Izotropic Featured in Announcement of Research and Markets' U.S. Breast Cancer Analysis and Forecast

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Izotropic has been featured in Research and Markets' analysis of the U.S. breast cancer screening and diagnostic market. The report projects market growth from $1.55 billion in 2024 to $2.34 billion by 2030, with a 7.05% CAGR.

The company's IzoView Breast CT system offers true 3D breast imaging without compression, completing scans in 10 seconds with radiation doses comparable to 2-view mammography. This technology addresses limitations in current screening methods, particularly for dense breast tissue patients who comprise 50% of U.S. women. The system can detect lesions as small as 2mm when used with contrast enhancement, potentially offering 1¼ years earlier detection compared to traditional mammography, which typically finds 11mm tumors.

Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) currently leads the market with a 49.93% share as of 2023, though it still faces challenges in detecting cancers in dense breast tissue.

Izotropic è stato menzionato nell'analisi di Research and Markets sul mercato della screening e diagnostica del cancro al seno negli Stati Uniti. Il rapporto prevede una crescita del mercato da 1,55 miliardi di dollari nel 2024 a 2,34 miliardi di dollari entro il 2030, con un CAGR del 7,05%.

Il sistema IzoView Breast CT dell'azienda offre un'imaging mammario 3D reale senza compressione, completando le scansioni in 10 secondi con dosi di radiazione comparabili a quelle della mammografia a 2 immagini. Questa tecnologia affronta le limitazioni dei metodi di screening attuali, in particolare per le pazienti con tessuto mammario denso, che rappresentano il 50% delle donne negli Stati Uniti. Il sistema può rilevare lesioni di dimensioni fino a 2 mm quando utilizzato con un miglioramento del contrasto, offrendo potenzialmente una diagnosi anticipata di 1¼ anni rispetto alla mammografia tradizionale, che solitamente rileva tumori di 11 mm.

La tomosintesi digitale del seno (DBT) attualmente guida il mercato con una quota del 49,93% nel 2023, sebbene continui ad affrontare sfide nel rilevamento dei tumori nel tessuto mammario denso.

Izotropic ha sido mencionado en el análisis de Research and Markets sobre el mercado de cribado y diagnóstico del cáncer de mama en EE. UU. El informe proyecta un crecimiento del mercado de 1.55 mil millones de dólares en 2024 a 2.34 mil millones de dólares para 2030, con un TACR del 7.05%.

El sistema IzoView Breast CT de la empresa ofrece imágenes mamarias 3D reales sin compresión, completando escaneos en 10 segundos con dosis de radiación comparables a la mamografía de 2 vistas. Esta tecnología aborda las limitaciones en los métodos de cribado actuales, especialmente para las pacientes con tejido mamario denso, que representan el 50% de las mujeres en EE. UU. El sistema puede detectar lesiones tan pequeñas como 2 mm cuando se utiliza con mejora de contraste, lo que potencialmente ofrece una detección 1¼ años antes en comparación con la mamografía tradicional, que generalmente encuentra tumores de 11 mm.

La tomosíntesis digital de mama (DBT) lidera actualmente el mercado con una cuota del 49.93% a partir de 2023, aunque aún enfrenta desafíos para detectar cánceres en tejido mamario denso.

Izotropic은 미국 유방암 검사 및 진단 시장에 대한 Research and Markets의 분석에 표기되었습니다. 이 보고서는 시장이 2024년 15억 5천만 달러에서 2030년 23억 4천만 달러로 성장할 것, 연평균 성장률 7.05%를 예측하고 있습니다.

회사의 IzoView Breast CT 시스템은 압축 없이 진정한 3D 유방 이미지를 제공하며, 10초 만에 스캔을 완료하고 방사선량은 2뷰 유방촬영술과 유사합니다. 이 기술은 현재의 스크리닝 방법의 한계를 해결하며, 이는 50%의 미국 여성들을 차지하는 밀도가 높은 유방 조직 환자에게 특히 중요합니다. 이 시스템은 조영 증강을 사용하면 2mm 크기의 병변을 탐지할 수 있으며, 전통적인 유방촬영술에 비해 1¼년 더 일찍 발견할 수 있습니다. 일반적으로 11mm 종양을 발견합니다.

