JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking and Syracuse University’s D’Aniello IVMF Announce New Cohort of Veteran and Military-Spouse Led Startups for CEOcircle Program

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JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking and Syracuse University's D'Aniello Institute for Veteran & Military Families (IVMF) have announced the new cohort of 71 business leaders for their CEOcircle program. This year-long peer accountability training program is designed to help mid-size veteran and military spouse executives scale their businesses.

Since its launch in 2021, CEOcircle has guided over 173 business owners, with more than 70% of participants reporting new business opportunities. The 2025 cohort consists of 90% veterans and 12% military spouses, representing industries such as technology, healthcare, consumer packaged goods, and manufacturing. These companies have an average annual revenue of $20 million reported in 2023.

This year, 20 CEOcircle alumni have volunteered to be facilitators, with seven to be selected to lead small group sessions. The program aims to provide advocacy, training, and networking opportunities for veteran and military spouse entrepreneurs, helping them build connections and solve problems collectively.

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking e l'Istituto D'Aniello per Veterani e Famiglie Militari (IVMF) della Syracuse University hanno annunciato la nuova coorte di 71 leader aziendali per il loro programa CEOcircle. Questo programma di formazione, che dura un anno, è progettato per aiutare i dirigenti veterani e i coniugi militari a medio termine a far crescere le loro attività.

Dalla sua lancio nel 2021, CEOcircle ha guidato oltre 173 imprenditori, con più del 70% dei partecipanti che hanno segnalato nuove opportunità commerciali. La coorte del 2025 è composta per il 90% da veterani e per il 12% da coniugi militari, rappresentando settori come tecnologia, sanità, beni di consumo confezionati e manifattura. Queste aziende hanno un fatturato medio annuale di 20 milioni di dollari riportato nel 2023.

Quest'anno, 20 alumni di CEOcircle hanno offerto il loro aiuto come facilitatori, con sette che saranno selezionati per condurre sessioni di gruppo ristrette. Il programma mira a fornire supporto, formazione e opportunità di networking per gli imprenditori veterani e coniugi militari, aiutandoli a costruire connessioni e risolvere problemi insieme.

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking y el Instituto D'Aniello para Veteranos y Familias Militares (IVMF) de la Universidad de Syracuse han anunciado la nueva cohort de 71 líderes empresariales para su programa CEOcircle. Este programa de formación de responsabilidad entre pares, que dura un año, está diseñado para ayudar a ejecutivos veteranos y cónyuges militares de medianas empresas a escalar sus negocios.

Desde su lanzamiento en 2021, CEOcircle ha guiado a más de 173 propietarios de negocios, con más del 70% de los participantes reportando nuevas oportunidades comerciales. La cohorte de 2025 está compuesta por 90% de veteranos y 12% de cónyuges militares, representando industrias como tecnología, atención médica, bienes de consumo empaquetados y manufactura. Estas empresas informaron un ingreso promedio anual de 20 millones de dólares en 2023.

Este año, 20 exalumnos de CEOcircle se han ofrecido como facilitadores, y siete serán seleccionados para liderar sesiones en grupos pequeños. El programa tiene como objetivo proporcionar abogacía, formación y oportunidades de networking para emprendedores veteranos y cónyuges militares, ayudándoles a construir conexiones y resolver problemas en conjunto.

JPMorgan Chase 상업 은행과 시러큐스 대학교의 D'Aniello 재단은 CEOcircle 프로그램의 새로운 71명 비즈니스 리더 코호트를 발표했습니다. 이 1년간의 동료 책임 교육 프로그램은 중간 규모의 재향군인 및 군인 배우자 경영자들이 비즈니스를 확장할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 설계되었습니다.

2021년 출범 이후, CEOcircle은 173명 이상의 사업주를 안내하였으며, 70% 이상의 참가자들이 새로운 비즈니스 기회를 보고했습니다. 2025년 코호트는 90%가 재향군인이고 12%가 군인 배우자로 구성되어 있으며, 기술, 헬스케어, 소비재 및 제조업과 같은 산업을 대표합니다. 이들 기업은 2023년에 보고된 평균 연간 수익이 2천만 달러입니다.

