Jacobs to Deliver Data-Driven Operations and Maintenance of California Wastewater Infrastructure

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Jacobs (NYSE: J) has secured a new five-year contract with Lincoln-Sewer Management District 1 Wastewater Authority (LiSWA) in California. The company will operate, maintain, and manage LiSWA's wastewater treatment and reclamation facility, integrating existing staff into their team. Jacobs will implement its Digital OneWater suite of solutions, including Intelligent O&M, to provide efficient wastewater services for over 74,000 people.

The contract involves optimizing biosolids management processing and storage capacity, as well as exploring expansion of biosolids drying greenhouses. This partnership aims to enhance operational resilience and meet tightening state regulations. LiSWA General Manager Jim Mulligan expressed satisfaction with Jacobs' selection and their ability to retain skilled existing staff.

Jacobs has a strong presence in California, contributing to major infrastructure projects such as the Pure Water Project, ARCHES hydrogen hub, and various initiatives in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Jacobs (NYSE: J) ha ottenuto un nuovo contratto quinquennale con il Lincoln-Sewer Management District 1 Wastewater Authority (LiSWA) in California. L'azienda gestirà, manterrà e opererà l'impianto di trattamento e recupero delle acque reflue di LiSWA, integrando il personale esistente nel proprio team. Jacobs implementerà la sua suite di soluzioni Digital OneWater, inclusa l'O&M Intelligente, per fornire servizi efficienti di gestione delle acque reflue a oltre 74.000 persone.

Il contratto prevede l'ottimizzazione della gestione dei biosolidi e la capacità di stoccaggio, oltre all'esplorazione dell'espansione delle serre per l'essiccazione dei biosolidi. Questa partnership mira a migliorare la resilienza operativa e a conformarsi a normative statali sempre più rigorose. Il Direttore Generale di LiSWA, Jim Mulligan, ha espresso soddisfazione per la scelta di Jacobs e per la loro capacità di mantenere il personale qualificato esistente.

Jacobs ha una forte presenza in California, contribuendo a importanti progetti infrastrutturali come il Pure Water Project, l'hub per l'idrogeno ARCHES e diverse iniziative a Los Angeles e San Francisco.

Jacobs (NYSE: J) ha conseguido un nuevo contrato de cinco años con el Distrito de Gestión de Aguas Residuales 1 de Lincoln (LiSWA) en California. La empresa operará, mantendrá y gestionará la instalación de tratamiento y recuperación de aguas residuales de LiSWA, integrando al personal existente en su equipo. Jacobs implementará su suite de soluciones Digital OneWater, incluida la O&M Inteligente, para proporcionar servicios de aguas residuales eficientes a más de 74,000 personas.

El contrato implica optimizar la gestión de biosólidos y la capacidad de almacenamiento, así como explorar la expansión de invernaderos para secar biosólidos. Esta asociación tiene como objetivo mejorar la resiliencia operativa y cumplir con las regulaciones estatales cada vez más estrictas. El Gerente General de LiSWA, Jim Mulligan, expresó su satisfacción con la elección de Jacobs y su capacidad para retener al personal calificado existente.

Jacobs tiene una fuerte presencia en California, contribuyendo a importantes proyectos de infraestructura como el Pure Water Project, el hub de hidrógeno ARCHES y diversas iniciativas en Los Ángeles y San Francisco.

Jacobs (NYSE: J)는 캘리포니아의 링컨 하수 관리구역 1 폐수 권한(LiSWA)과 새로운 5년 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 회사는 LiSWA의 폐수 처리 및 재활용 시설을 운영, 유지 관리 및 관리하며, 기존 직원을 팀에 통합할 것입니다. Jacobs는 Digital OneWater 솔루션 스위트를 구현하여 74,000명 이상의 사람들에게 효율적인 폐수 서비스를 제공할 것입니다.

이 계약은 바이오 고형물 관리 처리 및 저장 용량 최적화를 포함하며, 바이오 고형물 건조 온실 확장을 탐색하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 파트너십은 운영 회복력을 강화하고 강화되는 주 정부 규정을 준수하기 위한 목적입니다. LiSWA의 총 관리자 짐 멀리건은 Jacobs의 선택과 기존 숙련된 직원을 유지하는 능력에 대해 만족감을 표명했습니다.

Jacobs는 캘리포니아에서 강력한 입지를 가지고 있으며, Pure Water Project, ARCHES 수소 허브 및 로스앤젤레스와 샌프란시스코의 다양한 이니셔티브와 같은 주요 인프라 프로젝트에 기여하고 있습니다.