디지털 유방 톰신테시스 (DBT)는 현재 시장에서 49.93%의 점유율로 선두를 달리고 있으나, 여전히 밀도가 높은 유방 조직에서의 암 탐지에는 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.

Izotropic a été mentionné dans l'analyse de Research and Markets sur le marché du dépistage et du diagnostic du cancer du sein aux États-Unis. Le rapport projette une croissance du marché de 1,55 milliard de dollars en 2024 à 2,34 milliards de dollars d'ici 2030, avec un CAGR de 7,05%.

Le système IzoView Breast CT de l'entreprise propose une imagerie mammaire 3D réelle sans compression, complétant les scans en 10 secondes avec des doses de rayonnement comparables à la mammographie 2 vues. Cette technologie répond aux limites des méthodes de dépistage actuelles, en particulier pour les patientes ayant un tissu mammaire dense, qui représentent 50 % des femmes aux États-Unis. Le système peut détecter des lésions aussi petites que 2 mm lorsqu'il est utilisé avec un agent de contraste, offrant potentiellement une détection 1¼ ans plus tôt par rapport à la mammographie traditionnelle, qui trouve généralement des tumeurs de 11 mm.

La tomosynthèse mammaire numérique (DBT) dirige actuellement le marché avec une part de 49,93% en 2023, bien qu'elle soit toujours confrontée à des défis pour détecter les cancers dans le tissu mammaire dense.

Izotropic wurde in der Analyse von Research and Markets über den amerikanischen Markt für Brustkrebs-Screening und -Diagnose erwähnt. Der Bericht prognostiziert ein Marktwachstum von 1,55 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2024 auf 2,34 Milliarden Dollar bis 2030, mit einer Jahreswachstumsrate von 7,05%.

Das IzoView Breast CT-System des Unternehmens bietet echte 3D-Brustbilder ohne Kompression und schließt Scans in 10 Sekunden ab, mit Strahlendosen, die mit einer 2-Bild-Mammographie vergleichbar sind. Diese Technologie behebt die Einschränkungen der aktuellen Screening-Methoden, insbesondere für Patientinnen mit dichtem Brustgewebe, die 50 % der Frauen in den USA ausmachen. Das System kann Läsionen von bis zu 2 mm erkennen, wenn es mit Kontrastverstärkung verwendet wird, und könnte möglicherweise eine frühzeitige Erkennung von 1¼ Jahren im Vergleich zu herkömmlicher Mammographie bieten, die normalerweise Tumoren von 11 mm entdeckt.

Die digitale Brusttomosynthese (DBT) führt derzeit den Markt mit einem Marktanteil von 49,93% im Jahr 2023 an, sieht jedoch auch Herausforderungen bei der Detektion von Krebs im dichten Brustgewebe gegenüber.

  • Market opportunity validated by projected growth to $2.34B by 2030
  • IzoView technology offers superior detection capability (2mm lesions vs 11mm in traditional mammography)
  • Addresses unmet need in dense breast tissue screening (50% of U.S. women)
  • Faster scanning time (10 seconds) with no breast compression
  • Product not yet FDA approved
  • Entering market dominated by established DBT technology (49.93% market share)

- Company listed in Research and Markets' announcement and description of new research report on the U.S. Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnostic Market-

- "U.S. breast cancer screening and diagnostic [device] market was valued at $1.55 billion in 2024 and is anticipated to reach $2.34 billion by the end of 2030, at a CAGR of 7.05% during the forecast period 2024-20301"-

-Report supports Company's regulatory strategy for IzoView Breast CT, reinforces high demand for new breast imaging modalities, strengthens the potential for rapid market adoption and significant market share -

Vancouver, British Columbia and Sacramento, California--(Newsfile Corp. - January 17, 2025) - Izotropic Corporation (CSE: IZO) (OTCQB: IZOZF) (FSE: 1R3) ("Izotropic" or the "Company"), a medical device company commercializing imaging-based products utilizing innovative and emerging technologies for the more accurate screening, diagnoses, and treatment of breast cancers, is pleased to announce that it has been featured in a press release from Research and Markets ("R&M"), "the world's largest market research store with clients all over the world, including 450+ of the Fortune 500 [companies]2".

