Janus Henderson Launches Transformational Growth Equities ETF (JXX)
Janus Henderson (NYSE: JHG) has launched the Janus Henderson Transformational Growth ETF (JXX), marking its first fundamental active equity ETF from the Denver-based Equities team. The fund is managed by Portfolio Managers Nick Schommer and Brian Recht, focusing on growth investing through a bottom-up fundamental research approach.
The ETF will maintain a concentrated portfolio of 20-30 equity securities, targeting companies aligned with transformative secular themes including artificial intelligence, cloud migration, deglobalization, economic digitization, healthcare innovation, and other long-term innovations. The investment strategy emphasizes companies with sustainable competitive advantages and long-term growth potential.
The launch comes at a time when market data shows the 10 largest S&P 500 stocks have outperformed the remaining 490 stocks by 4.9% annually over the last decade, creating what Janus Henderson sees as an opportunity for active management and thoughtful diversification beyond index concentration.
Janus Henderson (NYSE: JHG) ha lanciato il Janus Henderson Transformational Growth ETF (JXX), rappresentando il suo primo ETF azionario attivo fondamentale del team Equities con sede a Denver. Il fondo è gestito dai Portfolio Managers Nick Schommer e Brian Recht, concentrandosi su investimenti di crescita attraverso un approccio di ricerca fondamentale bottom-up.
L'ETF manterrà un portafoglio concentrato di 20-30 titoli azionari, puntando su aziende allineate con temi secolari trasformativi, tra cui intelligenza artificiale, migrazione al cloud, deglobalizzazione, digitalizzazione economica, innovazione sanitaria e altre innovazioni a lungo termine. La strategia d'investimento enfatizza aziende con vantaggi competitivi sostenibili e potenziale di crescita a lungo termine.
Il lancio avviene in un momento in cui i dati di mercato mostrano che le 10 maggiori azioni dell'S&P 500 hanno sovraperformato le restanti 490 azioni del 4,9% annualmente nell'ultimo decennio, creando ciò che Janus Henderson vede come un'opportunità per una gestione attiva e una diversificazione ponderata oltre la concentrazione degli indici.
Janus Henderson (NYSE: JHG) ha lanzado el Janus Henderson Transformational Growth ETF (JXX), marcando su primer ETF de acciones activas fundamentales del equipo de Equities con sede en Denver. El fondo es administrado por los Gerentes de Portafolio Nick Schommer y Brian Recht, y se enfoca en la inversión en crecimiento a través de un enfoque de investigación fundamental de abajo hacia arriba.
El ETF mantendrá una cartera concentrada de 20-30 valores de capital, apuntando a empresas alineadas con temas seculares transformadores, incluyendo inteligencia artificial, migración a la nube, desglobalización, digitalización económica, innovación en salud y otras innovaciones a largo plazo. La estrategia de inversión enfatiza empresas con ventajas competitivas sostenibles y potencial de crecimiento a largo plazo.
El lanzamiento se produce en un momento en que los datos del mercado muestran que las 10 acciones más grandes del S&P 500 han superado a las restantes 490 acciones en un 4,9% anualmente en la última década, creando lo que Janus Henderson ve como una oportunidad para la gestión activa y una diversificación reflexiva más allá de la concentración del índice.
Janus Henderson (NYSE: JHG)가 Janus Henderson Transformational Growth ETF (JXX)를 출시했습니다. 이는 덴버에 본사를 둔 Equities 팀의 첫 번째 기본적인 능동형 주식 ETF입니다. 이 펀드는 포트폴리오 매니저인 Nick Schommer와 Brian Recht가 관리하며, 바닥에서 시작하는 기본 연구 접근 방식을 통해 성장 투자에 중점을 두고 있습니다.
ETF는 20-30개의 주식 증권으로 구성된 집중 포트폴리오를 유지하며, 인공지능, 클라우드 이전, 비세계화, 경제 디지털화, 헬스케어 혁신 및 기타 장기 혁신을 포함한 변혁적인 세속적 주제와 일치하는 기업을 목표로 합니다. 투자 전략은 지속 가능한 경쟁 우위와 장기 성장 잠재력을 가진 기업을 강조합니다.
이번 출시는 시장 데이터가 S&P 500의 10대 주식이 지난 10년간 나머지 490개의 주식보다 연간 4.9% 더 높은 성과를 보여주는 시점에 이루어지며, Janus Henderson이 인덱스 집중을 넘어 적극적인 관리와 사려 깊은 다각화를 위한 기회로 보고 있습니다.
Janus Henderson (NYSE: JHG) a lancé le Janus Henderson Transformational Growth ETF (JXX), marquant ainsi son premier ETF d'actions actif fondamental de l'équipe Equities basée à Denver. Le fonds est géré par les gestionnaires de portefeuille Nick Schommer et Brian Recht, en se concentrant sur les investissements de croissance à travers une approche de recherche fondamentale ascendante.
L'ETF maintiendra un portefeuille concentré de 20-30 titres de participation, ciblant des entreprises alignées sur des thèmes séculaires transformateurs tels que l'intelligence artificielle, la migration vers le cloud, la déglobalisation, la numérisation de l'économie, l'innovation en santé et d'autres innovations à long terme. La stratégie d'investissement met l'accent sur les entreprises possédant des avantages concurrentiels durables et un potentiel de croissance à long terme.
Ce lancement intervient à un moment où les données du marché montrent que les 10 plus grandes actions de l'S&P 500 ont surperformé les 490 autres actions de 4,9 % par an au cours de la dernière décennie, créant ce que Janus Henderson considère comme une opportunité pour une gestion active et une diversification réfléchie au-delà de la concentration des indices.
