Norwegian State Broadcaster NRK Selects Juniper Networks to Enable First-class Digital TV, Radio and Online Media Services Nationwide

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Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR) has been chosen by the Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) to provide a new MPLS-based, automated Wide-Area Network (WAN) for the national broadcaster's transition to an IP-based network infrastructure. This decision follows a competitive Proof of Concept process where Juniper demonstrated superior capabilities in delivering a fast, secure, and scalable network.

The new network is designed to support NRK's live and on-demand TV, radio, and online media broadcasting services across three national TV channels, 14 radio stations, and a digital services platform. It aims to enhance reliability, quality of experience, and operational efficiency while aligning with NRK's long-term zero carbon emission goals through energy-efficient routing platforms.

Juniper's solution combines high-performance, cloud-optimized hardware with innovative automation software, enabling sophisticated real-time traffic engineering and predictive, data-driven insights for simplified network operations.

Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR) è stata scelta dalla Radiodiffusione Norvegese (NRK) per fornire una nuova rete Wide-Area Network (WAN) automatizzata basata su MPLS, al fine di supportare la transizione del broadcaster nazionale verso un'infrastruttura di rete basata su IP. Questa decisione segue un processo competitivo di prova di concetto in cui Juniper ha dimostrato capacità superiori nel fornire una rete veloce, sicura e scalabile.

La nuova rete è progettata per supportare i servizi di trasmissione di TV, radio e media online di NRK, sia in diretta che on-demand, attraverso tre canali TV nazionali, 14 stazioni radio e una piattaforma di servizi digitali. L'obiettivo è migliorare affidabilità, qualità dell'esperienza e efficienza operativa, allineandosi agli obiettivi a lungo termine di emissioni di carbonio zero di NRK attraverso piattaforme di instradamento a basso consumo energetico.

La soluzione di Juniper combina hardware ad alte prestazioni, ottimizzato per il cloud, con software di automazione innovativa, consentendo un'efficiente ingegneria del traffico in tempo reale e approfondimenti predittivi basati sui dati per semplificare le operazioni di rete.

Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR) ha sido elegida por la Radiodifusión Noruega (NRK) para proporcionar una nueva red de área amplia (WAN) automatizada basada en MPLS, con el propósito de apoyar la transición de la emisora nacional a una infraestructura de red basada en IP. Esta decisión sigue a un proceso competitivo de prueba de concepto donde Juniper demostró capacidades superiores para ofrecer una red rápida, segura y escalable.

La nueva red está diseñada para soportar los servicios de transmisión de TV, radio y medios en línea de NRK, tanto en vivo como a pedido, a través de tres canales de televisión nacionales, 14 estaciones de radio y una plataforma de servicios digitales. Su objetivo es mejorar la fiabilidad, la calidad de la experiencia y la eficiencia operativa, alineándose con los objetivos a largo plazo de cero emisiones de carbono de NRK mediante plataformas de enrutamiento energéticamente eficientes.

La solución de Juniper combina hardware de alto rendimiento, optimizado para la nube, con un software de automatización innovador, habilitando una ingeniería del tráfico sofisticada en tiempo real y conocimientos predictivos basados en datos para simplificar las operaciones de red.

주니퍼 네트웍스(Juniper Networks)(NYSE: JNPR)는 노르웨이 방송(NRK)의 요청으로 IP 기반 네트워크 인프라로의 전환을 지원하기 위해 MPLS 기반의 자동화된 광역 네트워크(WAN)를 제공하기로 선정되었습니다. 이번 결정은 주니퍼가 빠르고 안전하며 확장 가능한 네트워크를 제공하는 데 있어 우수한 역량을 입증한 경쟁적인 개념 증명 프로세스를 따릅니다.

새로운 네트워크는 NRK의 세 개의 국가 TV 채널, 14개의 라디오 방송국, 그리고 디지털 서비스 플랫폼을 통해 라이브 및 주문형 TV, 라디오, 온라인 미디어 방송 서비스를 지원하도록 설계되었습니다. 이 네트워크는 NRK의 장기적인 제로 탄소 배출 목표와 일치하는 에너지 효율적인 라우팅 플랫폼을 통해 신뢰성, 경험의 질 및 운영 효율성을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 합니다.

