JetBlue Brings Annual “Fly Like a Girl” Event to Boston as Part of Commitment to New England

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JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) hosted its 10th annual Fly Like a Girl event in Boston on October 19, supporting over 100 local youth ages 8-14. The event, in partnership with Massport and various JetBlue teams, aims to inspire careers in aviation by offering girls direct access to learn about different roles from female crewmembers.

As the only U.S. airline led by a female CEO, JetBlue boasts over 30% female representation at officer and director levels. The event featured hands-on activities, demonstrations, and educational stations, including aircraft tours and meetings with female pilots and other professionals.

This initiative aligns with JetBlue's recent announcement to invest and grow across New England, adding 20% more seats in the region by winter. The event underscores the JetBlue Foundation's commitment to fostering early interest in aviation and breaking down barriers for underrepresented groups in STEM education.

JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) ha ospitato il suo 10° evento annuale Fly Like a Girl a Boston il 19 ottobre, supportando oltre 100 giovani locali di età compresa tra 8 e 14 anni. L'evento, in collaborazione con Massport e vari team di JetBlue, si propone di ispirare carriere nell'aviazione offrendo alle ragazze l'accesso diretto per conoscere i diversi ruoli dalle membri dell'equipaggio femminili.

Essendo l'unica compagnia aerea statunitense guidata da una CEO donna, JetBlue vanta oltre il 30% di rappresentanza femminile a livello di funzionari e direttori. L'evento ha incluso attività pratiche, dimostrazioni e stazioni educative, tra cui tour degli aerei e incontri con piloti femminili e altri professionisti.

Questa iniziativa si allinea con l'annuncio recente di JetBlue di investire e crescere in Nuova Inghilterra, aggiungendo il 20% di posti in più nella regione entro l'inverno. L'evento mette in evidenza l'impegno della JetBlue Foundation nel promuovere l'interesse precoce per l'aviazione e nel superare le barriere per i gruppi sottorappresentati nell'istruzione STEM.

JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) organizó su 10° evento anual Fly Like a Girl en Boston el 19 de octubre, apoyando a más de 100 jóvenes locales de entre 8 y 14 años. El evento, en asociación con Massport y varios equipos de JetBlue, tiene como objetivo inspirar carreras en la aviación al ofrecer a las niñas acceso directo para aprender sobre los diferentes roles de las miembros del equipo femenino.

Siendo la única aerolínea de EE. UU. dirigida por una CEO mujer, JetBlue cuenta con más del 30% de representación femenina en niveles de oficiales y directores. El evento presentó actividades prácticas, demostraciones y estaciones educativas, incluidos recorridos por aviones y encuentros con pilotos femeninas y otros profesionales.

Esta iniciativa se alinea con el anuncio reciente de JetBlue de invertir y crecer en Nueva Inglaterra, añadiendo un 20% más de asientos en la región para el invierno. El evento subraya el compromiso de la JetBlue Foundation de fomentar el interés temprano en la aviación y eliminar las barreras para los grupos subrepresentados en la educación STEM.

JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU)는 10번째 연례 Fly Like a Girl 행사를 10월 19일 보스턴에서 개최하여 8세에서 14세 사이의 지역 청소년 100명 이상을 지원했습니다. 이 행사는 Massport와 JetBlue의 다양한 팀과 협력하여 이루어지며, 항공 분야에서의 경력을 영감을 주기 위해 소녀들에게 여성 승무원들로부터 다양한 역할에 대해 직접 배울 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

여성 CEO가 이끌고 있는 유일한 미국 항공사인 JetBlue는 임원 및 이사 수준에서 30% 이상의 여성 대표성을 자랑합니다. 이 행사에서는 실습 활동, 시연, 교육 스테이션이 포함되었으며, 여기에는 항공기 투어와 여성 조종사 및 기타 전문가와의 만남이 포함되었습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 JetBlue가 최근 발표한 뉴잉글랜드 전역에 투자하고 성장할 계획과 일치하며, 겨울까지 지역에 20% 더 많은 좌석을 추가할 예정입니다. 이 행사는 JetBlue 재단이 조기에 항공에 대한 관심을 촉진하고 STEM 교육에서 소외된 그룹의 장벽을 허무는 데 헌신하고 있음을 강조합니다.

JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) a accueilli son 10ème événement annuel Fly Like a Girl à Boston le 19 octobre, soutenant plus de 100 jeunes locaux âgés de 8 à 14 ans. L'événement, en partenariat avec Massport et diverses équipes de JetBlue, vise à inspirer des carrières dans l'aviation en offrant aux filles un accès direct pour apprendre différents rôles de membres d'équipage féminins.

En tant que seule compagnie aérienne américaine dirigée par une PDG femme, JetBlue affiche plus de 30 % de représentation féminine aux niveaux des cadres et des directeurs. L'événement proposait des activités pratiques, des démonstrations et des stations éducatives, notamment des visites d'avions et des rencontres avec des pilotes féminines et d'autres professionnels.

Cette initiative s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'annonce récente de JetBlue d'investir et de croître dans le New England, en ajoutant 20 % de sièges supplémentaires dans la région d'ici l'hiver. L'événement souligne l'engagement de la JetBlue Foundation à promouvoir un intérêt précoce pour l'aviation et à briser les barrières pour les groupes sous-représentés dans l'éducation STEM.

JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) veranstaltete am 19. Oktober in Boston sein 10. jährliches Fly Like a Girl Event, das über 100 lokalen Jugendlichen im Alter von 8 bis 14 Jahren zugute kam. Die Veranstaltung, in Partnerschaft mit Massport und verschiedenen JetBlue-Teams, zielt darauf ab, Karrieren in der Luftfahrt zu inspirieren, indem Mädchen direkten Zugang erhalten, um von weiblichen Besatzungsmitgliedern über verschiedene Rollen zu lernen.

Als einzige US-Fluggesellschaft, die von einer weiblichen CEO geleitet wird, hat JetBlue über 30% Frauenanteil auf Führungskräfte- und Direktionsebene. Die Veranstaltung umfasste praktische Aktivitäten, Demonstrationen und Bildungsstationen, darunter Flugzeugtouren und Treffen mit Pilotinnen sowie anderen Fachleuten.

Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit JetBlues kürzlich bekannt gegebenem Plan, in Neuengland zu investieren und zu wachsen, indem bis zum Winter 20% mehr Sitze in der Region hinzugefügt werden. Die Veranstaltung unterstreicht das Engagement der JetBlue Foundation, frühes Interesse an der Luftfahrt zu fördern und Barrieren für unterrepräsentierte Gruppen in der MINT-Ausbildung abzubauen.

  • JetBlue is expanding its presence in New England, adding 20% more seats by winter
  • The company has over 30% female representation at officer and director levels
  • JetBlue's Gateways programs have high female participation rates, with 25% overall and nearly 50% in career development programs for current crewmembers
  • None.

JetBlue celebrates 10-year anniversary of its signature Fly Like a Girl event to foster youth interest in aviation

Commemorating more than 20 years of service in Boston, the airline demonstrates dedication to growth in New England

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- On Saturday, October 19, JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) hosted its 10th annual Fly Like a Girl event in Boston, one of the airline’s major focus cities. Fly Like a Girl offers girls direct access to learn about different careers in the aviation industry from JetBlue’s female crewmembers who play an integral role in the airline’s success in the sky and on the ground. In partnership with the Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) and JetBlue’s Women in Flight Crewmember Resource Group (CRG), Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team, Corporate Social Responsibility team and the JetBlue Foundation, the event supported more than 100 local youth ages 8-14 as they joined JetBlue to learn more and inspire careers in aviation.

Photo courtesy of JetBlue.

Photo courtesy of JetBlue.

