IZEA Worldwide, Inc. and GP Investments, Ltd. Partner on a New Value Creation Plan

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IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (Nasdaq: IZEA) has announced a partnership with GP Investments, and a series of value creation actions. Antonio Bonchristiano and Rodrigo Boscolo of GP Investments are joining IZEA's Board of Directors, reflecting GP's substantial shareholding in IZEA. The company is implementing several key changes:

1. Separating the Chairman and CEO roles, with Lindsay Gardner appointed as Chairman.
2. Expanding the share buyback program from $5 million to $10 million.
3. Forming a Strategy & Capital Allocation Committee.
4. Committing resources to M&A opportunities.
5. Reaffirming commitment to profitable growth.

These actions aim to strengthen governance, focus on business growth, and create more value for stakeholders.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (Nasdaq: IZEA) ha annunciato una partnership con GP Investments e una serie di azioni per la creazione di valore. Antonio Bonchristiano e Rodrigo Boscolo di GP Investments entreranno a far parte del Consiglio di Amministrazione di IZEA, riflettendo la sostanziale partecipazione azionaria di GP in IZEA. L'azienda sta implementando diversi cambiamenti chiave:

1. Separazione dei ruoli di Chairman e CEO, con Lindsay Gardner nominato Chairman.
2. Espansione del programma di riacquisto di azioni da 5 milioni a 10 milioni di dollari.
3. Formazione di un Comitato per la Strategia e l'Allocazione del Capitale.
4. Impegno di risorse per opportunità di M&A.
5. Riaffermazione dell'impegno per una crescita redditizia.

Queste azioni mirano a rafforzare la governance, a concentrarsi sulla crescita aziendale e a creare maggiore valore per gli stakeholder.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (Nasdaq: IZEA) ha anunciado una asociación con GP Investments y una serie de acciones para la creación de valor. Antonio Bonchristiano y Rodrigo Boscolo de GP Investments se unirán a la Junta Directiva de IZEA, reflejando la significativa participación accionar de GP en IZEA. La empresa está implementando varios cambios clave:

1. Separar los roles de Presidente y CEO, con Lindsay Gardner nombrado Presidente.
2. Ampliar el programa de recompra de acciones de 5 millones a 10 millones de dólares.
3. Formar un Comité de Estrategia y Asignación de Capital.
4. Comprometer recursos para oportunidades de M&A.
5. Reafirmar el compromiso con el crecimiento rentable.

Estas acciones tienen como objetivo fortalecer la gobernanza, centrarse en el crecimiento del negocio y crear más valor para los interesados.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (Nasdaq: IZEA)가 GP Investments와 파트너십을 발표하고 가치 창출을 위한 일련의 조치를 진행했습니다. Antonio BonchristianoRodrigo Boscolo가 GP Investments를 대표하여 IZEA의 이사회에 합류하며, 이는 GP가 IZEA에 대한 상당한 지분을 보유하고 있음을 반영합니다. 회사는 여러 핵심 변화를 시행하고 있습니다:

1. 회장과 CEO 역할을 분리하고, Lindsay Gardner를 회장으로 임명합니다.
2. 주식 매입 프로그램을 500만 달러에서 1천만 달러로 확대합니다.
3. 전략 및 자본 배분위원회를 구성합니다.
4. M&A 기회에 자원을 할당합니다.
5. 수익성 있는 성장을 위한 의지를 재확인합니다.

이러한 조치는 거버넌스를 강화하고, 사업 성장에 집중하며, 이해관계자에게 더 많은 가치를 창출하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (Nasdaq: IZEA) a annoncé un partenariat avec GP Investments et une série d'actions visant à créer de la valeur. Antonio Bonchristiano et Rodrigo Boscolo de GP Investments rejoignent le Conseil d'Administration d'IZEA, reflétant la participation substantielle de GP dans IZEA. La société met en œuvre plusieurs changements clés :

1. Séparer les rôles de président et de PDG, avec Lindsay Gardner nommé président.
2. Élargir le programme de rachat d'actions de 5 millions à 10 millions de dollars.
3. Former un comité de stratégie et d'allocation de capital.
4. Engager des ressources pour des opportunités de M&A.
5. Réaffirmer l'engagement en faveur d'une croissance rentable.

