Bank Director's 2024 Technology Survey Examines Technology Plans at U.S. Banks

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Bank Director's 2024 Technology Survey reveals key insights into U.S. banks' technology strategies and concerns. The survey, sponsored by Jack Henry, highlights that improving operational efficiency (49%), attracting and retaining customers (29%), and growing low-cost deposits (10%) are banks' primary technology objectives.

Notable findings include:

  • 75% of respondents report increased technology budgets for fiscal year 2024
  • 53% invested in payments, 46% in digital retail account opening
  • 80% are discussing budgets for data analytics, 66% for artificial intelligence
  • 60% experienced delays in technology project completion
  • Only 21% measure ROI for technology projects

The survey also notes a shift in competitive landscape, with increased concern about retailers like Amazon and Walmart. Banks are increasingly hiring developers, and boards are prioritizing technology expertise.

Il Rapporto Tecnologico 2024 del Direttore della Banca rivela importanti informazioni sulle strategie e preoccupazioni tecnologiche delle banche statunitensi. Il sondaggio, sponsorizzato da Jack Henry, evidenzia che il miglioramento dell'efficienza operativa (49%), l'attrazione e la fidelizzazione dei clienti (29%) e la crescita dei depositi a basso costo (10%) sono gli obiettivi tecnologici principali delle banche.

Le principali scoperte includono:

  • Il 75% degli intervistati riporta un aumento dei budget tecnologici per l'anno fiscale 2024
  • Il 53% ha investito nei pagamenti, il 46% nell'apertura di conti digitali al dettaglio
  • Il 80% sta discutendo i budget per l'analisi dei dati, il 66% per l'intelligenza artificiale
  • Il 60% ha sperimentato ritardi nel completamento dei progetti tecnologici
  • Solo il 21% misura il ROI per i progetti tecnologici

Il sondaggio segnala anche un cambiamento nel panorama competitivo, con una crescente preoccupazione per i rivenditori come Amazon e Walmart. Le banche stanno assumendo sempre più sviluppatori e i consigli di amministrazione stanno dando priorità all'expertise tecnologica.

La Encuesta Tecnológica 2024 del Director del Banco revela información clave sobre las estrategias y preocupaciones tecnológicas de los bancos de EE. UU. La encuesta, patrocinada por Jack Henry, destaca que mejorar la eficiencia operativa (49%), atraer y retener clientes (29%) y aumentar los depósitos de bajo costo (10%) son los principales objetivos tecnológicos de los bancos.

Los hallazgos notables incluyen:

  • El 75% de los encuestados informa un aumento en los presupuestos tecnológicos para el año fiscal 2024
  • El 53% invirtió en pagos, el 46% en la apertura de cuentas minoristas digitales
  • El 80% está discutiendo presupuestos para análisis de datos, el 66% para inteligencia artificial
  • El 60% experimentó retrasos en la finalización de proyectos tecnológicos
  • Solo el 21% mide el ROI de los proyectos tecnológicos

La encuesta también señala un cambio en el panorama competitivo, con una creciente preocupación por minoristas como Amazon y Walmart. Los bancos están contratando cada vez más desarrolladores, y las juntas están priorizando la experiencia tecnológica.

은행 이사의 2024 기술 조사는 미국 은행의 기술 전략과 우려에 대한 주요 통찰력을 드러냅니다. Jack Henry가 후원하는 이번 조사에서는 운영 효율성 개선(49%), 고객 유치 및 유지(29%), 저비용 예금 확대(10%)가 은행의 주요 기술 목표라고 강조합니다.

주목할 만한 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 응답자의 75%가 2024 회계 연도에 기술 예산이 증가했다고 보고했습니다.
  • 53%가 결제에 투자하고, 46%가 디지털 소매 계좌 개설에 투자했습니다.
  • 80%가 데이터 분석 예산에 대해 논의하고, 66%는 인공지능에 대해 논의하고 있습니다.
  • 60%가 기술 프로젝트 완료에 지연을 겪었습니다.
  • 기술 프로젝트의 ROI를 측정하는 비율은 21%에 불과합니다.

