JPMorganChase Elects Brad D. Smith to Its Board of Directors

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JPMorganChase has announced the election of Brad D. Smith, 60, to its Board of Directors, effective January 21, 2025. Smith, currently the President of Marshall University, brings extensive experience from his 11-year tenure as CEO of Intuit, where he transformed the company into a global cloud-based platform. His leadership at Intuit was characterized by fostering innovation through data-driven decision-making and rapid experimentation.

Smith's current role at Marshall University focuses on expanding access to affordable education, with a goal of enabling debt-free degrees. He serves on the boards of, Humana, and Marshall Health Network. Smith co-founded the Wing 2 Wing Foundation, supporting education and entrepreneurship in underserved West Virginia communities.

Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorganChase, praised Smith's visionary leadership and commitment to communities, expecting his experience to add significant value to the company.

JPMorganChase ha annunciato l'elezione di Brad D. Smith, 60 anni, nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, a partire dal 21 gennaio 2025. Smith, attualmente Presidente della Marshall University, porta con sé una vasta esperienza derivata dal suo mandato di 11 anni come CEO di Intuit, dove ha trasformato l'azienda in una piattaforma globale basata sul cloud. La sua leadership in Intuit è stata caratterizzata dalla promozione dell'innovazione attraverso decisioni basate sui dati e rapidi esperimenti.

Il ruolo attuale di Smith alla Marshall University si concentra sull'espansione dell'accesso a un'istruzione accessibile, con l'obiettivo di consentire lauree senza debiti. Siede nei consigli di amministrazione di, Humana e Marshall Health Network. Smith ha co-fondato la Wing 2 Wing Foundation, che supporta l'istruzione e l'imprenditorialità nelle comunità svantaggiate della Virginia Occidentale.

Jamie Dimon, Presidente e CEO di JPMorganChase, ha elogiato la leadership visionaria di Smith e il suo impegno verso le comunità, aspettandosi che la sua esperienza aggiunga un valore significativo all'azienda.

JPMorganChase ha anunciado la elección de Brad D. Smith, de 60 años, para su Junta Directiva, a partir del 21 de enero de 2025. Smith, actualmente Presidente de la Marshall University, aporta una amplia experiencia de su mandato de 11 años como CEO de Intuit, donde transformó la empresa en una plataforma global basada en la nube. Su liderazgo en Intuit se caracterizó por fomentar la innovación a través de la toma de decisiones basada en datos y la experimentación rápida.

El rol actual de Smith en la Marshall University se centra en ampliar el acceso a una educación asequible, con el objetivo de permitir títulos universitarios sin deudas. Forma parte de las juntas de, Humana y Marshall Health Network. Smith cofundó la Wing 2 Wing Foundation, que apoya la educación y el emprendimiento en comunidades desfavorecidas de Virginia Occidental.

Jamie Dimon, Presidente y CEO de JPMorganChase, elogió el liderazgo visionario de Smith y su compromiso con las comunidades, esperando que su experiencia aporte un valor significativo a la empresa.

JPMorganChaseBrad D. Smith(60세)를 이사회에 선출했다고 발표했으며, 이는 2025년 1월 21일부터 효력이 발생합니다. 현재 Marshall University의 총장인 Smith는 Intuit의 CEO로서 11년 동안의 경험을 바탕으로 회사를 글로벌 클라우드 플랫폼으로 변모시킨 폭넓은 경험을 가지고 있습니다. Intuit에서의 그의 리더십은 데이터 기반의 의사결정과 신속한 실험을 통해 혁신을 촉진하는 데 중점을 두었습니다.

Marshall University에서의 Smith의 현재 역할은 저렴한 교육 접근성을 확대하는 데 집중하고 있으며, 부채 없는 학위를 가능하게 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 그는, Humana, Marshall Health Network의 이사회에서 활동하고 있습니다. 또한, Smith는 저소득 커뮤니티의 교육과 기업가 정신을 지원하는 Wing 2 Wing Foundation를 공동 설립했습니다.

Jamie Dimon, JPMorganChase의 회장 겸 CEO는 Smith의 비전 있는 리더십과 지역사회에 대한 헌신을 높이 평가하며, 그의 경험이 회사에 상당한 가치를 더할 것이라고 기대하고 있습니다.

JPMorganChase a annoncé l'élection de Brad D. Smith, 60 ans, à son Conseil d'Administration, à compter du 21 janvier 2025. Smith, actuellement Président de la Marshall University, apporte une vaste expérience tirée de son mandat de 11 ans en tant que PDG de Intuit, où il a transformé l'entreprise en une plateforme mondiale basée sur le cloud. Son leadership chez Intuit s'est caractérisé par la promotion de l'innovation grâce à des décisions basées sur les données et des expérimentations rapides.

Le rôle actuel de Smith à la Marshall University se concentre sur l'expansion de l'accès à une éducation abordable, avec l'objectif de permettre des diplômes sans dettes. Il siège aux conseils d'administration de, Humana et Marshall Health Network. Smith a cofondé la Wing 2 Wing Foundation, qui soutient l'éducation et l'entrepreneuriat dans les communautés défavorisées de Virginie-Occidentale.

