Star Jets International (JETR) Announces Path Forward After Recent Setback with Strategic Deal

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Star Jets International (OTC: JETR) has announced its commitment to moving forward with its growth strategy despite a recent setback involving a $14 million deal that fell through due to a partner's financial inability. Despite this challenge, the company remains dedicated to its strategic goals, including plans for an up-listing to Nasdaq.

CEO Ricky Sitomer emphasized the company's unwavering commitment to growth and innovation. Star Jets International is actively seeking new partnerships and opportunities in the private aviation sector. The company plans to leverage its relationships for acquisitions and enhance its online booking engine for 15,000 private jets worldwide. Additionally, JETR is collaborating with tech companies to increase its Artificial Intelligence offerings.

Star Jets International (OTC: JETR) ha annunciato il suo impegno a proseguire con la strategia di crescita nonostante un recente contrattempo relativo a un accordo da 14 milioni di dollari non andato a buon fine a causa dell'incapacità finanziaria di un partner. Nonostante questa sfida, l'azienda rimane dedicata ai suoi obiettivi strategici, compresi i piani per un up-listing al Nasdaq.

Il CEO Ricky Sitomer ha sottolineato l'impegno costante dell'azienda verso la crescita e l'innovazione. Star Jets International sta attivamente cercando nuove partnership e opportunità nel settore dell'aviazione privata. L'azienda prevede di sfruttare le sue relazioni per acquisizioni e migliorare il suo motore di prenotazione online per 15.000 jet privati in tutto il mondo. Inoltre, JETR sta collaborando con aziende tecnologiche per aumentare le sue offerte di Intelligenza Artificiale.

Star Jets International (OTC: JETR) ha anunciado su compromiso de avanzar con su estrategia de crecimiento a pesar de un reciente contratiempo relacionado con un contrato de 14 millones de dólares que no se concretó debido a la incapacidad financiera de un socio. A pesar de este desafío, la compañía sigue dedicada a sus objetivos estratégicos, incluyendo planes para una subida a Nasdaq.

El CEO Ricky Sitomer enfatizó el compromiso inquebrantable de la compañía con el crecimiento y la innovación. Star Jets International está buscando activamente nuevas asociaciones y oportunidades en el sector de la aviación privada. La compañía planea aprovechar sus relaciones para adquisiciones y mejorar su motor de reservas online para 15,000 jets privados en todo el mundo. Además, JETR está colaborando con empresas tecnológicas para aumentar sus ofertas de Inteligencia Artificial.

스타 제츠 인터내셔널(OTC: JETR)은 파트너의 재정적 문제로 인해 1,400만 달러 계약이 성사되지 않은 최근의 어려움에도 불구하고 성장 전략을 추진할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 이러한 도전에도 불구하고, 회사는 나스닥 상장 계획을 포함하여 전략적 목표에 전념하고 있습니다.

CEO인 리키 시토머는 회사의 꾸준한 성장 및 혁신에 대한 약속을 강조했습니다. 스타 제츠 인터내셔널은 민간 항공 부문에서 새로운 파트너십 및 기회를 적극적으로 모색하고 있습니다. 회사는 전 세계 15,000대의 개인 제트를 위한 온라인 예약 엔진을 개선하고 인수합병을 위한 커넥션을 활용할 계획입니다. 또한 JETR은 기술 회사들과 협력하여 인공지능 제공 범위를 확대하고 있습니다.

Star Jets International (OTC: JETR) a annoncé son engagement à poursuivre sa stratégie de croissance malgré un récent contretemps impliquant un contrat de 14 millions de dollars qui n'a pas abouti en raison de l'incapacité financière d'un partenaire. Malgré ce défi, l'entreprise reste dédiée à ses objectifs stratégiques, y compris des projets de cotation sur le Nasdaq.

Le PDG Ricky Sitomer a souligné l'engagement indéfectible de l'entreprise envers la croissance et l'innovation. Star Jets International recherche activement de nouveaux partenariats et opportunités dans le secteur de l'aviation privée. L'entreprise prévoit d'exploiter ses relations pour des acquisitions et d'améliorer son moteur de réservation en ligne pour 15 000 jets privés dans le monde entier. De plus, JETR collabore avec des entreprises technologiques pour accroître ses offres en Intelligence Artificielle.