이번 조사에서는 Amazon과 Walmart 같은 소매업체에 대한 우려가 커지고 있는 경쟁 환경의 변화도 언급됩니다. 은행들은 점점 더 개발자를 고용하고 있으며, 이사회는 기술 전문성을 우선시하고 있습니다.

L'Enquête Technologique 2024 du Directeur de Banque révèle des informations clés sur les stratégies et préoccupations technologiques des banques américaines. L'enquête, sponsorisée par Jack Henry, met en avant le fait que l'amélioration de l'efficacité opérationnelle (49%), l'attractivité et la fidélisation des clients (29%) et la croissance des dépôts à faible coût (10%) sont les principaux objectifs technologiques des banques.

Les résultats notables incluent :

  • 75% des répondants rapportent une augmentation des budgets technologiques pour l'exercice fiscal 2024
  • 53% ont investi dans les paiements, 46% dans l'ouverture de comptes de détail numériques
  • 80% discutent des budgets pour l'analyse de données, 66% pour l'intelligence artificielle
  • 60% ont rencontré des retards dans l'achèvement des projets technologiques
  • Seulement 21% mesurent le ROI des projets technologiques

L'enquête note également un changement dans le paysage concurrentiel, avec une inquiétude croissante concernant des détaillants comme Amazon et Walmart. Les banques embauchent de plus en plus de développeurs, et les conseils d'administration privilégient l'expertise technologique.

Die Technologieumfrage 2024 des Bankdirektors liefert wichtige Einblicke in die Technologie-Strategien und -Bedenken der US-Banken. Die Umfrage, die von Jack Henry gesponsert wird, hebt hervor, dass die Verbesserung der Betriebseffizienz (49%), die Gewinnung und Bindung von Kunden (29%) und das Wachstum von kostengünstigen Einlagen (10%) die primären Technologieziele der Banken sind.

Bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse umfassen:

  • 75% der Befragten berichten von erhöhten Technologie-Budgets für das Haushaltsjahr 2024
  • 53% investierten in Zahlungen, 46% in die Eröffnung digitaler Einzelhandelskonten
  • 80% diskutieren Budgets für Datenanalytik, 66% für künstliche Intelligenz
  • 60% hatten Verzögerungen bei der Fertigstellung von Technologieprojekten
  • Nur 21% messen den ROI von Technologieprojekten

Die Umfrage bemerkt auch einen Wandel im Wettbewerbsumfeld, wobei die Bedenken gegenüber Einzelhändlern wie Amazon und Walmart zunehmen. Banken stellen zunehmend Entwickler ein, und die Aufsichtsräte priorisieren technologische Expertise.

  • None.
  • None.

Bank Director's 2024 Technology Survey highlights the state of technology adoption and concerns among U.S. bank leaders.

NASHVILLE, Tenn., Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bank Director, the leading information resource for directors and officers of financial institutions nationwide, released the results of its 2024 Technology Survey, sponsored by financial technology provider Jack Henry. The findings reveal how today's bank leaders think about strategy, resources, emerging technologies and fraud

Banks increasingly rely on data analytics to improve back-office productivity and manage regulatory compliance duties. According to the survey, improving operational efficiency (49%), attracting and retaining customers (29%), and growing low cost deposits (10%) are identified as banks' primary technology objectives.

"Given today's revenue challenges and elevated labor costs, it's little surprise to see efficiency as a key driver behind bank investments in technology," says Emily McCormick, Bank Director's vice president of editorial and research. "However, just 21% of senior technology executives, CEOs and board members say they measure return on investment for their technology projects — indicating it could be difficult to know whether they've attained those strategic goals."

Three-quarters of respondents report increased technology budgets for fiscal year 2024. Over the past 18 months, bank leaders say their organization has invested in payments (53%), digital retail account opening (46%), digital business account opening (37%) and data analysis (32%).

While most banks are actively discussing budgets for data analytics (80%) and artificial intelligence (66%), few realize they have only a fraction of their customers' financial data on hand.

"Due to financial fragmentation, banks must embrace open banking to access a comprehensive view of an account holder's data necessary to feed algorithms and tune foundational AI models," says Greg Adelson, President and CEO of Jack Henry. "Without broad customer data, banks can't identify small business owners from retail accounts, enhance personal service at scale, and deliver personalized product and service recommendations."

The survey includes the views of 111 independent directors, chief executives, chief operating officers and senior technology executives of U.S. banks below $100 billion in assets. Full survey results are now available online at

Additional Key Findings

A Shifting View of Competition
Compared to prior surveys, respondents still identify local banks and credit unions (52%) and big or superregional banks (49%) as their primary competitive threats, along with neobanks that compete for consumer deposits (43%). However, bank leaders report increased concern about the competitive threat posed by retailers such as Amazon and Walmart, with 12% citing them as a competitive threat compared to 5% a year earlier.

Delayed Projects
Sixty percent say one or more technology projects weren't completed on schedule over the prior 18 months, and 36% say they experienced issues integrating the new technology into existing systems. Just 21% say they had no issues with planned technology projects.

Hiring: Developers
Just a quarter of respondents say their bank employs developers or programmers, double the percentage who said as much a year ago. Banks over $1 billion in assets are more likely to make these hires.

Board Priorities
Sixty-one percent say that leveraging technology is a strategic priority for the board. Half of respondents say their board has a technology expert. Of those without a technology expert, 29% say their board is seeking to add one.

About Bank Director
Bank Director reaches the leaders of the institutions that comprise America's banking industry. Since 1991, Bank Director has provided board-level research, peer-insights and in-depth executive and board services. Built for banks, Bank Director extends into and beyond the boardroom by providing timely and relevant information through Bank Director magazine, board training services and the financial industry's premier event, Acquire or Be Acquired. For more information, please visit

About Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.® 
Jack Henry (Nasdaq: JKHY) is a well-rounded financial technology company that strengthens connections between financial institutions and the people and businesses they serve. We are an S&P 500 company that prioritizes openness, collaboration, and user centricity – offering banks and credit unions a vibrant ecosystem of internally developed modern capabilities as well as the ability to integrate with leading fintechs. For more than 48 years, Jack Henry has provided technology solutions to enable clients to innovate faster, strategically differentiate, and successfully compete while serving the evolving needs of their account holders. We empower approximately 7,500 clients with people-inspired innovation, personal service, and insight-driven solutions that help reduce the barriers to financial health. Additional information is available at

For more information, please contact Bank Director's Director of Marketing, Deahna Welcher, at

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What are the primary technology objectives for banks according to the 2024 Technology Survey?

According to Bank Director's 2024 Technology Survey, the primary technology objectives for banks are improving operational efficiency (49%), attracting and retaining customers (29%), and growing low-cost deposits (10%).

How many banks reported increased technology budgets for fiscal year 2024?

Three-quarters (75%) of respondents reported increased technology budgets for fiscal year 2024.

What percentage of banks are discussing budgets for data analytics and artificial intelligence?

The survey found that 80% of banks are actively discussing budgets for data analytics, while 66% are discussing budgets for artificial intelligence.

What percentage of banks experienced delays in technology project completion?

According to the survey, 60% of respondents said one or more technology projects weren't completed on schedule over the prior 18 months.

How has the perception of competitive threats changed for banks?

While local banks, credit unions, and big banks remain primary competitive threats, the survey noted increased concern about retailers like Amazon and Walmart, with 12% citing them as a competitive threat compared to 5% a year earlier.

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Information Technology Services
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United States of America