Elaine Elisabetsky, PhD, Member of Jaguar Health's Mental Health Entheogen Therapeutics Initiative, to Speak August 2nd About Plant-Based Medicines Used to Manage Schizophrenia at the University of Illinois Chicago College of Pharmacy

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Jaguar Health (NASDAQ:JAGX) announced that Dr. Elaine Elisabetsky, a member of their Mental Health Entheogen Therapeutics Initiative, will speak at the University of Illinois Chicago College of Pharmacy on August 2, 2024. Her talk will cover decades of research on plant-based medicines for managing schizophrenia.

Dr. Elisabetsky is also an advisor to Magdalena Biosciences, a joint venture between Jaguar and Filament Health. Jaguar recently out-licensed a botanical drug candidate for schizophrenia and psychoses to Magdalena Biosciences. This candidate, sourced from a medicinal plant with traditional use, shows antipsychotic activity with a unique mechanism of action.

The global schizophrenia treatment market, valued at $8.29 billion in 2024, is projected to reach $13.41 billion by 2032. Schizophrenia affects about 1% of the U.S. population, with up to 34% of patients not responding to current treatments.

Jaguar Health (NASDAQ:JAGX) ha annunciato che la Dr.ssa Elaine Elisabetsky, membro della loro Iniziativa di Terapie Entheogene per la Salute Mentale, parlerà al College of Pharmacy dell'Università dell'Illinois a Chicago il 2 agosto 2024. Il suo intervento tratterà decenni di ricerca su medicinali a base vegetale per la gestione della schizofrenia.

La Dr.ssa Elisabetsky è anche consulente di Magdalena Biosciences, una joint venture tra Jaguar e Filament Health. Recentemente, Jaguar ha concesso in licenza un candidato farmaceutico botanico per schizofrenia e psicosi a Magdalena Biosciences. Questo candidato, proveniente da una pianta medicinale con utilizzo tradizionale, mostra attività antipsicotica con un meccanismo d'azione unico.

Il mercato globale per il trattamento della schizofrenia, valutato $8.29 miliardi nel 2024, è previsto raggiunga i $13.41 miliardi entro il 2032. La schizofrenia colpisce circa l'1% della popolazione statunitense, con fino al 34% dei pazienti che non rispondono ai trattamenti attuali.

Jaguar Health (NASDAQ:JAGX) anunció que la Dra. Elaine Elisabetsky, miembro de su Iniciativa de Terapias Entheogenas para la Salud Mental, hablará en la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Illinois en Chicago el 2 de agosto de 2024. Su charla cubrirá décadas de investigación sobre medicinas a base de plantas para el manejo de la esquizofrenia.

La Dra. Elisabetsky también es asesora de Magdalena Biosciences, una empresa conjunta entre Jaguar y Filament Health. Recientemente, Jaguar ha otorgado una licencia de un candidato a medicamento botánico para la esquizofrenia y psicosis a Magdalena Biosciences. Este candidato, proveniente de una planta medicinal de uso tradicional, muestra actividad antipsicótica con un mecanismo de acción único.

El mercado global de tratamientos para la esquizofrenia, valorado en $8.29 mil millones en 2024, se proyecta que alcanzará los $13.41 mil millones para 2032. La esquizofrenia afecta aproximadamente al 1% de la población estadounidense, y hasta el 34% de los pacientes no responden a los tratamientos actuales.

재규어 헬스 (NASDAQ:JAGX)는 정신 건강 엔테오겐 치료 이니셔티브의 일원인 엘레인 엘리사벳스키 박사가 2024년 8월 2일 일리노이 대학교 시카고 약대에서 강연할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 그녀의 강연에서는 조현병 관리에 대한 식물 기반 의약품에 관한 수십 년의 연구가 다뤄질 예정입니다.

엘리사벳스키 박사는 재규어와 필라멘트 헬스의 합작회사인 마그달레나 바이오사이언스의 고문이기도 합니다. 재규어는 최근 조현병과 정신병을 위한 식물 약물 후보를 마그달레나 바이오사이언스에 라이센스 아웃 했습니다. 이 후보는 전통적으로 사용된 약용 식물에서 유래되었으며, 독특한 작용 메커니즘으로 반응억제 효과를 보입니다.

