J.P. Morgan Asset Management Releases 2025 Guide to Retirement
J.P. Morgan Asset Management has released its 13th annual Guide to Retirement for 2025, offering comprehensive insights into retirement planning. The guide focuses on four key themes:
1. Planning for longer life expectancy, with over 50% of healthy female non-smokers expected to live past 90
2. The importance of long-term investment strategy, highlighting how missing the 10 best market days over 20 years could reduce portfolio returns by almost 50%
3. Social Security optimization, showing that delaying benefits until age 70 can increase payments by 24% compared to claiming at full retirement age
4. Retirement income planning, emphasizing how guaranteed income sources may lead to increased retirement spending confidence
The guide includes new sections on Social Security and Health, utilizing anonymized household data and proprietary research to help advisors and individuals make informed retirement planning decisions.
J.P. Morgan Asset Management ha pubblicato la sua 13ª Guida alla Pensione per il 2025, offrendo approfondimenti completi sulla pianificazione della pensione. La guida si concentra su quattro temi chiave:
1. Pianificare per un'aspettativa di vita più lunga, con oltre il 50% delle donne non fumatori in buona salute che si prevede vivranno oltre i 90 anni.
2. L'importanza di una strategia di investimento a lungo termine, evidenziando come perdere i 10 migliori giorni di mercato in 20 anni potrebbe ridurre i rendimenti del portafoglio di quasi il 50%.
3. Ottimizzazione della Sicurezza Sociale, dimostrando che ritardare i benefici fino all'età di 70 anni può aumentare i pagamenti del 24% rispetto alla richiesta all'età pensionabile completa.
4. Pianificazione del reddito da pensione, sottolineando come le fonti di reddito garantite possano portare a una maggiore fiducia nella spesa durante la pensione.
La guida include nuove sezioni sulla Sicurezza Sociale e sulla Salute, utilizzando dati anonymizzati delle famiglie e ricerche proprietarie per aiutare consulenti e individui a prendere decisioni informate sulla pianificazione della pensione.
J.P. Morgan Asset Management ha lanzado su 13ª Guía de Jubilación para 2025, ofreciendo información completa sobre la planificación de la jubilación. La guía se centra en cuatro temas clave:
1. Planificación para una mayor esperanza de vida, con más del 50% de las mujeres no fumadoras sanas que se espera que vivan más allá de los 90 años.
2. La importancia de una estrategia de inversión a largo plazo, destacando cómo perder los 10 mejores días de mercado en 20 años podría reducir los rendimientos de la cartera en casi un 50%.
3. Optimización de la Seguridad Social, mostrando que retrasar los beneficios hasta los 70 años puede aumentar los pagos en un 24% en comparación con reclamarlos a la edad de jubilación completa.
4. Planificación de ingresos para la jubilación, enfatizando cómo las fuentes de ingresos garantizados pueden llevar a una mayor confianza en el gasto durante la jubilación.
La guía incluye nuevas secciones sobre Seguridad Social y Salud, utilizando datos de hogares anonimizados e investigación propietaria para ayudar a asesores e individuos a tomar decisiones informadas sobre la planificación de la jubilación.
J.P. Morgan 자산 관리가 2025년을 위한 13번째 퇴직 안내서를 발표하며, 퇴직 계획에 대한 포괄적인 통찰을 제공합니다. 이 안내서는 네 가지 주요 주제에 중점을 둡니다:
1. 더 긴 기대 수명에 대한 계획, 건강한 비흡연 여성의 50% 이상이 90세를 넘길 것으로 예상됩니다.
2. 장기 투자 전략의 중요성, 20년 동안 시장의 10일을 놓치면 포트폴리오 수익률이 거의 50% 감소할 수 있음을 강조합니다.
3. 사회 보장 최적화, 70세까지 혜택을 연기하면 정년 퇴직 연령에서 청구할 때보다 24% 더 많은 지급액을 받을 수 있음을 보여줍니다.
4. 퇴직 소득 계획, 보장된 소득원이 퇴직 후 지출에 대한 자신감을 높일 수 있음을 강조합니다.
이 안내서에는 사회 보장 및 건강에 대한 새로운 섹션이 포함되어 있으며, 익명화된 가정 데이터와 독점 연구를 활용하여 상담사와 개인이 정보에 입각한 퇴직 계획 결정을 내리는 데 도움을 줍니다.
J.P. Morgan Asset Management a publié son 13ème Guide de la Retraite pour 2025, offrant des aperçus complets sur la planification de la retraite. Le guide se concentre sur quatre thèmes clés :
1. Planification pour une espérance de vie plus longue, avec plus de 50 % des femmes non-fumeuses en bonne santé qui devraient vivre au-delà de 90 ans.
2. L'importance d'une stratégie d'investissement à long terme, soulignant comment manquer les 10 meilleurs jours de marché sur 20 ans pourrait réduire les rendements du portefeuille de près de 50 %.
3. Optimisation de la Sécurité Sociale, montrant que le report des prestations jusqu'à 70 ans peut augmenter les paiements de 24 % par rapport à une demande à l'âge de la retraite complète.
