Jaguar Health Scientific Advisory Board Member to Share Poster Presentation at American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Quality Care Symposium About the Methodologies Involved in Designing an Advocate-Led Quality of Life Survey for Cancer Patients and Survivors

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Jaguar Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:JAGX) announced that Stacey Tinianov, MPH, a member of Jaguar's Scientific Advisory Board, will present a poster at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Quality Care Symposium on September 27, 2024. The presentation, titled 'Measuring what really matters: Advocacy-led co-creation and accrual of a pan-cancer QoL survey,' will discuss the methodologies used in designing the 'More Than a Diagnosis' quality of life survey for cancer patients and survivors.

The survey, sponsored by Jaguar's family company Napo Pharmaceuticals, aims to address the limitations of commonly used tools in assessing cancer patients' quality of life concerns. Tinianov emphasized that while cancer treatments have advanced, significant side effects can still impact patients' quality of life. The presentation will highlight the importance of understanding patients' priorities to improve supportive care and effectively address quality of life impacts.

Jaguar Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:JAGX) ha annunciato che Stacey Tinianov, MPH, un membro del Scientific Advisory Board di Jaguar, presenterà un poster al Simposio sulla Qualità dell'Assistenza della American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) il 27 settembre 2024. La presentazione, intitolata 'Misurare ciò che conta davvero: co-creazione guidata dalla difesa e accumulo di un sondaggio sulla QoL per il cancro', discuterà le metodologie utilizzate nella progettazione del sondaggio sulla qualità della vita 'More Than a Diagnosis' per pazienti e sopravvissuti al cancro.

Il sondaggio, sponsorizzato dalla società familiare di Jaguar, Napo Pharmaceuticals, mira a affrontare le limitazioni degli strumenti comunemente utilizzati nella valutazione delle preoccupazioni sulla qualità della vita dei pazienti oncologici. Tinianov ha sottolineato che, sebbene i trattamenti per il cancro siano progrediti, effetti collaterali significativi possono ancora influenzare la qualità della vita dei pazienti. La presentazione evidenzierà l'importanza di comprendere le priorità dei pazienti per migliorare l'assistenza di supporto e affrontare in modo efficace gli impatti sulla qualità della vita.

Jaguar Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:JAGX) anunció que Stacey Tinianov, MPH, miembro del Consejo Asesor Científico de Jaguar, presentará un póster en el Simposio sobre la Calidad de la Atención de la American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) el 27 de septiembre de 2024. La presentación, titulada 'Midiendo lo que realmente importa: co-creación liderada por la defensa y acumulación de una encuesta sobre la QoL para el cáncer', discutirá las metodologías utilizadas en el diseño de la encuesta de calidad de vida 'More Than a Diagnosis' para pacientes y sobrevivientes de cáncer.

La encuesta, patrocinada por la empresa familiar de Jaguar, Napo Pharmaceuticals, tiene como objetivo abordar las limitaciones de las herramientas comúnmente utilizadas para evaluar las preocupaciones sobre la calidad de vida de los pacientes con cáncer. Tinianov enfatizó que, aunque los tratamientos para el cáncer han avanzado, efectos secundarios significativos aún pueden afectar la calidad de vida de los pacientes. La presentación destacará la importancia de comprender las prioridades de los pacientes para mejorar la atención de apoyo y abordar de manera efectiva los impactos en la calidad de vida.

Jaguar Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:JAGX)는 Stacey Tinianov, MPH가 미국임상종양학회(ASCO) 품질 관리 심포지엄에서 포스터를 발표할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 발표는 2024년 9월 27일에 예정되어 있으며, '실제로 중요한 것 측정하기: 옹호 주도 공동 창작 및 범암QoL 조사 누적'이라는 제목으로, 암 환자 및 생존자를 위한 '진단 이상의' 삶의 질 설문조사를 설계하는 데 사용된 방법론에 대해 논의할 예정입니다.

