Iveda Integrates IvedaCare and IvedaAI at AZ Senior Living Facility, Serving as the Blueprint for Remote Patient Monitoring to Support $1.032 Billion VA Contract

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Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA) has expanded its AI-powered solutions at Waymark Gardens, a senior living facility in Glendale, AZ. The facility now integrates IvedaCare, a sensor-based HIPAA-compliant solution, with IvedaAI, a real-time AI video search platform. This combination enhances safety and operational efficiency in public spaces, allowing for swift detection of falls and critical incidents.

The integration serves as a blueprint for remote patient monitoring, supporting Iveda's subcontract with Movement Interactive under a $1.032 billion, eight-year Veterans Affairs contract. IvedaCare recently won the 2024 Excellence in AI Award for its application in senior care. The solution provides comprehensive monitoring in both private and public areas, ensuring resident safety while maintaining independence.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA) ha ampliato le sue soluzioni basate su AI presso Waymark Gardens, una struttura per anziani a Glendale, AZ. La struttura ora integra IvedaCare, una soluzione basata su sensori conforme alla normativa HIPAA, con IvedaAI, una piattaforma di ricerca video AI in tempo reale. Questa combinazione migliora la sicurezza e l'efficienza operativa negli spazi pubblici, consentendo una rapida rilevazione di cadute e incidenti critici.

L'integrazione funge da modello per il monitoraggio remoto dei pazienti, supportando il subappalto di Iveda con Movement Interactive nell'ambito di un contratto con il Dipartimento per i Veterani del valore di 1,032 miliardi di dollari per otto anni. IvedaCare ha recentemente vinto il premio Excellence in AI 2024 per la sua applicazione nella cura degli anziani. La soluzione offre un monitoraggio completo sia in spazi privati che pubblici, garantendo la sicurezza dei residenti pur mantenendo la loro indipendenza.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA) ha ampliado sus soluciones impulsadas por IA en Waymark Gardens, un centro de vida para personas mayores en Glendale, AZ. La instalación ahora integra IvedaCare, una solución basada en sensores que cumple con HIPAA, con IvedaAI, una plataforma de búsqueda de video AI en tiempo real. Esta combinación mejora la seguridad y la eficiencia operativa en los espacios públicos, permitiendo la detección rápida de caídas e incidentes críticos.

La integración sirve como un modelo para el monitoreo remoto de pacientes, apoyando el subcontrato de Iveda con Movement Interactive bajo un contrato de 1.032 mil millones de dólares a ocho años con Asuntos de Veteranos. IvedaCare ganó recientemente el Premio a la Excelencia en IA 2024 por su aplicación en el cuidado de ancianos. La solución proporciona monitoreo integral tanto en áreas privadas como públicas, asegurando la seguridad de los residentes mientras mantiene su independencia.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA)는 애리조나주 글렌데일의 노인 생활 시설인 Waymark Gardens에서 AI 기반 솔루션을 확장했습니다. 이 시설은 이제 HIPAA 준수 센서 기반 솔루션인 IvedaCare와 실시간 AI 비디오 검색 플랫폼인 IvedaAI를 통합합니다. 이 조합은 공공 장소에서의 안전과 운영 효율성을 향상시켜, 낙상 및 중대한 사건을 신속하게 감지할 수 있도록 합니다.

이 통합은 원격 환자 모니터링의 청사진 역할을 하며, 10억 3200만 달러 규모의 8년 Veterans Affairs 계약에 따라 Iveda의 Movement Interactive와의 하청을 지원합니다. IvedaCare는 노인 돌봄 분야에서의 적용으로 2024 Excellence in AI Award를 최근 수상했습니다. 이 솔루션은 개인 및 공공 공간에서 포괄적인 모니터링을 제공하여 거주자의 안전을 보장하면서 독립성을 유지합니다.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA) a élargi ses solutions propulsées par l'IA à Waymark Gardens, une résidence pour personnes âgées à Glendale, AZ. L'établissement intègre désormais IvedaCare, une solution basée sur des capteurs et conforme à la réglementation HIPAA, avec IvedaAI, une plateforme de recherche vidéo en temps réel alimentée par l'IA. Cette combinaison améliore la sécurité et l'efficacité opérationnelle dans les espaces publics, permettant une détection rapide des chutes et des incidents critiques.

L'intégration sert de modèle pour la surveillance à distance des patients, soutenant le sous-contrat d'Iveda avec Movement Interactive dans le cadre d'un contrat de 1,032 milliard de dollars sur huit ans avec le Département des anciens combattants. IvedaCare a récemment remporté le prix Excellence in AI 2024 pour son application dans le domaine des soins aux personnes âgées. La solution offre une surveillance complète dans les espaces privés et publics, garantissant la sécurité des résidents tout en préservant leur indépendance.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA) hat seine KI-gestützten Lösungen in Waymark Gardens, einer Einrichtung für Senioren in Glendale, AZ, erweitert. Die Einrichtung integriert jetzt IvedaCare, eine sensorbasierte, HIPAA-konforme Lösung, mit IvedaAI, einer Echtzeit-KI-Video-Suchplattform. Diese Kombination verbessert die Sicherheit und Betriebseffizienz in öffentlichen Räumen und ermöglicht eine schnelle Erkennung von Stürzen und kritischen Vorfällen.

