Iveda Sees Increased Interest from Major Retail Chains Across the Globe for IvedaAI Cloud Subscription Services

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Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), a leader in cloud-based AI, is experiencing increased interest from major retail chains globally for its IvedaAI Cloud subscription services. This AI-driven solution integrates with existing security cameras, offering a cost-effective way to combat retail theft, which costs the industry nearly $112.1 billion annually. IvedaAI Cloud transforms standard IP cameras into AI-powered tools that can detect objects, faces, vehicles, and license plates in real-time, enabling enhanced security measures without significant hardware investments.

The service provides essential features like access control monitoring, intrusion detection, and instant alerts for suspicious activities. It also offers rapid video search capabilities, allowing users to search up to 14 days of metadata using simple queries. In response to industry trends, Iveda is developing AI-powered body cameras to complement its cloud service, set to launch later this year.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), un leader nelle soluzioni AI basate su cloud, sta registrando un crescente interesse da parte delle principali catene di retail a livello globale per i suoi servizi in abbonamento IvedaAI Cloud. Questa soluzione basata sull'AI si integra con le telecamere di sicurezza esistenti, offrendo un modo economico per combattere il furto al dettaglio, che costa all'industria quasi 112,1 miliardi di dollari all'anno. IvedaAI Cloud trasforma telecamere IP standard in strumenti potenziati dall'AI in grado di rilevare oggetti, volti, veicoli e targhe in tempo reale, consentendo misure di sicurezza migliorate senza significativi investimenti in hardware.

Il servizio offre funzionalità essenziali come monitoraggio del controllo accessi, rilevamento intrusioni e avvisi istantanei per attività sospette. Dispone inoltre di capacità di ricerca video rapida, permettendo agli utenti di cercare fino a 14 giorni di metadati utilizzando query semplici. In risposta alle tendenze del settore, Iveda sta sviluppando telecamere corporee potenziate dall'AI per integrare il suo servizio cloud, previsto per il lancio entro la fine di quest'anno.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), un líder en soluciones de IA basadas en la nube, está experimentando un creciente interés por parte de las principales cadenas de retail a nivel global por sus servicios de suscripción IvedaAI Cloud. Esta solución impulsada por IA se integra con las cámaras de seguridad existentes, ofreciendo una manera rentable de combatir el robo en el comercio minorista, que le cuesta a la industria cerca de 112.1 mil millones de dólares anuales. IvedaAI Cloud transforma cámaras IP estándar en herramientas alimentadas por IA que pueden detectar objetos, rostros, vehículos y matrículas en tiempo real, lo que permite implementar medidas de seguridad mejoradas sin inversiones significativas en hardware.

El servicio proporciona características esenciales como monitoreo de control de acceso, detección de intrusos y alertas instantáneas para actividades sospechosas. También ofrece capacidades de búsqueda de video rápidas, permitiendo a los usuarios buscar hasta 14 días de metadatos utilizando consultas simples. En respuesta a las tendencias de la industria, Iveda está desarrollando cámaras corporales impulsadas por IA para complementar su servicio en la nube, que se lanzará a finales de este año.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA)는 클라우드 기반 AI의 선두주자로서 전 세계 주요 소매 체인으로부터 IvedaAI Cloud 구독 서비스에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있습니다. 이 AI 기반 솔루션은 기존의 보안 카메라와 통합되어 연간 1,121억 달러 가까이 소매업에 피해를 주는 소매 절도를 저렴한 비용으로 방지할 수 있는 방법을 제공합니다. IvedaAI Cloud는 일반 IP 카메라를 실시간으로 물체, 얼굴, 차량 및 번호판을 감지할 수 있는 AI 구동 도구로 변환하여, 상당한 하드웨어 투자 없이 보안 조치를 강화할 수 있습니다.