조현병 치료의 글로벌 시장은 2024년 82억 9천만 달러로 평가되며, 2032년까지 134억 1천만 달러에 이를 전망입니다. 조현병은 미국 인구의 약 1%에 영향을 미치며, 환자의 최대 34%가 현재의 치료에 반응하지 않습니다.

Jaguar Health (NASDAQ:JAGX) a annoncé que Dr. Elaine Elisabetsky, membre de leur Initiative de Thérapeutiques Entheogènes pour la Santé Mentale, interviendra à la Faculté de Pharmacie de l'Université de l'Illinois à Chicago le 2 août 2024. Son exposé portera sur des décennies de recherches concernant des médicaments à base de plantes pour traiter la schizophrénie.

Dr. Elisabetsky est également conseillère auprès de Magdalena Biosciences, une coentreprise entre Jaguar et Filament Health. Jaguar a récemment accordé une licence à un candidat médicament botanique pour la schizophrénie et les psychoses à Magdalena Biosciences. Ce candidat, issu d'une plante médicinale de tradition, montre une activité antipsychotique avec un mécanisme d'action unique.

Le marché mondial du traitement de la schizophrénie, évalué à 8,29 milliards de dollars en 2024, devrait atteindre 13,41 milliards de dollars d'ici 2032. La schizophrénie touche environ 1 % de la population américaine, avec jusqu'à 34 % des patients ne répondant pas aux traitements actuels.

Jaguar Health (NASDAQ:JAGX) gab bekannt, dass Dr. Elaine Elisabetsky, ein Mitglied ihrer Mental Health Entheogen Therapeutics Initiative, am 2. August 2024 an der Fakultät für Pharmazie der University of Illinois in Chicago sprechen wird. Ihr Vortrag wird jahrzehntelange Forschung zu pflanzenbasierten Arzneimitteln zur Behandlung von Schizophrenie behandeln.

Dr. Elisabetsky ist auch Beraterin bei Magdalena Biosciences, einem Joint Venture zwischen Jaguar und Filament Health. Jaguar hat kürzlich einen botanischen Medikamentenkandidaten für Schizophrenie und Psychosen an Magdalena Biosciences lizenziert. Dieser Kandidat, der aus einer traditionell verwendeten Heilpflanze stammt, zeigt antipsychotische Aktivitäten mit einem einzigartigen Wirkmechanismus.

Der globale Markt für Schizophreniebehandlungen, der 2024 auf 8,29 Milliarden Dollar geschätzt wird, wird bis 2032 voraussichtlich 13,41 Milliarden Dollar erreichen. Schizophrenie betrifft etwa 1% der US-Bevölkerung, wobei bis zu 34% der Patienten nicht auf die derzeitigen Behandlungen ansprechen.

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Dr. Elisabetsky is also an advisor to Magdalena Biosciences, the joint venture formed by Jaguar and Filament Health focused on identifying the next generation of plant-based first-in-class agents for treatment of mental health conditions

As announced, Jaguar recently executed an out-license deal with Magdalena Biosciences for a botanical drug candidate for possible schizophrenia and psychoses indications and for development with potential corporate partners; the global schizophrenia treatment market valued at $8.29 billion

SAN FRANCISCO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / August 2, 2024 / Jaguar Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:JAGX) ("Jaguar") today announced that Elaine Elisabetsky, PhD, is conducting a talk on Friday, August 2, 2024 from 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Central covering several decades of research on plant-based medicines used to manage schizophrenia. Dr. Elisabetsky's talk is part of the annual Norman R. Farnsworth Lecture series at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) College of Pharmacy. Farnsworth, a world leader in the field of pharmacognosy who focused on plants used in traditional medicines, was a foundational member of the Scientific Strategy Team for Jaguar's predecessor company, Shaman Pharmaceuticals.

Dr. Elisabetsky is a member of the world-class Scientific Strategy Team for Jaguar's mental health Entheogen Therapeutics Initiative and an advisor to Magdalena Biosciences, the joint venture formed by Jaguar and Filament Health that focuses on advancing plant-based innovation for patients and on identifying the next generation of plant-based first-in-class agents for treatment of mental health conditions.

