Johnson & Johnson Completes Acquisition of V-Wave

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Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) has successfully completed the acquisition of V-Wave , a privately-held company specializing in innovative heart failure treatments. V-Wave will operate under Johnson & Johnson MedTech, strengthening the company's position in cardiovascular disease management. The acquisition brings V-Wave's Ventura® Interatrial Shunt, a novel minimally invasive device, into JNJ's portfolio.

This strategic move aims to address heart failure, a critical unmet medical need, and accelerates JNJ's expansion into high-growth markets. It complements JNJ's existing platforms for coronary and peripheral artery diseases, heart recovery, and atrial fibrillation. The transaction, accounted for as an asset acquisition, will result in an in-process research and development charge of approximately $600 million in Q4 2024 and is expected to dilute adjusted EPS by $0.24 in 2024 and $0.06 in 2025.

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) ha completato con successo l'acquisizione di V-Wave, un'azienda privata specializzata in trattamenti innovativi per l'insufficienza cardiaca. V-Wave opererà sotto Johnson & Johnson MedTech, rafforzando la posizione dell'azienda nella gestione delle malattie cardiovascolari. L'acquisizione porta nel portafoglio di JNJ il Ventura® Interatrial Shunt, un dispositivo minimamente invasivo innovativo.

Questa mossa strategica mira a rispondere all'insufficienza cardiaca, una esigenza medica critica ancora non soddisfatta, e accelera l'espansione di JNJ nei mercati in forte crescita. Si completa con le piattaforme esistenti di JNJ per le malattie delle arterie coronariche e periferiche, il recupero cardiaco e la fibrillazione atriale. La transazione, registrata come acquisizione di attivi, comporterà un costo per ricerca e sviluppo in corso di circa 600 milioni di dollari nel quarto trimestre del 2024 e si prevede che diluirà l'EPS rettificato di 0,24 dollari nel 2024 e di 0,06 dollari nel 2025.

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) ha completado con éxito la adquisición de V-Wave, una empresa privada especializada en tratamientos innovadores para la insuficiencia cardíaca. V-Wave operará bajo Johnson & Johnson MedTech, fortaleciendo la posición de la compañía en la gestión de enfermedades cardiovasculares. La adquisición incorpora en el portafolio de JNJ el Ventura® Interatrial Shunt, un dispositivo mínimamente invasivo novedoso.

Este movimiento estratégico tiene como objetivo abordar la insuficiencia cardíaca, una necesidad médica crítica aún insatisfecha, y acelera la expansión de JNJ en mercados de alto crecimiento. Complementa las plataformas existentes de JNJ para enfermedades de las arterias coronarias y periféricas, recuperación cardíaca y fibrilación auricular. La transacción, contabilizada como una adquisición de activos, resultará en un cargo de investigación y desarrollo en curso de aproximadamente 600 millones de dólares en el cuarto trimestre de 2024 y se espera que diluirá el EPS ajustado en 0,24 dólares en 2024 y 0,06 dólares en 2025.

존슨앤존슨(JNJ, NYSE: JNJ)은 V-Wave의 인수를 성공적으로 완료했습니다. V-Wave는 혁신적인 심부전 치료에 특화된 비상장 기업입니다. V-Wave는 존슨앤존슨 메드텍 산하에서 운영되어, 심혈관 질환 관리에서 회사의 입지를 강화하게 됩니다. 이번 인수로 JNJ 포트폴리오에 Ventura® Interatrial Shunt라는 새로운 최소 침습 장치가 추가됩니다.

이 전략적 움직임은 심부전을 해결하는 것을 목표로 하며, 이는 중요한 의료적 필요 사항입니다. 또한 JNJ의 고성장 시장으로의 확장을 가속화합니다. 이는 관상 및 말초동맥질환, 심장 회복 및 심방세동에 대한 기존 플랫폼을 보완합니다. 이번 거래는 자산 인수로 회계 처리되며, 2024년 4분기에 약 6억 달러의 연구 개발 비용이 발생할 것으로 보입니다, 그리고 2024년에는 조정 주당순이익이 0.24달러, 2025년에는 0.06달러로 희석될 것으로 예상됩니다.

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) a réussi à finaliser l'acquisition de V-Wave, une entreprise privée spécialisée dans des traitements innovants pour l'insuffisance cardiaque. V-Wave opérera sous Johnson & Johnson MedTech, renforçant ainsi la position de l'entreprise dans la gestion des maladies cardiovasculaires. L'acquisition intègre dans le portefeuille de JNJ le Ventura® Interatrial Shunt, un dispositif minimalement invasif innovant.