Jacobs (NYSE: J) a obtenu un nouveau contrat de cinq ans avec le District de Gestion des Eaux Usées de Lincoln (LiSWA) en Californie. L'entreprise va exploiter, entretenir et gérer l'installation de traitement et de récupération des eaux usées de LiSWA, en intégrant le personnel existant dans son équipe. Jacobs mettra en œuvre sa suite de solutions Digital OneWater, y compris O&M Intelligent, pour fournir des services d'eaux usées efficaces à plus de 74 000 personnes.

Le contrat implique l'optimisation de la gestion des biosolides et de la capacité de stockage, ainsi que l'exploration de l'expansion des serres de séchage des biosolides. Ce partenariat vise à améliorer la résilience opérationnelle et à se conformer à des réglementations étatiques de plus en plus strictes. Le directeur général de LiSWA, Jim Mulligan, a exprimé sa satisfaction quant au choix de Jacobs et à leur capacité à conserver le personnel qualifié existant.

Jacobs a une forte présence en Californie, contribuant à d'importants projets d'infrastructure tels que le Pure Water Project, le hub d'hydrogène ARCHES et diverses initiatives à Los Angeles et San Francisco.

Jacobs (NYSE: J) hat einen neuen Fünfjahresvertrag mit dem Lincoln-Sewer Management District 1 Wastewater Authority (LiSWA) in Kalifornien abgeschlossen. Das Unternehmen wird die Abwasserbehandlungs- und -wiederaufbereitungsanlage von LiSWA betreiben, warten und verwalten und dabei bestehendes Personal in sein Team integrieren. Jacobs wird seine Digital OneWater Lösungssuite implementieren, einschließlich Intelligent O&M, um effiziente Abwasserverarbeitung für über 74.000 Menschen bereitzustellen.

Der Vertrag umfasst die Optimierung des Biosolidmanagements und der Lagerkapazität sowie die Erkundung der Erweiterung von Biosolidtrocknungs-Gewächshäusern. Diese Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die operative Resilienz zu verbessern und sich an verschärfte staatliche Vorschriften anzupassen. Der Geschäftsführer von LiSWA, Jim Mulligan, äußerte seine Zufriedenheit mit der Auswahl von Jacobs und deren Fähigkeit, qualifiziertes bestehendes Personal zu halten.

Jacobs hat eine starke Präsenz in Kalifornien und trägt zu wichtigen Infrastrukturprojekten wie dem Pure Water Project, dem ARCHES Wasserstoff-Hub und verschiedenen Initiativen in Los Angeles und San Francisco bei.

  • Secured a new five-year contract with LiSWA in California
  • Will implement Digital OneWater solutions for efficient wastewater services
  • Expanding biosolids management processing and storage capacity
  • Retained existing skilled staff, ensuring operational continuity
  • Strengthening presence in California's critical infrastructure projects
  • None.


This contract with LiSWA represents a strategic expansion of Jacobs' digital and data-driven solutions portfolio in the water infrastructure sector. While the specific financial terms are not disclosed, the five-year duration provides a stable revenue stream and opportunity for operational improvements.

The contract scope includes operating, maintaining and managing a wastewater treatment facility serving 74,000 people, indicating a sizable infrastructure project. Jacobs' plans to optimize biosolids management and potentially expand capacity suggest opportunities for additional revenue and efficiency gains.

This win strengthens Jacobs' position in California's critical infrastructure market, building on their involvement in major projects across the state. The emphasis on digital solutions like Intelligent O&M aligns with industry trends towards smart water management, potentially opening doors for similar contracts in other regions.

While this single contract may not significantly impact Jacobs' $16.4 billion market cap immediately, it reinforces their strategy in the growing water infrastructure sector and showcases their technical capabilities. Investors should monitor how effectively Jacobs leverages this contract to secure additional business in this critical and evolving market.

This contract highlights Jacobs' commitment to sustainable water management practices. The focus on optimizing biosolids processing and expanding greenhouse capacity demonstrates a forward-thinking approach to resource recovery and environmental compliance.

California's tightening regulations on wastewater treatment present both challenges and opportunities. Jacobs' expertise in meeting these stringent requirements positions them well in a market where many facilities will need upgrades or operational improvements to remain compliant.

The integration of digital solutions like the Digital OneWater suite is particularly noteworthy. This technology-driven approach can lead to significant efficiency gains, reduced operational costs and improved environmental outcomes. It also aligns with the industry's shift towards "smart water" systems, which are becoming increasingly important for utilities facing water scarcity and quality issues.

From an environmental perspective, this project contributes to water conservation efforts by focusing on wastewater reclamation. As water stress increases due to climate change, such projects become critical for sustainable water management, potentially opening up more opportunities for companies with proven expertise in this area.

