J.B. Hunt Earns Addition to Dow Jones Industrial Sustainability North America Index
J.B. Hunt Transport Services (NASDAQ: JBHT) has been named to the North American Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI North America) for 2024, marking its first-ever inclusion. The company stands as the only road transportation provider among the index constituents, which represents the top 20% of North America's largest 600 companies in the S&P Global Brand Marketing Index.
In 2023, J.B. Hunt achieved a significant milestone by surpassing the halfway mark toward its goal of reducing carbon emissions intensity by 32% by 2034 (from 2019 baseline). The company's intermodal service leads in converting over-the-road shipments to rail, reducing shipment carbon footprints by approximately 65% compared to highway truck transportation. Over the past decade, this service has helped avoid an estimated 30 million metric tons of CO2e emissions.
J.B. Hunt Transport Services (NASDAQ: JBHT) è stata inserita per la prima volta nell'Indice di Sostenibilità del Dow Jones Nordamericano (DJSI North America) per il 2024. La compagnia è l'unico fornitore di trasporto stradale tra i membri dell'indice, che rappresenta il 20% delle 600 maggiori aziende del Nord America nel S&P Global Brand Marketing Index.
Nel 2023, J.B. Hunt ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo superando la metà dell'obiettivo di ridurre l'intensità delle emissioni di carbonio del 32% entro il 2034 (rispetto ai dati del 2019). Il servizio intermodale dell'azienda è leader nel convertire le spedizioni su strada in trasporti ferroviari, riducendo l'impatto carbonico delle spedizioni di circa il 65% rispetto ai trasporti su camion. Negli ultimi dieci anni, questo servizio ha contribuito ad evitare emissioni stimate di 30 milioni di tonnellate metriche di CO2e.
J.B. Hunt Transport Services (NASDAQ: JBHT) ha sido nombrada para el Índice de Sostenibilidad Dow Jones de América del Norte (DJSI North America) para 2024, marcando su primera inclusión. La compañía se destaca como el único proveedor de transporte por carretera entre los miembros del índice, que representa el 20% de las 600 empresas más grandes de América del Norte en el S&P Global Brand Marketing Index.
En 2023, J.B. Hunt alcanzó un hito significativo al superar la mitad de su objetivo de reducir la intensidad de las emisiones de carbono en un 32% para 2034 (desde la línea base de 2019). El servicio intermodal de la empresa lidera la conversión de envíos por carretera a transporte ferroviario, reduciendo la huella de carbono de los envíos en aproximadamente un 65% en comparación con el transporte por camión. En la última década, este servicio ha ayudado a evitar aproximadamente 30 millones de toneladas métricas de emisiones de CO2e.
J.B. Hunt Transport Services (NASDAQ: JBHT)는 2024년 북미 다우존스 지속 가능성 지수(DJSI North America)에 처음으로 포함되었다. 이 회사는 지수 구성원 중 유일한 도로 운송 제공업체로, S&P Global Brand Marketing Index에서 북미 최대 600개 기업의 상위 20%를 나타낸다.
J.B. Hunt는 2023년에 2019년 기준으로 2034년까지 탄소 배출 강도를 32% 줄이겠다는 목표 중 절반을 초과 달성하는 중요한 이정표를 세웠다. 회사의 대안적 수송 서비스는 육상 운송을 철도로 전환하는 데 선두를 달리며, 고속도로 트럭 운송에 비해 약 65% 탄소 발자국을 줄인다. 지난 10년 동안 이 서비스는 약 3000만 톤의 CO2e 배출을 줄이는 데 기여했다.
J.B. Hunt Transport Services (NASDAQ: JBHT) a été nommée pour la première fois à l'Indice de Durabilité Dow Jones Nord-Américain (DJSI North America) pour 2024. L'entreprise se distingue comme le seul fournisseur de transport routier parmi les membres de l'indice, qui représente le 20 % des 600 plus grandes entreprises d'Amérique du Nord dans le S&P Global Brand Marketing Index.
En 2023, J.B. Hunt a atteint un jalon important en dépassant la moitié de son objectif de réduction de l'intensité des émissions de carbone de 32 % pour 2034 (par rapport à l'année de référence 2019). Le service intermodal de l'entreprise est le leader dans la conversion des livraisons routières en transport ferroviaire, réduisant l'empreinte carbone des expéditions d'environ 65 % par rapport au transport routier par camion. Au cours de la dernière décennie, ce service a contribué à éviter environ 30 millions de tonnes métriques d'émissions de CO2e.
J.B. Hunt Transport Services (NASDAQ: JBHT) wurde erstmals in den Nordamerikanischen Dow Jones Nachhaltigkeitsindex (DJSI North America) für 2024 aufgenommen. Das Unternehmen ist der einzige Anbieter von Straßentransportdiensten unter den Mitgliedern des Index, der die besten 20% der 600 größten Unternehmen Nordamerikas im S&P Global Brand Marketing Index repräsentiert.
Im Jahr 2023 erreichte J.B. Hunt einen bedeutenden Meilenstein, indem es die Hälfte seines Ziels übertraf, die Kohlenstoffemissionsintensität bis 2034 (basierend auf 2019) um 32% zu reduzieren. Der intermodale Dienst des Unternehmens führt bei der Umstellung von Straßenlieferungen auf Schiene und reduziert den Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck von Lieferungen um etwa 65% im Vergleich zum Straßentransport mit Lkw. In den letzten zehn Jahren hat dieser Dienst dazu beigetragen, schätzungsweise 30 Millionen metrische Tonnen CO2e-Emissionen zu vermeiden.
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“The DJSI North America is one of the highest standards for evaluating companies' sustainability efforts. Being a constituent on the index demonstrates our company’s progress toward reducing our environmental impact and enhancing the value we create for our employees, customers and communities,” said Greer Woodruff, executive vice president of safety, sustainability and maintenance at J.B. Hunt. “It is an honor to be included for the first time ever and reflects the hard work and commitment of our team to design and implement best-in-class supply chain solutions that help our customers achieve their sustainability goals.”
The DJSI North America represents the top
In 2023, J.B. Hunt surpassed the halfway mark for reaching its ambitious goal to reduce its carbon emissions intensity
The DJSI North America is widely regarded among the investor community as a leading standard for companies adopting top sustainability practices. The S&P Dow Jones Indices, which includes DJSI North America, will rename several of its sustainability and ESG-related indices to the Dow Jones Best-in-Class Indices on February 10.
More information about J.B. Hunt’s sustainability journey is available on the company’s Environmental Sustainability Hub.
About J.B. Hunt
J.B. Hunt’s vision is to create the most efficient transportation network in
J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. is a Fortune 500 company, an S&P 500 company and a component of the Dow Jones Transportation Average. Its stock trades on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol JBHT. J.B. Hunt Transport Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of JBHT. The company’s services include intermodal, dedicated, refrigerated, truckload, less-than-truckload, flatbed, single source, last mile, transload and more. For more information, visit www.jbhunt.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250204988639/en/
Brad Delco
Senior Vice President - Finance
(479) 820-2723
Source: J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc.