Iveda Announces Compliance with Nasdaq Bid Price Requirement

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Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), a global leader in cloud-based AI, has announced its compliance with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement. The company's stock traded above $1.00 per share for 10 consecutive business days, meeting the criteria set in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2). As a result, Nasdaq has confirmed that the matter is now closed.

David Ly, CEO of Iveda, expressed satisfaction with regaining full compliance with Nasdaq's listing requirements. He emphasized the company's ongoing commitment to advancing its innovative AI and IoT technologies for smart city initiatives and global safety applications. Ly also highlighted the importance of maintaining Nasdaq listing for creating value for Iveda's shareholders.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), leader globale nell'AI basata su cloud, ha annunciato di aver rispettato il requisito di prezzo minimo per le azioni di Nasdaq. Le azioni della società sono state scambiate a un prezzo superiore a $1,00 per azione per 10 giorni lavorativi consecutivi, soddisfacendo così i criteri stabiliti nella Regola di Quotazione 5550(a)(2) di Nasdaq. Di conseguenza, Nasdaq ha confermato che la questione è ora chiusa.

David Ly, CEO di Iveda, ha espresso soddisfazione per il ripristino della piena conformità ai requisiti di quotazione di Nasdaq. Ha sottolineato l'impegno continuo della società nel promuovere le sue tecnologie innovative di AI e IoT per iniziative di smart city e applicazioni per la sicurezza globale. Ly ha anche evidenziato l'importanza di mantenere la quotazione su Nasdaq per creare valore per gli azionisti di Iveda.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), líder global en inteligencia artificial basada en la nube, ha anunciado su cumplimiento con el requisito de precio mínimo de Nasdaq. Las acciones de la empresa se negociaron a más de $1.00 por acción durante 10 días hábiles consecutivos, cumpliendo con los criterios establecidos en la Regla de Cotización 5550(a)(2) de Nasdaq. Como resultado, Nasdaq ha confirmado que el asunto está ahora cerrado.

David Ly, CEO de Iveda, expresó satisfacción por haber recuperado el cumplimiento total de los requisitos de cotización de Nasdaq. Enfatizó el compromiso continuo de la empresa de avanzar en sus tecnologías innovadoras de AI e IoT para iniciativas de ciudades inteligentes y aplicaciones de seguridad global. Ly también destacó la importancia de mantener la cotización en Nasdaq para crear valor para los accionistas de Iveda.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA)는 클라우드 기반 AI의 글로벌 리더로서 Nasdaq의 최소 입찰 가격 요건을 준수했다고 발표했습니다. 회사의 주가는 10일 연속으로 주당 $1.00 이상 거래되어 Nasdaq 상장 규정 5550(a)(2)에서 설정한 기준을 충족했습니다. 그 결과 Nasdaq은 이 문제는 이제 종료되었음을 확인했습니다.

David Ly, Iveda의 CEO는 Nasdaq의 상장 요건을 완전히 준수한 것에 대해 만족감을 표했습니다. 그는 스마트 시티 이니셔티브와 글로벌 안전 애플리케이션을 위해 자사의 혁신적인 AI 및 IoT 기술를 발전시키려는 지속적인 의지를 강조했습니다. Ly는 또한 Nasdaq 상장을 유지하는 것이 Iveda의 주주들에게 가치를 창출하는 데 중요하다고 강조했습니다.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), leader mondial dans le domaine de l'IA basée sur le cloud, a annoncé sa conformité avec l'exigence de prix d'offre minimum de Nasdaq. L'action de la société a été échangée au-dessus de 1,00 $ par action pendant 10 jours ouvrables consécutifs, satisfaisant ainsi aux critères établis dans la règle de cotation 5550(a)(2) de Nasdaq. En conséquence, Nasdaq a confirmé que la question est désormais résolue.

