Jeffersonville Bancorp and Jeff Bank Announce Resignation of Director Philip Coombe, III

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Jeffersonville Bancorp (OTCQB: JFBC) announced the resignation of Director Philip Coombe, III from the boards of Jeffersonville Bancorp and its subsidiary, Jeff Bank, effective immediately. Coombe, who joined the board in 2012, served on all Jeff Bank committees and was the standing Chairman of the Asset and Liability and Compliance Committees. He is stepping down due to expanding business and professional obligations.

George W. Kinne, Jr., President and CEO, expressed gratitude for Coombe's dedication and support over the past 12 years. Jeffersonville Bancorp is a one-bank holding company that owns all capital stock of Jeff Bank, which operates ten full-service branches in Sullivan and Orange County, New York.

Jeffersonville Bancorp (OTCQB: JFBC) ha annunciato le dimissioni del Direttore Philip Coombe, III dai consigli di amministrazione di Jeffersonville Bancorp e della sua filiale, Jeff Bank, con effetto immediato. Coombe, che è entrato nel consiglio nel 2012, ha fatto parte di tutti i comitati di Jeff Bank ed è stato il Presidente del Comitato per gli Asset e le Passività e del Comitato di Compliance. Si dimette a causa di impegni professionali e aziendali crescenti.

George W. Kinne, Jr., Presidente e CEO, ha espresso gratitudine per la dedizione e il supporto di Coombe negli ultimi 12 anni. Jeffersonville Bancorp è una holding bancaria che possiede l'intero capitale azionario di Jeff Bank, il quale opera dieci filiali complete nei distretti di Sullivan e Orange, New York.

Jeffersonville Bancorp (OTCQB: JFBC) anunció la renuncia del Director Philip Coombe, III de las juntas de Jeffersonville Bancorp y su subsidiaria, Jeff Bank, con efecto inmediato. Coombe, quien se unió a la junta en 2012, sirvió en todos los comités de Jeff Bank y fue el Presidente del Comité de Activos y Pasivos y del Comité de Cumplimiento. Renuncia debido a obligaciones profesionales y empresariales en expansión.

George W. Kinne, Jr., Presidente y CEO, expresó su gratitud por la dedicación y el apoyo de Coombe durante los últimos 12 años. Jeffersonville Bancorp es una compañía de holding de un banco que posee toda la capitalización de Jeff Bank, que opera diez sucursales de servicio completo en los condados de Sullivan y Orange, Nueva York.

제퍼슨빌 방코프(OTCQB: JFBC)는 이사 필립 쿰브 III의 사임을 제퍼슨빌 방코프와 그 자회사 제프 은행의 이사회에서 즉시 효력이 발생한다고 발표했습니다. 2012년에 이사회에 합류한 쿰브는 제프 은행의 모든 위원회에서 활동하며 자산 및 부채 위원회와 준수 위원회의 상임 의장을 역임했습니다. 그는 확대되는 비즈니스 및 직업적 의무로 인해 사임합니다.

조지 W. 키니 Jr. 사장 겸 CEO는 지난 12년 동안 쿰브의 헌신과 지원에 대해 감사를 표했습니다. 제퍼슨빌 방코프는 제프 은행의 모든 자본 주식을 소유한 단일 은행 지주회사로, 뉴욕주 설리번과 오렌지 카운티의 10개 완전 서비스 지점을 운영하고 있습니다.

Jeffersonville Bancorp (OTCQB: JFBC) a annoncé la démission du Directeur Philip Coombe III des conseils d'administration de Jeffersonville Bancorp et de sa filiale, Jeff Bank, avec effet immédiat. Coombe, qui a rejoint le conseil en 2012, a siégé dans tous les comités de Jeff Bank et était le Président du Comité des Actifs et Passifs ainsi que du Comité de Conformité. Il démissionne en raison de l'élargissement de ses obligations professionnelles et personnelles.

George W. Kinne Jr., Président et Directeur Général, a exprimé sa gratitude pour le dévouement et le soutien de Coombe au cours des 12 dernières années. Jeffersonville Bancorp est une société de portefeuille d'une banque qui possède l'intégralité du capital de Jeff Bank, qui exploite dix agences de services complets dans les comtés de Sullivan et Orange, New York.

