Itaú Unibanco (ITUB) has announced a new stock buyback program, effective February 5, 2025, through February 5, 2026. The Board of Directors has authorized the purchase of up to 200 million preferred shares, representing approximately 4.16% of the free float.
The program has two main purposes: to cancel shares using R$3 billion allocated from 2024 earnings, and to provide shares for employee and management compensation plans. The buybacks will be executed at market value through stock exchanges, intermediated by Itaú Corretora de Valores.
As of December 31, 2024, the company has substantial funds available for the buyback, including R$2.73 billion in Capital Reserves and R$106.87 billion in Revenue Reserves. The company's free float consists of 402.59 million common shares and 4.81 billion preferred shares, with 28.03 million preferred shares currently held in treasury.
Itaú Unibanco (ITUB) ha annunciato un nuovo programma di riacquisto di azioni, valido dal 5 febbraio 2025 al 5 febbraio 2026. Il Consiglio di Amministrazione ha autorizzato l'acquisto di fino a 200 milioni di azioni privilegiate, che rappresentano circa il 4,16% del flottante.
Il programma ha due obiettivi principali: cancellare azioni utilizzando 3 miliardi di R$ allocati dai profitti del 2024 e fornire azioni per i piani di compenso per dipendenti e dirigenti. I riacquisti saranno effettuati al valore di mercato attraverso le borse, intermediate da Itaú Corretora de Valores.
Al 31 dicembre 2024, l'azienda dispone di fondi consistenti per il riacquisto, inclusi 2,73 miliardi di R$ in riserve di capitale e 106,87 miliardi di R$ in riserve di reddito. Il flottante dell'azienda è composto da 402,59 milioni di azioni ordinarie e 4,81 miliardi di azioni privilegiate, con 28,03 milioni di azioni privilegiate attualmente detenute in tesoreria.
Itaú Unibanco (ITUB) ha anunciado un nuevo programa de recompra de acciones, que será efectivo del 5 de febrero de 2025 al 5 de febrero de 2026. La Junta Directiva ha autorizado la compra de hasta 200 millones de acciones preferentes, lo que representa aproximadamente el 4,16% del total en circulación.
El programa tiene dos objetivos principales: cancelar acciones utilizando 3 mil millones de R$ asignados de las ganancias de 2024 y proporcionar acciones para los planes de compensación a empleados y directivos. Las recompras se llevarán a cabo a precio de mercado a través de las bolsas, intermediadas por Itaú Corretora de Valores.
Al 31 de diciembre de 2024, la compañía tiene fondos significativos disponibles para la recompra, incluidos 2,73 mil millones de R$ en Reservas de Capital y 106,87 mil millones de R$ en Reservas de Ingresos. El flotante de la compañía consiste en 402,59 millones de acciones ordinarias y 4,81 mil millones de acciones preferentes, con 28,03 millones de acciones preferentes actualmente en tesorería.
Itaú Unibanco (ITUB)가 2025년 2월 5일부터 2026년 2월 5일까지 유효한 새로운 자사주 매입 프로그램을 발표했습니다. 이사회는 최대 2억 주의 우선주 매입을 승인했으며, 이는 자유 유통 주식의 약 4.16%에 해당합니다.
이 프로그램은 두 가지 주요 목적을 가지고 있습니다: 2024년 수익에서 할당된 30억 R$를 사용하여 주식을 매입하여 소각하고, 직원 및 경영진 보상 계획을 위한 주식을 제공하는 것입니다. 자사주 매입은 시장 가치로 주식 거래소를 통해 Itaú Corretora de Valores에 의해 중개되어 실행됩니다.
2024년 12월 31일 현재, 회사는 자사주 매입을 위해 상당한 자금을 보유하고 있으며, 여기에는 27억 3천만 R$의 자본 준비금과 1,068억 7천만 R$의 수익 준비금이 포함됩니다. 이 회사의 자유 유통 주식은 4억 2,590만 주의 보통주와 48억 1천만 주의 우선주로 구성되며, 이 중 2천8백만 주의 우선주는 현재 재고로 보유되고 있습니다.