이 설문조사는 Jaguar의 가족 회사인 Napo Pharmaceuticals가 후원하며, 암 환자의 삶의 질 문제를 평가하는 데 일반적으로 사용되는 도구의 한계를 해결하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. Tinianov는 암 치료가 발전했지만, 중요한 부작용이 여전히 환자의 삶의 질에 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 강조했습니다. 발표는 환자의 우선 사항을 이해하는 것의 중요성을 강조하여 지원 치료를 개선하고 삶의 질 영향에 효과적으로 대응하는 데 도움을 줄 것입니다.

Jaguar Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:JAGX) a annoncé que Stacey Tinianov, MPH, membre du Conseil Consultatif Scientifique de Jaguar, présentera un poster lors du Symposium sur la Qualité des Soins de l'American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) le 27 septembre 2024. La présentation, intitulée 'Mesurer ce qui compte vraiment : co-création dirigée par la défense et accumulation d'une enquête QoL pan-cancer', discutera des méthodologies utilisées pour concevoir l'enquête sur la qualité de vie 'More Than a Diagnosis' pour les patients et les survivants du cancer.

L'enquête, parrainée par l'entreprise familiale de Jaguar, Napo Pharmaceuticals, vise à aborder les limites des outils couramment utilisés pour évaluer les préoccupations liées à la qualité de vie des patients atteints de cancer. Tinianov a souligné que, bien que les traitements contre le cancer aient progressé, des effets secondaires significatifs peuvent encore affecter la qualité de vie des patients. La présentation mettra en lumière l'importance de la compréhension des priorités des patients pour améliorer les soins de soutien et traiter efficacement les impacts sur la qualité de vie.

Jaguar Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:JAGX) gab bekannt, dass Stacey Tinianov, MPH, Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirats von Jaguar, am 27. September 2024 ein Poster beim Qualitätspflegsymposium der American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) präsentieren wird. Die Präsentation mit dem Titel 'Messen, was wirklich zählt: Interessenvertretungsgestützte Co-Kreation und Akkumulation einer panonko QoL-Umfrage' wird die Methoden diskutieren, die bei der Gestaltung der Umfrage zur Lebensqualität 'More Than a Diagnosis' für Krebspatienten und -überlebende verwendet wurden.

Die Umfrage, die von Jaguars Familienunternehmen Napo Pharmaceuticals gesponsert wird, zielt darauf ab, die Einschränkungen der gängigen Werkzeuge zur Bewertung der Lebensqualitätsanliegen von Krebspatienten anzugehen. Tinianov betonte, dass, obwohl sich die Krebsbehandlungen weiterentwickelt haben, erhebliche Nebenwirkungen weiterhin die Lebensqualität der Patienten beeinflussen können. Die Präsentation wird die Bedeutung der Verständigung über die Prioritäten der Patienten hervorheben, um die unterstützende Pflege zu verbessern und die Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität effektiv anzugehen.

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Jaguar's commercial focus on cancer supportive care aims to use the best tools and techniques that assess the quality of life of cancer patients and survivors and deliver solutions to address these unmet needs - Commonly used tools and techniques fail to measure what patients are most concerned about

Jaguar family company Napo Pharmaceuticals sponsored the "More Than a Diagnosis: A Quality of Life Survey for Individuals with a Diagnosis or History of Cancer"

SAN FRANCISCO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / September 26, 2024 / Jaguar Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:JAGX) today announced that Stacey Tinianov, MPH, the founder of Advocates for Collaborative Education (ACE) and a member of Jaguar's Scientific Advisory Board, will conduct a poster presentation on September 27, 2024 at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Quality Care Symposium. The presentation, titled "Measuring what really matters: Advocacy-led co-creation and accrual of a pan-cancer QoL survey," will describe the methodologies and best practices used to design and execute "More Than a Diagnosis: A Quality of Life Survey for Individuals with a Diagnosis or History of Cancer." The "More Than a Diagnosis" survey, an online, anonymous ACE survey initiative to shed light on the diverse and profound challenges faced by individuals living with a diagnosis or a history of cancer, was sponsored by Jaguar family company Napo Pharmaceuticals and presented by Tinianov and other members of ACE at the December 2023 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. The abstract for the September 27, 2024 presentation can be viewed by clicking here.

