Jamf Insights and Data on Mobile Security Threats Featured in 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index

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Jamf, a leader in Apple device management and security, has contributed to the 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index. The report, based on responses from 600 professionals, highlights the increasing dependence on mobile services and the associated security risks. Key findings include:

- 80% of respondents consider mobile devices critical for smooth operations
- 86% of critical infrastructure respondents note escalated mobile security risks
- 67% believe current mobile security measures are effective, yet 58% experienced security incidents

Jamf's 2024 Security 360 Report, featured in the index, reveals that 25% of organizations have at least one user who disabled their device's lock screen. The report also outlines six common attack objectives targeting mobile devices and provides strategies to mitigate risks.

Jamf, un leader nella gestione e sicurezza dei dispositivi Apple, ha contribuito al 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index. Il rapporto, basato sulle risposte di 600 professionisti, evidenzia l'aumento della dipendenza dai servizi mobili e i rischi di sicurezza associati. I risultati chiave includono:

- L'80% degli intervistati considera i dispositivi mobili fondamentali per operazioni fluide
- L'86% dei partecipanti dal settore delle infrastrutture critiche segnala l'aumento dei rischi per la sicurezza mobile
- Il 67% ritiene che le attuali misure di sicurezza mobile siano efficaci, tuttavia il 58% ha subito incidenti di sicurezza

Il Report 360 di Sicurezza 2024 di Jamf, presentato nell'indice, rivela che il 25% delle organizzazioni ha almeno un utente che ha disabilitato la schermata di blocco del proprio dispositivo. Il rapporto delinea anche sei obiettivi comuni degli attacchi mirati ai dispositivi mobili e fornisce strategie per mitigare i rischi.

Jamf, un líder en la gestión y seguridad de dispositivos Apple, ha contribuido al 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index. El informe, basado en respuestas de 600 profesionales, destaca la creciente dependencia de los servicios móviles y los riesgos de seguridad asociados. Las conclusiones clave incluyen:

- El 80% de los encuestados considera que los dispositivos móviles son fundamentales para el correcto funcionamiento
- El 86% de los encuestados del sector de infraestructura crítica señalan el aumento de los riesgos de seguridad móvil
- El 67% cree que las medidas actuales de seguridad móvil son efectivas, sin embargo, el 58% experimentó incidentes de seguridad

El Informe de Seguridad 360 de Jamf 2024, incluido en el índice, revela que el 25% de las organizaciones tiene al menos un usuario que desactivó la pantalla de bloqueo de su dispositivo. El informe también describe seis objetivos de ataque comunes que afectan a los dispositivos móviles y proporciona estrategias para mitigar los riesgos.

Jamf는 Apple 장치 관리 및 보안 분야의 선두주자로서 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index에 기여했습니다. 이 보고서는 600명의 전문가의 응답을 바탕으로 하여 모바일 서비스에 대한 의존도 증가와 관련된 보안 위험을 강조합니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 응답자의 80%가 원활한 운영을 위해 모바일 장치가 필수적이라고 생각함
- 중요 인프라에 종사하는 응답자의 86%가 증가한 모바일 보안 위험을 언급함
- 67%는 현재 모바일 보안 조치가 효과적이라고 믿지만, 58%는 보안 사고를 경험함

지수에 포함된 Jamf의 2024 보안 360 보고서는 25%의 조직이 최소한 한 명의 사용자가 장치의 잠금 화면을 비활성화했다고 밝혔습니다. 이 보고서는 모바일 장치에 대한 공격 목표 6가지를 설명하고 위험을 완화하기 위한 전략을 제공합니다.

Jamf, un leader dans la gestion et la sécurité des appareils Apple, a contribué à l'Indice de sécurité mobile Verizon 2024. Le rapport, basé sur les réponses de 600 professionnels, souligne la dépendance croissante aux services mobiles et les risques de sécurité associés. Les résultats clés comprennent :

- 80 % des répondants considèrent les appareils mobiles comme essentiels au bon fonctionnement
- 86 % des répondants du secteur des infrastructures critiques notent l'augmentation des risques de sécurité mobile
- 67 % pensent que les mesures de sécurité mobile actuelles sont efficaces, mais 58 % ont subi des incidents de sécurité

Le rapport de sécurité 360 de Jamf de 2024, présenté dans l'indice, révèle que 25 % des organisations ont au moins un utilisateur qui a désactivé l'écran de verrouillage de son appareil. Le rapport décrit également six objectifs d'attaque courants ciblant les appareils mobiles et fournit des stratégies pour atténuer les risques.

Jamf, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Apple-Geräteverwaltung und -sicherheit, hat zum 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index beigetragen. Der Bericht, der auf den Antworten von 600 Fachleuten basiert, hebt die zunehmende Abhängigkeit von mobilen Dienstleistungen und die damit verbundenen Sicherheitsrisiken hervor. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

- 80% der Befragten halten mobile Geräte für entscheidend für einen reibungslosen Betrieb
- 86% der Befragten aus der kritischen Infrastruktur vermerken eskalierte mobile Sicherheitsrisiken
- 67% glauben, dass die aktuellen mobilen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen effektiv sind, dennoch haben 58% Sicherheitsvorfälle erlebt

Der 2024 Security 360 Report von Jamf, der im Index dargestellt wird, zeigt, dass 25% der Organisationen mindestens einen Benutzer haben, der den Sperrbildschirm seines Geräts deaktiviert hat. Der Bericht skizziert auch sechs häufige Angriffsziele, die auf mobile Geräte abzielen, und bietet Strategien zur Risikominderung.

