MoonFox Analysis | Distribution and Interaction Transformation: AI Smartphones Enter a New Era

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment
(Very Positive)

MoonFox Data, a sub-brand of Aurora Mobile (NASDAQ: JG), analyzes the emerging AI smartphone market. Key points include:

  • Industry Competition: AI features are becoming core selling points for smartphones, with major brands like OPPO, VIVO, and HUAWEI implementing AI assistants.
  • Value Generation: AI smartphones are transforming information distribution and user interaction, potentially enhancing overall efficiency.
  • User Perception: Social media analysis shows 89.5% positive sentiment towards AI phones, with users expressing excitement and willingness to try new features.

The report suggests that AI smartphones are in early stages but show promise for driving device upgrades and improving user experiences through more efficient information distribution and automated actions.

MoonFox Data, un sotto-marca di Aurora Mobile (NASDAQ: JG), analizza il mercato emergente degli smartphone AI. I punti chiave includono:

  • Competizione del Settore: Le funzionalità AI stanno diventando punti di vendita fondamentali per gli smartphone, con grandi marchi come OPPO, VIVO e HUAWEI che implementano assistenti AI.
  • Generazione di Valore: Gli smartphone AI stanno trasformando la distribuzione delle informazioni e l'interazione con gli utenti, potenzialmente migliorando l'efficienza complessiva.
  • Percezione degli Utenti: L'analisi dei social media mostra un sentiment positivo dell'89,5% verso i telefoni AI, con gli utenti che esprimono entusiasmo e disponibilità a provare nuove funzionalità.

Il rapporto suggerisce che gli smartphone AI sono nelle fasi iniziali ma mostrano promettenti possibilità di incentivare gli aggiornamenti dei dispositivi e migliorare le esperienze degli utenti attraverso una distribuzione delle informazioni più efficiente e azioni automatizzate.

MoonFox Data, una sub-marca de Aurora Mobile (NASDAQ: JG), analiza el mercado emergente de smartphones AI. Los puntos clave incluyen:

  • Competencia en la Industria: Las características de AI se están convirtiendo en puntos de venta fundamentales para los smartphones, con marcas importantes como OPPO, VIVO y HUAWEI que implementan asistentes AI.
  • Generación de Valor: Los smartphones AI están transformando la distribución de información y la interacción del usuario, lo que potencialmente mejora la eficiencia general.
  • Percepción del Usuario: El análisis en redes sociales muestra un 89.5% de sentimiento positivo hacia los teléfonos AI, con los usuarios expresando entusiasmo y disposición para probar nuevas características.

El informe sugiere que los smartphones AI se encuentran en las etapas iniciales, pero muestran promesas para impulsar las actualizaciones de dispositivos y mejorar las experiencias de usuario a través de una distribución de información más eficiente y acciones automatizadas.

문폭스 데이터는 오로라 모바일(Aurora Mobile, NASDAQ: JG)의 하위 브랜드로서, 최근 부상하는 AI 스마트폰 시장을 분석합니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 산업 경쟁: AI 기능이 스마트폰의 핵심 판매 포인트로 자리잡고 있으며, OPPO, VIVO, HUAWEI와 같은 주요 브랜드들이 AI 비서를 도입하고 있습니다.
  • 가치 창출: AI 스마트폰은 정보 배포 및 사용자 상호작용을 혁신하고 있으며, 이는 전체적인 효율성을 향상시킬 가능성이 있습니다.
  • 사용자 인식: 소셜 미디어 분석 결과, AI 스마트폰에 대한 긍정적인 감정이 89.5%로 나타나, 사용자들은 새로운 기능을 시도해보려는 열의와 흥미를 보이고 있습니다.

보고서는 AI 스마트폰이 아직 초기 단계에 있지만, 장치 업그레이드를 촉진하고 보다 효율적인 정보 배포 및 자동화된 작업을 통해 사용자 경험을 개선할 가능성이 있다고 제안합니다.

MoonFox Data, une sous-marque d'Aurora Mobile (NASDAQ: JG), analyse le marché émergent des smartphones AI. Les points clés incluent :

  • Concurrence de l'Industrie : Les fonctionnalités AI deviennent des arguments de vente centraux pour les smartphones, les grandes marques telles qu'OPPO, VIVO et HUAWEI mettant en œuvre des assistants AI.
  • Génération de Valeur : Les smartphones AI transforment la distribution d'informations et l'interaction utilisateur, ce qui pourrait améliorer l'efficacité globale.
  • Perception des Utilisateurs : L'analyse des réseaux sociaux montre un sentiment positif de 89,5 % à l'égard des téléphones AI, les utilisateurs exprimant de l'enthousiasme et une volonté d'essayer de nouvelles fonctionnalités.

