JPMorganChase Survey: Businesses Ring in the New Year with Renewed Optimism
JPMorganChase's 2025 Business Leaders Outlook survey reveals increased optimism among small and midsize business leaders. Confidence in the national economy rose 12 percentage points to 55% for small businesses and doubled to 65% for midsize businesses compared to last year.
Key findings include:
- 75% of respondents express positive outlook for next 12 months
- About 70% of businesses are either uncertain about or not expecting recession in 2025
- 67% of small businesses predict higher profits, 66% expect higher sales
- 74% of midsize businesses anticipate revenue increases
Despite optimism, businesses face challenges including inflation, labor constraints, and international trade concerns. Nearly half of businesses plan geographic expansion, while 48% of small businesses plan to implement AI applications. The survey, conducted in November-December 2024, included 2,644 business leaders with revenues between $100,000 and $500 million.
Il sondaggio Business Leaders Outlook 2025 di JPMorganChase rivela un aumento dell'ottimismo tra i dirigenti delle piccole e medie imprese. La fiducia nell'economia nazionale è aumentata di 12 punti percentuali, raggiungendo il 55% per le piccole imprese e raddopiando al 65% per le medie imprese rispetto all'anno precedente.
I risultati principali includono:
- Il 75% dei rispondenti esprime un outlook positivo per i prossimi 12 mesi
- Circa il 70% delle imprese è incerto o non si aspetta una recessione nel 2025
- Il 67% delle piccole imprese prevede maggiori profitti, il 66% si aspetta vendite più elevate
- Il 74% delle medie imprese prevede un aumento dei ricavi
Nonostante l'ottimismo, le imprese affrontano sfide come l'inflazione, le limitazioni di manodopera e le preoccupazioni sul commercio internazionale. Quasi la metà delle imprese pianifica un'espansione geografica, mentre il 48% delle piccole imprese prevede di implementare applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale. Il sondaggio, condotto tra novembre e dicembre 2024, ha coinvolto 2.644 leader aziendali con ricavi compresi tra 100.000 e 500 milioni di dollari.
La encuesta Business Leaders Outlook 2025 de JPMorganChase revela un aumento del optimismo entre los líderes de pequeñas y medianas empresas. La confianza en la economía nacional aumentó 12 puntos porcentuales al 55% para las pequeñas empresas y se duplicó al 65% para las medianas en comparación con el año pasado.
Los hallazgos clave incluyen:
- El 75% de los encuestados expresa una perspectiva positiva para los próximos 12 meses
- Alrededor del 70% de las empresas están inciertas o no esperan una recesión en 2025
- El 67% de las pequeñas empresas prevé mayores beneficios, el 66% espera mayores ventas
- El 74% de las medianas empresas anticipa un aumento en los ingresos
A pesar del optimismo, las empresas enfrentan desafíos como la inflación, las limitaciones laborales y las preocupaciones sobre el comercio internacional. Casi la mitad de las empresas planea una expansión geográfica, mientras que el 48% de las pequeñas empresas planea implementar aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial. La encuesta, realizada entre noviembre y diciembre de 2024, incluyó a 2,644 líderes empresariales con ingresos de entre 100,000 y 500 millones de dólares.
JPMorganChase의 2025 비즈니스 리더 전망 조사는 중소기업 리더들 사이에서 낙관론이 증가하고 있음을 보여줍니다. 국가 경제에 대한 신뢰는 작년 대비 12포인트 상승하여 소규모 기업은 55%, 중규모 기업은 65%로 두 배 증가했습니다.
주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 응답자의 75%가 향후 12개월에 대해 긍정적인 전망을 보입니다
- 약 70%의 기업이 2025년에 대한 경기 침체를 확신하지 않거나 기대하지 않고 있습니다
- 67%의 소규모 기업이 더 높은 이익을 예측하며, 66%는 더 높은 매출을 예상합니다
- 74%의 중규모 기업이 수익 증가를 예상합니다
낙관론에도 불구하고 기업들은 인플레이션, 노동 제약 및 국제 무역에 대한 우려와 같은 도전에 직면해 있습니다. 거의 절반에 해당하는 기업이 지리적 확장을 계획하고 있으며, 48%의 소규모 기업이 인공지능 응용 프로그램을 도입할 계획입니다. 이 조사는 2024년 11월부터 12월 사이에 실시되었으며, 100,000에서 5억 달러 사이의 수익을 올리는 2,644명의 기업 리더가 포함되었습니다.
Le sondage Business Leaders Outlook 2025 de JPMorganChase révèle un optimisme croissant parmi les dirigeants de petites et moyennes entreprises. La confiance dans l'économie nationale a augmenté de 12 points de pourcentage, atteignant 55 % pour les petites entreprises et doublant à 65 % pour les moyennes entreprises par rapport à l'année dernière.
Les principaux résultats incluent :
- 75 % des répondants expriment une perspective positive pour les 12 prochains mois
- Environ 70 % des entreprises doutent ou ne s'attendent pas à une récession en 2025
- 67 % des petites entreprises prévoient des bénéfices plus élevés, 66 % s'attendent à des ventes en augmentation
- 74 % des moyennes entreprises anticipent une augmentation de leurs revenus
Malgré cet optimisme, les entreprises sont confrontées à des défis tels que l'inflation, les contraintes de main-d'œuvre et les préoccupations liées au commerce international. Près de la moitié des entreprises prévoient une expansion géographique, tandis que 48 % des petites entreprises envisagent de mettre en œuvre des applications d'intelligence artificielle. Le sondage, mené entre novembre et décembre 2024, a inclus 2 644 dirigeants d'entreprises avec des revenus compris entre 100 000 et 500 millions de dollars.
