IZEA Report Finds 46% of Social Media Users Ages 18-60 Have Changed Their Political Opinions Due to Influencer Content

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IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA) has released a research report titled 'Influencers & The 2024 Election', revealing significant insights into the impact of social media influencers on political opinions and engagement. Key findings include:

- 46% of social media users aged 18-60 have changed their political opinions due to influencer content
- 82% of influencers plan to share political views online during the 2024 U.S. election
- 52% of social media users believe influencers have a responsibility for political advocacy
- 87% of influencers plan to encourage voter registration and participation

The report highlights the growing influence of social media personalities on political discourse, with 92% of influencers believing their views can sway followers. IZEA CEO Ted Murphy emphasizes the importance of responsible and accurate information sharing given this impact.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA) ha pubblicato un rapporto di ricerca intitolato 'Influencer e le elezioni del 2024', rivelando importanti informazioni sull'impatto degli influencer sui social media nelle opinioni e nel coinvolgimento politico. I risultati principali includono:

- Il 46% degli utenti dei social media di età compresa tra 18 e 60 anni ha cambiato le proprie opinioni politiche a causa dei contenuti degli influencer
- L'82% degli influencer prevede di condividere opinioni politiche online durante le elezioni statunitensi del 2024
- Il 52% degli utenti dei social media ritiene che gli influencer abbiano una responsabilità verso l'attivismo politico
- L'87% degli influencer prevede di incoraggiare la registrazione degli elettori e la partecipazione

Il rapporto evidenzia l'influenza crescente delle personalità dei social media sul discorso politico, con il 92% degli influencer che crede che le proprie opinioni possano influenzare i follower. Il CEO di IZEA, Ted Murphy, sottolinea l'importanza di condividere informazioni in modo responsabile e accurato, date queste implicazioni.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA) ha lanzado un informe de investigación titulado 'Influencers y las elecciones de 2024', revelando información significativa sobre el impacto de los influencers en las redes sociales en las opiniones políticas y el compromiso. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- El 46% de los usuarios de redes sociales de entre 18 y 60 años ha cambiado sus opiniones políticas debido al contenido de los influencers
- El 82% de los influencers planea compartir sus puntos de vista políticos en línea durante las elecciones de EE. UU. de 2024
- El 52% de los usuarios de redes sociales cree que los influencers tienen una responsabilidad en la defensa política
- El 87% de los influencers planea fomentar el registro de votantes y la participación

El informe destaca la creciente influencia de las personalidades de las redes sociales en el discurso político, con el 92% de los influencers creyendo que sus opiniones pueden influir en sus seguidores. Ted Murphy, CEO de IZEA, enfatiza la importancia de compartir información de manera responsable y precisa, dada esta influencia.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA)는 '인플루언서와 2024년 선거'라는 제목의 연구 보고서를 발표하며, 소셜 미디어 인플루언서가 정치적 의견 및 참여에 미치는 영향에 대한 중요한 통찰을 제공했습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 18세에서 60세 사이의 소셜 미디어 사용자 중 46%가 인플루언서 콘텐츠로 인해 정치적 의견을 변경했습니다.
- 82%의 인플루언서는 2024년 미국 선거 중 온라인에서 정치적 견해를 공유할 계획입니다.
- 52%의 소셜 미디어 사용자는 인플루언서가 정치적 옹호에 대한 책임이 있다고 믿습니다.
- 87%의 인플루언서는 유권자 등록과 참여를 촉구할 계획입니다.