David Ly, PDG d'Iveda, a exprimé sa satisfaction d'avoir retrouvé la pleine conformité aux exigences de cotation de Nasdaq. Il a souligné l'engagement continu de l'entreprise à faire progresser ses technologies innovantes en matière d'IA et d'IoT pour les initiatives de ville intelligente et les applications de sécurité mondiale. Ly a également souligné l'importance de maintenir la cotation sur Nasdaq pour créer de la valeur pour les actionnaires d'Iveda.

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), ein globaler Marktführer im Bereich Cloud-basierter KI, hat seine Einhaltung der Mindestangebotspreisanforderung von Nasdaq bekannt gegeben. Die Aktien des Unternehmens wurden an 10 aufeinanderfolgenden Handelstagen über 1,00 $ pro Aktie gehandelt und erfüllten somit die in der Nasdaq-Listing-Regel 5550(a)(2) festgelegten Kriterien. Infolgedessen hat Nasdaq bestätigt, dass die Angelegenheit nun abgeschlossen ist.

David Ly, CEO von Iveda, drückte seine Zufriedenheit darüber aus, die volle Einhaltung der Nasdaq-Listing-Anforderungen wiedererlangt zu haben. Er betonte das fortwährende Engagement des Unternehmens, seine innovativen KI- und IoT-Technologien für intelligente Stadtinitiativen und globale Sicherheitsanwendungen voranzutreiben. Ly hob auch die Bedeutung der Aufrechterhaltung der Nasdaq-Listung hervor, um Wert für die Aktionäre von Iveda zu schaffen.

  • Regained compliance with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement
  • Stock traded above $1.00 per share for 10 consecutive business days
  • Maintained Nasdaq listing, potentially enhancing shareholder value
  • None.

MESA, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA), the global leader in cloud-based AI, today announced that the Company has regained compliance with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2). This compliance follows Iveda’s stock trading above $1.00 per share for 10 consecutive business days. Accordingly, Nasdaq has confirmed that the matter is now closed.

“We are pleased to announce that Iveda has regained full compliance with Nasdaq's listing requirements,” said David Ly, CEO of Iveda. “Our team remains committed to advancing our innovative AI and IoT technologies to support smart city initiatives and global safety applications. We also believe maintaining our NASDAQ listing is important to our ultimate value creation for our shareholders.”

About Iveda Solutions®

Iveda (NASDAQ: IVDA) provides global solutions for cloud-based video AI search and surveillance technologies that protect the people, places, and things that matter most. Iveda’s technology delivers instant intelligence to existing infrastructure, enabling cities and organizations worldwide to seamlessly enter the fifth industrial revolution. Iveda operates at the forefront of the digital transformation of cities across the globe, using IoT platforms with smart sensors and devices to support public safety, security, elderly care, energy efficiency, and environmental preservation. Headquartered in Mesa, Arizona, with a subsidiary in Taiwan, Iveda is publicly traded under the ticker symbol “IVDA.”

Olivia Civiletto Erwin

Source: Iveda


What Nasdaq requirement did Iveda (IVDA) comply with?

Iveda (IVDA) complied with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement, which is set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2). The company's stock traded above $1.00 per share for 10 consecutive business days, meeting the compliance criteria.

How long did Iveda's (IVDA) stock trade above $1.00 to regain compliance?

Iveda's (IVDA) stock traded above $1.00 per share for 10 consecutive business days, which was sufficient to regain compliance with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement.

What did Iveda's (IVDA) CEO say about regaining Nasdaq compliance?

David Ly, CEO of Iveda (IVDA), stated that the company is pleased to have regained full compliance with Nasdaq's listing requirements. He emphasized the company's commitment to advancing AI and IoT technologies and the importance of maintaining Nasdaq listing for shareholder value creation.

What technologies does Iveda (IVDA) focus on developing?

Iveda (IVDA) focuses on developing innovative AI and IoT technologies to support smart city initiatives and global safety applications.

Iveda Solutions, Inc.


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