Die Integration dient als Blaupause für das entfernte Patientenmonitoring und unterstützt Ivedas Unterauftrag mit Movement Interactive im Rahmen eines 1,032 Milliarden Dollar, achtjährigen Vertrags mit den Veteranenbehörden. IvedaCare hat kürzlich den 2024 Excellence in AI Award für seine Anwendung in der Seniorenversorgung gewonnen. Die Lösung bietet umfassende Überwachung in privaten und öffentlichen Bereichen und gewährleistet die Sicherheit der Bewohner, während sie ihre Unabhängigkeit bewahren.

  • Expansion of IvedaCare and IvedaAI integration at Waymark Gardens senior living facility
  • Support for $1.032 billion, eight-year Veterans Affairs contract for remote patient monitoring
  • IvedaCare won the 2024 Excellence in AI Award for enhancing senior care
  • Increased safety and operational efficiency through real-time fall and incident detection
  • Growing adoption and positive feedback from residents and staff
  • None.

The integration of IvedaCare and IvedaAI at Waymark Gardens represents a significant advancement in remote patient monitoring for senior living facilities. This implementation serves as a proof of concept for Iveda's $1.032 billion VA contract, demonstrating real-world applicability and effectiveness. The combination of camera-less sensors for private spaces and AI-powered video monitoring in public areas creates a comprehensive safety net for residents.

The system's ability to detect falls and abnormal behavior patterns in real-time could potentially reduce response times to medical emergencies, a critical factor in senior care. Moreover, the HIPAA-compliant nature of the solution addresses privacy concerns, which are paramount in healthcare settings. The positive feedback from residents and increased communication with family members suggest improved quality of life and peace of mind for all stakeholders.

While promising, it's important to note that the long-term efficacy and scalability of this system across multiple facilities remain to be seen. The true measure of success will be in the consistent, reliable performance of the technology and its ability to integrate seamlessly into various care environments.

Iveda's integration of IvedaCare and IvedaAI at Waymark Gardens showcases a sophisticated application of AI in healthcare. The system's dual approach - using camera-less sensors in private areas and AI-powered video analysis in public spaces - demonstrates a nuanced understanding of both technological capabilities and privacy concerns in senior living environments.

The IvedaAI's real-time object and incident detection capabilities represent a significant leap in proactive care management. By leveraging existing camera infrastructure, the solution offers a cost-effective way to enhance safety without extensive hardware upgrades. The AI's ability to interpret motion patterns and trigger alerts for abnormal behavior could potentially reduce false alarms and improve staff efficiency.

However, the scalability and reliability of the AI systems in diverse senior living environments will be important for the success of the VA contract. Factors such as system uptime, accuracy of fall detection and the ability to handle varying lighting conditions and resident mobility levels will be critical to monitor as the technology is deployed more widely.

The integration of IvedaCare and IvedaAI at Waymark Gardens is a strategic move for Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), potentially opening up significant revenue streams in the growing remote patient monitoring market. The successful implementation serves as a tangible proof of concept for Iveda's $1.032 billion, eight-year VA contract, which could provide substantial and stable long-term revenue.

The expansion from IvedaCare to include IvedaAI demonstrates Iveda's ability to upsell existing clients, potentially increasing revenue per facility. The $1.032 billion VA contract represents a major opportunity for Iveda to scale its technology across numerous facilities, which could significantly boost the company's financial performance.

However, investors should note that the realization of this contract's full value depends on successful implementation across multiple facilities and consistent performance over the eight-year period. The company's ability to manage this growth and maintain service quality will be crucial. While the news is positive, the financial impact may take time to materialize fully in Iveda's earnings reports.

MESA, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Iveda® (NASDAQ: IVDA), the global leader in cloud-based AI, today announced that Waymark Gardens, a senior living facility in Glendale, AZ, has expanded its use of Iveda’s sensor-based, HIPAA-compliant solution, IvedaCare, with the integration of IvedaAI™. IvedaAI — the world’s fastest AI video search platform, enabling real-time object and incident detection — will be deployed in public spaces to enhance safety and operational efficiency. IvedaAI is now deployed in Waymark Gardens’ public corridors, allowing for real-time detection of falls and other critical incidents, ensuring swift responses and added security for both residents and staff. This powerful combination of IvedaCare and IvedaAI provides a comprehensive solution for senior living facilities across the nation, further advancing the execution of Iveda's subcontract with Movement Interactive under the $1.032 billion, eight-year Veterans Affairs contract for remote patient monitoring.