이 보고서는 소셜 미디어 개인의 정치적 담론에 대한 영향을 강조하며, 92%의 인플루언서는 자신의 견해가 팔로워에게 영향을 줄 수 있다고 믿고 있습니다. IZEA의 CEO인 테드 머피는 이러한 영향력을 고려할 때 책임 있고 정확한 정보 공유의 중요성을 강조합니다.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA) a publié un rapport de recherche intitulé 'Influenceurs et élections de 2024', révélant des informations significatives sur l'impact des influenceurs des réseaux sociaux sur les opinions politiques et l'engagement. Les résultats clés comprennent :

- 46 % des utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux âgés de 18 à 60 ans ont changé d'opinion politique en raison du contenu des influenceurs
- 82 % des influenceurs prévoient de partager leurs opinions politiques en ligne lors des élections américaines de 2024
- 52 % des utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux estiment que les influenceurs ont une responsabilité en matière de plaidoyer politique
- 87 % des influenceurs prévoient d'encourager l'enregistrement et la participation des électeurs

Le rapport met en évidence l'influence croissante des personnalités des réseaux sociaux sur le discours politique, avec 92 % des influenceurs croyant que leurs opinions peuvent influencer leurs abonnés. Ted Murphy, le PDG d'IZEA, souligne l'importance de partager des informations de manière responsable et précise, étant donné cet impact.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA) hat einen Forschungsbericht mit dem Titel 'Influencer und die Wahlen 2024' veröffentlicht, der bedeutende Einblicke in die Auswirkungen von Social-Media-Influencern auf politische Meinungen und Engagement gibt. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse umfassen:

- 46% der Social-Media-Nutzer im Alter von 18 bis 60 Jahren haben ihre politischen Meinungen aufgrund von Influencer-Inhalten geändert
- 82% der Influencer planen, ihre politischen Ansichten während der US-Wahlen 2024 online zu teilen
- 52% der Social-Media-Nutzer glauben, dass Influencer eine Verantwortung für politische Advocacy haben
- 87% der Influencer planen, die Wählerregistrierung und -beteiligung zu fördern

Der Bericht hebt den wachsenden Einfluss von Social-Media-Persönlichkeiten auf den politischen Diskurs hervor, wobei 92% der Influencer glauben, dass ihre Ansichten ihre Follower beeinflussen können. Ted Murphy, CEO von IZEA, betont die Bedeutung einer verantwortungsvollen und genauen Informationsweitergabe angesichts dieser Auswirkungen.

  • IZEA's research demonstrates the company's expertise in influencer marketing trends
  • The report findings suggest potential growth in political-focused influencer marketing campaigns
  • High engagement rates (82% of influencers planning to share political views) indicate a strong market for IZEA's services during election seasons
  • The report doesn't directly mention any financial benefits or revenue growth for IZEA
  • Potential controversy surrounding influencers' impact on political opinions could affect IZEA's reputation or client relationships

This report reveals significant insights into the intersection of social media, influencer marketing and politics. The data shows a substantial impact of influencers on political opinions, with 46% of users aged 18-60 changing their views based on influencer content. This trend could have far-reaching implications for political campaigns and their digital strategies.

From a business perspective, this presents both opportunities and risks for brands working with influencers. The high engagement rates in political content (82% of influencers plan to share political views) could boost visibility, but also potentially alienate segments of the audience. Companies may need to carefully consider their influencer partnerships and content strategies in light of these findings to navigate the politically charged social media landscape effectively.

The report highlights a significant shift in how political information is disseminated and consumed. With social media being the primary source of political news for those under 61, platforms and influencers are becoming key players in shaping public opinion. This trend presents both opportunities and challenges for social media companies.

On one hand, increased political engagement could drive user activity and ad revenue. However, the responsibility to manage misinformation becomes more critical, with 88% of users concerned about its spread. Platforms may need to invest more in content moderation and fact-checking tools to maintain user trust and avoid regulatory scrutiny. The data also suggests a potential market for new features or tools that help users verify political information shared by influencers.

This report underscores the evolving landscape of political campaigning and voter engagement. The fact that 46% of social media users have changed their political opinions due to influencer content is a game-changer for political strategists. It suggests that traditional campaign methods may need to be supplemented or even replaced by influencer-driven strategies.

However, the polarizing nature of politics on social media, evidenced by 56% of users unfollowing influencers due to political views, poses challenges. Political campaigns will need to balance reaching new audiences through influencers while mitigating the risk of alienating existing supporters. The high level of influencer involvement in political advocacy (87% planning to encourage voter participation) could also lead to increased voter turnout, potentially altering election dynamics.

