progressi delle aziende in settori come Demografia, Retention & Advancement, e Cultura Aziendale.

Sam Thomas-Berry, VP di Talent & Chief Diversity Officer, ha sottolineato che questo riconoscimento riflette l'identità organizzativa di Kellanova e il suo impegno nella creazione di un ambiente di lavoro inclusivo. Questo risultato è in linea con la Better Days Promise di Kellanova, che mira a impattare positivamente 4 miliardi di persone entro il 2030 attraverso l'inclusività sul lavoro, il supporto alle comunità e il coinvolgimento dei consumatori.

Questo riconoscimento rappresenta sia una conferma degli sforzi attuali di Kellanova sia un piano per il progresso futuro nella promozione di un ambiente inclusivo dove ogni dipendente si sente valorizzato, responsabilizzato e celebrato per le proprie prospettive diverse.

Kellanova ha alcanzado un hito significativo en sus esfuerzos por la Equidad, Diversidad e Inclusión (ED&I), con las cuatro regiones y 17 países reconocidos en el 2024 Seramount Global Inclusion Index por segundo año consecutivo. Este prestigioso índice evalúa el progreso de las empresas en áreas como Demografía, Retención y Avance, y Cultura Corporativa.

Sam Thomas-Berry, VP de Talento y Directora de Diversidad, enfatizó que este reconocimiento refleja la identidad organizacional de Kellanova y su compromiso de crear un lugar de trabajo inclusivo. Este logro está en línea con la Better Days Promise de Kellanova, que tiene como objetivo impactar positivamente a 4 mil millones de personas para 2030 a través de la inclusión en el lugar de trabajo, el apoyo a la comunidad y el compromiso del consumidor.

Este reconocimiento sirve tanto como validación de los esfuerzos actuales de Kellanova como un plan para el progreso futuro en la promoción de un entorno inclusivo donde cada empleado se sienta valorado, empoderado y celebrado por sus diversas perspectivas.

Kellanova형평성, 다양성 및 포용성(ED&I) 노력의 중요한 이정표를 수립했으며, 모든 4개 지역과 17개 국가가 2024 Seramount Global Inclusion Index에서 두 번째 해 연속으로 인정받았습니다. 이 권위 있는 지수는 인구 통계, 유지 및 진흥, 기업 문화와 같은 분야에서 기업의 진행 상황을 평가합니다.

Sam Thomas-Berry 인재 부사장 및 최고 다양성 책임자는 이 인식이 Kellanova의 조직 정체성과 포괄적인 직장을 만들겠다는 의지를 반영한다고 강조했습니다. 이 성과는 Kellanova의 Better Days Promise와 일치하며, 2030년까지 40억 명에게 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이번 인식은 Kellanova의 현재 노력을 검증할 뿐만 아니라 모든 직원이 자신의 다양한 관점을 존중받고, 힘을 실어주며, 축하받는 포괄적인 환경을 조성하기 위한 향후 진전을 위한 로드맵 역할을 합니다.

Kellanova a atteint une étape significative dans ses efforts pour l'Équité, la Diversité et l'Inclusion (ED&I), avec toutes les quatre régions et 17 sites nationaux reconnus dans le 2024 Seramount Global Inclusion Index pour la deuxième année consécutive. Cet indice prestigieux évalue les progrès des entreprises dans des domaines tels que la démographie, la rétention et l'avancement, et la culture d'entreprise.

Sam Thomas-Berry, VP des talents et Chief Diversity Officer, a souligné que cette reconnaissance reflète l'identité organisationnelle de Kellanova et son engagement à créer un environnement de travail inclusif. Cet accomplissement s'aligne avec la Better Days Promise de Kellanova, qui vise à avoir un impact positif sur 4 milliards de personnes d'ici 2030 grâce à l'inclusivité au travail, le soutien aux communautés et l'engagement des consommateurs.

Cette reconnaissance sert à la fois de validation des efforts actuels de Kellanova et de feuille de route pour les progrès futurs dans la création d'un environnement inclusif où chaque employé se sent valorisé, responsabilisé et célébré pour ses perspectives diverses.

Kellanova hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein in seinen Bemühungen um Chancengleichheit, Vielfalt und Inklusion (ED&I) erreicht, da alle vier Regionen und 17 Länderstandorte im 2024 Seramount Global Inclusion Index zum zweiten Mal in Folge anerkannt wurden. Dieser prestigeträchtige Index bewertet den Fortschritt von Unternehmen in Bereichen wie Demografie, Bindung und Aufstieg sowie Unternehmenskultur.