  • Jamf's insights and data featured in a prominent industry report (Verizon Mobile Security Index)
  • Increased visibility and recognition as a thought leader in mobile security
  • Opportunity to showcase Jamf's expertise and solutions to a wider audience
  • No direct financial or business performance metrics provided
  • No specific information on how this contribution impacts Jamf's market position or sales

The 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index, featuring Jamf's insights, reveals critical trends in mobile security that investors should note. The report highlights a significant market opportunity for mobile security solutions, with 80% of organizations reporting increased mobile device usage. This trend bodes well for Jamf's potential revenue growth in the mobile device management sector.

However, the disconnect between perceived and actual security effectiveness is concerning. While 67% believe their measures are very effective, 58% experienced security incidents. This gap suggests a potential for market education and expansion of Jamf's services. The report's emphasis on critical infrastructure security also indicates new vertical markets for Jamf to explore, potentially driving future growth.

The report's findings underscore the escalating threat landscape in mobile security, particularly in critical infrastructure. The statistic that 86% of critical infrastructure respondents see increased mobile security risks is alarming. This presents both a challenge and opportunity for companies like Jamf.

Jamf's contribution highlighting that 25% of organizations have users disabling lock screens reveals a significant vulnerability. This data point could serve as a powerful sales tool for Jamf's security solutions. The company's breakdown of six common attack objectives provides valuable insights, potentially positioning Jamf as a thought leader in mobile security. This expertise could translate into increased market share and customer trust.

Report uncovers escalating risks in mobile and IoT security, with a focus on the threats facing critical infrastructure

MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jamf (NASDAQ: JAMF), the standard in managing and securing Apple at work, today announced that it is a contributor to the 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index. Based on responses from 600 professionals responsible for security strategy, policy and management, the survey revealed how dependent society has become on mobility services, and the dangers that businesses face if they do not invest in securing the infrastructure, devices, and users that rely on this always-on connectivity.

“It is imperative that CISOs and technology leaders take notice of the findings in this report and prioritize efforts to secure the mobile infrastructure their businesses now rely upon for work,” said Michael Covington, VP of Portfolio Strategy at Jamf. “The focus on critical infrastructure and IoT threats in this year’s report illustrates the continuing evolution of mobile, as the technology expands in industrial use cases, providing essential connectivity for factories, hospitals, power plants, water treatment facilities, and more. Of course, consumers continue to embrace mobility, making security and privacy on an individual basis equally important. Jamf is honored to contribute the findings from our 2024 Security 360 Report to help Verizon raise awareness around the importance of our world’s mobile security.”

The 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index helps inform cybersecurity decisions for leaders of businesses of all sizes and in key sectors. As mobile and IoT threats rise, the need for robust security measures has never been greater. The report identifies top mobile security threats across the evolving threat landscape.

Key findings from this year’s annual index include:

  • Modern work continues to be enabled by mobile: 80% of respondents agree mobile devices are critical to their organizations running smoothly and 80% of organizations have more users with mobile devices than they did 12 months ago.
  • Mobile risks are on the rise and could be fatal: 86% of critical infrastructure respondents agree that security risks associated with mobile devices have escalated over the past year and 85% of public sector respondents agree that a security breach of their organization could endanger lives – especially if critical or emergency services go down.
  • The disconnect between perception of security and reality is stark: 67% said current mobile device security measures were very effective, but 58% have experienced a security incident involving a mobile or IoT device that resulted in data loss or downtime. Verizon highlighted Jamf’s finding from its 2024 Security 360 Report that 25% of the organizations it surveyed earlier this year had at least one mobile device user on staff who has disabled their lock screen feature – one of the basic recommended measures to improve mobile device security.

Further, educating the leaders tasked with creating a cyber-secure mobile world, Jamf contributed the breakdown from its 2024 Security 360 Report of the six most common attack objectives of malicious actors targeting mobile devices and how organizations can take steps to reduce impact. These objectives encompass executing malicious code, accessing sensitive data, using compromised devices to infiltrate networks, and other related activities. 

“The data and analysis provided by Jamf for the 2024 MSI highlights the escalating risks in mobile and IoT environments,” said Mike Caralis, VP of Business Markets, Verizon Business. “Jamf’s thorough understanding of the complexities and risks associated with mobile and IoT devices has greatly enriched this year’s report.”

To view the full index visit 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index. To learn more about how Jamf can help you secure your mobile devices, click here.

Verizon contracted with an independent research company to survey senior professionals responsible for the procurement, management, and security of mobile devices. In total, 600 professionals responsible for the buying, managing, and security of mobile devices responded from small companies to large enterprises. 

About Jamf
Jamf’s purpose is to simplify work by helping organizations manage and secure an Apple experience that end users love and organizations trust. Jamf is the only company in the world that provides a complete management and security solution for an Apple-first environment that is enterprise secure, consumer simple and protects personal privacy. To learn more, visit

Media Contact:
Natali Brockett |

Investor Contact:
Jennifer Gaumond |


What are the key findings of the 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index featuring Jamf (JAMF) data?

The key findings include: 80% of respondents consider mobile devices critical for operations, 86% of critical infrastructure respondents note increased mobile security risks, and 67% believe current mobile security measures are effective, yet 58% experienced security incidents.

How does Jamf (JAMF) contribute to the 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index?

Jamf contributed data from its 2024 Security 360 Report, including insights on mobile device security practices and a breakdown of six common attack objectives targeting mobile devices, along with strategies to mitigate risks.

What percentage of organizations surveyed by Jamf (JAMF) had users who disabled their mobile device lock screen?

According to Jamf's 2024 Security 360 Report, 25% of the organizations surveyed had at least one mobile device user who had disabled their lock screen feature.

When was the 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index featuring Jamf (JAMF) data released?

The press release announcing Jamf's contribution to the 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index was dated August 13, 2024.

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