Le rapport suggère que les smartphones AI sont à un stade précoce mais montrent un potentiel prometteur pour stimuler les mises à niveau des appareils et améliorer les expériences utilisateurs grâce à une distribution d'informations plus efficace et des actions automatisées.

MoonFox Data, eine Untermarke von Aurora Mobile (NASDAQ: JG), analysiert den aufkommenden AI-Smartphone-Markt. Die wichtigsten Punkte sind:

  • Wettbewerb in der Branche: AI-Funktionen werden zu zentralen Verkaufsargumenten für Smartphones, wobei große Marken wie OPPO, VIVO und HUAWEI AI-Assistenten implementieren.
  • Wertschöpfung: AI-Smartphones transformieren die Informationsverteilung und Benutzerinteraktion, was potenziell die Gesamteffizienz steigern kann.
  • Benutzerwahrnehmung: Die Analyse von sozialen Medien zeigt, dass 89,5% der Nutzer eine positive Einstellung gegenüber AI-Handys haben, und sie äußern Begeisterung und Bereitschaft, neue Funktionen auszuprobieren.

Der Bericht legt nahe, dass AI-Smartphones sich in einem frühen Stadium befinden, aber vielversprechend sind, um Geräteaufrüstungen voranzutreiben und Benutzererfahrungen durch effizientere Informationsverteilung und automatisierte Aktionen zu verbessern.

  • AI features becoming key selling points for mainstream smartphones
  • Increasing monthly active users for AI assistants like VIVO's 'Blue V' (200,000) and HONOR's 'YOYO' (900,000)
  • 89.5% positive sentiment towards AI phones in social media analysis
  • Potential for AI smartphones to significantly enhance overall user efficiency
  • AI smartphones driving market interest and potential device upgrades
  • AI smartphone market still in early stages of development
  • data on long-term user adoption and satisfaction

The emergence of AI smartphones marks a significant shift in the mobile industry. This trend is driven by advancements in edge computing and small AI models, making AI integration feasible on mobile devices. The transition from touch-based interfaces to multifaceted experiences combining touch, voice and gestures represents a paradigm shift in user interaction.

Key players like OPPO, VIVO and HUAWEI are leveraging proprietary AI models, potentially creating ecosystem lock-in effects. This could lead to increased brand loyalty and higher switching costs for consumers. The rising monthly active users of AI assistants (900,000 for HONOR's YOYO) indicates growing user adoption, which could accelerate the industry's recovery and drive a new replacement cycle.

However, the true test will be in the practical value these AI features bring to daily use. While the current focus is on system-level AI assistants, the long-term success will depend on developing a robust ecosystem of AI-powered applications that significantly enhance user productivity and experience.

The AI smartphone market shows promising growth potential, with Chinese smartphone shipments increasing by 13.2% YoY in H1 2024. This recovery is partly driven by the novelty of AI features, which are generating positive user sentiment (89.5% favorable feedback).

The transformation in information distribution and user interaction efficiency is particularly noteworthy. AI phones are moving towards generative AI algorithm generation and AI-driven actions, potentially revolutionizing how users interact with their devices and consume information. This could lead to increased user engagement and device usage, benefiting app developers and content providers.

However, it's important to monitor whether this initial excitement translates into sustained usage and tangible benefits for users. The success of AI smartphones will likely depend on their ability to seamlessly integrate into users' daily lives and consistently provide value beyond novelty. Manufacturers should focus on developing practical, user-centric AI applications to maintain momentum and drive long-term adoption.

About us: Aurora Mobile (NASDAQ: JG) established in 2011, is a leading customer engagement and marketing technology service provider in China. Its business includes notification services, marketing growth, development tools, and data products. As its sub-brand, MoonFox Data is a leading expert in data insights and analysis services across all scenarios, aiming to help companies gain market insights and empower precise decision-making.

SHENZHEN, China, Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --


Since the second half of 2024, the focus in the generative AI industry has noticeably shifted from technology and models to applications and services. A range of usable AI applications in niche fields has entered the market. Beyond application-level directions like search and education, service-level directions such as AI robots and AI smartphones have also emerged as promising development areas. In this context, the pace of development for AI smartphones has significantly accelerated recently, with AI features becoming key selling points for mainstream smartphones. Based on our observations of the AI phone industry layout, AI smartphones are expected to offer users different effects and values compared to various AI applications. Then, how will AI integrate with smartphones? And what are current user evaluations? This article focuses on the AI phone sector, revealing the latest changes and potential value of the industry from key perspectives such as industry competition, typical enterprises, empowerment value, and market evaluation.