올해, 20명의 CEOcircle 졸업생이 진행자로 자원했으며, 7명이 소그룹 세션을 이끌도록 선발될 예정입니다. 이 프로그램의 목표는 재향군인 및 군인 배우자 기업가에게 옹호, 교육 및 네트워킹 기회를 제공하여 연결을 구축하고 문제를 함께 해결하는 데 도움을 주는 것입니다.

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking et l'Institut D'Aniello pour les vétérans et les familles militaires (IVMF) de l'Université de Syracuse ont annoncé la nouvelle cohorte de 71 dirigeants d'entreprises pour leur programme CEOcircle. Ce programme de formation d'une durée d'un an est conçu pour aider les dirigeants vétérans et les conjoints militaires de taille moyenne à développer leur entreprise.

Depuis son lancement en 2021, CEOcircle a guidé plus de 173 propriétaires d'entreprises, avec plus de 70 % des participants signalant de nouvelles opportunités commerciales. La cohorte 2025 se compose de 90 % de vétérans et de 12 % de conjoints militaires, représentant des secteurs tels que la technologie, la santé, les biens de consommation emballés et la fabrication. Ces entreprises ont un chiffre d'affaires annuel moyen de 20 millions de dollars pour 2023.

Cette année, 20 anciens participants de CEOcircle se sont portés volontaires pour être facilitateurs, dont sept seront sélectionnés pour animer des sessions de groupe réduites. Le programme vise à fournir un plaidoyer, une formation et des opportunités de réseautage pour les entrepreneurs vétérans et les conjoints militaires, les aidant à établir des connexions et à résoudre des problèmes collectivement.

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking und das D'Aniello-Institut für Veteranen und Militärfamilien (IVMF) der Syracuse University haben die neue Kohorte von 71 Unternehmensführern für ihr CEOcircle-Programm angekündigt. Dieses einjährige Programm zur gegenseitigen Verantwortung ist darauf ausgelegt, mid-sized Veteranen und militärische Ehepartner dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Unternehmen zu skalieren.

Seit seiner Einführung im Jahr 2021 hat CEOcircle über 173 Geschäftsinhaber angeleitet, wobei mehr als 70% der Teilnehmer von neuen Geschäftsmöglichkeiten berichten. Die Kohorte von 2025 besteht zu 90% aus Veteranen und zu 12% aus militärischen Ehepartnern und repräsentiert Branchen wie Technologie, Gesundheitswesen, Konsumgüter und Fertigung. Diese Unternehmen haben im Jahr 2023 einen durchschnittlichen Jahresumsatz von 20 Millionen Dollar erzielt.

In diesem Jahr haben sich 20 Alumni von CEOcircle freiwillig als Facilitators gemeldet, wobei sieben ausgewählt werden, um kleine Gruppensitzungen zu leiten. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, Veteranen und militärischen Ehepartnern als Unternehmer Unterstützung, Ausbildung und Networking-Möglichkeiten zu bieten, um ihnen zu helfen, Verbindungen aufzubauen und Probleme gemeinsam zu lösen.

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71 entrepreneurs will gain access to resources and networking to grow and scale their companies

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Syracuse University’s D’Aniello Institute for Veteran & Military Families (IVMF) and JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking announced the new cohort of 71 business leaders selected for CEOcircle, a year-long peer accountability training program tailored to help mid-size veteran and military spouse executives scale their businesses.

Since launching their joint effort to support veteran and military spouse founders in 2021, JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking and the IVMF have guided more than 173 business owners through CEOcircle, helping them gain access to growth opportunities, mentorship and a robust network of peers as they navigate their business journeys. Over the last three years, more than 70% of CEOcircle participants reported gaining new business opportunities from the program.

“Veteran and military-spouse entrepreneurs are an important driver of the American economy,” said Terry Hill, Co-Head of Emerging Middle Market and Co-Head of Veteran Initiatives, JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking. “We are proud to support CEOcircle and look forward to seeing the incredible impact these leaders make.”