Digital solutions to strengthen water and wastewater services to drive efficiency

DALLAS, Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jacobs (NYSE: J) will expand its portfolio of digital and data-driven solutions with a new five-year contract with Lincoln-Sewer Management District 1 Wastewater Authority (LiSWA) – a joint powers authority between the City of Lincoln and Placer County in California.

Jacobs will operate, maintain and manage LiSWA's wastewater treatment and reclamation facility, welcoming the existing staff into our award-winning team. 

"Our broad capabilities, breadth of experience and innovative Digital OneWater suite of solutions like Intelligent O&M help us provide safe, compliant wastewater services for over 74,000 people while also streamlining the wastewater treatment and reclamation facility's operations," said Jacobs Vice President Design-Build and Operations Management and Facilities Services Greg Fischer. "As an operations and maintenance provider backed by technical knowledge and digital solutions, LiSWA and its customers will benefit from this depth of unique experience as they respond to tightening state regulations."

In addition to the operations and maintenance role, Jacobs will increase and optimize the facility's biosolids management processing and storage capacity, while also undertaking further investigations to expand the capacity of the existing biosolids drying greenhouses to further strengthen the resiliency of operations.

LiSWA General Manager Jim Mulligan said, "After a thorough and extensive selection process, LiSWA was very pleased to select Jacobs and negotiate a successful agreement. LiSWA is impressed that Jacobs was able to retain the skilled and knowledgeable existing staff. We look forward to the benefits Jacobs' expertise will bring to the Lincoln-SMD-1 service area."

Across California, Jacobs has been part of some of the state's largest critical infrastructure projects, such as the Pure Water Project  for Las Virgenes-Triunfo, the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES) to establish a statewide hydrogen hub, Los Angeles World Airports Capital Improvement Program, the award-winning Los Angeles Federal CourthouseDelta Conveyance Project, the Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project and the Port of San Francisco Waterfront Resilience Program.

At Jacobs, we're challenging today to reinvent tomorrow – delivering outcomes and solutions for the world's most complex challenges. With a team of approximately 45,000, we provide end-to-end services in advanced manufacturing, cities & places, energy, environmental, life sciences, transportation and water. From advisory and consulting, feasibility, planning, design, program and lifecycle management, we're creating a more connected and sustainable world. See how at and connect with us on LinkedIn, InstagramX and Facebook.

Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are statements that do not directly relate to any historical or current fact. When used herein, words such as "expects," "anticipates," "believes," "seeks," "estimates," "plans," "intends," "future," "will," "would," "could," "can," "may," and similar words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. We base these forward-looking statements on management's current estimates and expectations, as well as currently available competitive, financial and economic data. Forward-looking statements, however, are inherently uncertain. There are a variety of factors that could cause business results to differ materially from our forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, uncertainties as to the impact of the recently completed separation transaction pursuant to which we spun off and merged our Critical Missions Solutions and Cyber & Intelligence government services businesses with Amentum  (together, "new Amentum ") on Jacobs' and new Amentum's businesses, the timing of the award of projects and funding and potential changes to the amounts provided for under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and other legislation related to governmental spending, as well as general economic conditions, including inflation and the actions taken by monetary authorities in response to inflation, changes in interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates, changes in capital markets, the possibility of a recession or economic downturn, increased uncertainty and risks, including policy risks and potential civil unrest, relating to the outcome of elections across our key markets and elevated geopolitical tension and conflicts, among others, and the impact of any future pandemic or infectious disease outbreak, including the related reaction of governments on global and regional market conditions, among others. For a description of some additional factors that may occur that could cause actual results to differ from our forward-looking statements, see the discussions contained under Item 1 - Business; Item 1A - Risk Factors; Item 3 - Legal Proceedings; and Item 7 - Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations in our most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K, and Item 2 - Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations; Item 1 - Legal Proceedings; and Item 1A - Risk Factors in our most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, as well as the company's other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The company is not under any duty to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this press release to conform to actual results, except as required by applicable law.

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What is the new contract Jacobs (NYSE: J) secured in California?

Jacobs secured a five-year contract with Lincoln-Sewer Management District 1 Wastewater Authority (LiSWA) to operate, maintain, and manage their wastewater treatment and reclamation facility in California.

How many people will benefit from Jacobs' wastewater services in this contract?

Jacobs will provide safe, compliant wastewater services for over 74,000 people through this contract with LiSWA.

What digital solutions will Jacobs implement in the LiSWA contract?

Jacobs will implement its Digital OneWater suite of solutions, including Intelligent O&M, to streamline operations and enhance efficiency at the wastewater treatment facility.

What improvements will Jacobs make to the LiSWA facility?

Jacobs will optimize biosolids management processing and storage capacity, and investigate expanding the capacity of existing biosolids drying greenhouses to strengthen operational resilience.

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