Ces actions visent à renforcer la gouvernance, à se concentrer sur la croissance de l'entreprise et à créer davantage de valeur pour les parties prenantes.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (Nasdaq: IZEA) hat eine Partnerschaft mit GP Investments bekannt gegeben und eine Reihe von Wertschöpfungsmaßnahmen eingeleitet. Antonio Bonchristiano und Rodrigo Boscolo von GP Investments werden in den Vorstand von IZEA eintreten, was GP's bedeutende Beteiligung an IZEA widerspiegelt. Das Unternehmen führt mehrere wichtige Änderungen durch:

1. Trennung der Rollen von Vorsitzendem und CEO, wobei Lindsay Gardner zum Vorsitzenden ernannt wird.
2. Erweiterung des Aktienrückkaufprogramms von 5 Millionen auf 10 Millionen Dollar.
3. Bildung eines Strategie- und Kapitalallokationskomitees.
4. Bereitstellung von Ressourcen für M&A-Gelegenheiten.
5. Bekräftigung des Engagements für profitables Wachstum.

Diese Maßnahmen zielen darauf ab, die Governance zu stärken, den Fokus auf das Unternehmenswachstum zu legen und mehr Wert für die Stakeholder zu schaffen.

  • Appointment of experienced directors Antonio Bonchristiano and Rodrigo Boscolo to IZEA's Board
  • Expansion of share buyback program from $5 million to $10 million
  • Formation of Strategy & Capital Allocation Committee to evaluate strategic options
  • Commitment of resources to pursue M&A opportunities
  • Separation of Chairman and CEO roles to strengthen governance
  • None.

The partnership with GP Investments and the subsequent board appointments mark a significant shift in IZEA's strategic direction. The expansion of the share buyback program from $5 million to $10 million signals strong confidence in the company's future prospects. This move could potentially boost shareholder value in the short term.

The formation of a Strategy & Capital Allocation Committee and commitment to M&A activities suggest a more aggressive growth strategy. While this could lead to accelerated expansion, it also introduces risks associated with acquisitions and capital allocation decisions. The emphasis on profitable growth is reassuring, but investors should closely monitor execution.

The separation of the Chairman and CEO roles aligns with best practices in corporate governance, which could enhance investor confidence. Overall, these changes indicate a potential turning point for IZEA, but the impact on financial performance remains to be seen.

The appointment of Antonio Bonchristiano and Rodrigo Boscolo to IZEA's Board brings valuable experience in high-growth tech businesses. Their backgrounds in strategic planning, capital allocation and M&A could significantly enhance IZEA's decision-making capabilities.

The separation of the Chairman and CEO roles is a positive step towards stronger corporate governance. This move typically leads to better oversight and can reduce potential conflicts of interest. The appointment of Lindsay Gardner as Chairman, with his extensive experience in technology and media, further strengthens the board's expertise.

The formation of a Strategy & Capital Allocation Committee demonstrates a commitment to more structured and thoughtful decision-making processes. However, the effectiveness of these changes will depend on how well the new board members integrate and contribute to IZEA's strategic direction.

IZEA's partnership with GP Investments could potentially reshape its position in the Creator Economy market. The influx of expertise from GP Investments may help IZEA capitalize on emerging trends and opportunities more effectively.

The expanded share buyback program and focus on M&A activities suggest that IZEA is positioning itself for more aggressive market moves. This could lead to increased market share and a stronger competitive position, particularly if they can identify and integrate strategic acquisitions successfully.

However, the Creator Economy is rapidly evolving and highly competitive. IZEA will need to leverage its new resources and expertise to stay ahead of market trends and maintain its relevance. The success of this partnership will largely depend on how well IZEA can translate GP Investments' experience into tangible market advantages and innovation in its product offerings.

Antonio Bonchristiano and Rodrigo Boscolo Appointed to IZEA Worldwide Board of Directors

ORLANDO, Fla., Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (Nasdaq: IZEA), a leading provider of technology, data, and services for the Creator Economy, today announced a partnership with GP Investments, Ltd. and a series of value creation actions.