Die Business Leaders Outlook-Umfrage 2025 von JPMorganChase zeigt ein gestiegenes Optimismus unter den Führungskräften kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen. Das Vertrauen in die nationale Wirtschaft ist um 12 Prozentpunkte auf 55 % für kleine Unternehmen und auf 65 % für mittlere Unternehmen im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gestiegen.
Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:
- 75 % der Befragten äußern eine positive Prognose für die nächsten 12 Monate
- Etwa 70 % der Unternehmen sind sich über eine mögliche Rezession im Jahr 2025 unsicher oder erwarten diese nicht
- 67 % der kleinen Unternehmen prognostizieren höhere Gewinne, 66 % erwarten höhere Verkaufszahlen
- 74 % der mittelgroßen Unternehmen rechnen mit Umsatzsteigerungen
Trotz des Optimismus stehen Unternehmen vor Herausforderungen wie Inflation, Arbeitskräftemangel und internationalen Handelsbedenken. Fast die Hälfte der Unternehmen plant eine geografische Expansion, während 48 % der kleinen Unternehmen planen, KI-Anwendungen einzuführen. Die Umfrage, die im November-Dezember 2024 durchgeführt wurde, umfasste 2.644 Unternehmensleiter mit einem Umsatz zwischen 100.000 und 500 Millionen US-Dollar.
- None.
- None.
Inflation and labor constraints remain top concerns
Recession fears have eased, with
“Businesses are entering 2025 with positive momentum after navigating a period of elevated inflation and interest rates better than expected,” said Ginger Chambless, Head of Research, JPMorganChase Commercial Banking. “We’ll be watching closely to see how this optimism extends throughout the year and influences companies’ growth strategies.”
Embracing opportunities amid a complex global landscape
Today, the majority of leaders say they are feeling positive about the local economy—
When identifying challenges for 2025, midsize businesses point to international tariffs (
“Throughout history, business leaders have shown a remarkable ability to turn obstacles into opportunities,” said John Simmons, Head of Commercial Banking, JPMorganChase. “As they navigate labor pressures, supply chain dynamics and myriad other challenges, their tenacity and ingenuity will undoubtedly propel their growth in the coming year.”
Forty percent of small businesses and close to half of midsize businesses (
Revenue and profit expectations jump as companies focus on growth drivers
“Small business owners tend to be upbeat by nature, but as the survey shows, we’re seeing particularly strong levels of optimism as we start 2025. I look forward to seeing how that enthusiasm plays out in the economy,” said Ben Walter, CEO of Chase for Business.
Buoyed by rising optimism, businesses are bullish when it comes to their companies’ performance projections for 2025. Among small business respondents:
Two-thirds predict higher profits (
67% ) and sales (66% ) -
Half (
51% ) plan to increase spending -
The majority (
64% ) plan to invest more to support sales by adding products (35% ), funding more advertising (34% ) and increasing social media campaigns (31% ), among other strategies
Small businesses are also investing in technology to fuel digital transformation. Notably,
Midsize businesses are similarly looking forward to stronger results in 2025:
Nearly three-in-four (
74% ) expect revenues/sales to increase, up 13 percentage points from a year ago -
65% anticipate higher profits, up 10 percentage points -
Half (
51% ) plan to add headcount, up seven percentage points -
38% are forecasting higher capital expenditures
To help drive this growth, slightly more than half of midsize businesses (
Positioning for sustainable growth
As companies build out their plans for the year ahead, factoring in the considerations below can help ensure they’re on track for sustainable growth.
Press on with market expansion: Conducting regular market research to understand the competitive landscape and potential barriers to entry can help identify opportunities for growth in new markets or segments.
Unlock working capital: Businesses’ working capital will need to keep up with expansion plans to accelerate growth. Strategies to unlock liquidity include increasing profit margins, improving inventory management and securing working capital financing.
Embrace digital transformation: Investing in the right technology can help businesses stay competitive, streamline operations and enhance the customer experience. For example, process automation, increasingly implemented using AI, can be used for repetitive tasks such as data entry, invoicing and customer service inquiries, and reducing operational costs.
Derisk the business: Developing a robust risk management strategy will help identify and mitigate potential threats and ensure business resiliency. For example, update cybersecurity protocols to protect data and diversify suppliers to handle potential disruptions.
- Plan ahead for business transitions: No matter what stage a business is in, create a transition strategy for multiple scenarios – whether it involves a merger, acquisition, IPO, employee stock ownership plan or another solution – to help bridge the gap between business success and personal wealth goals.
For more information on the 2025 Business Leaders Outlook survey, view the midsize and small business reports.
Survey Methodology
JPMorganChase’s Business Leaders Outlook survey was conducted online from November 11-15, 2024 for small businesses (annual revenues between
About JPMorganChase
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading financial services firm based in
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Media Contacts
Business Banking
Chaffon Davis
Commercial Banking
Janet Yoo
Source: JPMorgan Chase & Co.
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