이 서비스는 출입 통제 모니터링, 침입 감지 및 의심스러운 활동에 대한 즉각적인 알림과 같은 필수 기능을 제공합니다. 또한 사용자가 간단한 쿼리를 사용하여 최대 14일간의 메타데이터를 검색할 수 있는 빠른 비디오 검색 기능이 있습니다. 업계의 트렌드에 대응하여, Iveda는 올해 말 출시 예정인 클라우드 서비스를 보완하기 위해 AI 구동 바디 카메라를 개발 중입니다.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), un leader dans le domaine de l'IA basée sur le cloud, connaît un intérêt croissant de la part des grandes chaînes de distribution à l'échelle mondiale pour ses services d'abonnement IvedaAI Cloud. Cette solution alimentée par l'IA s'intègre aux caméras de sécurité existantes, offrant un moyen rentable de lutter contre le vol au détail, qui coûte à l'industrie près de 112,1 milliards de dollars par an. IvedaAI Cloud transforme les caméras IP standard en outils alimentés par l'IA capables de détecter des objets, des visages, des véhicules et des plaques d'immatriculation en temps réel, permettant ainsi de renforcer les mesures de sécurité sans investissements matériels significatifs.

Le service fournit des fonctionnalités essentielles telles que la surveillance de contrôle d'accès, la détection d'intrusion et des alertes instantanées pour les activités suspectes. Il propose également des capacités de recherche vidéo rapide, permettant aux utilisateurs de rechercher jusqu'à 14 jours de métadonnées à l'aide de requêtes simples. En réponse aux tendances du secteur, Iveda développe des caméras corporelles alimentées par l'IA pour compléter son service cloud, qui devrait être lancé plus tard cette année.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich cloudbasierter KI, verzeichnet weltweit zunehmendes Interesse von großen Einzelhandelsketten an seinen IvedaAI Cloud Abonnementdiensten. Diese KI-gesteuerte Lösung integriert sich mit bestehenden Überwachungskameras und bietet eine kosteneffiziente Möglichkeit, den Einzelhandelsdiebstahl zu bekämpfen, der der Branche jährlich fast 112,1 Milliarden Dollar kostet. IvedaAI Cloud verwandelt herkömmliche IP-Kameras in KI-gestützte Werkzeuge, die in Echtzeit Objekte, Gesichter, Fahrzeuge und Nummernschilder erkennen können, wodurch verbesserte Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ohne erhebliche Hardwareinvestitionen ermöglicht werden.

Der Dienst bietet wesentliche Funktionen wie Zugangskontrollüberwachung, Einbruchserkennung und sofortige Benachrichtigungen bei verdächtigen Aktivitäten. Zudem bietet er schnelle Video-Suchfunktionen, die es den Nutzern ermöglichen, bis zu 14 Tage an Metadaten mit einfachen Abfragen zu durchsuchen. Als Reaktion auf Branchentrends entwickelt Iveda KI-gestützte Bodycams, um seinen Cloud-Service zu ergänzen, die noch in diesem Jahr auf den Markt kommen sollen.

  • Growing interest from major retail chains in multiple countries for IvedaAI Cloud services
  • IvedaAI Cloud offers a cost-effective solution to combat retail theft, potentially saving the industry $112.1 billion in losses
  • The service integrates with existing security cameras, reducing hardware costs for businesses
  • Upcoming launch of AI-powered body cameras to complement IvedaAI Cloud services
  • None.

The growing interest in Iveda's AI-powered security solutions from major retail chains globally signals a significant market opportunity. With retail shrinkage nearing 2% in the U.S., costing the industry up to $112.1 billion, there's a clear demand for cost-effective security solutions. IvedaAI Cloud's subscription model and compatibility with existing cameras make it an attractive option for retailers looking to enhance security without substantial hardware investments. The expansion into body cameras aligns with current market trends, as seen with TJX's recent investments. This positions Iveda to capitalize on the evolving retail security landscape, potentially driving revenue growth and market share expansion in the near term.

IvedaAI Cloud's technology offers a compelling value proposition for retailers. Its ability to transform existing IP cameras into AI-powered tools for real-time detection of objects, faces, vehicles and license plates is a game-changer. The system's instant alert feature and rapid video search capability (up to 14 days of metadata) significantly enhance security efficiency. However, the limitation to four cameras per deployment might be restrictive for larger retail operations. The upcoming AI-powered body cameras could be a strategic move, especially if they integrate seamlessly with the cloud platform. While the technology seems promising, its effectiveness in reducing theft and improving safety will be important for widespread adoption and long-term success in the competitive retail security market.