Jeffersonville Bancorp (OTCQB: JFBC) gab die Rücktrittserklärung von Direktor Philip Coombe III von den Vorständen der Jeffersonville Bancorp und ihrer Tochtergesellschaft, Jeff Bank, mit sofortiger Wirkung bekannt. Coombe, der 2012 in den Vorstand trat, war Mitglied aller Komitees der Jeff Bank und war Vorsitzender des Ausschusses für Vermögenswerte und Verbindlichkeiten sowie des Compliance-Ausschusses. Er tritt aufgrund von ausweitenden geschäftlichen und beruflichen Verpflichtungen zurück.

George W. Kinne Jr., Präsident und CEO, äußerte Dankbarkeit für Coombes Engagement und Unterstützung in den letzten 12 Jahren. Jeffersonville Bancorp ist eine Bankholdinggesellschaft, die das gesamte Kapital von Jeff Bank besitzt, die zehn Vollservice-Filialen in den Landkreisen Sullivan und Orange, New York betreibt.

  • Director's 12-year tenure contributed to company growth
  • Amicable departure maintains positive relationship with former director
  • Loss of experienced board member
  • Potential disruption in committee leadership

JEFFERSONVILLE, N.Y., Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jeffersonville Bancorp, Inc. (OTCQB - JFBC) today announced that Director Philip Coombe, III, has resigned from the board of directors of Jeffersonville Bancorp and its subsidiary, Jeff Bank, effective immediately.

Mr. Coombe became a director of Jeffersonville Bancorp in 2012 and has provided beneficial contributions throughout his time to help aid the growth of the Company and Jeff Bank. Mr. Coombe served on every committee of Jeff Bank and was standing Chairman of the Asset and Liability and Compliance Committees. Mr. Coombe is stepping down from the board due to his expanding business and professional obligations.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to serve on the board and contribute to the Company's vision and growth over the past 12 years,” stated Mr. Coombe. “It has been a pleasure being involved with the Company and its talented professionals. I am confident the board and management teams will be successful in growing the Company and continuing to deliver shareholder value.”

“On behalf of Jeffersonville Bancorp, Jeff Bank, and the Board of Directors, I want to thank Phil for his dedication and support over the last 12 years,” stated George W. Kinne, Jr., President and CEO. “It has been a privilege sitting beside Mr. Coombe during his time on the board. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors and know that he will continue to be a supporter of Jeff Bank.”

Jeffersonville Bancorp is a one-bank holding company, which owns all the capital stock of Jeff Bank. Jeff Bank maintains ten full-service branches in Sullivan and Orange County, New York located in Anawana Lake Road/Monticello, Eldred, Callicoon, Jeffersonville, Liberty, Livingston Manor, Monticello, Port Jervis, White Lake, and Wurtsboro.

For More Information, call: 845-482-4000

Contact: George W. Kinne, Jr., President – CEO


Why did Philip Coombe, III resign from Jeffersonville Bancorp's (JFBC) board?

Philip Coombe, III resigned from Jeffersonville Bancorp's (JFBC) board due to his expanding business and professional obligations.

How long did Philip Coombe, III serve on the board of Jeffersonville Bancorp (JFBC)?

Philip Coombe, III served on the board of Jeffersonville Bancorp (JFBC) for 12 years, having become a director in 2012.

What committees did Philip Coombe, III chair at Jeff Bank, subsidiary of Jeffersonville Bancorp (JFBC)?

Philip Coombe, III was the standing Chairman of the Asset and Liability and Compliance Committees at Jeff Bank, subsidiary of Jeffersonville Bancorp (JFBC).

How many branches does Jeff Bank, subsidiary of Jeffersonville Bancorp (JFBC), operate?

Jeff Bank, subsidiary of Jeffersonville Bancorp (JFBC), operates ten full-service branches in Sullivan and Orange County, New York.



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Banks - Regional
Financial Services
United States of America