"While cancer treatments have advanced considerably since the advent and availability of targeted therapies, significant short- and long-term treatment side effects can be challenging or even devastating to an individual's quality of life (QoL). Unfortunately the tools and techniques commonly used to assess the QoL of cancer patients and survivors often fail to measure what patients and survivors are most concerned about," said Tinianov. "Management of treatment side effects is integral to supportive care, and understanding what matters most to individuals can potentially guide improvements in supportive care to effectively address QoL impacts. I am delighted about the opportunity to share the co-creation methodologies that made that survey successful at the ASCO Quality Care Symposium."

About the Jaguar Health Family of Companies

Jaguar Health, Inc. (Jaguar) is a commercial stage pharmaceuticals company focused on developing novel proprietary prescription medicines sustainably derived from plants from rainforest areas for people and animals with gastrointestinal distress, specifically associated with overactive bowel, which includes symptoms such as chronic debilitating diarrhea, urgency, bowel incontinence, and cramping pain. Jaguar family company Napo Pharmaceuticals (Napo) focuses on developing and commercializing human prescription pharmaceuticals for essential supportive care and management of neglected gastrointestinal symptoms across multiple complicated disease states. Napo's crofelemer is FDA-approved under the brand name Mytesi® for the symptomatic relief of noninfectious diarrhea in adults with HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy. Jaguar family company Napo Therapeutics is an Italian corporation Jaguar established in Milan, Italy in 2021 focused on expanding crofelemer access in Europe and specifically for orphan and/or rare diseases. Jaguar Animal Health is a Jaguar tradename. Magdalena Biosciences, a joint venture formed by Jaguar and Filament Health Corp. that emerged from Jaguar's Entheogen Therapeutics Initiative (ETI), is focused on developing novel prescription medicines derived from plants for mental health indications.

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Magdalena Biosciences, visit

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Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements." These include statements regarding the expectation that Tinianov will conduct a poster presentation September 27, 2024 at the ASCO Quality Care Symposium. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as "may," "will," "should," "expect," "plan," "aim," "anticipate," "could," "intend," "target," "project," "contemplate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential" or "continue" or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions. The forward-looking statements in this release are only predictions. Jaguar has based these forward-looking statements largely on its current expectations and projections about future events. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release and are subject to several risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, some of which cannot be predicted or quantified and some of which are beyond Jaguar's control. Except as required by applicable law, Jaguar does not plan to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements contained herein, whether as a result of any new information, future events, changed circumstances or otherwise.


SOURCE: Jaguar Health, Inc.

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What is the focus of Jaguar Health's presentation at the ASCO Quality Care Symposium on September 27, 2024?

The presentation will focus on the methodologies used in designing an advocate-led quality of life survey for cancer patients and survivors, titled 'More Than a Diagnosis.'

Who is presenting the poster at the ASCO Quality Care Symposium for Jaguar Health (JAGX)?

Stacey Tinianov, MPH, a member of Jaguar's Scientific Advisory Board and founder of Advocates for Collaborative Education (ACE), will present the poster.

What is the main goal of the 'More Than a Diagnosis' survey sponsored by Jaguar Health's (JAGX) family company?

The survey aims to shed light on the diverse challenges faced by individuals living with a diagnosis or history of cancer, addressing limitations in commonly used quality of life assessment tools.

How does Jaguar Health (JAGX) plan to use the insights from the quality of life survey?

Jaguar Health aims to use the survey insights to guide improvements in supportive care and effectively address quality of life impacts for cancer patients and survivors.

Jaguar Health, Inc.


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