Iveda's focus on the retail security market with its IvedaAI Cloud subscription service presents a potentially lucrative revenue stream. The subscription model could provide stable, recurring revenue, which is attractive to investors. However, the financial impact remains uncertain without specific figures on current adoption rates or revenue projections. The global interest from major retail chains is promising, but conversion from interest to paid subscriptions will be key. The planned launch of AI-powered body cameras could diversify Iveda's product offering and potentially increase average revenue per customer. Investors should monitor the company's ability to scale its cloud services and the uptake of its new body camera line. While the market opportunity is significant, Iveda's ability to capture market share and translate it into profitable growth will be critical for long-term financial performance.

MESA, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), the global leader in cloud-based AI, is seeing growing interest from major retail chains in the United States, Korea, Macao, Hong Kong, and Japan for its IvedaAI Cloud subscription services. With average retail shrink nearing 2% in the U.S., according to the National Retail Federation (NRF), retailers face increasing security challenges amid the battle against rising theft. IvedaAI Cloud offers a cost-effective, AI-driven solution that integrates seamlessly with existing security cameras that could help save the industry nearly $112.1 Billion in potential losses.

“IvedaAI Cloud was developed with small businesses, retail shop owners, and restaurant chains in mind,” said David Ly, Iveda CEO and founder. “It is ideal for deployment on up to four cameras, offering powerful analytics and security features without the hefty hardware costs. By providing only the essential tools that businesses need––streamed through the cloud for one low monthly fee–– IvedaAI Cloud is accessible for businesses that want to improve their security measures without investing in IT and servers.”

IvedaAI Cloud transforms shop owners’ existing IP cameras into powerful AI-driven tools that can detect objects, faces, vehicles, and license plates in real time. This technology allows retailers to monitor access control, detect intrusions, and receive instant alerts regarding suspicious activity directly to their phone, all of which help reduce theft and maintain a safer environment for both customers and staff. IvedaAI Cloud also offers the world’s fastest video search, enabling users to search up to 14 days of metadata using simple, Google-like queries (I.e. “man wearing red”) without manually scanning hours of footage.

Recent reports show retailers like TJX (parent company of TJ Maxx, Homegoods, and Marshalls) are increasingly investing in body-worn cameras to deter theft and improve safety. In response to this trend, Iveda is enhancing its line of body cameras with AI-powered capabilities, set to launch later this year. This solution pairs brilliantly with IvedaAI Cloud.

With interest from global retailers continuing to grow, IvedaAI Cloud is proving to be the go-to solution for those looking to boost security, protect their bottom line, and stay ahead of evolving industry needs. For more information on how IvedaAI Cloud can transform your business’s security, visit

About Iveda Solutions®

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA) provides global solutions for cloud-based video AI search and surveillance technologies that protect the people, places, and things that matter most. Iveda’s technology delivers instant intelligence to existing infrastructure, enabling cities and organizations worldwide to seamlessly enter the fifth industrial revolution. Headquartered in Mesa, Arizona, with a subsidiary in Taiwan, Iveda is publicly traded under the ticker symbol “IVDA.”

Media Contact

Olivia Civiletto Erwin

Source: Iveda


What is IvedaAI Cloud and how does it help retailers?

IvedaAI Cloud is a subscription-based AI service that transforms existing IP cameras into AI-driven tools. It helps retailers by detecting objects, faces, vehicles, and license plates in real-time, monitoring access control, detecting intrusions, and sending instant alerts for suspicious activities, thus reducing theft and improving security.

How much can IvedaAI Cloud potentially save the retail industry?

According to the press release, IvedaAI Cloud could help save the retail industry nearly $112.1 billion in potential losses due to theft and shrinkage.

What new product is Iveda (IVDA) planning to launch later this year?

Iveda (IVDA) is planning to launch AI-powered body cameras later this year to complement its IvedaAI Cloud services, responding to the trend of retailers investing in body-worn cameras for improved security.

What unique feature does IvedaAI Cloud offer for video searching?

IvedaAI Cloud offers the world's fastest video search capability, allowing users to search up to 14 days of metadata using simple, Google-like queries without manually scanning hours of footage.

Iveda Solutions, Inc.


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Security & Protection Services
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