Apptronik and Jabil Collaborate to Scale Production of Apollo Humanoid Robots and Deploy in Manufacturing Operations
Apptronik and Jabil (NYSE: JBL) have announced a strategic collaboration to build Apollo humanoid robots and integrate them into Jabil's manufacturing operations. This partnership aims to create a system where Apollo robots can eventually build more Apollo robots.
As part of the pilot program, newly manufactured Apollo units will undergo real-world validation testing in Jabil's factory environment, performing tasks like inspection, sorting, kitting, and sub-assembly before deployment to Apptronik customers. The humanoids are designed to augment the existing workforce, allowing employees to focus on more creative, thought-intensive projects.
Jabil will serve as the worldwide manufacturing partner for Apollo robots, providing Apptronik with flexibility to scale production globally. Apptronik's design includes unique actuators that require fewer components, less manufacturing time, and lower costs compared to previous generations, making mass production more feasible.
The collaboration aims to make general-purpose humanoids more affordable for expansion into new markets including retail, elder care, and eventually home use.
Apptronik e Jabil (NYSE: JBL) hanno annunciato una collaborazione strategica per costruire robot umanoidi Apollo e integrarli nelle operazioni di produzione di Jabil. Questa partnership mira a creare un sistema in cui i robot Apollo possano eventualmente costruire altri robot Apollo.
Come parte del programma pilota, le nuove unità Apollo prodotte saranno sottoposte a test di validazione nel mondo reale nell'ambiente della fabbrica di Jabil, eseguendo compiti come ispezione, smistamento, assemblaggio e sotto-assemblaggio prima della distribuzione ai clienti di Apptronik. Gli umanoidi sono progettati per potenziare la forza lavoro esistente, consentendo ai dipendenti di concentrarsi su progetti più creativi e che richiedono maggiore riflessione.
Jabil fungerà da partner di produzione mondiale per i robot Apollo, fornendo ad Apptronik la flessibilità di espandere la produzione a livello globale. Il design di Apptronik include attuatori unici che richiedono meno componenti, meno tempo di produzione e costi inferiori rispetto alle generazioni precedenti, rendendo la produzione di massa più fattibile.
La collaborazione mira a rendere gli umanoidi di uso generale più accessibili per l'espansione in nuovi mercati, tra cui il commercio al dettaglio, l'assistenza agli anziani e, infine, l'uso domestico.
Apptronik y Jabil (NYSE: JBL) han anunciado una colaboración estratégica para construir robots humanoides Apollo e integrarlos en las operaciones de fabricación de Jabil. Esta asociación tiene como objetivo crear un sistema en el que los robots Apollo puedan eventualmente construir más robots Apollo.
Como parte del programa piloto, las nuevas unidades Apollo fabricadas se someterán a pruebas de validación en el mundo real en el entorno de la fábrica de Jabil, realizando tareas como inspección, clasificación, ensamblaje y subensamblaje antes de su despliegue a los clientes de Apptronik. Los humanoides están diseñados para aumentar la fuerza laboral existente, permitiendo a los empleados concentrarse en proyectos más creativos y que requieren más reflexión.
Jabil actuará como socio de fabricación mundial para los robots Apollo, proporcionando a Apptronik la flexibilidad para escalar la producción a nivel global. El diseño de Apptronik incluye actuadores únicos que requieren menos componentes, menos tiempo de fabricación y costos más bajos en comparación con las generaciones anteriores, lo que hace que la producción en masa sea más viable.
La colaboración tiene como objetivo hacer que los humanoides de propósito general sean más asequibles para la expansión en nuevos mercados, incluidos el comercio minorista, el cuidado de ancianos y, eventualmente, el uso doméstico.
Apptronik과 Jabil (NYSE: JBL)은 Apollo 휴머노이드 로봇을 제작하고 이를 Jabil의 제조 운영에 통합하기 위한 전략적 협력을 발표했습니다. 이 파트너십은 Apollo 로봇이 궁극적으로 더 많은 Apollo 로봇을 제작할 수 있는 시스템을 만드는 것을 목표로 합니다.
파일럿 프로그램의 일환으로, 새롭게 제조된 Apollo 유닛은 Jabil의 공장 환경에서 실제 검증 테스트를 거치며, 검사, 분류, 키팅 및 하위 조립과 같은 작업을 수행한 후 Apptronik 고객에게 배포됩니다. 이 휴머노이드는 기존 인력을 보강하기 위해 설계되어, 직원들이 보다 창의적이고 사고가 많이 필요한 프로젝트에 집중할 수 있도록 합니다.
Jabil은 Apollo 로봇의 전 세계 제조 파트너로 활동하며, Apptronik에 글로벌 생산 확장에 대한 유연성을 제공합니다. Apptronik의 디자인은 이전 세대에 비해 구성 요소가 적고, 제조 시간이 짧으며, 비용이 낮은 독특한 액추에이터를 포함하고 있어 대량 생산이 더욱 용이합니다.
이번 협력은 일반 목적의 휴머노이드를 새로운 시장, 소매, 노인 돌봄 및 궁극적으로 가정용으로 확장하기 위해 더 저렴하게 만드는 것을 목표로 합니다.