IvedaCare works privately with camera-less sensors to track movement patterns, while IvedaAI utilizes existing cameras in public areas to provide intelligent monitoring. This ideal pairing ensures real-time detection of falls in communal areas, such as courtyards and hallways, in addition to remotely monitoring residents in their living spaces.

"We’re excited to announce that — in tandem with this news — IvedaCare recently won the 2024 Excellence in AI Award, presented by Digital Revolution, for its outstanding application of AI in enhancing senior care,” says David Ly, CEO + Founder at Iveda. “We're beginning to see real momentum on the VA contract awarded to us in 2023. Facilities using IvedaCare for remote patient monitoring are now discovering the enhanced capabilities of IvedaAI. Waymark Gardens’ adoption of IvedaAI is a showcase and testament to the growing value of these solutions."

Waymark Gardens has been a proud early adopter of IvedaCare. Residents' units are equipped with an IvedaCare starter kit, featuring motion and door/cabinet sensors that monitor activity and trigger real-time alerts for abnormal behavior, such as falls. IvedaCare's AI backend interprets motion patterns to accurately notify caregivers and family members of potential concerns, providing peace of mind while allowing seniors to maintain their independence.

Dr. Eric Luster, CEO of Movement Interactive, whose fall detection sensors will integrate with IvedaCare, is a driving force behind the Remote Patient Monitoring Veterans Affairs contract. Dr. Luster commented, “Waymark Gardens has set the standard for senior living with IvedaCare and IvedaAI. Their residents' feedback has been invaluable, shaping the future of our technology. Beyond Waymark Gardens, we've begun integrating our services at numerous facilities. The momentum continues to build as we engage with industry leaders at events like the BMI Summit and IUCRC BRAIN, where interest in our solutions is growing. Our eight-year VA contract is gaining traction, and we’re seeing real-world results. It’s truly rewarding to hear how these technologies are positively impacting the lives of both residents and caregivers."

Residents and staff alike have praised the system. One Waymark Gardens resident shared, "I’ve never heard from my son more than after he was added to my IvedaCare family circle. It gives him peace of mind knowing he'll be alerted if something happens, and I feel safer too."

By combining the capabilities of IvedaCare and IvedaAI, Waymark Gardens has become a model for senior care innovation. IvedaCare’s award-winning, camera-less, private solution delivers unparalleled safety and independence for residents, while the IvedaCare mobile app allows loved ones to monitor their well-being remotely with real-time alerts.

For more information on IvedaCare and IvedaAI, or to see how they may be implemented in your facility, contact

About Iveda Solutions®

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA) provides global solutions for cloud-based video AI search and surveillance technologies that protect the people, places, and things that matter most. Iveda’s technology delivers instant intelligence to existing infrastructure, enabling cities and organizations worldwide to seamlessly enter the fifth industrial revolution. Iveda operates at the forefront of the digital transformation of cities across the globe, using IoT platforms with smart sensors and devices to support public safety, security, elderly care, energy efficiency, and environmental preservation. Headquartered in Mesa, Arizona, with a subsidiary in Taiwan, Iveda is publicly traded under the ticker symbol “IVDA.”

About Movement Interactive

Movement Interactive Inc. is dedicated to enabling longevity by addressing current health concerns and preventing future problems. The company developed the patented Hiji®Sense, a sock-worn wearable sensor that detects and predicts falls, ensuring at-home and in-residence safety. Movement Interactive's portfolio includes wearable sensors for detecting head impacts in athletes and the military, a mobile application that provides critical impact-related information, and a delivery system through compression gear called ‘RecoFit.’ Movement Interactive is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) committed to person-centered design, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.

Source: Iveda


What AI solutions has Iveda (IVDA) integrated at Waymark Gardens senior living facility?

Iveda has integrated IvedaCare, a sensor-based HIPAA-compliant solution, with IvedaAI, a real-time AI video search platform, at Waymark Gardens senior living facility in Glendale, AZ.

How does the integration of IvedaCare and IvedaAI support Iveda's (IVDA) VA contract?

The integration serves as a blueprint for remote patient monitoring, supporting Iveda's subcontract with Movement Interactive under a $1.032 billion, eight-year Veterans Affairs contract for remote patient monitoring.

What award did IvedaCare win in 2024?

IvedaCare won the 2024 Excellence in AI Award, presented by Digital Revolution, for its outstanding application of AI in enhancing senior care.

How does IvedaCare benefit residents at Waymark Gardens?

IvedaCare provides residents with increased safety and independence by monitoring activity, triggering real-time alerts for abnormal behavior, and allowing family members to remotely monitor their well-being through a mobile app.

Iveda Solutions, Inc.


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