The press release and report description featuring Izotropic highlight R&M's new report analyzing the U.S. breast cancer screening and diagnostic market, with forecasts extending through 2030. Their analysis suggests a robust and steady growth rate in the market sector from $1.55 billion to $2.34 billion in 2030 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.05%, underscoring the Company's appropriate timing to pursue regulatory authorization and the strategic positioning of its first medical imaging device, IzoView- a disruptive device offering ultra-high-resolution, true 3D, dedicated breast CT imaging, indicated for breast cancer screening adjunctive to digital breast tomosynthesis ("DBT", also known as 3D mammography) for patients with dense breast tissue.

R&M reports that "the U.S. breast cancer screening and diagnostic, image-based market was led by the digital breast tomosynthesis segment, which held a 49.93% share in 2023 [and that the] rising adoption of digital breast tomosynthesis reflects a strong demand for advanced breast cancer screening technologies. DBT is particularly effective in improving detection rates for women with dense breast tissue, making it a vital tool for early diagnosis3."

DBT, like traditional mammography, is a breast compression-based imaging device that uses software and 15-50-degree image acquisition (depending on the make and model of the machine) to generate slightly 3D images from a series of x-ray images acquired in 2D. It is due to the greater range and angles of image acquisition that studies have confirmed that DBT has a "higher sensitivity than digital mammography and at least as high specificity4". Unfortunately, compression-based breast imaging devices are less effective in patients with dense breast tissue, a patient characteristic present in 50% of the women in the U.S. Both dense breast tissue and suspicious lesions and tumors appear white on compression-based breast images, and the density of the tissue itself can overlap under compression creating imaging artifacts that can mimic the appearance of cancer and mask cancers within the dense tissue itself. Due to the limitations of compression-based imaging devices, studies have shown that DBT still produces false negative results and that women with extremely dense breast tissue are predisposed to missed cancers on DBT screening5.

Despite the increased detection capabilities and wide adoption of DBT noted in the report, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has mandated reporting of a patient's breast density information on their breast cancer screening results6, and some states additionally require a statement recommending women discuss the option of supplemental screening with ultrasound or MRI due to dense breasts with their primary care clinicians. The unmet need for the dense-breasted patient population is so high that even the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force is "urgently calling for more research on whether and how additional screening might help women with dense breasts find cancers earlier7."

IzoView Breast CT provides a clear solution to fill the gaps in the breast imaging device market, and is seeking regulatory authorization at a time when the clinical and market forecast data dictates a high degree of market readiness, acceptance, and a high likelihood of rapid adoption, given how quickly DBT was adopted and its large market share captured by providing increased detection capabilities with slightly 3D compression-based breast imaging.

The IzoView Breast CT Imaging System produces true 3D breast images with 360-degree image acquisition in a 10-second scan without breast compression, and a radiation dose comparable to 2-view mammography. Approximately 500 images are acquired (depending on the length of the breast) and are reconstructed into a 3D model within 30 seconds that a radiologist can then view from any angle like a 3D model or slide through the 500 cross-sectional images individually to more accurately determine the size, shape and location of an abnormality, as well as its relation to other internal breast structures.

When used with contrast enhancement in research trials, breast CT may find lesions and tumors in the 2mm size range8. Compared to the average-sized 11mm tumor found on screening mammography9 and considering that the average growth rate of breast cancers results in their doubling in size every 6 months10, breast CT may offer approximately 1 ¼ (one and one quarter) years earlier detection of breast cancers.

The Company looks forward to being the subject of a research report in the future when IzoView Breast CT has been progressively adopted and Izotropic has become a leader in breast cancer screening and diagnostic imaging device sales.