주니퍼의 솔루션은 고성능 클라우드 최적화 하드웨어와 혁신적인 자동화 소프트웨어를 결합하여 복잡한 실시간 트래픽 엔지니어링과 데이터 기반의 예측 통찰력을 제공합니다. 이를 통해 네트워크 운영이 간소화됩니다.

Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR) a été choisie par la Radiodiffusion norvégienne (NRK) pour fournir un nouveau réseau étendu (WAN) automatisé basé sur MPLS, afin de soutenir la transition du diffuseur national vers une infrastructure réseau basée sur IP. Cette décision fait suite à un processus compétitif de preuve de concept dans lequel Juniper a démontré des capacités supérieures à fournir un réseau rapide, sécurisé et évolutif.

Le nouveau réseau est conçu pour soutenir les services de diffusion de TV, radio et médias en ligne de NRK, à la fois en direct et à la demande, à travers trois chaînes de télévision nationales, 14 stations de radio et une plateforme de services numériques. Il vise à améliorer la fiabilité, la qualité de l'expérience et l'efficacité opérationnelle, tout en s'alignant sur les objectifs à long terme de zéro émission de carbone de NRK grâce à des plateformes de routage écoénergétiques.

La solution de Juniper combine du matériel haute performance optimisé pour le cloud avec un logiciel d'automatisation innovant, permettant une ingénierie de trafic en temps réel sophistiquée et des insights prédictifs basés sur des données pour simplifier les opérations réseau.

Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR) wurde von der Norwegischen Rundfunkanstalt (NRK) ausgewählt, um ein neues automatisiertes, MPLS-basiertes Wide-Area Network (WAN) bereitzustellen, das den nationalen Sender bei der Umstellung auf eine IP-basierte Netzwerk-Infrastruktur unterstützen soll. Diese Entscheidung folgt einem wettbewerbsorientierten Proof-of-Concept-Prozess, in dem Juniper überlegene Fähigkeiten zur Bereitstellung eines schnellen, sicheren und skalierbaren Netzwerks demonstrierte.

Das neue Netzwerk ist darauf ausgelegt, die Live- und On-Demand-TV-, Radio- und Online-Medienübertragungsdienste von NRK über drei nationale TV-Kanäle, 14 Radiosender und eine digitale Serviceplattform zu unterstützen. Ziel ist es, die Zuverlässigkeit, die Qualität der Erfahrung und die betriebliche Effizienz zu verbessern und dabei die langfristigen Null-CO2-Emissionsziele von NRK durch energieeffiziente Routing-Plattformen zu unterstützen.

Die Lösung von Juniper kombiniert leistungsstarke, cloud-optimierte Hardware mit innovativer Automatisierungssoftware und ermöglicht so eine ausgeklügelte Echtzeit-Traffic-Engineering und prädiktive, datengestützte Erkenntnisse für vereinfachte Netzwerkoperationen.

  • Juniper Networks selected by NRK for new MPLS-based, automated WAN
  • New network expected to enhance reliability and quality of experience for end users
  • Solution aims to deliver better return-on-investment (ROI) through improved Operating Expenditure (OpEx) efficiency
  • Network designed to support NRK's long-term zero carbon emission goals
  • None.


NRK's selection of Juniper Networks for their new IP-based infrastructure is a significant move towards modernizing their broadcasting capabilities. The MPLS-based automated WAN will provide enhanced reliability, scalability and performance important for delivering high-quality media content across multiple platforms.

Key benefits include:

  • Improved user experience for TV, radio and online media services
  • Enhanced network management through automation and real-time traffic engineering
  • Increased bandwidth and multi-service scale capabilities
  • Support for NRK's long-term sustainability goals with energy-efficient routing platforms

While this upgrade is essential for NRK's operations, its direct impact on Juniper Networks' financials may be However, it showcases Juniper's competitiveness in the broadcasting sector, potentially leading to similar contracts in the future. For investors, this demonstrates Juniper's ability to secure high-profile clients in diverse industries, reinforcing its market position in network infrastructure solutions.

