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Jack Creek Investment Corp. (Nasdaq: JCIC) announced that shareholders approved a business combination with Bridger Aerospace Group Holdings, LLC on January 24, 2023. The expected closure of this combination follows the cancellation of an extraordinary general meeting originally set to address an extension proposal. Bridger Aerospace, a leading aerial firefighting company, will now integrate operations after the approval. The press release emphasizes the anticipated benefits of the combination, while also cautioning about potential risks and uncertainties that could affect the expected outcomes.

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Jack Creek Investment Corp. (Nasdaq: JCIC) has announced the rescheduling of its extraordinary general meeting (EGM) from January 10, 2023, to January 12, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Shareholders can request redemption of their Class A shares until January 10, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The EGM aims to vote on proposals related to the potential business combination with Bridger Aerospace Group. Shareholders are encouraged to review the Definitive Proxy Statement filed with the SEC on December 20, 2022, for important details.

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Bridger Aerospace Group Holdings, LLC will merge with Jack Creek Investment Corp. (NASDAQ: JCIC) to become a publicly traded entity. The transaction values Bridger at $869 million and is expected to provide up to $345 million in cash to support its expansion. Bridger, a leader in aerial firefighting services, operates a diverse fleet and has strong financial backing from institutional investors. The merger aims to enhance Bridger's operational capabilities and geographic reach in response to increasing wildfire threats, with completion expected in Q4 2022.

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Jack Creek Investment Corp. announced its upsized initial public offering of 30,000,000 units at $10.00 per unit, set to trade on Nasdaq under symbol JCICU starting January 22, 2021. Each unit comprises one Class A ordinary share and one-half redeemable warrant, with each whole warrant allowing the purchase of one Class A share at $11.50. The company, targeting mergers within technology sectors related to food and grocery logistics, has granted underwriters a 45-day option to purchase an additional 4,500,000 units to cover over-allotments.

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