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Maxpro Capital Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: JMAC) has received an Extension Payment of $1,035,000 from its sponsor, MP One Investment LLC, and Apollomics Inc. This payment allows the company to extend the deadline for completing its initial business combination from January 13, 2023, to April 13, 2023. This is the second of two three-month extensions permitted. The funds were equally loaned by the Sponsor and Apollomics, with the Sponsor's portion being convertible into units. The business combination with Apollomics was initially announced on September 14, 2022, and aims to leverage Apollomics' oncology technologies.
On October 14, 2022, Maxpro Capital Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: JMAC) announced an additional deposit of $1,035,000 into its trust account, which extends the deadline for completing its initial business combination from October 13, 2022, to January 13, 2023. This Extension Payment, made by the sponsor MP One Investment LLC, allows for strategic time to finalize a merger with Apollomics Inc., an innovative biopharmaceutical company focused on oncology therapies. The Extension is the first of two permissible three-month extensions under the governing documents.
Maxpro Capital Acquisition Corp. announced that holders of its initial public offering units, completed on October 13, 2021, can separate their units into shares of Class A common stock and warrants starting November 26, 2021. The units trade under the ticker symbol JMACU, with separated shares trading as JMAC for Class A common stock and JMACW for warrants. The offering was executed under a registration statement declared effective by the SEC. No solicitation for offers to buy these securities is intended, and actual results may differ from forward-looking statements due to inherent risks.
Maxpro Capital Acquisition Corp., a Taiwan-based SPAC, has successfully closed its IPO, raising approximately $103.5 million from issuing 9,000,000 units at $10.00 per unit, including an over-allotment of 1,350,000 units. Each unit comprises one share of Class A common stock and one redeemable warrant. The company plans to explore business combinations, focusing on sectors like healthcare and technology. The offering was managed by EF Hutton, and strategic oversight is provided by its sponsor, Maxpro Ventures Ltd.
Maxpro Capital Acquisition Corp. announced its initial public offering (IPO) of $90 million, comprising 9 million units priced at $10.00 each. The units will begin trading on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol JMACU on October 8, 2021. Each unit includes one share of Class A common stock and one redeemable warrant, allowing purchase of an additional share at $11.50. The SPAC aims to pursue a business combination focusing on healthcare and technology, backed by Maxpro Ventures Ltd. EF Hutton is the sole book-running manager for this offering.