User experiences, sustainability, scalability key strategic factors for choosing Juniper automated WAN for new IP-based infrastructure

SUNNYVALE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Juniper Networks®, (NYSE: JNPR), a leader in secure, AI-Native Networking, today announced that the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) has selected Juniper to provide a brand-new MPLS-based, automated Wide-Area Network (WAN) for the national broadcaster’s move to an IP-based network infrastructure. Following an exacting competitive PoC process, Juniper demonstrated its superior ability to deliver a fast, secure and scalable network that will underpin NRK’s live and on-demand TV, radio and online media broadcasting services, enabling consistent, high-quality user experiences for its media channels, broadcasting operations and content consumers.

Across three national TV channels, 14 radio stations and a digital services platform, NRK is Norway’s public service broadcaster, serving 90 percent of the Norwegian population daily across mobile, fixed and wireless access. NRK decided that the evolving demands of its audience called for a more robust, flexible, innovative network, based on modern networking technology, while also being simple to manage in-house. This strategic approach is expected to significantly enhance reliability and quality of experience for end users while delivering a better return-on-investment (ROI), through enhanced Operating Expenditure (OpEx) efficiency that also supports NRK’s long-term zero carbon emission goals with Juniper’s energy efficient routing platforms.

The new network from Juniper has been designed to deliver fast and reliable connectivity in support of media content consumption but still be easily managed and operated by NRK, both aspects contributing to exceptional user experiences. This will be achieved by high-performance, cloud-optimized hardware that provides massive bandwidth and multi-service scale capabilities, combined with innovative automation software. The software enables sophisticated real-time traffic engineering and predictive, data-driven insights into the network’s health for simplified and automated optimization, diagnostics and preventative network operations.

Supporting Quotes:

“NRK's production network is crucial for us to produce world-class content across Norway and engage with our audience. It is imperative that we invest in the most robust and scalable technology available to meet our requirements. I am confident that NRK now has a sustainable, flexible networking platform that will carry the organization into the future.”

- Pål Nedregotten, CTO/CPO, NRK

“Broadcast content, especially when it is live, must be delivered without jitter or latency every time, otherwise it will have a very poor user experience. NRK understands that it must make every connection count and has embraced the power of WAN automation to deliver superior user experiences, both for its subscribers and its operations teams. This automated network is ideal for straightforward new service delivery, too, enabling NRK to accelerate innovation, delighting its audiences with creativity.”

- AE Natarajan, Executive Vice President & Chief Development Officer, Juniper Networks

Additional Resources
Juniper Networks® PTX Series Packet Transport Routers
Juniper Networks® MX Series Universal Routing Platforms
Juniper Paragon portfolio: Paragon Pathfinder and Paragon Insights
Solutions & Technologies: Media, Broadcast & Entertainment

About Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks believes that connectivity is not the same as experiencing a great connection. Juniper's AI-Native Networking Platform is built from the ground up to leverage AI to deliver exceptional, highly secure and sustainable user experiences from the edge to the data center and cloud. Additional information can be found at Juniper Networks ( or connect with Juniper on X (Twitter), LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Juniper, Junos, and other trademarks listed here are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Media Relations:

Pelin Murphy

Juniper Networks

+44 (0) 1372 385 686


Source: Juniper Networks


What did Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) select Juniper Networks (JNPR) for?

NRK selected Juniper Networks to provide a new MPLS-based, automated Wide-Area Network (WAN) for the national broadcaster's transition to an IP-based network infrastructure.

How will the new Juniper Networks (JNPR) solution benefit NRK's broadcasting services?

The new network is expected to enhance reliability, quality of experience for end users, and operational efficiency while supporting NRK's live and on-demand TV, radio, and online media broadcasting services across multiple channels and platforms.

What are the key features of the Juniper Networks (JNPR) solution for NRK?

The solution combines high-performance, cloud-optimized hardware with innovative automation software, enabling sophisticated real-time traffic engineering and predictive, data-driven insights for simplified network operations.

How does the Juniper Networks (JNPR) solution align with NRK's sustainability goals?

The new network supports NRK's long-term zero carbon emission goals through the use of Juniper's energy-efficient routing platforms.

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