Of the 2025 CEOcircle cohort, 90% are veterans and 12% are military spouses (there is overlap of both demographics.) The companies span industries including technology, healthcare, consumer packaged goods and manufacturing and have an average annual revenue of $20 million reported in 2023.

“This program provides advocacy, training and phenomenal networks for veteran and spouse entrepreneurs,” says retired U.S. Army Colonel Irene Glaeser, Chief Executive Officer of Spahr Solutions Group, LLC and a 2024 CEOcircle cohort member. “We’re accountable to each other, which is something veterans know a lot about: milestones and checking in with our buddies.”

This year, 20 CEOcircle alumni have volunteered to be facilitators to give back to the veteran business community. The alumni facilitators will go through training provided by IVMF and seven will be selected to lead small group sessions to help build connections and encourage group problem solving.

“Through our research at the IVMF, we know that a strong network of support is paramount for veteran entrepreneurs,” says Misty Fox, IVMF’s Director of Entrepreneurship and Small Business programs. “CEOcircle offers veteran entrepreneurs an incredible opportunity to meet, speak with, and network with other success-driven veterans in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, and we’re looking forward to the pending success these veterans will have in scaling their businesses after they've graduated."

The full list of companies selected to participate in the 2025 CEOcircle cohort is available on IVMF’s website. Companies interested in participating in the next CEOcircle can learn more and apply here.

Learn more about how JPMorgan Chase supports military members, veterans and their families here as well as the firm’s commitment to supporting veteran business owners here.

About IVMF

Syracuse University’s D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) was founded in 2011, as a partnership between Syracuse University and JPMorgan Chase & Co. Headquartered on the campus of Syracuse University and located in the Daniel and Gayle D’Aniello Building at the Syracuse University National Veterans Resource Center, the IVMF was founded as higher-education’s first interdisciplinary academic institute singularly focused on advancing the lives of the nation's military, veterans, and their families. The IVMF team designs and delivers class-leading training programs and services to the military-connected community, in support of the transition from military to civilian life and beyond. Each year, more than 20,000 service members, veterans, and family members engage IVMF programs and services, which are provided at no cost to participants. The IVMF’s programs are informed by the Institute’s sustained and robust data collection, research, and policy analysis team and infrastructure. The D'Aniello Institute’s work on behalf of the military-connected community is made possible by gifts and grants from individuals and corporations committed to those who served in America's armed forces and their families. For more information, please visit

About JPMorganChase:

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading financial services firm based in the United States of America ("U.S."), with operations worldwide. JPMorgan Chase had $4.1 trillion in assets and $341 billion in stockholders' equity as of June 30, 2024. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing and asset management. Under the J.P. Morgan and Chase brands, the Firm serves millions of customers in the U.S., and many of the world's most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients globally. Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at

Media Contacts


Marguerite Ward


Stephanie Salanger

Director of Communications

Source: JPMorgan Chase & Co.


What is the CEOcircle program announced by JPMorgan Chase (JPM) and Syracuse University?

CEOcircle is a year-long peer accountability training program designed to help mid-size veteran and military spouse executives scale their businesses. It provides resources, networking opportunities, and mentorship to support their business growth.

How many business leaders were selected for the 2025 CEOcircle cohort?

71 business leaders were selected for the 2025 CEOcircle cohort announced by JPMorgan Chase (JPM) and Syracuse University's D'Aniello Institute for Veteran & Military Families (IVMF).

What percentage of the 2025 CEOcircle cohort are veterans?

90% of the 2025 CEOcircle cohort announced by JPMorgan Chase (JPM) are veterans.

What is the average annual revenue of companies in the 2025 CEOcircle cohort?

The companies in the 2025 CEOcircle cohort announced by JPMorgan Chase (JPM) have an average annual revenue of $20 million reported in 2023.

How many CEOcircle alumni have volunteered to be facilitators for the program?

20 CEOcircle alumni have volunteered to be facilitators for the program announced by JPMorgan Chase (JPM) and Syracuse University's IVMF.

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