About Izotropic:
More information about Izotropic Corporation can be found on its website at and by reviewing its profile on SEDAR at

Forward-Looking Statements:
This document may contain statements that are "Forward-Looking Statements," which are based upon the current estimates, assumptions, projections, and expectations of the Company's management, business, and its knowledge of the relevant market and economic environment in which it operates. The Company has tried, where possible, to identify such information and statements by using words such as "anticipate," "believe," "envision," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "predict," "project," "target," "potential," "will," "would," "could," "should," "continue," "contemplate" and other similar expressions and derivations thereof in connection with any discussion of future events, trends or prospects or future operating or financial performance, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words.

These statements are not guarantees of performance and involve risks, including those related to capital requirements and uncertainties that are difficult to control or predict, and as such, they may cause future results of the Company's activity to differ significantly from the content and implications of such statements. Forward-Looking Statements are pertinent only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any Forward-Looking Statements to reflect new information or the occurrence of future events or circumstances unless otherwise required to do so by law. Neither the Company nor its shareholders, officers, and consultants shall be liable for any action and the results of any action taken by any person based on the information contained herein, including, without limitation, the purchase or sale of Company securities. Nothing in this document should be deemed to be medical or other advice of any kind. All images are for illustrative purposes only. IzoView has not yet been approved or cleared for sale.


Robert Thast
Interim Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: 1-604-220-5031 or 1-800-IZOCORP ext. 3

General Inquiries
Telephone: 1-604-825-4778 or 1-800-IZOCORP ext. 1


1 (2025, January 16). U.S. Breast Cancer Screening & Diagnostic Market Analysis and Forecast 2024-2030 - Multi-Modality Imaging Revolutionizes Breast Cancer Diagnostics, Boosting Detection Accuracy. Research and Markets. Retrieved January 16, 2025, from

2 (2025, January 16). Why We're Different We Make Intelligent Decisions Happen. Research and Markets. Retrieved January 16, 2025, from

3 (2025, January 16). U.S. Breast Cancer Screening & Diagnostic Market Analysis and Forecast 2024-2030 - Multi-Modality Imaging Revolutionizes Breast Cancer Diagnostics, Boosting Detection Accuracy. Research and Markets. Retrieved January 16, 2025, from

4 Rosenqvist, S., Brännmark, J. & Dustler, M. Digital breast tomosynthesis in breast cancer screening: an ethical perspective. Insights Imaging 15, 213 (2024).

5 (2023). 2023 ARRS Annual Meeting- Abstracts. ARRS. Retrieved December 2, 2024, from

6 (2023, March 9). FDA Updates Mammography Regulations to Require Reporting of Breast Density Information and Enhance Facility Oversight. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved January 7, 2025, from

7 (n.d.). Breast Cancer: Screening, Frequently Asked Questions. U.S. Preventative Services Task Force. Retrieved January 2, 2025, from

8 [Izotropic Corporation]. (2023, March 6). Micro-calcifications, Smaller Cancers, Biopsies & more with Breast CT! [Video]. Https://

9 Eldridge, L. E. M., MD, & Paul, D., MD (2024, September 19). How Fast Does Breast Cancer Start, Grow, and Spread?VeryWellHealth. Retrieved December 6, 2024, from

10 Morgan, K. K., & Ratini, M., MS, DO (2024, March 7). How Fast Does Breast Cancer Grow? WebMD. Retrieved December 6, 2024, from

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


What is the projected market size for breast cancer screening devices by 2030 affecting IZOZF?

The U.S. breast cancer screening market is projected to reach $2.34 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 7.05% from $1.55 billion in 2024.

How does Izotropic's IzoView Breast CT scanning time compare to traditional methods?

IzoView Breast CT completes scans in 10 seconds, producing approximately 500 images that are reconstructed into a 3D model within 30 seconds.

What advantage does IZOZF's IzoView technology offer in tumor detection size?

When used with contrast enhancement, IzoView can detect lesions as small as 2mm, compared to traditional mammography's average detection size of 11mm tumors.

What percentage of the U.S. breast cancer screening market does DBT currently hold?

Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) held a 49.93% share of the U.S. breast cancer screening and diagnostic market in 2023.

How many U.S. women could benefit from IZOZF's dense breast tissue screening technology?

50% of women in the U.S. have dense breast tissue, representing the target market for IzoView's enhanced screening capabilities.

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