JPMorganChase Brings Software Developer Conference DEVUP to India
JPMorganChase has launched its firmwide software engineering conference DEVUP in India for the first time, running from March 11-13 at its Global Technology Centre in Hyderabad. The event brings together 350 software developers, data scientists, and technologists from the firm's global technology centers.
Originally launched in 2022 in the United States, this inaugural Indian edition features 100 speakers covering topics including engineering excellence, cybersecurity, cloud modernization, and AI/ML implementation. The conference highlights JPMorganChase's significant technology presence in India, where approximately one-third of its 63,000 technologists are based across Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and Pune.
The event includes keynotes, breakouts, interactive workshops, and a hackathon, with speakers selected through an abstract submission process. Participants will focus on building connections, solving challenges, and discussing the bank's technology strategy priorities.
JPMorganChase ha lanciato per la prima volta in India la sua conferenza aziendale di ingegneria software DEVUP, che si svolgerà dal 11 al 13 marzo presso il suo Global Technology Centre a Hyderabad. L'evento riunisce 350 sviluppatori software, scienziati dei dati e tecnologi provenienti dai centri tecnologici globali dell'azienda.
Originariamente lanciata nel 2022 negli Stati Uniti, questa edizione inaugurale indiana presenta 100 relatori che trattano argomenti come l'eccellenza ingegneristica, la cybersecurity, la modernizzazione del cloud e l'implementazione di AI/ML. La conferenza mette in evidenza la significativa presenza tecnologica di JPMorganChase in India, dove circa un terzo dei suoi 63.000 tecnologi è basato a Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru e Pune.
L'evento include discorsi principali, sessioni di approfondimento, workshop interattivi e un hackathon, con relatori selezionati attraverso un processo di invio di abstract. I partecipanti si concentreranno sulla creazione di connessioni, sulla risoluzione di sfide e sulla discussione delle priorità strategiche tecnologiche della banca.
JPMorganChase ha lanzado por primera vez en India su conferencia de ingeniería de software a nivel empresarial DEVUP, que se llevará a cabo del 11 al 13 de marzo en su Global Technology Centre en Hyderabad. El evento reúne a 350 desarrolladores de software, científicos de datos y tecnólogos de los centros tecnológicos globales de la firma.
Originalmente lanzada en 2022 en los Estados Unidos, esta edición inaugural india cuenta con 100 ponentes que abordan temas como la excelencia en ingeniería, ciberseguridad, modernización de la nube e implementación de IA/ML. La conferencia destaca la significativa presencia tecnológica de JPMorganChase en India, donde aproximadamente un tercio de sus 63,000 tecnólogos se encuentran en Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru y Pune.
El evento incluye conferencias magistrales, sesiones de trabajo, talleres interactivos y un hackathon, con ponentes seleccionados a través de un proceso de envío de resúmenes. Los participantes se centrarán en establecer conexiones, resolver desafíos y discutir las prioridades estratégicas tecnológicas del banco.
JPMorganChase는 인도에서 처음으로 전사 소프트웨어 엔지니어링 컨퍼런스 DEVUP를 3월 11일부터 13일까지 하이데라바드에 있는 글로벌 기술 센터에서 개최합니다. 이 행사에는 회사의 글로벌 기술 센터에서 온 350명의 소프트웨어 개발자, 데이터 과학자 및 기술 전문가가 모입니다.
2022년에 미국에서 처음 시작된 이 인도 첫 번째 에디션은 엔지니어링 우수성, 사이버 보안, 클라우드 현대화 및 AI/ML 구현과 같은 주제를 다루는 100명의 연사를 특징으로 합니다. 이 컨퍼런스는 뭄바이, 하이데라바드, 벵갈루루 및 푸네에 약 63,000명의 기술 전문가 중 약 3분의 1이 있는 인도 내 JPMorganChase의 중요한 기술 존재를 강조합니다.
이 행사에는 기조 연설, 분과 세션, 인터랙티브 워크숍 및 해커톤이 포함되며, 연사는 초록 제출 과정을 통해 선정됩니다. 참가자들은 연결을 구축하고, 도전 과제를 해결하며, 은행의 기술 전략 우선 사항에 대해 논의하는 데 집중할 것입니다.
JPMorganChase a lancé pour la première fois en Inde sa conférence d'ingénierie logicielle à l'échelle de l'entreprise DEVUP, qui se déroulera du 11 au 13 mars dans son Global Technology Centre à Hyderabad. L'événement rassemble 350 développeurs de logiciels, scientifiques des données et technologues des centres technologiques mondiaux de l'entreprise.
Initialement lancée en 2022 aux États-Unis, cette première édition indienne compte 100 intervenants abordant des sujets tels que l'excellence en ingénierie, la cybersécurité, la modernisation du cloud et la mise en œuvre de l'IA/ML. La conférence met en avant la présence technologique significative de JPMorganChase en Inde, où environ un tiers de ses 63 000 technologues sont basés à Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru et Pune.
L'événement comprend des discours principaux, des sessions de travail, des ateliers interactifs et un hackathon, avec des intervenants sélectionnés par un processus de soumission d'abstracts. Les participants se concentreront sur l'établissement de connexions, la résolution de défis et la discussion des priorités stratégiques technologiques de la banque.
JPMorganChase hat zum ersten Mal seine unternehmensweite Software-Engineering-Konferenz DEVUP in Indien gestartet, die vom 11. bis 13. März in seinem Global Technology Centre in Hyderabad stattfindet. Die Veranstaltung bringt 350 Softwareentwickler, Datenwissenschaftler und Technologen aus den globalen Technologiezentren des Unternehmens zusammen.
Ursprünglich 2022 in den Vereinigten Staaten ins Leben gerufen, bietet diese erste indische Ausgabe 100 Sprecher, die Themen wie Ingenieurexzellenz, Cybersicherheit, Cloud-Modernisierung und die Implementierung von KI/ML abdecken. Die Konferenz hebt die bedeutende technologische Präsenz von JPMorganChase in Indien hervor, wo etwa ein Drittel der 63.000 Technologen in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru und Pune ansässig ist.
Die Veranstaltung umfasst Hauptvorträge, Workshops, interaktive Sitzungen und einen Hackathon, wobei die Sprecher durch ein Abstract-Einreichungsverfahren ausgewählt werden. Die Teilnehmer werden sich darauf konzentrieren, Verbindungen aufzubauen, Herausforderungen zu lösen und die strategischen Technologieprioritäten der Bank zu diskutieren.
- Expansion of major tech conference to India demonstrates commitment to growing global technology operations
- Large technology workforce in India (⅓ of 63,000 global technologists) indicates strong operational presence
- Investment in technical talent development and innovation capabilities
- None.

DEVUP Hyderabad (Photo: Business Wire)
JPMorganChase launched the conference in 2022 in
"We hope that with this first DEVUP in
The conference agenda features 100 speakers covering topics that range from engineering excellence, cybersecurity and cloud modernization to delivering data and AI/ML at speed and scale through keynotes, breakouts, interactive workshops and a hackathon. Speakers from various roles and specialties were selected through an abstract submission process.
Participants are encouraged to build connections with their colleagues, solve challenges together, deliberate on emerging technologies, and discuss priorities related to the bank's technology strategy.
“We are thrilled to introduce DEVUP to
About JPMorganChase
JPMorganChase (NYSE:JPM) is a leading financial services firm based in
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Media contacts:
Sanam Mirchandani
T: + 91 9930766432
Jennifer Lavoie
Source: JPMorgan Chase & Co.