Ce mouvement stratégique vise à répondre à l'insuffisance cardiaque, un besoin médical critique non satisfait, et accélère l'expansion de JNJ sur des marchés à forte croissance. Il complète les plateformes existantes de JNJ pour les maladies des artères coronaires et périphériques, la récupération cardiaque et la fibrillation auriculaire. La transaction, comptabilisée comme une acquisition d'actifs, entraînera un coût de recherche et développement en cours d'environ 600 millions de dollars au quatrième trimestre 2024 et devrait diluer le bénéfice par action ajusté de 0,24 dollar en 2024 et de 0,06 dollar en 2025.

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) hat die Übernahme von V-Wave erfolgreich abgeschlossen, einem privat geführten Unternehmen, das sich auf innovative Behandlungen für Herzinsuffizienz spezialisiert hat. V-Wave wird unter Johnson & Johnson MedTech tätig sein und somit die Position des Unternehmens im Bereich des Managements von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen stärken. Die Übernahme bringt das Ventura® Interatrial Shunt, ein neuartiges minimalinvasives Gerät, in das Portfolio von JNJ.

Dieser strategische Schritt zielt darauf ab, Herzinsuffizienz, einen kritischen unerfüllten medizinischen Bedarf, zu adressieren, und beschleunigt die Expansion von JNJ in schnell wachsende Märkte. Er ergänzt die bestehenden Plattformen von JNJ für koronare und periphere Arterienerkrankungen, Herztherapie und Vorhofflimmern. Die Transaktion, die als Erwerb von Vermögenswerten verbucht wird, wird voraussichtlich in Q4 2024 mit Forschungs- und Entwicklungskosten von etwa 600 Millionen Dollar verbunden sein und soll das bereinigte EPS im Jahr 2024 um 0,24 Dollar und im Jahr 2025 um 0,06 Dollar verwässern.

  • Acquisition of V-Wave strengthens JNJ's position in cardiovascular disease treatment
  • Addition of Ventura® Interatrial Shunt to JNJ's portfolio, potentially the first device of its kind to market
  • Expansion into high-growth markets and complementing existing cardiovascular platforms
  • Deepening relationships with structural interventional cardiologists and heart failure specialists
  • In-process research and development charge of approximately $600 million in Q4 2024
  • Expected dilution of adjusted EPS by $0.24 in 2024 and $0.06 in 2025


The acquisition of V-Wave by Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) is a strategic move that strengthens the company's position in the cardiovascular disease market, particularly in heart failure treatment. This $600 million asset acquisition will be accounted for as an in-process research and development charge in Q4 2024.

Key financial implications include:

  • Expected EPS dilution of 0.24% in 2024 and 0.06% in 2025
  • Potential for significant future revenue if V-Wave's Ventura® Interatrial Shunt receives market approval
  • Expansion into a high-growth market segment, potentially offsetting the initial dilution

While the short-term impact on earnings is negative, the long-term potential for JNJ to capture a larger share of the heart failure treatment market could be substantial. Investors should watch for updates on the Ventura® device's clinical progress and regulatory approvals, as these will be critical for realizing the acquisition's value.

The acquisition of V-Wave represents a significant advancement in JNJ's cardiovascular portfolio, particularly in heart failure treatment. The Ventura® Interatrial Shunt is a novel, minimally invasive device that could potentially be the first of its kind to market for patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF).

Key points for investors:

  • Innovative technology addressing a major unmet medical need
  • Potential first-mover advantage in a new treatment category
  • Complements JNJ's existing cardiovascular platforms
  • Strengthens relationships with interventional cardiologists and heart failure specialists

The success of this acquisition will largely depend on the clinical outcomes and regulatory approval of the Ventura® device. If successful, it could position JNJ as a leader in interventional heart failure treatments, a rapidly growing market segment. Investors should monitor clinical trial results and FDA communications for indications of the device's efficacy and safety profile.

Adds V-Wave’s Novel and Minimally Invasive Ventura® Interatrial Shunt to the Johnson & Johnson MedTech Portfolio

Strengthens Johnson & Johnson MedTech’s Position in Cardiovascular Disease

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Johnson & Johnson1 (NYSE: JNJ) announced today it has successfully completed the acquisition of V-Wave Ltd., a privately-held company focused on developing innovative treatment options for patients with heart failure. V-Wave will operate as part of Johnson & Johnson MedTech.

The acquisition of V-Wave extends Johnson & Johnson MedTech’s position in cardiovascular disease and provides an even greater opportunity to tackle heart failure, one of the most pressing unmet medical needs in healthcare today. It further accelerates the Company’s shift into high-growth and high-opportunity markets and complements a well-rounded medical technology portfolio of leading platforms that address coronary artery disease and peripheral artery disease, heart recovery, and atrial fibrillation. It will also deepen the Company’s relationships with structural interventional cardiologists and heart failure specialists.