Antonio Bonchristiano and Rodrigo Boscolo of GP Investments, a global investment firm with flexible, long-term capital, are joining IZEA’s Board of Directors. These appointments reflect GP’s substantial IZEA shareholding and its track record in creating value across a range of enterprises. Regarding the partnership with GP Investments, Patrick Venetucci, CEO of IZEA said, “IZEA will benefit from Antonio and Rodrigo’s experience and success in high growth, tech and tech-enabled businesses like ours. We welcome them and their ideas.” Antonio said, “We look forward to leveraging our strategic, capital allocation and M&A experiences with the board for the good of all stakeholders.”

Bonchristiano is the CEO and a board member of GP Investments, which he joined in 1993. Previously, he worked in London and New York for Solomon Brothers and Johnston Associates. Over the last three decades, he has served as a director on several boards, including AMBEV, Rimini Street, G2D Investments, BR Properties, among others. Boscolo is a Managing Director and the CFO at GP Investments since 2018. Before, he was a consultant at The Boston Consulting Group. Boscolo has also served on numerous boards of both private and public companies across geographies, including G2D Investments, Spice Private Equity, LEON Restaurants, Magnesita, Sascar, and Allis.

Additionally, IZEA’s Chairman role is being separated from the CEO role to strengthen governance and enable the IZEA CEO to focus on the business. Lindsay Gardner, Independent Director of IZEA’s Board, and long-time technology, media and telecom executive, is being appointed to Chairman of the Board.        

IZEA’s share buyback program is expanding from $5 million to $10 million as a demonstration of the Board’s confidence in the company’s ability to create more value.

A Strategy & Capital Allocation Committee is being formed to evaluate strategic options, sources and uses of capital, capital structure, and cash management.

The company is committing resources to M&A to capitalize on opportunities as they arise in the marketplace. The company reaffirms the previously stated commitment to pursue profitable growth.

The IZEA Board of Directors will be implementing these value creation actions effective immediately.  

About IZEA Worldwide, Inc.
IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (“IZEA”), is a marketing technology company providing software and professional services that enable brands to collaborate and transact with the full spectrum of today’s top social influencers and content creators. The company serves as a champion for the growing Creator Economy, enabling individuals to monetize their content, creativity, and influence. IZEA launched the industry’s first-ever influencer marketing platform in 2006 and has since facilitated nearly 4 million transactions between online buyers and sellers. Leading brands and agencies partner with IZEA to increase digital engagement, diversify brand voice, scale content production, and drive a measurable return on investment.

About GP Investments, Ltd.
GP Investments, Ltd. (“GP”) is an investment firm established in 1993. Since its foundation, the firm has deployed over $5 billion in more than 50 companies across multiple sector, geographies, and maturity levels. GP’s unique active investment approach is rooted in engaged ownership, alignment of interests, and high-touch strategic and operational support. The firm has flexible, patient capital and seeks to build long-lasting enterprises. Since 2006, GP Investments has its Class A Shares traded in the form of Brazilian Depositary Receipts (BDRs) on the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão) under the ticker symbol GPIV33 and on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. The firm currently has offices in São Paulo, New York, London and Bermuda.

Forward Looking Statements
Statements used in this news release relating to future plans, or events, are forward-looking statements subject to certain risks and uncertainties. Additional information concerning these and other risks and uncertainties is contained in the company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including the Annual Report on Form 10-K, and other periodic reports filed with the SEC. The company has no obligation to publicly update or revise any of the forward-looking statements in this news release.


Who are the new board members joining IZEA Worldwide?

Antonio Bonchristiano and Rodrigo Boscolo from GP Investments, are joining IZEA Worldwide's Board of Directors.

What changes has IZEA Worldwide announced to its share buyback program?

IZEA Worldwide has expanded its share buyback program from $5 million to $10 million.

Who has been appointed as the new Chairman of IZEA Worldwide's Board?

Lindsay Gardner, an Independent Director of IZEA's Board, has been appointed as the new Chairman of the Board.

What new committee is IZEA Worldwide forming as part of its value creation plan?

IZEA Worldwide is forming a Strategy & Capital Allocation Committee to evaluate strategic options, sources and uses of capital, capital structure, and cash management.

What is IZEA Worldwide's stance on M&A opportunities?

IZEA Worldwide is committing resources to M&A to capitalize on opportunities as they arise in the marketplace.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc.


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