Toyota To Invest $500 Million in Joby Aviation

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Toyota Motor has announced a $500 million investment in Joby Aviation (NYSE:JOBY), a company developing electric air taxis. This investment will be made in two equal tranches, with the first targeted to close later this year and the second in 2025. The funds will support the certification and commercial production of Joby's electric air taxi.

The investment terms include plans to establish a manufacturing alliance for the first phase of commercialization. This additional investment will bring Toyota's total investment in Joby to $894 million. Joby has been making progress towards commercialization, recently rolling out its third aircraft from its pilot production line and breaking ground on an expanded facility in California.

Toyota's involvement includes sharing knowledge of the Toyota Production System and supplying key powertrain and actuation components for Joby's aircraft production. The collaboration aims to realize the shared vision of air mobility for personal or daily travel.

Toyota Motor ha annunciato un investimento di 500 milioni di dollari in Joby Aviation (NYSE:JOBY), un'azienda che sviluppa taxi aerei elettrici. Questo investimento sarà effettuato in due tranche uguali, con la prima prevista per la chiusura entro la fine di quest'anno e la seconda nel 2025. I fondi supporteranno la certificazione e la produzione commerciale del taxi aereo elettrico di Joby.

Le condizioni dell'investimento includono piani per stabilire un alleanza produttiva per la prima fase di commercialization. Questo investimento aggiuntivo porterà l'investimento totale di Toyota in Joby a 894 milioni di dollari. Joby ha fatto progressi verso la commercialization, recentemente avviando il suo terzo velivolo dalla sua linea di produzione pilota e dando inizio a un ampliamento della struttura in California.

Il coinvolgimento di Toyota include la condivisione della conoscenza del Sistema di Produzione Toyota e la fornitura di componenti chiave per il sistema di trasmissione e attuazione per la produzione di aeromobili di Joby. La collaborazione mira a realizzare la visione condivisa della mobilità aerea per viaggi personali o quotidiani.

Toyota Motor ha anunciado una inversión de 500 millones de dólares en Joby Aviation (NYSE:JOBY), una empresa que desarrolla taxis aéreos eléctricos. Esta inversión se realizará en dos tramos iguales, con el primero previsto para cerrarse a finales de este año y el segundo en 2025. Los fondos apoyarán la certificación y producción comercial del taxi aéreo eléctrico de Joby.

Los términos de la inversión incluyen planes para establecer una alianza de fabricación para la primera fase de comercialización. Esta inversión adicional llevará la inversión total de Toyota en Joby a 894 millones de dólares. Joby ha estado avanzando hacia la comercialización, recientemente lanzando su tercer aeronave desde su línea de producción piloto y comenzando las obras en una instalación ampliada en California.

La participación de Toyota incluye compartir conocimientos sobre el Sistema de Producción Toyota y suministrar componentes clave de propulsión y actuación para la producción de aeronaves de Joby. La colaboración tiene como objetivo realizar la visión compartida de movilidad aérea para viajes personales o diarios.

토요타 모터잡이 에비에이션 (NYSE:JOBY)에 5억 달러 투자를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 전기 항공 택시를 개발하고 있습니다. 이 투자는 두 개의 동등한 분할금으로 이뤄지며, 첫 번째는 올해 말에 마감될 예정이고 두 번째는 2025년에 이루어질 예정입니다. 자금은 잡이의 전기 항공 택시의 인증과 상업 생산을 지원할 것입니다.

투자 조건에는 상업화의 첫 단계에 대한 제조 동맹을 설립할 계획이 포함되어 있습니다. 이번 추가 투자는 토요타의 잡이에 대한 총 투자액을 8억 9,400만 달러로 증가시킬 것입니다. 잡이는 최근 시제품 생산 라인에서 세 번째 항공기를 론칭하고 캘리포니아에서 확장 시설 공사를 시작하며 상업화를 향한 진전을 이루고 있습니다.

토요타의 참여는 토요타 생산 시스템에 대한 지식을 공유하고 잡이 항공기 생산을 위한 주요 파워트레인 및 작동 부품을 공급하는 것을 포함합니다. 이 협력은 개인 여행 또는 일상 여행을 위한 공중 이동성이라는 공동 비전을 실현하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Toyota Motor a annoncé un investissement de 500 millions de dollars dans Joby Aviation (NYSE:JOBY), une entreprise développant des taxis aériens électriques. Cet investissement sera réalisé en deux tranches égales, la première devant être finalisée d'ici la fin de l'année et la seconde en 2025. Les fonds soutiendront la certification et la production commerciale du taxi aérien électrique de Joby.

Les termes de l'investissement incluent des plans pour établir une alliance de fabrication pour la première phase de commercialisation. Cet investissement supplémentaire portera le montant total de l'investissement de Toyota dans Joby à 894 millions de dollars. Joby a progressé vers la commercialisation, ayant récemment lancé son troisième aéronef de sa ligne de production pilote et commencé les travaux sur une installation agrandie en Californie.

L'implication de Toyota inclut le partage des connaissances sur le Système de Production Toyota et la fourniture de composants clés d'entraînement et d'actionnement pour la production d'aéronefs de Joby. La collaboration vise à réaliser la vision partagée de la mobilité aérienne pour les déplacements personnels ou quotidiens.

