Jacobs Selected to Support Idaho Airport Expansion
Jacobs (NYSE: J) has been selected by the Boise Airport to support its multi-year capital expansion plan, responding to an 81% increase in passenger demand over the past decade. The project includes the construction of Concourse A, renovation of Concourse B, and potential terminal facility improvements.
As the owner's representative, Jacobs will oversee planning, design, and initial operations. The design phase for both concourses will begin in 2025. The expansion aims to accommodate growing demand in Idaho's capital, which currently connects to 27 non-stop destinations.
Jacobs, ranked No. 2 in Transportation by Engineering News-Record, brings expertise from major projects including Denver International Airport, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, and the Manchester Airport Transformation Program. The company reports approximately $12 billion in annual revenue with a workforce of almost 45,000.
Jacobs (NYSE: J) è stata selezionata dall'Aeroporto di Boise per supportare il suo piano di espansione capitale pluriennale, in risposta a un aumento dell'81% nella domanda di passeggeri nell'ultimo decennio. Il progetto include la costruzione del Concourse A, la ristrutturazione del Concourse B e potenziali miglioramenti delle strutture del terminal.
In qualità di rappresentante del proprietario, Jacobs supervisionerà la pianificazione, il design e le operazioni iniziali. La fase di design per entrambi i concorsi inizierà nel 2025. L'espansione mira a soddisfare la crescente domanda nella capitale dell'Idaho, che attualmente collega 27 destinazioni senza scalo.
Jacobs, classificata al n. 2 nel settore dei Trasporti da Engineering News-Record, porta con sé competenze da grandi progetti tra cui l'Aeroporto Internazionale di Denver, l'Aeroporto Internazionale Hartsfield-Jackson di Atlanta e il Programma di Trasformazione dell'Aeroporto di Manchester. L'azienda riporta circa 12 miliardi di dollari di fatturato annuale con una forza lavoro di quasi 45.000 persone.
Jacobs (NYSE: J) ha sido seleccionada por el Aeropuerto de Boise para apoyar su plan de expansión de capital a varios años, en respuesta a un aumento del 81% en la demanda de pasajeros en la última década. El proyecto incluye la construcción de la Concourse A, la renovación de la Concourse B y posibles mejoras en las instalaciones de la terminal.
Como representante del propietario, Jacobs supervisará la planificación, el diseño y las operaciones iniciales. La fase de diseño para ambas concourses comenzará en 2025. La expansión tiene como objetivo acomodar la creciente demanda en la capital de Idaho, que actualmente conecta con 27 destinos sin escalas.
Jacobs, clasificada como la número 2 en Transporte por Engineering News-Record, aporta experiencia de grandes proyectos, incluidos el Aeropuerto Internacional de Denver, el Aeropuerto Internacional Hartsfield-Jackson de Atlanta y el Programa de Transformación del Aeropuerto de Manchester. La empresa reporta aproximadamente 12 mil millones de dólares en ingresos anuales con una fuerza laboral de casi 45,000.
Jacobs (NYSE: J)는 보이시 공항의 다년간 자본 확장 계획을 지원하기 위해 선정되었습니다. 이는 지난 10년간 승객 수요가 81% 증가한 것에 대한 대응입니다. 이 프로젝트에는 A구역 건설, B구역 리노베이션 및 터미널 시설 개선 가능성이 포함됩니다.
소유자의 대표로서 Jacobs는 계획, 디자인 및 초기 운영을 감독할 것입니다. 두 개의 구역에 대한 디자인 단계는 2025년에 시작될 예정입니다. 이번 확장은 현재 27개의 비행기 직항 노선으로 연결되는 아이다호 주의 수도에서 증가하는 수요를 수용하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
Engineering News-Record에서 교통 부문 2위로 평가받는 Jacobs는 덴버 국제공항, 하츠필드-잭슨 애틀랜타 국제공항, 맨체스터 공항 변환 프로그램 등 주요 프로젝트에서의 전문성을 제공합니다. 이 회사는 약 120억 달러의 연간 수익을 보고하며, 직원 수는 거의 45,000명에 달합니다.
Jacobs (NYSE: J) a été sélectionnée par l'Aéroport de Boise pour soutenir son plan d'expansion de capital sur plusieurs années, en réponse à une augmentation de 81% de la demande de passagers au cours de la dernière décennie. Le projet comprend la construction de la Concourse A, la rénovation de la Concourse B et d'éventuelles améliorations des installations du terminal.
En tant que représentant du propriétaire, Jacobs supervisera la planification, le design et les opérations initiales. La phase de conception pour les deux concourses débutera en 2025. L'expansion vise à répondre à la demande croissante dans la capitale de l'Idaho, qui relie actuellement 27 destinations sans escale.
