Jacobs Expands Wastewater Program Management Role in Syracuse, New York

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Jacobs (NYSE: J) has been contracted by Onondaga County, New York, to provide program management services for the county's combined sewer overflow (CSO) abatement and capacity, management, operations, and maintenance programs. The new five-year contract extends Jacobs' long-term role and incorporates their Digital OneWater solutions to improve sewer system performance county-wide.

Key points:

  • Jacobs has managed Onondaga County's CSO program since 2008, overseeing 200+ green stormwater infrastructure projects
  • The county was one of the first in the U.S. to achieve Federal CSO Consent Order closure
  • The new contract includes finalizing the Long-Term Control Plan for CSO abatement and developing a capacity management program
  • Jacobs will use its Dragonfly and Argon technologies to review pipe inspection videos and prioritize repairs

Jacobs (NYSE: J) è stata incaricata dalla Contea di Onondaga, New York, per fornire servizi di gestione del programma per il sistema combinato di sovraccarico fognario (CSO) e i programmi di riduzione e gestione della capacità, operazioni e manutenzione. Il nuovo contratto di cinque anni estende il lungo mandato di Jacobs e incorpora le loro soluzioni Digital OneWater per migliorare le prestazioni del sistema fognario su tutto il territorio della contea.

Punti chiave:

  • Jacobs gestisce il programma CSO della Contea di Onondaga dal 2008, supervisionando oltre 200 progetti di infrastrutture verdi per le acque piovane
  • La contea è stata una delle prime negli Stati Uniti a ottenere la chiusura dell'Ordine di Consenso Federale per il CSO
  • Il nuovo contratto include la finalizzazione del Piano di Controllo a Lungo Termine per la riduzione del CSO e lo sviluppo di un programma di gestione della capacità
  • Jacobs utilizzerà le sue tecnologie Dragonfly e Argon per rivedere i video di ispezione delle condotte e dare priorità alle riparazioni

Jacobs (NYSE: J) ha sido contratada por el Condado de Onondaga, Nueva York, para proporcionar servicios de gestión de programas para la reducción del desbordamiento del drenaje combinado (CSO) y los programas de gestión de capacidad, operaciones y mantenimiento. El nuevo contrato de cinco años amplía el papel a largo plazo de Jacobs e incorpora sus soluciones Digital OneWater para mejorar el rendimiento del sistema de alcantarillado en todo el condado.

Puntos clave:

  • Jacobs ha gestionado el programa CSO del Condado de Onondaga desde 2008, supervisando más de 200 proyectos de infraestructura verde para aguas pluviales
  • El condado fue uno de los primeros en EE. UU. en lograr el cierre de la Orden de Consentimiento Federal para el CSO
  • El nuevo contrato incluye la finalización del Plan de Control a Largo Plazo para la reducción del CSO y el desarrollo de un programa de gestión de capacidad
  • Jacobs utilizará sus tecnologías Dragonfly y Argon para revisar los videos de inspección de tuberías y priorizar las reparaciones

Jacobs (NYSE: J)는 뉴욕 오논다가 카운티와 계약을 체결하여 카운티의 결합 하수도 과다 유출(CSO) 저감 및 용량 관리, 운영 및 유지보수 프로그램을 위한 프로그램 관리 서비스를 제공합니다. 새로운 5년 계약은 Jacobs의 장기적인 역할을 연장하고, 카운티 전역의 하수 시스템 성능을 향상시키기 위해 그들의 Digital OneWater 솔루션을 통합합니다.

주요 사항:

  • Jacobs는 2008년부터 오논다가 카운티의 CSO 프로그램을 관리하며 200개 이상의 녹색 우수 인프라 프로젝트를 감독해 왔습니다.
  • 카운티는 미국에서 CSO 연방 동의 명령 종료를 달성한 최초의 카운티 중 하나였습니다.
  • 새 계약에는 CSO 저감에 관한 장기 관리 계획을 마무리하고 용량 관리 프로그램을 개발하는 것이 포함됩니다.
  • Jacobs는 파이프 검사 비디오를 검토하고 수리를 우선 순위 지정하기 위해 Dragonfly 및 Argon 기술을 사용할 것입니다.