As the first and only U.S. airline led by a female CEO, JetBlue sets an example with over 30 percent female representation at the officer and director levels. The JetBlue Gateways pilot and technician programs breaks traditional barriers, with females representing more than a quarter of all Gateways participants and nearly half of participants in Gateways designed to provide career development for current JetBlue crewmembers. In Boston, local and government partners supported JetBlue’s event including U.S. Representative Ayanna Pressley and Mia Healy-Waldron, Deputy Director of Aviation Customer Service at Massport.

“We are proud to be Boston’s favorite airline, and there is no better way to celebrate continued growth in our Northeast network than with an impactful event for the region’s next generation of aviation professionals,” said Ursula Hurley, president of the JetBlue Foundation and JetBlue’s chief financial officer. “This year’s Fly Like a Girl signifies 10 years of breaking down barriers of entry into aviation for underrepresented groups. We are excited to provide opportunities like this through the JetBlue Foundation, which champions diversity in STEM education and creates career pathways into our exciting industry.”

“I am so proud to help mark 10 years of JetBlue’s Fly Like a Girl, which celebrates our girls’ brilliance, stokes their consciousness, and encourages them to dream big,” said Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07). “Thank you to the JetBlue team for its commitment to our next generation. And to the young women in attendance, know you are worth every investment and opportunity just because you are you. The sky is the limit.”

“Through events like Fly Like a Girl, we are not only educating young women on the various careers in aviation but empowering and inspiring the next generation of women aviators,” said Mia Healy-Waldron, Deputy Director of Aviation Customer Service at Massport. “Massport is thrilled to participate in this year’s event and proud to support JetBlue’s mission to increase women’s representation in the industry.”

Participants of this year’s Fly Like a Girl event were part of a series of hands-on activities, demonstrations and educational stations with JetBlue crewmembers from different workgroups of the airline. Students met with various members from the airline including 10 female pilots, brand design managers, technical operators, and more. Attendees also had the opportunity to tour an Airbus A321 aircraft and explored ground operations facilities like the baggage and cargo areas.

“One of the most proactive ways we can fulfill JetBlue’s mission to bring humanity back to air travel is to inspire future aviators by showing them the many career pathways in our industry, the level of diverse representation we have at JetBlue and the work we are doing to foster inclusivity in aviation,” said Icema Gibbs, JetBlue’s vice president of CSR and DEI. “Our Fly Like a Girl event brings our crewmembers and communities together for an immersive, hands-on learning experience where students receive exposure to the aviation industry.”

JetBlue’s Fly Like a Girl event arrived on the heels of its recent announcement to invest and grow across New England, adding 20 percent more seats in the region by this winter. JetBlue is proud to bring events like Fly Like a Girl to communities throughout its network as they underscore the JetBlue Foundation’s commitment to foster early interest in aviation. Learn more at

About JetBlue

JetBlue is New York's Hometown Airline®, and a leading carrier in Boston, Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood, Los Angeles, Orlando and San Juan. JetBlue, known for its low fares and great service, carries customers to more than 100 destinations throughout the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean, Canada and Europe. For more information and the best fares, visit

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Tel: +1.718.709.3089

Source: JetBlue


What is JetBlue's 'Fly Like a Girl' event and when was it held in Boston?

JetBlue's 'Fly Like a Girl' is an annual event that offers girls direct access to learn about aviation careers from female crewmembers. The 10th annual event was held in Boston on October 19, 2023.

How is JetBlue (JBLU) planning to expand in New England?

JetBlue (JBLU) announced plans to invest and grow across New England, adding 20% more seats in the region by winter 2023.

What percentage of female representation does JetBlue have at officer and director levels?

JetBlue has over 30% female representation at the officer and director levels.

How many local youth participated in JetBlue's 'Fly Like a Girl' event in Boston?

The 'Fly Like a Girl' event in Boston supported more than 100 local youth ages 8-14.

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Air Transportation, Scheduled
United States of America