PPM America Repeats As One of the “Best Places to Work in Money Management”
PPM America has been named one of the 'Best Places to Work in Money Management' by Pensions & Investments for the third consecutive time and fifth time overall. The company was selected among 45 companies in the 100-499 employee category and was one of 113 companies recognized industry-wide for 2024.
The recognition is based on employee surveys measuring workplace experience and an evaluation of company policies, practices, and demographics. PPM's President, CEO, and CIO Craig Smith highlighted the firm's commitment to fostering a collaborative, client-centric work environment and community involvement through local non-profit activities.
The company offers comprehensive benefits including health insurance, retirement contribution matching, and tuition reimbursement programs. The award, established in 2012, results from a two-part survey process conducted by Pensions & Investments in partnership with Workforce Research Group.
PPM America è stata nominata come uno dei 'Migliori Posti di Lavoro nella Gestione del Denaro' da Pensions & Investments per la terza volta consecutiva e per la quinta volta in totale. L'azienda è stata selezionata tra 45 aziende nella categoria di 100-499 dipendenti ed è stata una delle 113 aziende riconosciute a livello industriale per il 2024.
Il riconoscimento si basa su sondaggi tra i dipendenti che misurano l'esperienza lavorativa e su una valutazione delle politiche aziendali, delle pratiche e della demografia. Il Presidente, CEO e CIO di PPM, Craig Smith, ha messo in evidenza l'impegno della società nel promuovere un ambiente di lavoro collaborativo e orientato al cliente, oltre al coinvolgimento nella comunità attraverso attività non profit locali.
L'azienda offre vantaggi completi, tra cui assicurazione sanitaria, corrispondenza dei contributi pensionistici e programmi di rimborso per la formazione. Il premio, istituito nel 2012, deriva da un processo di sondaggio in due fasi condotto da Pensions & Investments in collaborazione con il Workforce Research Group.
PPM America ha sido nombrada uno de los 'Mejores Lugares para Trabajar en la Gestión de Dinero' por Pensions & Investments por tercera vez consecutiva y quinta en total. La empresa fue seleccionada entre 45 compañías en la categoría de 100-499 empleados y fue una de las 113 empresas reconocidas a nivel industrial para 2024.
El reconocimiento se basa en encuestas a empleados que miden la experiencia en el lugar de trabajo y en una evaluación de las políticas, prácticas y demografía de la empresa. Craig Smith, Presidente, CEO y CIO de PPM, destacó el compromiso de la firma de fomentar un ambiente de trabajo colaborativo y centrado en el cliente, así como la participación comunitaria a través de actividades locales sin fines de lucro.
La empresa ofrece beneficios integrales, incluyendo seguro de salud, contribuciones para pensiones igualadas y programas de reembolso de matrícula. El premio, establecido en 2012, resulta de un proceso de encuesta en dos partes llevado a cabo por Pensions & Investments en asociación con el Workforce Research Group.
PPM America는 Pensions & Investments가 선정한 '자산 관리의 일하기 좋은 회사'로 3회 연속 및 전체적으로 5회 선정되었습니다. 이 회사는 100-499명 직원 범주에서 45개 회사 중에서 선정되었으며 2024년 업계 전체에서 113개 회사 중 하나로 인정받았습니다.
이 인정은 직장 경험을 측정하는 직원 설문조사와 회사 정책, 관행 및 인구 통계 평가를 기반으로 합니다. PPM의 사장, CEO 및 CIO인 Craig Smith는 고객 중심의 협업 작업 환경과 지역 비영리 활동을 통한 지역 사회 참여를 촉진하려는 회사의 의지를 강조했습니다.
회사는 건강 보험, 퇴직 기여금 matching 및 학비 환급 프로그램을 포함한 포괄적인 혜택을 제공합니다. 이 상은 2012년에 설립되었으며, Pensions & Investments와 Workforce Research Group의 협력으로 실시된 2단계 설문조사 프로세스의 결과입니다.
PPM America a été désignée comme l'un des 'Meilleurs Lieux de Travail dans la Gestion de l'Argent' par Pensions & Investments pour la troisième fois consécutive et la cinquième fois au total. L'entreprise a été sélectionnée parmi 45 entreprises dans la catégorie de 100 à 499 employés et a été l'une des 113 entreprises reconnues dans l'industrie pour 2024.
Cette reconnaissance est basée sur des enquêtes auprès des employés mesurant l'expérience au travail et une évaluation des politiques, pratiques et démographies de l'entreprise. Craig Smith, Président, CEO et CIO de PPM, a souligné l'engagement de la société à favoriser un environnement de travail collaboratif et centré sur le client, ainsi que l'implication communautaire à travers des activités non lucratives locales.