Jacobs (NYSE: J) a été mandaté par le comté d'Onondaga, New York, pour fournir des services de gestion de programme pour l'atténuation des débordements des égouts combinés (CSO) ainsi que pour les programmes de gestion de capacité, d'exploitation et de maintenance. Le nouveau contrat de cinq ans prolonge le rôle à long terme de Jacobs et intègre leurs solutions Digital OneWater pour améliorer la performance du système d'égouts dans tout le comté.

Points clés :

  • Jacobs gère le programme CSO du comté d'Onondaga depuis 2008, supervisant plus de 200 projets d'infrastructure verte pour les eaux pluviales
  • Le comté a été l'un des premiers aux États-Unis à obtenir la fermeture de l'Ordre d'Consentement Fédéral pour le CSO
  • Le nouveau contrat comprend la finalisation du Plan de Contrôle à Long Terme pour l'atténuation des CSO et le développement d'un programme de gestion de capacité
  • Jacobs utilisera ses technologies Dragonfly et Argon pour examiner les vidéos d'inspection des canalisations et prioriser les réparations

Jacobs (NYSE: J) wurde vom Onondaga County, New York, beauftragt, Programmmanagement-Dienleistungen für die Reduzierung des kombinierte Abwasserüberlaufs (CSO) sowie für die Kapazitäts-, Betriebs- und Wartungsprogramme bereitzustellen. Der neue Fünfjahresvertrag erweitert die langfristige Rolle von Jacobs und integriert deren Digital OneWater-Lösungen, um die Leistung des Abwassersystems im gesamten Landkreis zu verbessern.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Jacobs verwaltet seit 2008 das CSO-Programm des Onondaga County und überwacht über 200 Projekte im Bereich grüne Regenwasserinfrastruktur
  • Der Landkreis war einer der ersten in den USA, der die Schließung des Föderalen CSO-Zustimmungsbescheids erreicht hat
  • Der neue Vertrag umfasst die Fertigstellung des Langfristkontrollplans zur CSO-Reduzierung und die Entwicklung eines Kapazitätsmanagementprogramms
  • Jacobs wird seine Dragonfly- und Argon-Technologien einsetzen, um Videoinspektionen von Rohrleitungen zu überprüfen und Reparaturen zu priorisieren
  • Extended contract for program management services in Onondaga County, NY
  • Implementation of Digital OneWater solutions to improve sewer system performance
  • Successful track record in managing CSO programs, leading to Federal CSO Consent Order closure
  • Expansion of services to include capacity management and operational performance improvements
  • None.

Jacobs' expanded role in Onondaga County's wastewater management program is a significant development in the water infrastructure sector. The contract extension highlights the company's proven track record in combined sewer overflow (CSO) abatement and innovative approaches to wastewater management.

The incorporation of Jacobs' Digital OneWater solutions, including Dragonfly and Argon, represents a technological leap in sewer system performance optimization. These digital tools for pipe inspection and repair prioritization are likely to enhance operational efficiency and reduce long-term maintenance costs for the county.

Jacobs' involvement in over 200 green stormwater infrastructure projects and their role in helping Onondaga County achieve Federal CSO Consent Order closure ahead of schedule demonstrates their expertise in sustainable urban water management. This success story could potentially lead to increased demand for Jacobs' services in other municipalities facing similar challenges.

The five-year contract duration provides stability and allows for long-term planning, which is important in infrastructure projects of this scale. It also positions Jacobs to potentially secure similar contracts in other regions, leveraging their experience and technological solutions.

While this contract extension is positive for Jacobs, investors should note that the financial terms were not disclosed, making it difficult to quantify the direct impact on the company's bottom line. However, the continued relationship with Onondaga County and the potential for replicating this model elsewhere are promising indicators for Jacobs' future growth in the water infrastructure sector.

The extension of Jacobs' contract with Onondaga County is a testament to the growing importance of sustainable water management in urban areas. This development aligns with broader environmental policy trends emphasizing green infrastructure and innovative solutions to combat water pollution.

Onondaga County's success in achieving Federal CSO Consent Order closure ahead of schedule sets a precedent for other municipalities. This could potentially accelerate the adoption of similar programs nationwide, creating a larger market for companies like Jacobs that specialize in these solutions.

The integration of green stormwater infrastructure with traditional engineered solutions represents a holistic approach to urban water management. This balanced strategy is likely to become increasingly attractive to policymakers and city planners facing similar challenges, potentially opening up new markets for Jacobs.