Itaú Unibanco (ITUB) a annoncé un nouveau programme de rachat d'actions, valable du 5 février 2025 au 5 février 2026. Le Conseil d'administration a autorisé l'achat de jusqu'à 200 millions d'actions privilégiées, représentant environ 4,16 % du flottant.
Le programme a deux objectifs principaux : annuler des actions en utilisant 3 milliards de R$ alloués aux bénéfices de 2024 et fournir des actions pour les plans de compensation des employés et de la direction. Les rachats seront effectués à la valeur du marché via les bourses, intermédiés par Itaú Corretora de Valores.
Au 31 décembre 2024, l'entreprise dispose de fonds substantiels pour le rachat, y compris 2,73 milliards de R$ en réserves de capital et 106,87 milliards de R$ en réserves de revenus. Le flottant de l'entreprise se compose de 402,59 millions d'actions ordinaires et de 4,81 milliards d'actions privilégiées, dont 28,03 millions d'actions privilégiées sont actuellement détenues en trésorerie.
Itaú Unibanco (ITUB) hat ein neues Aktienrückkaufprogramm angekündigt, das vom 5. Februar 2025 bis zum 5. Februar 2026 gilt. Der Vorstand hat den Kauf von bis zu 200 Millionen Vorzugsaktien genehmigt, was etwa 4,16% des Streubesitzes entspricht.
Das Programm hat zwei Hauptziele: die Streichung von Aktien durch Verwendung von 3 Milliarden R$ aus den Gewinnen 2024 und die Bereitstellung von Aktien für Mitarbeiter- und Managementvergütungspläne. Die Rückkäufe werden zum Marktwert über die Börsen durchgeführt, vermittelt durch die Itaú Corretora de Valores.
Zum 31. Dezember 2024 verfügt das Unternehmen über erhebliche Mittel für den Rückkauf, darunter 2,73 Milliarden R$ in Kapitalreserven und 106,87 Milliarden R$ in Ertragsreserven. Der Streubesitz des Unternehmens besteht aus 402,59 Millionen Stammaktien und 4,81 Milliarden Vorzugsaktien, von denen 28,03 Millionen aktuell im eigenen Bestand gehalten werden.
- Authorization to repurchase 200 million preferred shares (4.16% of free float)
- R$3 billion allocated from 2024 earnings for share cancellation
- Strong financial position with over R$109 billion in combined reserves
- Program expected to increase dividend yield per share
- No impact on company's ability to meet financial obligations
- Potential reduction in cash reserves available for other investments
- Early termination of previous buyback program
The announcement of Itaú Unibanco's new stock buyback program signals robust capital management strategy and confidence in long-term value creation. The program's size of 200 million preferred shares (4.16% of free float) represents a significant capital return initiative, backed by substantial reserves of
Several key aspects make this announcement particularly noteworthy:
- The early termination of the previous program and immediate implementation of a new one suggests strong execution capability and strategic urgency in capital deployment
- The dual-purpose structure of the program - combining share cancellation and employee compensation - optimizes capital efficiency while aligning management incentives
- The allocation of
R$3 billion specifically for share cancellation from 2024 earnings demonstrates commitment to shareholder returns
For investors, this program offers multiple benefits: increased earnings per share, higher dividend yield per share (as distributions will be spread across fewer shares) and potential share price support. The program's size and structure are particularly well-designed, balancing capital return with maintaining strong liquidity positions and regulatory ratios.
The timing and scale of this initiative, coming from Brazil's largest private bank, may also signal broader sector strength and confidence in the Brazilian financial markets. The use of market-based pricing and transparent execution through regulated exchanges adds credibility to the program's implementation.