4. Planification des revenus de retraite, soulignant comment les sources de revenus garantis peuvent conduire à une plus grande confiance dans les dépenses de retraite.
Le guide comprend de nouvelles sections sur la Sécurité Sociale et la Santé, utilisant des données anonymisées des ménages et des recherches propriétaires pour aider les conseillers et les particuliers à prendre des décisions éclairées en matière de planification de la retraite.
J.P. Morgan Asset Management hat seinen 13. jährlichen Leitfaden zur Altersvorsorge für 2025 veröffentlicht, der umfassende Einblicke in die Altersvorsorgeplanung bietet. Der Leitfaden konzentriert sich auf vier zentrale Themen:
1. Planung für eine längere Lebenserwartung, wobei über 50% der gesunden weiblichen Nichtraucherinnen voraussichtlich über 90 Jahre alt werden.
2. Die Bedeutung einer langfristigen Anlagestrategie, die aufzeigt, wie das Verpassen der 10 besten Markttage über 20 Jahre die Portfoliorenditen um fast 50% reduzieren könnte.
3. Optimierung der Sozialversicherungsleistungen, die zeigt, dass eine Verzögerung der Leistungen bis zum Alter von 70 Jahren die Zahlungen im Vergleich zur Beantragung im regulären Rentenalter um 24% erhöhen kann.
4. Planung des Renteneinkommens, wobei betont wird, dass garantierte Einkommensquellen zu einem höheren Vertrauen in die Ausgaben während der Rente führen können.
Der Leitfaden enthält neue Abschnitte zu Sozialversicherung und Gesundheit und nutzt anonymisierte Haushaltsdaten sowie proprietäre Forschung, um Beratern und Einzelpersonen zu helfen, informierte Entscheidungen zur Altersvorsorgeplanung zu treffen.
- New comprehensive retirement planning guide released with proprietary research
- Enhanced focus on Social Security optimization strategies
- Addition of new Social Security/Health section
- Expanded tools and resources for financial advisors
- None.
13th edition of Guide explores key themes that will impact retirement planning this year, including Social Security and guaranteed income
"Retirement means different things to different people, and planning for it involves a multitude of decisions which can feel daunting or overwhelming. However, the core principles of a secure retirement are approachable and within reach. It's more important than ever to empower individuals with the tools and knowledge they need to secure their retirement future," said Michael Conrath, Chief Retirement Strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management. "The 2025 Guide to Retirement offers a comprehensive look at how retirement planning is evolving. It enables advisors and their clients to make informed decisions that align with their long-term goals, giving them the confidence to achieve their saving and spending targets."
Sharon Carson, J.P. Morgan Asset Management Retirement Strategist, added, "The ability to simplify the answers to the most common retirement planning questions is crucial in today's rapidly evolving financial landscape. With the Guide to Retirement, our goal is to shed light on the most salient retirement issues facing
Below are four key themes featured in the 2025 Guide to Retirement:
Theme #1 - Don't plan to be average – know your savings goal. It is important to plan for a longer life expectancy, which could mean 35 years in retirement. More than half of female non-smokers in excellent health will pass age 90, and 4 in 10 healthy non-smoking men are expected to do the same. Given this, understanding your savings target and investing a portion of your retirement portfolio for growth is important to maintain purchasing power over time.
Theme #2 - Savings alone won't fund retirement – invest for the long-term. Emotional reactions to market declines can harm portfolios since the best days are likely to occur close to the worst days. Missing the 10 best days of the market over the past 20 years would have reduced a portfolio's annualized return by almost
Theme #3 - Know what to expect from Social Security. Our research indicates that waiting until age 70 to claim Social Security can boost benefit checks by
Theme #4 - Adopt a retirement income plan that gives you confidence to spend. More guaranteed income may equal less fear of spending. A typical household might fund their retirement from a mix of investment accounts plus guaranteed income sources. Our research shows that having more guaranteed income may result in increased spending in retirement, for households with similar levels of total retirement wealth. This may be because people feel comfortable spending Social Security pensions and annuities while they are more reluctant to spend the capital of their portfolio.
J.P. Morgan Asset Management helps financial advisors serve their individual clients, DC plan sponsors and plan participants by offering industry-leading insights such as the Guide to Retirement, Guide to the Markets, Long-Term Capital Market Assumptions and spending and saving research in collaboration with the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI). The firm also provides a one-stop-shop of digital tools and resources including Target Date Compass® and Core Menu EvaluatorSM.
To view the full 2025 Guide to Retirement, click here.
About J.P. Morgan Asset Management
J.P. Morgan Asset Management, with assets under management of
About JPMorgan Chase
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading financial services firm based in
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SOURCE J.P. Morgan Asset Management
What are the key findings in JPM's 2025 Guide to Retirement about Social Security benefits?
How does missing the best market days impact retirement portfolios according to JPM's 2025 research?
What does JPM's 2025 Guide reveal about life expectancy in retirement planning?