As announced, Jaguar recently executed an out-license deal with Magdalena Biosciences for a botanical drug candidate for possible schizophrenia and psychoses indications and for development with potential corporate partners. Sourced from a medicinal plant that has a long history of use by traditional healers, the drug candidate demonstrates antipsychotic activity and has a mechanism of action distinct from currently FDA-approved therapies for schizophrenia and other mental conditions that present psychotic symptoms. The drug candidate may have the potential to be the first in a new class of plant-based antipsychotic compounds. Magdalena Biosciences is approximately 40-percent owned by Jaguar.

Schizophrenia, the most serious form of psychosis, is a chronic, disabling mental illness that affects approximately one percent of the U.S. population.1 It is estimated that up to 34 percent of patients with schizophrenia fail to respond to currently available treatments.2 Psychotic symptoms can also be present in other mental illnesses, including depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, and borderline personality disorder. The global schizophrenia industry is projected to grow from $8.29 billion in 2024 to $13.41 billion by 2032, according to a market research report by Market Research Future.3

Dr. Elisabetsky, Ethnopharmacologist and Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil, researched and taught for ten years in the Brazilian Amazon. Her research focuses include psychoneuropharmacology and ethnopharmacology. Her ethnopharmacology field work was conducted among caboclos (rural peasants), Amerindian (Guajajara and Kayapó), and rubber tapper (extractive reserves) communities, leading to activities on conservation and sustainable development. She has given notice to emic concepts of health/disease contributing to development of plant selection criteria that combines traditional knowledge and working hypotheses for pharmacological scrutiny. The method aims to maximize drug development based on natural products and ethnopharmacological data. She specializes in identifying and characterizing psychopharmacological properties of medicinal plant extracts and/or isolated compounds. A founding member for the International Society of Ethnobiology and the International Society of Ethnopharmacology, she served as president for the latter as well as for the Brazilian Society of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. She contributes to the editorial board of several journals in the field, has published over 100 papers in scientific journals and 18 book chapters, supervised numerous PhDs and Master students, and deposited 3 patents.

Dr. Elaine Elisabetsky

The collegiate Farnsworth Lectureship in Pharmacognosy is hosted in Farnsworth's memory. Farnsworth was a member of the UIC College of Pharmacy faculty for more than 41 years (1970-2011), serving as head of the department of pharmacognosy and pharmacology for 12 years, followed by 30 years as director of the Program for Collaborative Research in the Pharmaceutical Sciences. His scientific and educational contributions relate to the chemistry, biology, and therapeutic properties of medicinal plants and natural products. Throughout his distinguished career, Farnsworth was the recipient of numerous national and international awards, including appointments as a special delegate and commission member by former Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, respectively.

About Botanicals Drugs

Botanicals drugs are defined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as "products from plant materials, algae, macroscopic fungi, and combinations thereof." Many botanical drugs have a long history of safe use in traditional medicines, which may be documented and reviewed in scientific literature. Existing scientific literature on safety may accelerate the safety review process for a botanical drug, reducing the scope and financial burden for extensive safety studies. The FDA has established guidance on botanical drug development and recognizes the complexity of botanical drugs. Additionally, botanicals drugs, by virtue of their complexity, have the added benefit of being difficult to genericize. Hence there are often multiple opportunities for creating ‘trade-secrets,' as well as novel patents around a botanical drug substance, its processing, its formulation, and so forth.

About Filament Health (OTCQB:FLHLF) (CBOE CA:FH) (FSE:7QS)

Filament Health is a clinical-stage natural psychedelic drug development company. We believe that safe, standardized, naturally-derived psychedelic medicines can improve the lives of many, and our mission is to see them in the hands of everyone who needs them as soon as possible. Filament's platform of proprietary intellectual property enables the discovery, development, and delivery of natural psychedelic medicines for clinical development. We are paving the way with the first-ever natural psychedelic drug candidates.