The focus on capacity management, operations and maintenance in the new contract reflects a shift towards proactive infrastructure management. This approach, supported by digital solutions, aligns with broader policy goals of improving urban resilience and could influence future regulations and funding priorities in the water sector.

While the immediate financial impact on Jacobs may be , the company's role in this successful program positions it favorably in the evolving landscape of environmental policy and urban water management. This could lead to increased opportunities as more cities and counties seek to replicate Onondaga's success in meeting federal water quality standards.

Contract incorporates Jacobs' data solutions to improve sewer system performance

DALLAS, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Jacobs (NYSE: J) was contracted by Onondaga County, New York, to provide program management services for the county's combined sewer overflow (CSO) abatement and capacity, management, operations and maintenance programs. The new contract extends Jacobs' long-term program management role to cover the CSO program and improve sewer system performance county-wide using Jacobs' Digital OneWater solutions.

Jacobs has provided program management services for the county's award-winning CSO program since 2008, overseeing more than 200 green stormwater infrastructure projects and wastewater collection system improvements that eliminate hundreds of millions of gallons of CSOs annually in the City of Syracuse. Onondaga County was one of the first areas in the U.S. to achieve Federal CSO Consent Order closure because of progress reducing CSOs and improving water quality.

"Onondaga County has become a global model for successful CSO abatement by pioneering green infrastructure and traditional engineered infrastructure solutions alongside innovative sewer system modeling, allowing the county to meet their federal obligations ahead of schedule and under budget," said Jacobs Senior Vice President Chrissy Thom. "Jacobs has supported the county's CSO reduction objectives for more than 15 years. We'll build on that relationship to deliver additional sewer service improvements and long-term water quality benefits for the community."

Under the new five-year contract, Jacobs will finalize the county's Long-Term Control Plan for CSO abatement and provide program management services including capital planning, preliminary design and permitting support for the remaining CSO program projects. Jacobs will also develop the capacity management, operations and maintenance program to help improve operational performance of the county's sanitary wastewater collection system. This new program will involve system capacity modeling and evaluation surveys to identify and address capacity constraints and sewer defects, including the use of Jacobs' Dragonfly and Argon, two of Jacobs' Digital OneWater suite of products to review pipe inspection videos and prioritize repairs.

Ranked as No.1 in Program Management by Engineering News-Record, Jacobs delivers today's most complex, challenging and iconic infrastructure and transformation programs. Jacobs has supported programs like southern California's Pure Water Project Las Virgenes-Triunfo, which is securing a more resilient drinking water supply in the region, the Thames Tideway Tunnel, one of the largest water infrastructure projects ever undertaken in the U.K., and Central Interceptor, New Zealand's largest-ever wastewater project. 

At Jacobs, we're challenging today to reinvent tomorrow by solving the world's most critical problems for thriving cities, resilient environments, mission-critical outcomes, operational advancement, scientific discovery and cutting-edge manufacturing, turning abstract ideas into realities that transform the world for good. With approximately $16 billion in annual revenue and a talent force of more than 60,000, Jacobs provides a full spectrum of professional services including consulting, technical, scientific and project delivery for the government and private sector. Visit and connect with Jacobs on Facebook, InstagramLinkedIn and X.

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What new contract has Jacobs (NYSE: J) secured in Syracuse, New York?

Jacobs has secured a new five-year contract with Onondaga County, New York, to provide program management services for the county's combined sewer overflow (CSO) abatement and capacity, management, operations, and maintenance programs.

How will Jacobs (NYSE: J) improve sewer system performance in Onondaga County?

Jacobs will use its Digital OneWater solutions, including Dragonfly and Argon technologies, to review pipe inspection videos, prioritize repairs, and improve overall sewer system performance county-wide.

What is Jacobs' (NYSE: J) history with Onondaga County's CSO program?

Jacobs has provided program management services for Onondaga County's CSO program since 2008, overseeing more than 200 green stormwater infrastructure projects and wastewater collection system improvements.

What specific services will Jacobs (NYSE: J) provide under the new contract in Syracuse?

Under the new contract, Jacobs will finalize the county's Long-Term Control Plan for CSO abatement, provide program management services, develop a capacity management program, and use digital solutions to improve operational performance of the county's sanitary wastewater collection system.

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