Apptronik et Jabil (NYSE: JBL) ont annoncé une collaboration stratégique pour construire des robots humanoïdes Apollo et les intégrer dans les opérations de fabrication de Jabil. Ce partenariat vise à créer un système où les robots Apollo pourront éventuellement construire d'autres robots Apollo.
Dans le cadre du programme pilote, les nouvelles unités Apollo fabriquées seront soumises à des tests de validation dans le monde réel dans l'environnement de l'usine de Jabil, effectuant des tâches telles que l'inspection, le tri, l'assemblage et le sous-assemblage avant leur déploiement auprès des clients d'Apptronik. Les humanoïdes sont conçus pour compléter la main-d'œuvre existante, permettant aux employés de se concentrer sur des projets plus créatifs et nécessitant plus de réflexion.
Jabil agira en tant que partenaire de fabrication mondial pour les robots Apollo, offrant à Apptronik la flexibilité d'étendre la production à l'échelle mondiale. Le design d'Apptronik comprend des actionneurs uniques qui nécessitent moins de composants, moins de temps de fabrication et des coûts inférieurs par rapport aux générations précédentes, rendant la production de masse plus réalisable.
La collaboration vise à rendre les humanoïdes polyvalents plus abordables pour l'expansion dans de nouveaux marchés, y compris le commerce de détail, les soins aux personnes âgées et, finalement, une utilisation domestique.
Apptronik und Jabil (NYSE: JBL) haben eine strategische Zusammenarbeit angekündigt, um Apollo-Humanoiden zu bauen und diese in die Fertigungsabläufe von Jabil zu integrieren. Diese Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, ein System zu schaffen, in dem Apollo-Roboter schließlich weitere Apollo-Roboter bauen können.
Im Rahmen des Pilotprogramms werden neu hergestellte Apollo-Einheiten in der Fabrikumgebung von Jabil realen Validierungstests unterzogen, bei denen Aufgaben wie Inspektion, Sortierung, Zusammenstellung und Unterbau durchgeführt werden, bevor sie an die Kunden von Apptronik ausgeliefert werden. Die Humanoiden sind darauf ausgelegt, die bestehende Belegschaft zu ergänzen, damit die Mitarbeiter sich auf kreativere, anspruchsvollere Projekte konzentrieren können.
Jabil wird als weltweiter Fertigungspartner für Apollo-Roboter fungieren und Apptronik die Flexibilität bieten, die Produktion global zu skalieren. Das Design von Apptronik umfasst einzigartige Aktuatoren, die weniger Komponenten, kürzere Fertigungszeiten und niedrigere Kosten im Vergleich zu früheren Generationen erfordern, was die Massenproduktion machbarer macht.
Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, allgemein einsetzbare Humanoiden für die Expansion in neue Märkte, einschließlich Einzelhandel, Altenpflege und schließlich für den Einsatz zu Hause, erschwinglicher zu machen.
- Strategic partnership between Apptronik and Jabil (NYSE: JBL) to scale humanoid robot production
- Apollo robots will be integrated into Jabil's manufacturing operations
- Jabil provides global manufacturing capabilities for scaling production
- Apollo's design includes cost-effective actuators with fewer components
- Potential expansion into new markets (retail, elder care, home use)
- Technology still in pilot phase with unproven commercial viability
- No specific timeline provided for full-scale implementation
- No financial details or investment amounts disclosed
Jabil's Strategic Move into Humanoid Robot Manufacturing Signals Automation Expansion
Jabil's collaboration with Apptronik represents more than just another manufacturing partnership—it's a strategic positioning in the rapidly emerging humanoid robotics market that could transform Jabil's own operations while opening new revenue streams. The deal encompasses both manufacturing Apollo robots and implementing them within Jabil's own facilities, creating a unique "robots building robots" ecosystem that could accelerate production scaling.
The partnership addresses a critical bottleneck in humanoid robotics adoption: manufacturing scalability. Apptronik's design innovations have significantly reduced component count and manufacturing complexity in their actuators—the essential "muscles" of humanoid robots. By leveraging Jabil's global manufacturing footprint and supply chain expertise, Apptronik can potentially achieve the production volumes and price points necessary for mass market adoption.
For Jabil investors, this represents three distinct value opportunities:
- A new high-margin manufacturing vertical with significant growth potential as humanoid robotics applications expand
- Internal productivity improvements as Apollo robots automate repetitive tasks within Jabil's own operations
- Positioning Jabil as the go-to manufacturing partner for next-generation robotics companies
The pilot program provides Jabil with a real-world testing ground for advanced automation, allowing them to refine deployment strategies before wider implementation. This "test and learn" approach mitigates implementation risks while building institutional knowledge that becomes a competitive advantage.
While the announcement doesn't include specific financial projections, the global industrial robotics market is projected to reach
The collaboration also addresses the labor challenges facing global manufacturers. Rather than replacing workers, the companies emphasize redeploying human talent to higher-value activities—a strategy that could improve both productivity metrics and employee satisfaction while reducing turnover costs.