Tim Schmid, Executive Vice President and Worldwide Chairman of Johnson & Johnson MedTech, said, “We’re excited to officially welcome V-Wave to Johnson & Johnson MedTech. V-Wave’s novel implantable device, the Ventura® Interatrial Shunt, offers tremendous promise for patients experiencing heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. This technology has the potential to be the first device of its kind to market. We look forward to working with the talented V-Wave team to bring this transformative innovation to patients.”

In accordance with U.S. GAAP, the transaction will be accounted for as an asset acquisition, resulting in an in-process research and development charge of approximately $600 million in the fourth quarter of 2024. As previously disclosed, Johnson & Johnson expects the transaction to dilute adjusted earnings per share (EPS) by approximately $0.24 in 2024 and approximately $0.06 in 2025. Johnson & Johnson will provide an update to its full-year 2024 financial outlook when it reports third quarter 2024 results on October 15, 2024.

About Johnson & Johnson

At Johnson & Johnson, we believe health is everything. Our strength in healthcare innovation empowers us to build a world where complex diseases are prevented, treated, and cured, where treatments are smarter and less invasive, and solutions are personal. Through our expertise in Innovative Medicine and MedTech, we are uniquely positioned to innovate across the full spectrum of healthcare solutions today to deliver the breakthroughs of tomorrow, and profoundly impact health for humanity. Learn more at

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding the acquisition of V-Wave. The reader is cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations of future events. If underlying assumptions prove inaccurate or known or unknown risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results could vary materially from the expectations and projections of V-Wave Ltd. and Johnson & Johnson. Risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: the potential that the expected benefits and opportunities of the acquisition may not be realized or may take longer to realize than expected; challenges inherent in product research and development, including uncertainty of clinical success and obtaining regulatory approvals; uncertainty of commercial success for new products; manufacturing difficulties and delays; product efficacy or safety concerns resulting in product recalls or regulatory action; economic conditions, including currency exchange and interest rate fluctuations; the risks associated with global operations; competition, including technological advances, new products and patents attained by competitors; challenges to patents; changes to applicable laws and regulations, including tax laws and global health care reforms; adverse litigation or government action; changes in behavior and spending patterns or financial distress of purchasers of health care services and products; and trends toward health care cost containment. In addition, there will be risks and uncertainties related to the ability of the Johnson & Johnson family of companies to successfully integrate the products and employees/operations and clinical work of V-Wave, as well as the ability to ensure continued performance or market growth of V-Wave’s products. A further list and descriptions of these risks, uncertainties and other factors can be found in Johnson & Johnson’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, including in the sections captioned “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” and “Item 1A. Risk Factors,” and in Johnson & Johnson’s subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and other filings by Johnson & Johnson with the SEC. Copies of these filings are available online at, at or on request from Johnson & Johnson. Neither V-Wave Ltd. nor Johnson & Johnson undertakes to update any forward-looking statement as a result of new information or future events or developments, except as required by law.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

This press release includes Adjusted EPS, which represents a non-GAAP financial measure. The Company believes that providing this non-GAAP financial measure enhances the Company’s and investors’ understanding of our financial performance. Non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered a substitute for, or superior to, financial measures determined or calculated in accordance with GAAP. The Company’s definitions of its non-GAAP financial measures may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. The most directly comparable GAAP measure to Adjusted EPS is earnings per share, or EPS. The Company is not providing a reconciliation of Adjusted EPS to EPS, however, because Johnson & Johnson does not provide GAAP financial measures on a forward-looking basis as the Company is unable to predict with reasonable certainty the ultimate outcome of adjusted items, such as legal proceedings, unusual gains and losses, acquisition-related expenses, and purchase accounting fair value adjustments without unreasonable effort. These items are uncertain, depend on various factors, and could be material to Johnson & Johnson's results computed in accordance with GAAP.

1 Legal entity, Biosense Webster (Israel) Ltd.

Johnson & Johnson:


Ryan Carbain


Tracy Menkowski

Source: Johnson & Johnson


What company did Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) acquire?

Johnson & Johnson acquired V-Wave , a privately-held company focused on developing innovative treatment options for patients with heart failure.

What is the Ventura® Interatrial Shunt acquired by JNJ?

The Ventura® Interatrial Shunt is V-Wave's novel and minimally invasive implantable device that offers promise for patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction.

How will the V-Wave acquisition impact JNJ's financials in 2024 and 2025?

The acquisition is expected to result in an in-process R&D charge of about $600 million in Q4 2024 and dilute adjusted EPS by approximately $0.24 in 2024 and $0.06 in 2025.

When will JNJ provide an update on its 2024 financial outlook following the V-Wave acquisition?

Johnson & Johnson will provide an update to its full-year 2024 financial outlook when it reports third quarter 2024 results on October 15, 2024.

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