L'entreprise propose des avantages complets, y compris une assurance santé, un matching des contributions de retraite et des programmes de remboursement de frais de scolarité. Le prix, créé en 2012, résulte d'un processus d'enquête en deux parties mené par Pensions & Investments en partenariat avec le Workforce Research Group.
PPM America wurde von Pensions & Investments zum dritten Mal in Folge und insgesamt zum fünften Mal als einer der 'Besten Arbeitsplätze im Geldmanagement' ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen wurde aus 45 Firmen in der Kategorie mit 100-499 Mitarbeitern ausgewählt und war eines von 113 Unternehmen, die im gesamten Sektor für 2024 anerkannt wurden.
Die Auszeichnung basiert auf Mitarbeiterumfragen, die das Arbeitsumfeld bewerten, sowie auf einer Auswertung der Unternehmensrichtlinien, -praxis und -demografie. Der Präsident, CEO und CIO von PPM, Craig Smith, hob das Engagement des Unternehmens hervor, ein kollaboratives und kundenorientiertes Arbeitsumfeld sowie die Beteiligung an der Gemeinschaft durch lokale gemeinnützige Aktivitäten zu fördern.
Das Unternehmen bietet umfassende Leistungen, darunter Krankenversicherung, Altersvorsorgezuschüsse und Programme zur Rückerstattung von Studiengebühren. Der Preis wurde 2012 ins Leben gerufen und ist das Ergebnis eines zweigeteilten Umfrageprozesses, der von Pensions & Investments in Zusammenarbeit mit der Workforce Research Group durchgeführt wurde.
- None.
- None.

PPM participates in numerous philanthropic activities throughout the year in the
“PPM is extremely proud and grateful for being named one of Pension & Investments’ Best Places to Work in Money Management once again,” said Craig Smith, PPM’s President, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer. “This recognition is a testament to the people here who continue to strengthen the firm’s culture each and every day. We consistently foster a collaborative, client-centric work environment rooted in knowing that our best ideas to deliver for our clients can come from anyone at any time. We also strive to give back to the community by participating in many local non-profit activities.”
“In order to retain and attract the right people, PPM is committed to supporting the life and career journeys of our employees. As such, we provide them a comprehensive suite of health and insurance benefits as well as offer generous retirement contribution matching and tuition reimbursement programs.”
“As their employees attest, the companies named to this year’s Best Places to Work list demonstrate a commitment to building and maintaining a strong workplace culture,’’ said Pension & Investments Editor-in-Chief Julie Tatge. “In doing so, they’re helping their employees, clients and their businesses succeed.’’
Since 2012, Pensions & Investments has produced the Best Places to Work in Money Management list to highlight top employers in the money management industry. Pensions & Investments partnered with Workforce Research Group, a research firm specializing in identifying great places to work, to conduct a two-part survey process of employers and their employees. For a complete list of the Pensions & Investments’ Best Places to Work in Money Management 2024 winners, including PPM, go to pionline.com/BPTW2024.
About PPM America
Our mission is to be seen by clients and their advisors as a consistently reliable partner to help them achieve their long-term value goals.
PPM is a US-based institutional asset manager with
PPM is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Jackson Financial Inc. (JFI, NYSE: JXN), a publicly traded company. JFI is committed to helping clarify the complexity of retirement planning—for financial professionals and their clients. Through its range of annuity products, financial know-how, history of award-winning service2 and streamlined experiences, JFI strives to reduce the confusion that complicates retirement planning.
1 AUM includes committed but unfunded capital for PPM’s private equity and commercial real estate businesses. AUM includes both securities issued by PPM CLO vehicles held by PPM separately managed account clients and the underlying collateral assets of the CLO vehicles managed by PPM.
2 SQM (Service Quality Measurement Group) Contact Center Awards Program for 2004 and 2006-2023, for the financial services industry (to achieve world-class certification,
About Pensions & Investments
Pensions & Investments, owned by Crain Communications Inc., is the 51-year-old global news source of money management and institutional investing. Pensions & Investments is written for executives at defined benefit and defined contribution retirement plans, endowments, foundations and sovereign wealth funds, as well as those at investment management and other investment-related firms. Pensions & Investments provides timely and incisive coverage of events affecting the money management and retirement businesses. Visit Pension & Investments’ website at www.pionline.com.
About Workforce Research Group
Workforce Research Group works with partners in the US,
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Julie Bruzek, Senior Managing Director
Marketing & Communications
P: 312-843-5969
E: media@ppmamerica.com
Source: PPM America, Inc.