I.    Industry Competition: "AI+" Becomes a New Appeal for Smartphones, with Accelerated Industry Upgrades

The smartphone industry may be entering a new replacement cycle, accelerating its recovery. Although the smartphone industry is currently in a mature development and replacement stage, policies promoting device upgrades and high-quality product designs (such as foldable screens) from domestic manufacturers continue to drive user replacements. According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), in 2023, Chinese smartphone shipments totaled 289 million units, increased by 6.5% YoY. Entering 2024, the smartphone industry has continued to perform well, with shipments of 147 million units in the first half of 2024, marking a 13.2% YoY increase (according to the data from CAICT), indicating an accelerated recovery trend.

"AI+" has become a core selling point for mainstream smartphones, resonating with the industry's recovery drivers. Currently, the generative AI industry is accelerating its development towards mobile devices such as smartphones. Due to smartphones' close connection with users and their strong entry-point characteristics, they have attracted significant attention in the AI field. With reduced costs and improved capabilities of cloud-based large models, as well as ongoing development of edge models and small models, the effective deployment of AI smartphones has become feasible. Data shows that leading domestic smartphone brands and companies like SAMSUNG and China Telecom have all entered the AI phone market. System-level AI assistants have become the main application scenarios, with ongoing penetration at the user end. According to MoonFox Data, VIVO's AI assistant "Blue V" has close to 200,000 monthly active users, while HONOR's AI assistant "YOYO" has nearly 900,000 monthly active users. AI capabilities are becoming an appealing selling point that users find compelling, and they are expected to drive a new emotional experience for the smartphone market.

The AI phone market continues to see widespread implementation of AI capabilities, with major Chinese smartphone
manufacturers now positioning AI as a key selling point.


AI Assistant

AI Large Model

Supported Phone Models




Find7 Series, Find N3 Series,

Reno12 Series, OnePlus 12 Series, etc.


Blue V

Blue LM

X100 Series, X Fold3,

X80 Series, S17 Series, etc.




Mate60 Series, Nova Series, etc.



Magic Large Model

HONOR Magic6 Series, HONOR 90 Series,
HONOR Magic V2 Series, etc.



XIAOMI Large Model

Xiaomi 14 Series

China Telecom

Xingchen AI

Xingchen AI Large



Galaxy AI

ERNIE Bot, Doubao
Large Model

Galaxy S24 Series, etc.

Data Source: Public information, compiled by MoonFox Research Institute Data Cycle: August 2024

The usage rate of AI assistant applications from mainstream smartphone brands has been steadily increasing, and these AI
phone assistants have begun to gain visibility among users


MAU of VIVO AI Assistant "Blue V" (Unit:

MAU of HONOR AI Assistant "YOYO" (Unit:






















Data Source: MoonFox iApp; Data Cycle: December 2023 - June 2024

II. Value Generated by the Industry: With the Empowerment of AI Smartphones, Information Distribution and Interactive Actions May Undergo a Transformation

The transformation of smartphones under the empowerment of generative AI extends far beyond just enhancing interaction experience. Currently, the new value that generative AI brings to smartphones is already beginning to emerge. Firstly, in terms of interaction experience, the previous generation of smartphone interaction primarily relied on touch-based clicks, requiring users to perform each step manually. However, with the integration of technologies such as generative AI Agent, automated interaction becomes possible. Interaction actions and paths can be restructured, potentially allowing a single device to offer a multifaceted experience interaction model. On the other hand, we believe that AI smartphones offer more than just an interaction revolution - they significantly enhance overall user efficiency. We can analyze the efficiency boundaries of different generations of smartphones from two dimensions: information distribution and operational efficiency.

  • Feature Phone Era: Information distribution primarily involved manual filtering, leading to a uniform experience for users, with interactions mainly through self-operation & retrieval, which was a huge amount of work. Its typical applications included portal websites
  • Smartphone Era: Information distribution shifted to discrimination-based and recommendation algorithms, achieving a personalized experience but still requiring user judgment for long-tail items, such as in food delivery and short video applications.
  • AI Phone Era: Information distribution can directly reach users through generative algorithms, reducing user input to voice commands and AI operations, such as intelligent ticket booking and intelligent meeting scheduling.

AI smartphones can activate innovative human-computer interaction methods system-wide, achieving a new round of
upgrades from user interaction to multifaceted experience.

(Evolution of PC and Smartphone Interaction Experience)

Interaction Era




Command Line

1960s - 1980s


Early DOS OS was designed for professional
developers, with operations requiring complex
command-line inputs

GUI Interaction
(Keyboard & Mouse)

1980s - 2010s

Win OS/Mac OS, etc.

Interaction evolved to task-oriented operations using
keyboard and mouse, facilitating a new interaction

Experience (Screen)

2010s - 2022

iOS/Android OS, etc.

Interaction primarily relied on GUI, transitioning
from keyboard and mouse to touch-based
experiences, with some voice interactions


2023 - Future


Generative AI enables multifaceted experience
combining touch, voice, gestures, etc.