Sam Thomas-Berry, VP für Talent und Chief Diversity Officer, betonte, dass diese Anerkennung die organisatorische Identität von Kellanova widerspiegelt und das Engagement für die Schaffung eines inklusiven Arbeitsplatzes zeigt. Der Erfolg steht im Einklang mit Kellanovas Better Days Promise, das darauf abzielt, bis zum Jahr 2030 weltweit 4 Milliarden Menschen positiv zu beeinflussen, indem Inklusion am Arbeitsplatz, Unterstützung der Gemeinschaft und Verbraucherengagement gefördert wird.

Diese Anerkennung dient sowohl als Bestätigung der aktuellen Bemühungen von Kellanova als auch als Fahrplan für zukünftige Fortschritte bei der Förderung einer inklusiven Umgebung, in der sich jeder Mitarbeiter wertgeschätzt, ermächtigt und für seine unterschiedlichen Perspektiven gefeiert fühlt.

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CHICAGO, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- At Kellanova, we believe that every voice matters. Today, we're thrilled to share a major ED&I milestone that underscores this core belief. For the second consecutive year, all four of our regions have been recognized on the prestigious 2024 Seramount Global Inclusion Index. Even more exciting, Seramount listed all of our locations in 17 countries on the Index—further validating that inclusion is a priority across our global organization.

The Seramount Global Inclusion Index is more than an accolade; it's a benchmark for how companies are making meaningful strides in areas like Demographics, Retention & Advancement, and Corporate Culture. Being part of this index highlights the ongoing work we do to ensure every person at Kellanova feels seen, heard, and valued. This includes employees from Australia to Colombia, France to Singapore, and the UK to the U.S.—each one helping to foster an inclusive culture that spans 17 countries.

Speaking about the recognition, Sam Thomas-Berry, VP of Talent & Chief Diversity Officer, said: "This recognition reflects who we are as an organization. Every day, our teams work to create a workplace where everyone feels valued, empowered, and celebrated for their diverse perspectives. All regions and all locations making this Index is a testament to the dedication and commitment to creating a place at the table for everyone."

This achievement is also a major step toward fulfilling our Better Days Promise, which is Kellanova's ongoing commitment to positively impacting 4 billion people by 2030. When we build a more inclusive workplace, we create ripple effects that reach far beyond our walls, benefiting the communities we serve and the consumers we engage with around the world. Our Better Days Promise isn't just about feeding people—it's about empowering them, supporting equity, and building thriving, inclusive communities.

The Seramount Inclusion Index helps organizations like ours reflect on how we can do better and offers a roadmap for future progress. For Kellanova, it reinforces our pledge to continuous improvement in building an inclusive workplace where every person can bring their authentic selves to the table.

To learn more about the Seramount Global Inclusion Index, click here.

For more on Kellanova's approach to Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, visit the ED&I page on the Kellanova website here.

About Kellanova

Kellanova (NYSE: K) is a leader in global snacking, international cereal and noodles, and North America frozen foods with a legacy stretching back more than 100 years. Powered by differentiated brands including Pringles®, Cheez-It®, Pop-Tarts®, Kellogg's ® Rice Krispies Treats®, RXBAR®, Eggo®, MorningStar Farms®, Special K®, Coco Pops®, and more, Kellanova's vision is to become the world's best-performing snacks-led powerhouse, unleashing the full potential of our differentiated brands and our passionate people. Our net sales for 2023 were $13 billion.

At Kellanova, our purpose is to create better days and ensure everyone has a seat at the table through our trusted food brands. We are committed to promoting sustainable and equitable food access by tackling the crossroads of hunger, sustainability, wellbeing, and equity, diversity & inclusion. Our goal is to create Better Days for 4 billion people by the end of 2030 (from a 2015 baseline). For more detailed information about our commitments, our approach to achieving these goals, and methodology, please visit our website at

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What recognition did Kellanova receive for its inclusive workplace in 2024?

Kellanova was recognized on the 2024 Seramount Global Inclusion Index for all four of its regions and 17 country locations, marking the second consecutive year of this achievement.

How does the Seramount Global Inclusion Index evaluate companies?

The Seramount Global Inclusion Index benchmarks companies' progress in areas such as Demographics, Retention & Advancement, and Corporate Culture, assessing their efforts in creating inclusive workplaces.

What is Kellanova's Better Days Promise and how does it relate to inclusion?

Kellanova's Better Days Promise is a commitment to positively impact 4 billion people by 2030. It involves creating an inclusive workplace, supporting equity, and building thriving communities, which extends beyond the company to benefit consumers and communities worldwide.

Who commented on Kellanova's inclusion achievement from the company?

Sam Thomas-Berry, VP of Talent & Chief Diversity Officer at Kellanova, commented on the recognition, emphasizing that it reflects the organization's identity and commitment to creating an inclusive workplace.

How many consecutive years has Kellanova (K) been recognized on the Seramount Global Inclusion Index?

Kellanova (K) has been recognized on the Seramount Global Inclusion Index for two consecutive years, as of 2024.



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