For Jabil, this initiative aligns with their broader strategy of moving up the value chain from pure contract manufacturing to offering more comprehensive technology solutions. Similar to their successful diversification into healthcare and packaging sectors, this robotics play could deliver higher margins than traditional electronics manufacturing services.
The key execution risks include technical hurdles in robot reliability, longer-than-expected deployment timelines, and potential regulatory concerns as humanoid robots become more prevalent in manufacturing environments. However, by starting with simple, repetitive tasks, the companies are taking a pragmatic approach to implementation that increases chances of success.
Jabil’s world-class manufacturing expertise, Apollo’s mass manufacturable design, and the promise of robots building robots will enable the flywheel needed for the mass adoption of humanoid robots.

Newly manufactured Apollo humanoid robots will leverage Jabil’s factory environment for real-world validation testing, completing an array of simple, repetitive manufacturing tasks before being deployed to Apptronik customer sites. (Photo: Business Wire)
As part of the pilot program, newly manufactured Apollo units will leverage Jabil’s factory environment for real-world validation testing. The robots will be used to complete an array of simple, repetitive intralogistics and manufacturing tasks, including inspection, sorting, kitting, lineside delivery, fixture placement, and sub-assembly before being deployed to Apptronik customer sites. When humanoids are introduced to Jabil’s manufacturing lines, they are to augment and support the existing workforce; people who may have previously done those repetitive tasks now can dedicate their time to more creative, thought-intensive projects that shape and improve the future of Jabil’s operations.
Jabil supports customers in the development of market-leading advanced robotics and warehouse automation solutions, pushing the boundaries of technology. By building and evaluating their function within a best-in-class production environment, Apptronik and Jabil will gather valuable real-world use cases for automation in manufacturing and optimizing Apollo’s AI models.
As the worldwide manufacturing partner for Apollo humanoid robots, Jabil can provide Apptronik the flexibility and agility to scale production around the world as needed. Jabil’s expertise in developing and manufacturing robots will allow Apptronik to unify its supply chain and gain access to Jabil’s advanced manufacturing capabilities around the globe. This collaboration will benefit Apptronik customers through world-class quality, scalability, inventory management, turn-key procurement, and rapid production while providing Jabil the opportunity to test new automation solutions in support of safer operations, greater efficiency, and accelerated time-to-market.
Prioritizing Humanoid Scalability
To fulfill customer demand for its humanoid robots at the price point necessary for mass adoption, Apptronik’s world-class design includes a heritage of unique actuators, or motors, that unlock affordability and simplify maintenance. Its latest generation of actuators requires a significantly reduced number of components, manufacturing time, and cost compared to previous generations. With a cost-effective, simplified bill of materials (BOM) and ability to mass produce units at scale with Jabil, Apptronik aims to make general-purpose humanoids more affordable to expand into new markets and roles, such as front-of-house retail, elder care, and eventually home use.
“Humanoid robots have the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work, but for that to become a reality, we need to be able to build them rapidly at scale, at the right price point, and in geographies where our customers are located,” said Jeff Cardenas, co-founder and CEO of Apptronik. “Our partnership with Jabil, along with our unique design for manufacturability and ability to have Apollo humanoid robots handling material movement and assembly tasks in the factory, are critical components needed to create a flywheel effect that could make humanoid robots ubiquitous.”
“We’ve been committed to advanced automation and robotics across our operations, so piloting Apollo is a logical next step for our division and for Jabil in the long term,” said Rafael Renno, Senior Vice President of Global Business Units at Jabil. “Not only will we get a first-hand look at the impact that general-purpose robots can have as we test Apollo in our operations, but as we begin producing Apollo units, we can play a role in defining the future of manufacturing. These new technologies and applications further enhance Jabil's best-in-class capabilities to solve complex challenges and manufacture at scale for our customers.”
About Apptronik
Apptronik is a human-centered robotics company developing AI-powered humanoid robots. Our goal is to create human helpers to support humanity in every facet of life. Our robot, Apollo, is designed to collaborate thoughtfully with humans—initially in critical industries such as manufacturing and logistics, with future applications in healthcare, the home, and beyond. Apollo is the culmination of nearly a decade of development, drawing on Apptronik’s extensive work on 15 previous robots, including NASA’s Valkyrie robot. Apptronik started out of the Human Centered Robotics Lab at the University of
About Jabil
At Jabil (NYSE: JBL), we are proud to be a trusted partner for the world's top brands, offering comprehensive engineering, manufacturing, and supply chain solutions. With over 50 years of experience across industries and a vast network of over 100 sites worldwide, Jabil combines global reach with local expertise to deliver both scalable and customized solutions. Our commitment extends beyond business success as we strive to build sustainable processes that minimize environmental impact and foster vibrant and diverse communities around the globe. Discover more at
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Source: Jabil, Inc.
What tasks will Apollo humanoid robots perform in Jabil's manufacturing operations?
How will Jabil's partnership with Apptronik affect Apollo robot production costs?
Will JBL's implementation of Apollo robots replace human workers?
What markets is Apptronik targeting for Apollo humanoid robots beyond manufacturing?