Star Jets International (OTC: JETR) hat sein Engagement zur Weiterverfolgung seiner Wachstumsstrategie trotz eines jüngsten Rückschlags angekündigt, bei dem ein 14-Millionen-Dollar-Deal aufgrund der finanziellen Unfähigkeit eines Partners nicht zustande kam. Trotz dieser Herausforderung bleibt das Unternehmen seinen strategischen Zielen treu, einschließlich der Pläne für ein Up-Listing an die Nasdaq.

CEO Ricky Sitomer hat das unerschütterliche Engagement des Unternehmens für Wachstum und Innovation betont. Star Jets International sucht aktiv nach neuen Partnerschaften und Möglichkeiten im Bereich der privaten Luftfahrt. Das Unternehmen plant, seine Beziehungen für Übernahmen zu nutzen und seine Online-Buchungsplattform für 15.000 Privatjets weltweit zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus arbeitet JETR mit Technologieunternehmen zusammen, um seine KI-Angebote auszubauen.

  • Plans for up-listing to Nasdaq
  • Commitment to growth strategy despite setback
  • Exploring new partnerships and opportunities
  • Potential for acquisitions to drive growth
  • Enhancement of online booking engine for 15,000 private jets
  • Collaboration with tech companies for AI offerings
  • $14 million deal fell through due to partner's financial inability
  • Setback in strategic planning and collaboration

NEW YORK, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Star Jets International (OTC: JETR) ($JETR) (“Company”) commits to moving forward on its growth strategy despite an unforeseen setback regarding a previously secured deal worth approximately $14 million. After years of strategic planning, the Company’s collaboration with the partner firm did not materialize as intended due to their inability to fulfill their financial obligations.

Despite this setback, Star Jets International remains dedicated to its strategic goals and plans for an up-listing to Nasdaq. The fundamental vision for JETR has not changed, and its management team is actively regrouping to identify new opportunities that align with corporate objectives.

“We understand that setbacks like these can be disheartening, but we want to reassure our stakeholders that our commitment to growth and innovation remains unwavering,” said Ricky Sitomer CEO of Star Jets International, Inc. “While we had high hopes for the partnership, we see this as a chance to explore new ventures and revitalized strategies that will not only secure our position in the marketplace but also enhance shareholder value.”

Star Jets International has a strong foundation and will leverage its industry expertise to seek new partnerships and opportunities that support its mission of delivering exceptional service and growth within the private aviation sector. Star Jets International believes it can leverage its relationships to make acquisitions and increase its online presence with its booking engine for 15,000 private jets worldwide. In addition, we are working with several tech companies to increase our Artificial Intelligence offerings.

As the Company navigate this transition, management will keep its stakeholders informed about significant developments and ongoing efforts to achieve JETR’s strategic objectives.

About Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR) ($JETR):

Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR) offers its customers all the advantages of owning a corporate jet, without the burdens associated with ownership. This includes unprecedented flexibility through access to over 5,000 private jets domestically and 15,000 private jets worldwide. Star Jets executives have nearly 20 years of experience in aviation and marketing, and Watch Star Jets International “You Tube” video - and watch two CNBC Commercials about the Company-

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "ongoing," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "will," "would," or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements do not guarantee future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of when such performance or results are achieved. This press release should be considered in all filings of the Companies contained in the Edgar Archives of the Securities and Exchange Commission at


Ricky Sitomer
Star Jets International Inc.
International Plaza
750 Lexington Avenue, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Phone:  855-9-FLYJETS
Fax:  212-658-9810

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What recent setback did Star Jets International (JETR) face?

Star Jets International (JETR) faced a setback when a previously secured deal worth approximately $14 million fell through due to the partner firm's inability to fulfill their financial obligations.

What are Star Jets International's (JETR) plans after the recent setback?

Despite the setback, Star Jets International (JETR) remains committed to its growth strategy, including plans for up-listing to Nasdaq, seeking new partnerships and opportunities, and enhancing its online booking engine for private jets.

How is Star Jets International (JETR) planning to leverage technology?

Star Jets International (JETR) is working with several tech companies to increase its Artificial Intelligence offerings and enhance its online booking engine for 15,000 private jets worldwide.

What is Star Jets International's (JETR) strategy for future growth?

Star Jets International (JETR) plans to leverage its industry relationships to make acquisitions, increase its online presence, explore new partnerships, and enhance its AI offerings to drive growth in the private aviation sector.



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