Learn more at and on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About the Jaguar Health Family of Companies

Jaguar Health, Inc. (Jaguar) is a commercial stage pharmaceuticals company focused on developing novel proprietary prescription medicines sustainably derived from plants from rainforest areas for people and animals with gastrointestinal distress, specifically associated with overactive bowel, which includes symptoms such as chronic debilitating diarrhea, urgency, bowel incontinence, and cramping pain. Jaguar family company Napo Pharmaceuticals (Napo) focuses on developing and commercializing human prescription pharmaceuticals for essential supportive care and management of neglected gastrointestinal symptoms across multiple complicated disease states. Napo's crofelemer is FDA-approved under the brand name Mytesi® for the symptomatic relief of noninfectious diarrhea in adults with HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy. Jaguar family company Napo Therapeutics is an Italian corporation Jaguar established in Milan, Italy in 2021 focused on expanding crofelemer access in Europe and specifically for orphan and/or rare diseases. Jaguar Animal Health is a Jaguar tradename. Magdalena Biosciences, a joint venture formed by Jaguar and Filament Health Corp. that emerged from Jaguar's Entheogen Therapeutics Initiative (ETI), is focused on developing novel prescription medicines derived from plants for mental health indications.

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Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements." These include statements regarding Jaguar's expectation that the botanical drug candidate Jaguar recently out-licensed to Magdalena Biosciences may have the potential to be the first in a new class of plant-based antipsychotic compounds. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as "may," "will," "should," "expect," "plan," "aim," "anticipate," "could," "intend," "target," "project," "contemplate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential" or "continue" or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions. The forward-looking statements in this release are only predictions. Jaguar has based these forward-looking statements largely on its current expectations and projections about future events. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, some of which cannot be predicted or quantified and some of which are beyond Jaguar's control. Except as required by applicable law, Jaguar does not plan to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements contained herein, whether as a result of any new information, future events, changed circumstances or otherwise.

1 Bromet EJ, Dew MA, Eaton W. Epidemiology of psychosis with special reference to schizophrenia. In: Tsuang MT, Tohen M, Zahner GEP, eds. Textbook in psychiatric epidemiology. New York: John Wiley, 1996:283-300
2 Demjaha, A. et al. Antipsychotic treatment resistance in first-episode psychosis: prevalence, subtypes and predictors. Psychol. Med 47, 1981-1989 (2017); Lally, J. et al. Two distinct patterns of treatment resistance: clinical predictors of treatment resistance in first-episode schizophrenia spectrum psychoses. Psychol. Med 46, 3231-3240 (2016); Meltzer, H. Y. et al. Age at onset and gender of schizophrenic patients in relation to neuroleptic resistance. Am. J. Psychiatry 154, 475-482 (1997).


SOURCE: Jaguar Health, Inc.

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What is the focus of Dr. Elisabetsky's talk on August 2, 2024, related to JAGX?

Dr. Elisabetsky's talk on August 2, 2024, will cover decades of research on plant-based medicines used to manage schizophrenia, related to Jaguar Health's (JAGX) Mental Health Entheogen Therapeutics Initiative.

What is Magdalena Biosciences and how is it connected to Jaguar Health (JAGX)?

Magdalena Biosciences is a joint venture formed by Jaguar Health (JAGX) and Filament Health. It focuses on advancing plant-based innovation for mental health treatments. Jaguar Health owns approximately 40% of Magdalena Biosciences.

What recent deal did Jaguar Health (JAGX) make regarding schizophrenia treatment?

Jaguar Health (JAGX) recently executed an out-license deal with Magdalena Biosciences for a botanical drug candidate targeting schizophrenia and psychoses indications, to be developed with potential corporate partners.

What is the projected growth of the global schizophrenia treatment market, relevant to JAGX?

The global schizophrenia treatment market, relevant to Jaguar Health (JAGX), is projected to grow from $8.29 billion in 2024 to $13.41 billion by 2032, according to a report by Market Research Future.

What percentage of schizophrenia patients don't respond to current treatments, highlighting the need for JAGX's research?

Up to 34% of patients with schizophrenia fail to respond to currently available treatments, highlighting the potential importance of Jaguar Health's (JAGX) research into new plant-based therapies.

Jaguar Health, Inc.


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