As Puerto Rico’s Largest Airline, JetBlue Partners with Little Free Library® to Bring Beloved ‘Soar with Reading’ Initiative to the Island
JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) has launched its 14th annual Soar with Reading initiative in Puerto Rico, partnering with Little Free Library. The program aims to increase access to literature by placing seven book-sharing boxes across communities in Aguadilla, Ponce, and San Juan. These boxes, located in high-traffic community centers, offer free books in both English and Spanish.
Since 2015, JetBlue's Soar with Reading has addressed book availability in underserved communities, donating over $4 million worth of books to children in need. This initiative aligns with JetBlue's commitment to Puerto Rico, where it has operated since 2002. The airline is also expanding its presence on the island, introducing Mint premium service between New York and San Juan, and planning to open a new crew base in San Juan by the end of 2024, creating over 400 local jobs by 2025.
JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) ha lanciato la sua 14a edizione annuale dell'iniziativa Soar with Reading a Puerto Rico, in collaborazione con Little Free Library. Il programma ha l'obiettivo di aumentare l'accesso alla letteratura posizionando sette scatole di condivisione di libri in diverse comunità di Aguadilla, Ponce e San Juan. Queste scatole, situate in centri comunitari ad alto traffico, offrono libri gratuiti sia in inglese che in spagnolo.
Dal 2015, l'iniziativa Soar with Reading di JetBlue ha affrontato il problema della disponibilità di libri nelle comunità svantaggiate, donando oltre 4 milioni di dollari in libri ai bambini bisognosi. Questa iniziativa è in linea con l'impegno di JetBlue verso Puerto Rico, dove opera dal 2002. La compagnia aerea sta inoltre ampliando la propria presenza sull'isola, introducendo il servizio premium Mint tra New York e San Juan, e pianificando di aprire una nuova base per l'equipaggio a San Juan entro la fine del 2024, creando oltre 400 posti di lavoro locali entro il 2025.
JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) ha lanzado su 14ª edición anual de la iniciativa Soar with Reading en Puerto Rico, asociándose con Little Free Library. El programa tiene como objetivo aumentar el acceso a la literatura mediante la colocación de siete cajas de intercambio de libros en diversas comunidades de Aguadilla, Ponce y San Juan. Estas cajas, ubicadas en centros comunitarios de gran afluencia, ofrecen libros gratuitos tanto en inglés como en español.
Desde 2015, la iniciativa Soar with Reading de JetBlue ha abordado la disponibilidad de libros en comunidades desatendidas, donando más de 4 millones de dólares en libros a niños necesitados. Esta iniciativa se alinea con el compromiso de JetBlue con Puerto Rico, donde opera desde 2002. La aerolínea también está expandiendo su presencia en la isla, introduciendo el servicio premium Mint entre Nueva York y San Juan, y planeando abrir una nueva base de tripulación en San Juan a finales de 2024, creando más de 400 empleos locales para 2025.
JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU)는 푸에르토 리코에서 리틀 프리 라이브러리와 협력하여 제14회 연례 Soar with Reading 이니셔티브를 시작했습니다. 이 프로그램은 아구아딜라, 폰세, 산 후안의 커뮤니티에 7개의 책 공유 상자를 설치하여 문학에 대한 접근성을 높이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이러한 상자는 교통량이 많은 커뮤니티 센터에 위치해 있으며, 영어와 스페인어로 된 무료 책을 제공합니다.
2015년 이후, JetBlue의 Soar with Reading은 서비스가 부족한 커뮤니티에서 책의 가용성을 다루며, 도움이 필요한 아이들에게 400만 달러가 넘는 가치의 책을 기부했습니다. 이번 이니셔티브는 2002년부터 운영되고 있는 JetBlue의 푸에르토 리코에 대한 헌신과 일치합니다. 항공사는 또한 뉴욕과 산후안 간의 프리미엄 서비스 Mint를 도입하고 있으며, 2024년 말까지 산후안에 새로운 승무원 기지를 열고 2025년까지 400개 이상의 지역 일자리를 창출할 계획입니다.
JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) a lancé sa 14ème édition annuelle de l'initiative Soar with Reading à Porte Rico, en partenariat avec Little Free Library. Le programme vise à augmenter l'accès à la littérature en plaçant sept boîtes de partage de livres dans diverses communautés à Aguadilla, Ponce et San Juan. Ces boîtes, situées dans des centres communautaires à fort trafic, offrent des livres gratuits en anglais et en espagnol.