Toyota Motor hat eine Investition von 500 Millionen Dollar in Joby Aviation (NYSE:JOBY) angekündigt, ein Unternehmen, das elektrische Lufttaxis entwickelt. Diese Investition wird in zwei gleichen Tranchen erfolgen, wobei die erste voraussichtlich noch in diesem Jahr abgeschlossen wird und die zweite im Jahr 2025. Die Mittel werden die Zertifizierung und die kommerzielle Produktion des elektrischen Lufttaxis von Joby unterstützen.

Zu den Bedingungen der Investition gehören Pläne zur Gründung einer Fertigungsallianz für die erste Phase der Kommerzialisierung. Diese zusätzliche Investition wird die Gesamtsumme der Investitionen von Toyota in Joby auf 894 Millionen Dollar erhöhen. Joby hat Fortschritte in Richtung Kommerzialisierung gemacht, indem es kürzlich sein drittes Flugzeug von seiner Pilotproduktionslinie ausgerollt und mit dem Bau einer erweiterten Anlage in Kalifornien begonnen hat.

Die Beteiligung von Toyota umfasst das Teilen von Wissen über das Toyota-Produktionssystem und die Bereitstellung von Schlüsselkomponenten für Antrieb und Betätigung in der Flugzeugproduktion von Joby. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die gemeinsame Vision von Luftmobilität für persönliche oder alltägliche Reisen zu verwirklichen.

  • Toyota's $500 million investment supports Joby's certification and commercial production
  • Total Toyota investment in Joby will reach $894 million
  • Joby rolled out its third aircraft from pilot production line
  • Joby is expanding its manufacturing facility in California
  • Toyota is supplying key components for Joby's aircraft production
  • Joby has completed over one-third of the fourth stage (out of five) of type certification process
  • Investment is subject to regulatory approvals and certain conditions
  • Second tranche of investment depends on finalization of terms related to strategic alliance


Toyota's $500 million investment in Joby Aviation is a significant vote of confidence in the electric air taxi market. This brings Toyota's total investment to $894 million, demonstrating a deep commitment to Joby's success. The two-tranche structure, with $250 million expected later this year and another $250 million in 2025, provides Joby with substantial capital for near-term certification efforts and future production scaling.

The planned manufacturing alliance is particularly noteworthy, as it leverages Toyota's renowned production expertise. This could give Joby a significant competitive advantage in terms of manufacturing efficiency and quality control. For investors, this partnership mitigates some of the execution risks associated with scaling up production of a novel aircraft.

Joby's progress in the type certification process, with over one-third of the fourth stage complete, suggests they're on track for potential commercialization. The expanded California facility also indicates preparation for increased production capacity. These developments, backed by Toyota's substantial investment, position Joby as a frontrunner in the emerging electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) market.

The collaboration between Joby and Toyota represents a significant advancement in electric air taxi development. Toyota's expertise in mass production and supply chain management could be important in overcoming the challenges of scaling up eVTOL manufacturing. The provision of key powertrain and actuation components by Toyota is particularly important, as these are critical systems for aircraft performance and safety.

Joby's progress through the type certification process is encouraging, but it's important to note that the final stages can be the most challenging. The company's expansion of manufacturing facilities suggests confidence in their ability to meet future demand. However, the true test will come with the transition from prototype to certified production aircraft.

The investment also highlights the growing convergence of automotive and aerospace technologies in the eVTOL sector. This cross-industry collaboration could accelerate innovation and potentially lead to more rapid advancements in electric propulsion systems and lightweight materials, benefiting both sectors.

  • Investment to be made in two equal tranches, with the first targeted to close later this year and the second in 2025
  • Funds will support certification and commercial production of Joby's electric air taxi
  • Investment terms to include plans to establish a manufacturing alliance for the first phase of commercialization
  • Will bring total investment from Toyota Motor Corporation in Joby to $894 million

TOYOTA CITY, Japan, and SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota; NYSE: TM) and Joby Aviation, Inc. (Joby; NYSE:JOBY), a company developing electric air taxis for commercial passenger service, today announced that Toyota will invest an additional $500 million to support the certification and commercial production of Joby's electric air taxi, with the aim of realizing the two companies' shared vision of air mobility.

The investment, which will be made in two equal tranches, is subject to standard regulatory approvals and certain other conditions, finalization of collaborative and commercial agreements and, with respect to the second tranche, the finalization of terms related to a strategic alliance focused on commercial manufacturing and certain other conditions. The investment, which will bring Toyota Motor Corporation's total investment in Joby to $894 million, will be made in the form of cash for common stock, with the first tranche targeted to close later this year and the second in 2025. Further details of the investment are available via the companies' regulatory filings with the SEC.

"Today's investment builds on nearly seven years of collaboration between our companies," said JoeBen Bevirt, founder and CEO, Joby Aviation. "The knowledge and support shared by Toyota have been instrumental in Joby's success and we look forward to deepening our relationship as we deliver on our shared vision for the future of air travel."