Janus Henderson (NYSE: JHG) hat den Janus Henderson Transformational Growth ETF (JXX) eingeführt, der das erste fundamentale aktive Aktien-ETF des Teams Equities mit Sitz in Denver darstellt. Der Fonds wird von den Portfoliomanagern Nick Schommer und Brian Recht verwaltet und konzentriert sich auf Wachstumsinvestitionen durch einen Bottom-up-Ansatz der fundamentalen Forschung.
Das ETF wird ein konzentriertes Portfolio aus 20-30 Aktien aufrechterhalten, das Unternehmen anvisiert, die mit transformierenden säkularen Themen wie künstlicher Intelligenz, Cloud-Migration, Deglobalisierung, wirtschaftlicher Digitalisierung, Innovation im Gesundheitswesen und anderen langfristigen Innovationen übereinstimmen. Die Anlagestrategie betont Unternehmen mit nachhaltigen Wettbewerbsvorteilen und langfristigem Wachstumspotenzial.
Die Einführung erfolgt zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem Marktdaten zeigen, dass die 10 größten S&P 500-Aktien in den letzten zehn Jahren die verbleibenden 490 Aktien jährlich um 4,9% übertroffen haben, was Janus Henderson als Gelegenheit für aktives Management und durchdachte Diversifikation über die Indexkonzentration hinaus sieht.
- Launch of new actively managed ETF expanding product offering
- Focused portfolio strategy targeting high-growth secular themes
- Leverages firm's 40-year track record in U.S. concentrated growth investing
- None.
The launch of JXX marks a strategic pivot for Janus Henderson that could significantly impact its competitive position in the $7.3 trillion ETF market. This move is particularly well-timed given the growing investor concern about market concentration in mega-cap tech stocks.
Several key aspects make this launch noteworthy for investors:
- The concentrated portfolio approach (20-30 stocks) indicates higher active share and potential for differentiated returns, which could attract investors seeking alternatives to market-cap weighted indices
- The focus on transformational themes aligns with secular growth trends, potentially positioning JHG to capture increased flows from investors seeking targeted exposure to innovation sectors
- Leveraging the firm's 40-year track record in growth investing provides credibility in an increasingly crowded active ETF space
- The timing is opportune as investors seek alternatives to passive strategies, given the historical tendency for market concentration to mean-revert, as evidenced by the cited long-term underperformance of top S&P 500 stocks
For JHG shareholders, this product launch represents a potential catalyst for asset growth and fee revenue. Active ETFs typically command higher fees than passive products, while still offering the tax efficiency and liquidity benefits of the ETF structure. The expansion into active ETFs also positions JHG to better compete with rivals who have already established presence in this growing segment.
However, success will depend on: 1) Performance delivery in early months to establish track record 2) Distribution effectiveness in a crowded marketplace 3) Fee positioning relative to both active mutual funds and passive ETF alternatives. The product's reception could significantly influence JHG's future product development strategy and market positioning.
JXX is the first fundamental active equity ETF from the firm’s
The Fund is managed by Portfolio Managers Nick Schommer, CFA, and Brian Recht.
JXX is an expansion of Janus Henderson’s Denver Equities team into managing ETFs, utilizing the team’s well-established, bottom-up fundamental research philosophy and process. Janus Henderson has a long history of managing
The firm has a long-standing track record of high-conviction, growth equity investing. This new actively managed equity ETF seeks to pursue its investment objective by investing with conviction primarily in a portfolio of approximately 20-30 equity securities. These securities will be selected for their growth potential, using an overall portfolio with characteristics tied to secular themes transforming society. The themes of focus include: artificial intelligence, migration to the cloud, deglobalization, digitization of the economy (including e-commerce), healthcare innovation, or other long-term innovations.
The portfolio managers apply a bottom-up approach that focuses on fundamental research and considers a company’s sustainable competitive advantages, long-term growth potential, and shareholder value, among other factors.
Since 1957, the 10 largest stocks in the S&P 500 have underperformed an equal-weighted index of the remaining 490 stocks by
“We believe constructing a focused portfolio of high-quality, competitively advantaged businesses with characteristics tied to the most important secular themes transforming society may lead to sustainable relative outperformance over time,” said Mr. Schommer.
“Given the extreme concentration in the market, we believe JXX’s fundamental, actively managed approach seeks to provide thoughtful diversification away from the index and has the potential to yield transformational growth potential,” said Mr. Recht.
Notes to editors
About Janus Henderson
Janus Henderson Group is a leading global active asset manager dedicated to helping clients define and achieve superior financial outcomes through insights, disciplined investments, and world-class service. As of December 31, 2024, Janus Henderson had approximately
Source: Janus Henderson Group plc
Please consider the charges, risks, expenses, and investment objectives carefully before investing. For a prospectus or, if available, a summary prospectus containing this and other information, please call Janus Henderson at 800.668.0434 or download the file from janushenderson.com/info. Read it carefully before you invest or send money.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal and fluctuation of value. There is no assurance the stated objective(s) will be met.
OBJECTIVE: Janus Henderson Transformational Growth ETF (JXX) seeks long-term growth of capital.
Growth stocks are subject to increased risk of loss and price volatility and may not realize their perceived growth potential.
Concentrated investments in a single sector, industry or region will be more susceptible to factors affecting that group and may be more volatile than less concentrated investments or the market as a whole.
Funds classified as “nondiversified” can take larger positions in a smaller number of issuers than “diversified” funds, which could lead to greater volatility.
Janus Henderson Investors US LLC is the investment adviser and ALPS Distributors, Inc. is the distributor. ALPS is not affiliated with Janus Henderson or any of its subsidiaries.
Janus Henderson is a trademark of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries. © Janus Henderson Group plc.
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Source: Janus Henderson Investors