82% of Influencers Plan to Share Political Views Online During U.S. Election

ORLANDO, Fla., Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), the premier provider of technology, data, and services for the Creator Economy, released its research report, “Influencers & The 2024 Election,” today. The report is based on United States consumer sentiment and examines how social media influences political engagement and sentiment and the role of influencers in shaping political opinions.

The survey found that 52% of social media users believe that influencers have a responsibility to use their platforms for political advocacy, and 87% of influencers plan to use their social media channels to encourage voter registration and participation.

“Our latest research underscores the significant role influencers play in shaping followers’ opinions and political discourse,” said Ted Murphy, IZEA CEO and founder. “With 92% of influencers believing their political views can influence their followers, and 46% of social media users ages 18-60 having already changed their minds about political issues because of influencer content, it’s clear that influencers are a powerful force in the political landscape. With the trust that audiences place on influencer recommendations, it becomes imperative to share political information responsibly and accurately, given the potential impact influencers can have on voter engagement and understanding of political issues.”

Key Insights for Influencers and Their Impact on Their Followers

  • 42% of respondents have a positive view about social media influencers sharing their political opinions online.
  • 52% of social media users believe that influencers have a responsibility to use their platforms for political advocacy.
  • 52% of respondents believe that political content from influencers contributes to their understanding of political issues.
  • Influencers are 3.3 times more likely to think their political content will be received very positively, compared with general social media users.

Key Insights for Social Media Users and Their Response to Influencer Opinions

  • 64% of social media users are more likely to follow an influencer who has similar political views as their own.
  • 56% of social media users have unfollowed an influencer based on their political views.
  • 46% of social media users think they could be influenced by influencers who share their political opinions online.
  • 46% of social media users ages 18-60 say they have changed their political opinion based on an influencer’s content.

Insights on Influencers and Political Content

  • 82% of influencers plan to share their political views online during the 2024 election.
  • 87% of influencers plan to use their social media platforms to encourage voter registration and participation.
  • 92% of influencers believe sharing their political opinions could influence their followers’ views on political topics.
  • 79% of influencers participate in political events or rallies, or plan to do so in the future.

Insights for Social Media Audiences

  • 70% of social media users say sharing their political views online could impact their personal relationships.
  • 88% of respondents are concerned about the potential for misinformation to spread via social media during the election.
  • 90% of social media users believe it’s important for influencers to verify the accuracy of the political information they share.
  • Social media is the top choice for staying informed about political developments for those under the age of 61.

Results from the study are based on the responses from over 2,000 social media users in the U.S. aged 18 or older. The report is part of an ongoing series of research studies focusing on influencers’ key roles in influencing consumer behaviors and trends.

The report is available to download for free here: Influencers & The 2024 Election.

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About IZEA Worldwide, Inc.

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (“IZEA”) is a marketing technology company providing software and professional services that enable brands to collaborate and transact with the full spectrum of today’s top social influencers and content creators. The company serves as a champion for the growing Creator Economy, enabling individuals to monetize their content, creativity, and influence. IZEA launched the industry’s first-ever influencer marketing platform in 2006 and has since facilitated nearly 4 million transactions between online buyers and sellers. Leading brands and agencies partner with IZEA to increase digital engagement, diversify brand voice, scale content production, and drive a measurable return on investment.



What percentage of social media users have changed their political opinions due to influencer content, according to IZEA's report?

According to IZEA's report, 46% of social media users ages 18-60 have changed their political opinions due to influencer content.

How many influencers plan to share political views online during the 2024 U.S. election, as per IZEA's study?

IZEA's study found that 82% of influencers plan to share their political views online during the 2024 U.S. election.

What percentage of social media users believe influencers have a responsibility for political advocacy, according to IZEA's research?

IZEA's research shows that 52% of social media users believe influencers have a responsibility to use their platforms for political advocacy.

How many influencers plan to encourage voter registration and participation, based on IZEA's report?

According to IZEA's report, 87% of influencers plan to use their social media platforms to encourage voter registration and participation.

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