Depuis 2015, l'initiative Soar with Reading de JetBlue s'attaque à la disponibilité des livres dans les communautés défavorisées, en faisant don de plus de 4 millions de dollars de livres aux enfants dans le besoin. Cette initiative s'inscrit dans l'engagement de JetBlue envers Porto Rico, où il opère depuis 2002. La compagnie aérienne développe également sa présence sur l'île en introduisant le service premium Mint entre New York et San Juan, et prévoit d'ouvrir une nouvelle base pour l'équipage à San Juan d'ici la fin de 2024, créant plus de 400 emplois locaux d'ici 2025.
JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) hat seine 14. jährliche Soar with Reading-Initiative in Puerto Rico gestartet, in Partnerschaft mit Little Free Library. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, den Zugang zur Literatur zu erhöhen, indem sieben Bücher-Sharing-Boxen in Gemeinschaften in Aguadilla, Ponce und San Juan aufgestellt werden. Diese Boxen, die sich in stark frequentierten Gemeinschaftszentren befinden, bieten kostenlose Bücher in Englisch und Spanisch an.
Seit 2015 hat JetBlues Soar with Reading die Verfügbarkeit von Büchern in unterversorgten Gemeinschaften angegangen und über 4 Millionen Dollar an Büchern an bedürftige Kinder gespendet. Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit JetBlues Engagement für Puerto Rico, wo das Unternehmen seit 2002 tätig ist. Die Fluggesellschaft erweitert auch ihre Präsenz auf der Insel und führt den Premium-Service Mint zwischen New York und San Juan ein und plant, bis Ende 2024 eine neue Crew-Basis in San Juan zu eröffnen, wodurch bis 2025 über 400 lokale Arbeitsplätze geschaffen werden sollen.
- JetBlue has donated over $4 million worth of books to children in need since 2015
- JetBlue is expanding its presence in Puerto Rico with new routes and services
- The airline plans to open a new crew base in San Juan, creating over 400 local jobs by 2025
- JetBlue is introducing Mint premium service between New York and San Juan
- None.
JetBlue and Little Free Library place seven book-sharing boxes across communities in
"We are excited to bring our beloved Soar with Reading program to the island for the first time, helping connect more youth with the joys of reading and imagination," said Icema Gibbs, vice president of CSR and DEI, JetBlue. “With seven physical Little Free Library book-sharing boxes placed within key community centers across
Since 2015, JetBlue’s award-winning Soar with Reading initiative has tackled the issue of book availability in underserved communities where access to age-appropriate books for children is often limited. JetBlue and Little Free Library book-sharing boxes or ‘libraries’ are now available to residents within Puerto Rico’s Aguadilla, Ponce and
“It is an honor to be working with JetBlue in
Publishing partners include Barefoot Books, Harper Collins, Lil’ Libros, Penguin Random House, Quarto, Scholastic and Somos Uno. JetBlue and Little Free Library book-sharing boxes are now within the following community centers across Aguadilla, Ponce and
Isabela Boys & Girls Club of
Puerto Rico , Ave. Juan Hernández, next to the police station, Isabela,Puerto Rico -
The Gogo Foundation, 1123 Avenida Hostos, Ponce,
Puerto Rico -
Las Margaritas Boys & Girls Club of
Puerto Rico , Eduardo Conde Avenue Res. - Las Margaritas, Santurce, PR
Carolina Boys & Girls Club of
Puerto Rico , In front of Polideportivo Guillermo Angulo, Calle 24, Carolina,Puerto Rico -
Centro TAU Community Center, C4G9+59P, Loíza, 00772,
Puerto Rico -
The Flight Park, CXPQ+R5G, Carolina, 00979,
Puerto Rico -
The San Jorge Hospital, 258 C. San Jorge,
San Juan , 00912,Puerto Rico
Since becoming a part of
This initiative also comes as JetBlue seeks to increase connectivity to and from
JetBlue For Good® - Soar with Reading is a signature program of JetBlue For Good, the airline’s initiative for social impact and corporate responsibility. Giving back is part of JetBlue’s DNA and is core to its mission of bringing humanity back to air travel. Centered around volunteerism and service, JetBlue For Good initiatives focus on the areas that are most important to the airline’s customers and crewmembers like community service and youth/education initiatives.
About JetBlue
JetBlue is
About Little Free Library
Little Free Library® (LFL) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that builds community, inspires readers and expands book access for all through a global network of volunteer-led Little Free Libraries. There are more than 180,000 registered Little Free Library book-sharing boxes worldwide in all 50 states, 121 countries and seven continents. Through them, over 400 million books have been shared since 2009. LFL received the 2020 World Literacy Award as well as honors from the Library of Congress, National Book Foundation and others. The organization grants Little Free Libraries full of books to underserved areas through its Impact Library and Indigenous Library Programs and champions diverse books through its Read in Color initiative. To learn more, visit
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Tel: +1.718.709.3089
Source: JetBlue