Joby continues to make important progress towards commercialization, recently rolling its third aircraft off its pilot production line in Marina, California, and breaking ground on an expanded facility in California that will more than double the Company's manufacturing footprint. In August 2024, it confirmed that the fourth of five stages of the type certification process is now more than one-third complete on the Joby side. 

"With this additional investment, we are excited to see Joby certify their aircraft and shift to commercial production," said Tetsuo "Ted" Ogawa, who signed the agreement as the Operating Officer on behalf of Toyota Motor Corporation. "We share Joby's view that sustainable flight will be central to alleviating today's persistent mobility challenges."

Toyota's additional investment reflects the continued aim of Toyota Motor Corporation's founding family, starting with Kiichiro Toyoda down to present-day Chairman Akio Toyoda, to realize the dream of air mobility for personal or daily travel as part of its transformation into a mobility company. 

Since 2019, in addition to monetary investments, Toyota has been investing time and human resources to share its knowledge of the Toyota Production System via process planning, manufacturing method development, and tooling design. Toyota engineers now work side-by-side with the Joby team in California, and, in 2023, the two companies signed a long-term agreement for Toyota to supply key powertrain and actuation components for the production of Joby's aircraft.

Toyota's relationship with Joby began through an initial investment made by Toyota Ventures, the early-stage venture capital arm of Toyota that explores and identifies disruptive technologies and companies for investment opportunities and provides support for portfolio companies. Toyota Motor Corporation subsequently completed investments totaling $394 million

The shares to be sold in the investment have not been, and will not be, registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("Securities Act"), or any state or other applicable jurisdiction's securities laws, and may not be offered or sold in the United States except pursuant to an effective registration statement or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act and applicable state or other jurisdictions' securities laws. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy these securities, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or other jurisdiction.

Photos of the signing ceremony and related video content, including interviews with JoeBen Bevirt and Tetsuo "Ted" Ogawa are available at this link.

About Joby
Joby Aviation, Inc. (NYSE:JOBY) is a California-based transportation company developing an all-electric, vertical take-off and landing air taxi which it intends to operate as part of a fast, quiet, and convenient service in cities around the world. To learn more, visit

About Toyota
Toyota (NYSE:TM), creator of the Prius hybrid and the Mirai fuel cell vehicle, is committed to building vehicles for the way people live through our Toyota and Lexus brands, and directly employs more than 63,000 people in North America (more than 49,000 in the U.S.).

Over the past 65 years, Toyota has assembled nearly 47 million cars and trucks in North America at the company's 12 manufacturing plants. By 2025, the company's 13th plant in North Carolina will begin to manufacture automotive batteries for electrified vehicles. 

Through our more than 1,800 North American dealerships (nearly 1,500 in the U.S.), Toyota sold more than 2.6 million cars and trucks (more than 2.2 million in the U.S.) in 2023, of which more than one quarter were electrified vehicles (full battery, hybrid, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell). 

For more information about Toyota, visit

Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including but not limited to, statements regarding the development and performance of Joby's aircraft, the growth of Joby's manufacturing capabilities, the regulatory outlook, progress and timing; planned operations; business plan, objectives, goals and market opportunity; the timing and general completion of the investment and the expected amount of proceeds; the satisfaction of the conditions to the funding of the investment; and the commercial relationship between Toyota and Joby. You can identify forward-looking statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. These statements may include words such as "anticipate", "estimate", "expect", "project", "plan", "intend", "believe", "may", "will", "should", "can have", "likely" and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with any discussion of the timing or nature of future operating or financial performance or other events. All forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those implied by the forward-looking statements. Among those risks and uncertainties are market conditions, the satisfaction of the closing conditions related to each tranche of the investment and risks relating to Joby's and Toyota's business, including those described in periodic and current reports that Toyota and Joby file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Toyota and Joby may not consummate the investment described in this press release and, if the investment is consummated, no assurances can be provided regarding its ability to effectively apply the proceeds of the investment or the success of the expanded alliance among Joby and Toyota. The forward-looking statements included in this press release speak only as of the date of this press release, and Toyota and Joby do not undertake to update the statements included in this press release for subsequent developments, except as may be required by law.

Joby Aviation

Media: Aaron Fowles


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SOURCE Toyota Motor Corporation


How much is Toyota investing in Joby Aviation (JOBY)?

Toyota is investing an additional $500 million in Joby Aviation, bringing their total investment to $894 million.

When will Toyota's investment in Joby Aviation (JOBY) be completed?

The investment will be made in two equal tranches, with the first targeted to close later in 2024 and the second in 2025.

What will Joby Aviation (JOBY) use Toyota's investment for?

The funds will support the certification and commercial production of Joby's electric air taxi.

What progress has Joby Aviation (JOBY) made towards commercialization?

Joby has rolled out its third aircraft from its pilot production line, broken ground on an expanded facility in California, and completed over one-third of the fourth stage of the type certification process.

How is Toyota collaborating with Joby Aviation (JOBY) beyond financial investment?

Toyota is sharing knowledge of the Toyota Production System, providing engineering support, and supplying key powertrain and actuation components for Joby's aircraft production.

Joby Aviation, Inc.


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