Jack Nathan Health Signs Letter of Intent

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Jack Nathan Medical Corp. (TSXV: JNH; OTCQB: JNHMF) has announced a significant development in its strategic alternatives exploration. The company has entered into a non-binding letter of intent (LOI) for a proposed transaction. This follows recent press releases indicating the company's intention to explore strategic options.

Key points of the announcement include:

  • A 30-day exclusivity period with the other party
  • Conditional funding secured to support cash flow requirements
  • The transaction is subject to due diligence and negotiation of a definitive agreement

The company emphasizes that the LOI does not create legally binding obligations, and there's no guarantee that a definitive agreement will be signed. If an agreement is reached, Jack Nathan Health will provide transaction details at that time.

Jack Nathan Medical Corp. (TSXV: JNH; OTCQB: JNHMF) ha annunciato un sviluppo significativo nella sua esplorazione delle alternative strategiche. L'azienda ha firmato una lettera di intenti non vincolante (LOI) per una proposta di transazione. Questo segue recenti comunicati stampa che indicano l'intenzione dell'azienda di esaminare opzioni strategiche.

I punti chiave dell'annuncio includono:

  • Un periodo di esclusività di 30 giorni con l'altra parte
  • Finanziamenti condizionati assicurati per supportare i requisiti di flusso di cassa
  • La transazione è soggetta a due diligence e negoziazione di un accordo definitivo

L'azienda sottolinea che la LOI non crea obblighi legali vincolanti e non c'è garanzia che un accordo definitivo venga firmato. Se viene raggiunto un accordo, Jack Nathan Health fornirà i dettagli della transazione in quel momento.

Jack Nathan Medical Corp. (TSXV: JNH; OTCQB: JNHMF) ha anunciado un desarrollo significativo en su exploración de alternativas estratégicas. La empresa ha entrado en una carta de intención no vinculante (LOI) para una transacción propuesta. Esto sigue a comunicados de prensa recientes que indican la intención de la empresa de explorar opciones estratégicas.

Los puntos clave del anuncio incluyen:

  • Un período de exclusividad de 30 días con la otra parte
  • Financiamiento condicionado asegurado para apoyar los requisitos de flujo de efectivo
  • La transacción está sujeta a debida diligencia y negociación de un acuerdo definitivo

La empresa enfatiza que la LOI no crea obligaciones legales vinculantes, y no hay garantía de que se firme un acuerdo definitivo. Si se llega a un acuerdo, Jack Nathan Health proporcionará los detalles de la transacción en ese momento.

Jack Nathan Medical Corp. (TSXV: JNH; OTCQB: JNHMF)는 전략적 대안 탐색에서 중요한 발전을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 비구속적 의향서(LOI)에 서명하여 제안된 거래를 위한 절차를 시작했습니다. 이는 최근의 보도 자료에 이어 회사의 전략적 옵션 탐색 의도를 나타냅니다.

발표의 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 상대방과의 30일 독점 기간
  • 현금 흐름 요구 사항을 지원하기 위한 조건부 자금 확보
  • 거래는 실사 및 최종 계약 협상에 따름

회사는 LOI가 법적 구속력을 갖는 의무를 생성하지 않으며, 최종 계약이 체결될 것이라는 보장은 없다고 강조합니다. 만약 계약이 체결되면, Jack Nathan Health는 그 시점에 거래 세부 사항을 제공할 것입니다.

Jack Nathan Medical Corp. (TSXV: JNH; OTCQB: JNHMF) a annoncé un développement significatif dans son exploration des alternatives stratégiques. L'entreprise a signé une lettre d'intention non contraignante (LOI) pour une transaction proposée. Cela fait suite à des communiqués de presse récents indiquant l'intention de l'entreprise d'explorer des options stratégiques.

Les points clés de l'annonce comprennent :

  • Un période d'exclusivité de 30 jours avec l'autre partie
  • Financement conditionnel sécurisé pour soutenir les besoins de trésorerie
  • La transaction est soumise à une diligence raisonnable et à la négociation d'un accord définitif

L'entreprise souligne que la LOI ne crée pas d'obligations légales contraignantes, et il n'y a aucune garantie qu'un accord définitif sera signé. Si un accord est atteint, Jack Nathan Health fournira les détails de la transaction à ce moment-là.

Jack Nathan Medical Corp. (TSXV: JNH; OTCQB: JNHMF) hat eine bedeutende Entwicklung in der Erforschung strategischer Alternativen bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen hat eine nicht verbindliche Absichtserklärung (LOI) für eine vorgeschlagene Transaktion unterzeichnet. Dies folgt auf kürzliche Pressemitteilungen, die die Absicht des Unternehmens bestätigen, strategische Optionen zu prüfen.