Jacobs, classé numéro 2 dans le secteur des Transports par Engineering News-Record, apporte son expertise de grands projets tels que l'Aéroport International de Denver, l'Aéroport International Hartsfield-Jackson d'Atlanta et le Programme de Transformation de l'Aéroport de Manchester. L'entreprise rapporte environ 12 milliards de dollars de revenus annuels avec une main-d'œuvre de près de 45 000 personnes.
Jacobs (NYSE: J) wurde vom Flughafen Boise ausgewählt, um seinen mehrjährigen Kapitalerweiterungsplan zu unterstützen, als Reaktion auf einen 81%igen Anstieg der Passagiernachfrage im letzten Jahrzehnt. Das Projekt umfasst den Bau des Concourse A, die Renovierung des Concourse B und mögliche Verbesserungen der Terminalanlagen.
Als Vertreter des Eigentümers wird Jacobs die Planung, das Design und die anfänglichen Betriebsabläufe überwachen. Die Entwurfsphase für beide Concourses beginnt im Jahr 2025. Die Erweiterung zielt darauf ab, der wachsenden Nachfrage in Idahos Hauptstadt gerecht zu werden, die derzeit 27 Nonstop-Destinationen ansteuert.
Jacobs, das von Engineering News-Record im Bereich Verkehr auf Platz 2 eingestuft wurde, bringt Fachwissen aus großen Projekten wie dem Denver International Airport, dem Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport und dem Manchester Airport Transformation Program mit. Das Unternehmen berichtet von einem jährlichen Umsatz von etwa 12 Milliarden Dollar und beschäftigt fast 45.000 Mitarbeiter.
- Secured major airport expansion contract as owner's representative
- Project addresses significant market growth with 81% passenger increase
- Strengthens presence in transportation infrastructure sector
- Demonstrates continued success in securing government infrastructure projects
- None.
Jacobs (NYSE: J) has secured a strategically valuable contract with Boise Airport to lead its multi-year capital expansion program addressing an
The timing of this win demonstrates Jacobs' continued execution in its transportation segment, where it ranks #2 according to Engineering News-Record. This contract adds to their already impressive airport portfolio including Denver International, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International, and Manchester Airport (UK). With design work commencing in 2025, this provides immediate pipeline enhancement with potential for long-term relationship development.
The Boise project aligns perfectly with Jacobs' infrastructure-focused strategy, targeting stable, long-cycle revenue opportunities less susceptible to economic fluctuations. While likely modest relative to Jacobs' annual revenue of approximately
Improvements will modernize infrastructure to meet growing demand in the state's capital
Jacobs will provide professional services tailored to the airport's needs, serving as the owner's representative for the airport and overseeing planning, design and initial operations.
"Keeping up with growth is critical for furthering economic development in this growing region," said Jacobs Senior Vice President Eva Wood. "We bring extensive expertise in managing complex infrastructure projects to meet increases in passenger demand, improve the passenger experience and help prepare the state's capital and largest metropolitan area for future growth."
Boise Airport continues to grow in criticality to the economic development of
"We look forward to working with Jacobs on key elements of the BOI Upgrade Program, aimed at right sizing the airport and growing in pace with our community," said Boise Airport Deputy Director of Engineering Beth Sumner. "We appreciate the experience and expertise Jacobs brings to our program."
Ranked as No. 2 in Transportation by Engineering News-Record, Jacobs helps clients move people, goods and freight – whether by air, sea, underground or even through mountains. Jacobs' solutions help plan, develop, finance, design, construct, maintain and operate smart transportation infrastructure that connects people and communities around the world – projects such as work across
At Jacobs, we're challenging today to reinvent tomorrow – delivering outcomes and solutions for the world's most complex challenges. With approximately
Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are statements that do not directly relate to any historical or current fact. When used herein, words such as "expects," "anticipates," "believes," "seeks," "estimates," "plans," "intends," "future," "will," "would," "could," "can," "may," and similar words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. We base these forward-looking statements on management's current estimates and expectations, as well as currently available competitive, financial and economic data. Forward-looking statements, however, are inherently uncertain. There are a variety of factors that could cause business results to differ materially from our forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, uncertainties as to the impact of the recently completed separation transaction pursuant to which we spun off and merged our Critical Missions Solutions and Cyber & Intelligence government services businesses with Amentum (together, "new Amentum") on Jacobs' and new Amentum's businesses, the timing of the award of projects and funding and potential changes to the amounts provided for under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and other legislation and executive orders related to governmental spending, and changes in
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