Understanding the future implications for niche user
groups (such as the elderly or mobile office workers)
will be significant

Data Source: Public data, Gartner, MoonFox Research Institute
Note: The concept of Multifaceted Experience refers to interactions across digital touchpoints (e.g., web, mobile apps, chatbots,
AR/VR, wearables) using various interaction methods (e.g., touch, voice, visual, gestures) as proposed by Gartner

Examining the evolution of smartphone usage efficiency from the perspectives of information distribution and user actions,
smartsmartphones in the AI era will enhance user efficiency through the overall improvement of algorithm generation and
machine actions


User Action

Information Distribution

Typical Cases

Feature Phone


Manual content

Portal websites, IM applications, etc.

Mobile Internet


Discriminative algorithm

Facial recognition, voice operations, big data
recommendations, etc.

AI phone Era


Generative AI algorithm

Intelligent searching, intelligent meeting scheduling,
intelligent ticket booking, etc.

Data Source: Independently prepared by MoonFox Research Institute

We believe that in the era of generative AI algorithms, the efficiency of AI smartphones is expected to significantly improve. AI applications will become more widespread and versatile, with information distribution more closely aligned with personalized user needs and specific scenarios. Furthermore, user actions are likely to be further liberated, enabling AI to autonomously handle more complex, multi-step tasks.

III.        User Perception: AI Smartphones Infuse the Market with Positive Emotions, Users Show Strong Excitement and Willingness to Try

AI smartphones have introduced novelty to the market with flagship models, generating positive emotions among users. We believe that whether a product or technology ultimately translates into changes in user purchasing behavior, whether in the realm of efficiency tools or lifestyle & entertainment products, it will ultimately be reflected in the level of feedback on user experience and emotions. Thus, the ability to evoke sustained curiosity, excitement, and exploratory emotions is a crucial directive indicator.

Our analysis of social media data regarding user reviews of AI phone shows that current market sentiment on AI phone topics is predominantly positive, with nearly 90% of the feedback being favorable. A significant portion of users have expressed their appreciation for AI phone and the interesting experiences discovered during use. This positive user sentiment is expected to further spread in the future, leading to effective secondary recommendation and promotion.

AI phone User Social Media Comment Sentiment Data Analysis

User Comment Sentiment Type

Percentage of User Comment

Positive Sentiment

89.5 %

Negative Sentiment

10.5 %

AI phone User Social Media Comment Excerpts



"Breeno is really smart, and the cheesy pick-up lines are indeed cheesy
, hahaha. See the details in the picture, it's so funny!"

From the Xiaohongshu user "一个好**你"("A
Good ** You")'s comment on July 18

"The AI on my new phone is really the Next Level. I took photos when
eating in a restaurant near Nanjing Eye Footbridge, and even though it
was just a regular photo, I tried out the AI feature that was the main
highlight, and it truly amazed me."

From the Xiaohongshu user "仅有**心"("Only
Have ** Heart")'s comment on July 28

"The OS version of the OPPO Find X6 Pro I bought for my mom was
updated. And its AIGC is so impressive! She is very satisfied with it.
Hope the Master Mode could be updated via OTA very soon."

From the Xiaohongshu user "镜*音"("Mirror *
Sound")'s comment on February 12

Data Source: MoonFox Big Data Monitor; Data Cycle: August 2024

The development of AI smartphones is in its early stages, with future prospects for phone replacement and content ecosystems likely to flourish. Smartphone manufacturers have established a foundation for AI phone applications, with increasing user penetration rates. This infusion of novelty into user experiences is driving market users towards upgrading devices. From the perspectives of information distribution and user actions, AI smartphones are expected to significantly enhance overall efficiency in the next generation, with broader and more practical AI applications. The development of AI smartphones is worth long-term attention.

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SOURCE Aurora Mobile Ltd


What is the current state of AI smartphone adoption in China?

According to the report, major Chinese smartphone brands like OPPO, VIVO, HUAWEI, and HONOR have implemented AI assistants in their devices. For example, VIVO's AI assistant 'Blue V' has about 200,000 monthly active users, while HONOR's 'YOYO' has nearly 900,000.

How are users responding to AI smartphones?

The report indicates a highly positive user response, with 89.5% of social media comments expressing favorable sentiment towards AI phones. Users are showing excitement and willingness to try new AI features on their smartphones.

What potential benefits do AI smartphones offer according to the MoonFox analysis?

The analysis suggests that AI smartphones could transform information distribution and user interaction, potentially enhancing overall efficiency. They may offer more personalized experiences, automate complex tasks, and provide multifaceted interaction methods combining touch, voice, and gestures.

How might AI smartphones impact Aurora Mobile's (NASDAQ: JG) business?

While the report doesn't directly address Aurora Mobile's business impact, as a provider of customer engagement and marketing technology services, the company could potentially benefit from the growing AI smartphone market by offering AI-enhanced services or data insights related to AI phone usage.

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