Die wichtigsten Punkte der Ankündigung sind:

  • Ein 30-tägiger Exklusivitätszeitraum mit der anderen Partei
  • Bedingen Finanzierung gesichert, um die Zahlungsanforderungen zu unterstützen
  • Die Transaktion unterliegt der Due Diligence und der Verhandlung eines endgültigen Vertrags

Das Unternehmen betont, dass die LOI keine rechtlich bindenden Verpflichtungen schafft und es keine Garantie dafür gibt, dass ein endgültiger Vertrag unterzeichnet wird. Wenn eine Vereinbarung erreicht wird, wird Jack Nathan Health zu diesem Zeitpunkt die Einzelheiten der Transaktion bekannt geben.

  • Secured conditional funding to support cash flow requirements
  • Entered into a non-binding LOI for a potential strategic transaction
  • 30-day exclusivity period agreed with the other party
  • No guarantee of a definitive agreement being signed
  • Transaction details not yet disclosed
  • Outcome of due diligence process uncertain

TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Jack Nathan Medical Corp. (TSXV: “JNH”; OTCQB: “JNHMF”) (the “Company”) announces that, further to recent Company press releases reporting that the Company will be exploring certain strategic alternatives (see the Company’s August 13, 2024 and August 7, 2024 press releases), the Company has entered into a non-binding letter of intent (the “LOI”) for a proposed transaction. The proposed transaction is subject to, among other things, the negotiation and execution of a definitive agreement (the “Definitive Agreement”) and the completion of satisfactory due diligence by the other party to the LOI. In connection with the execution of the LOI, the Company agreed to a 30-day exclusivity period with the other party and has secured conditional funding to support the Company’s cash flow requirements while the parties work towards negotiating and entering into the Definitive Agreement. The LOI does not create any legally binding obligations to enter into a Definitive Agreement, and no assurance can be provided that a Definitive Agreement will be signed. If a Definitive Agreement is signed, transaction details will be provided by the Company at that time.

About Jack Nathan Medical Corp.

Jack Nathan Medical Corp., operating as Jack Nathan Health®, is one of Canada’s largest healthcare networks. Jack Nathan Health® is an innovative healthcare company that is improving access for millions of patients by co-locating physician and ancillary medical services conveniently inside Walmart® stores.

Jack Nathan Health® provides an exceptional level of patient care, made possible through patient-centric physicians, a variety of medical services, technology, and programs, designed to put patients first. Our mission is to provide everyone access to the finest quality retail medical centers, with both in-clinic physicians and digital telemedicine, so you and your loved ones can “Live Your Best Life”.

Jack Nathan Health® was established in 2006 and continues to expand its international footprint, delivering exceptional, state-of-the-art, turn-key medical centers in 243 locations globally, with 183 corporately owned and operated. In Canada, the Company has 80 clinics in Walmart locations in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec and 2 independent locations for a total of 82 clinics. There are currently 22 corporate owned and operated clinics of which 3 include Rehab services and 6 include MedSpa services. In Mexico, the Company has 155 corporate owned and operated clinics in Walmart locations, 5 clinics inside Walmart Distribution Centers servicing Walmart Associates, and 1 Multidisciplinary clinic. Jack Nathan Health, Mexico recently started operation of its first medical center in Mexico City.

For more information, visit or

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Note Concerning Going Concern
The Company has been actively pursuing opportunities for certain strategic options, which include the proposed transaction referred to in this press release. No assurance can be provided that these efforts will be successful. In the event the Company is unable to complete the proposed transaction referred to in this press release or another strategic option in the near term, the Company is not expected to continue as a going concern.

Jack Nathan Medical Corp., Mike Marchelletta, Vice Chairman; (416) 518-1000

Source: Jack Nathan Medical Corp.


What is the latest development for Jack Nathan Health (JNHMF) regarding strategic alternatives?

Jack Nathan Health (JNHMF) has entered into a non-binding letter of intent (LOI) for a proposed transaction as part of its exploration of strategic alternatives.

Has Jack Nathan Health (JNHMF) secured any funding in connection with the LOI?

Yes, Jack Nathan Health (JNHMF) has secured conditional funding to support its cash flow requirements while negotiating towards a definitive agreement.

What is the duration of the exclusivity period agreed upon in the LOI for Jack Nathan Health (JNHMF)?

Jack Nathan Health (JNHMF) has agreed to a 30-day exclusivity period with the other party involved in the letter of intent.

Is the letter of intent (LOI) signed by Jack Nathan Health (JNHMF) legally binding?

No, the LOI signed by Jack Nathan Health (JNHMF) does not create any legally binding obligations to enter into a definitive agreement.



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Medical Care Facilities
United States of America