Jamie Dimon, Président et PDG de JPMorganChase, a salué le leadership visionnaire de Smith et son engagement envers les communautés, s'attendant à ce que son expérience apporte une valeur significative à l'entreprise.

JPMorganChase hat die Wahl von Brad D. Smith (60) in seinen Vorstand bekannt gegeben, die am 21. Januar 2025 wirksam wird. Smith, der derzeit Präsident der Marshall University ist, bringt umfangreiche Erfahrungen aus seiner 11-jährigen Amtszeit als CEO von Intuit mit, wo er das Unternehmen in eine globale cloudbasierte Plattform verwandelte. Smiths Führung bei Intuit war geprägt von der Förderung von Innovationen durch datengestützte Entscheidungsfindung und schnelles Experimentieren.

Smiths derzeitige Rolle an der Marshall University konzentriert sich auf die Verbesserung des Zugangs zu erschwinglicher Bildung, mit dem Ziel, schuldenfreie Abschlüsse zu ermöglichen. Er sitzt in den Vorständen von, Humana und Marshall Health Network. Smith ist Mitbegründer der Wing 2 Wing Foundation, die Bildung und Unternehmertum in benachteiligten Gemeinschaften in West Virginia unterstützt.

Jamie Dimon, Vorsitzender und CEO von JPMorganChase, lobte Smiths visionäre Führung und sein Engagement für die Gemeinschaften und erwartet, dass seine Erfahrung dem Unternehmen erheblichen Nutzen bringen wird.

  • Addition of a seasoned executive with experience in technology and innovation to the board
  • Potential for fresh perspectives on digital transformation and cloud-based services
  • Smith's experience in fostering innovation cultures could benefit JPMorganChase
  • Expertise in data-driven decision-making and rapid experimentation
  • Connections to other major corporations through Smith's board memberships
  • None.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- JPMorganChase (NYSE: JPM) announced today that Brad D. Smith, 60, has been elected as a director of the company, effective January 21, 2025.

Mr. Smith has been the President of Marshall University since January 2022. Before returning to serve his alma mater, he was the CEO of Intuit for 11 years where he helped redefine the company from a North American desktop software company to a global cloud-based platform, growing its customer base worldwide through offerings including TurboTax, QuickBooks and Mint. He also served as Chair and Executive Chair of Intuit and held several leadership positions at ADP, PepsiCo, 7UP, and ADVO.

His leadership at Intuit was marked by fostering an innovation culture built around data-driven decision-making and rapid experimentation, positioning the company as an industry leader and one of the top 100 Best Places to Work each year. At Marshall University, Mr. Smith has led efforts to expand access to affordable, flexible, and achievement-oriented education, with a 10-year goal of enabling students to earn their degrees debt-free.

He currently serves on the boards of Inc., Humana Inc. and the Marshall Health Network. He has also served as chair of the Nordstrom, Inc. board and as a board member at Yahoo Inc. and Momentive (formerly SurveyMonkey). He co-founded with his wife the Wing 2 Wing Foundation, which provides access and support for education, entrepreneurship mentoring and investment in underserved West Virginia communities.

“Brad Smith is a visionary leader with a proven track record of driving innovation and growth. His extensive experience in transformational leadership and his commitment to communities and expanding access to education will add tremendous value to our company,” said Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorganChase.

“I am honored to join the board at JPMorganChase, a company that shares my commitment to innovation, community development, and financial empowerment. I look forward to contributing to the continued success and growth of the organization, leveraging my experience to help drive meaningful impact for customers and communities worldwide,” said Mr. Smith.

About JPMorganChase
JPMorganChase (NYSE: JPM) is a leading financial services firm based in the United States of America (“U.S.”), with operations worldwide. JPMorganChase had $4.2 trillion in assets and $346 billion in stockholders’ equity as of September 30, 2024. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing and asset management. Under the J.P. Morgan and Chase brands, the Firm serves millions of customers in the U.S., and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients globally. Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at

Investor Contact:

Mikael Grubb, 212-270-2479

Media Contact:

Joseph Evangelisti, 212-270-7438

Source: JPMorgan Chase & Co.


When will Brad D. Smith join JPMorganChase's (JPM) Board of Directors?

Brad D. Smith will join JPMorganChase's Board of Directors effective January 21, 2025.

What is Brad D. Smith's current position?

Brad D. Smith is currently the President of Marshall University, a position he has held since January 2022.

What was Brad D. Smith's role at Intuit before joining JPMorganChase (JPM)?

Brad D. Smith was the CEO of Intuit for 11 years, where he transformed the company from a North American desktop software company to a global cloud-based platform.

What other corporate boards does Brad D. Smith serve on besides JPMorganChase (JPM)?

Brad D. Smith currently serves on the boards of Inc., Humana Inc., and the Marshall Health Network.

What is the Wing 2 Wing Foundation co-founded by Brad D. Smith?

The Wing 2 Wing Foundation, co-founded by Brad D. Smith and his wife, provides access and support for education, entrepreneurship mentoring, and investment in underserved West Virginia communities.

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