Stock Buyback Program
SÃO PAULO, Feb. 5, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- ITAÚ UNIBANCO HOLDING S.A. informs its stockholders that the Board of Directors, meeting on February 5, 2025, has resolved to:
(i) terminate early, as of this date, the stock buyback program approved at the Board meeting held on February 5, 2024, which would terminate on August 4, 2025; and
(ii) approve the new stock buyback program[1], to be effective as of this date through February 5, 2026, authorizing the purchase of up to 200,000,000 preferred shares issued by the Company, with no reduction of capital.
The purposes of the new stock buyback program are to: (a) cancel the shares issued by the Company, as the Board of Directors has resolved on the allocation of
The stock buybacks will be carried out on stock exchanges at market value and intermediated by Itaú Corretora de Valores S.A.
The information contained in Attachment G to CVM Resolution No. 80/22, on the new stock buyback program, is included in Attachment I.
Gustavo Lopes Rodrigues
Investor Relations Officer
[1] According to Article 30, paragraphs 1 and 2 of Law No. 6,404/76 and CVM Resolution No. 77/22.
Attachment G to CVM Resolution No. 80/22
Trading of Own Shares
1. Justify in detail the purpose and expected economic effects expected from the transaction:
The purposes of the stock buyback process are to: (i) cancel the shares issued by the Company and (ii) provide for the delivery of shares to employees and management members of the Company and its controlled companies within the scope of compensation models, long-term incentive plans and institutional projects.
Economic Effects
The purchase of own shares (PoS) may have the following impacts:
- For stockholders: (i) greater return in the form of dividends, since the shares bought back by the Company are withdrawn from the market and the payment of dividends is distributed over a lower number of shares; and (ii) increase in the percentage of interest of the stockholder if these shares are cancelled.
- For the Company: (i) optimization in the use of the funds available for investment; and (ii) change in the capital ratio. In the event of the buyback of the total shares within this program, the financial amount spent will have no significant accounting effects on the Company's results.
2. Inform the number of shares (i) comprising the free float and (ii) already held as treasury stock.
Shares comprising the free float: 402,586,896 common shares and 4,805,548,560 preferred shares as of December 31, 2024.
Shares held as treasury stock: 28,030,833 preferred shares as of December 31, 2024. No common shares are held in treasury.
3. Inform the number of shares that may be bought back or sold.
Up to 200,000,000 preferred shares may be purchased, with no reduction of capital, equivalent to approximately
4. Describe the main characteristics of any derivative instruments that the company may use in the future.
The Company will use no derivative instruments.
5. Describe any existing agreements or voting instructions between the company and the counterparty to the transactions.
Shares will be purchased through transactions on stock exchanges and there are no voting instructions between the Company and the counterparties to the transaction.
6. In the event that transactions are carried out outside the organized securities markets, please inform: (a) the maximum (minimum) price for which the shares will be bought back (sold); and (b) if applicable, the reasons justifying the transaction at prices of more than ten percent (
Not applicable, since the buyback of shares issued by the Company will be carried out through transactions on stock exchanges at market value.
7. Inform any impacts that trading will have on the stockholding composition or the management structure of the company.
There will be no impact on the Company's management structure as a result of the buyback of shares issued by the Company nor will there be any impact on the stockholding composition, since the Company has a defined controlling stake.
8. Identify any known counterparties and, in the event the counterparty is a party related to the company, as set out in the accounting rules covering this matter, supply the information required by Article 9 of CVM Resolution No. 81 of March 29, 2022.
The buyback of shares issued by the Company will be carried out through transactions on stock exchanges, and counterparties are unknown.
9. Indicate the use of the funds accrued, if applicable.
Not applicable, since the transactions will be limited to the buyback rather than the sale of shares.
10. Indicate the final deadline for the settlement of authorized transactions.
The final deadline for the settlement of approved transactions is February 5, 2026.
11. Identify any institutions that will act as intermediaries.
The buybacks will be intermediated by Itaú Corretora de Valores S.A., headquartered at Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3500, 3º andar (parte), in the city of São Paulo (
12. Specify any available funds to be used in accordance with Article 8, § 1, of CVM Resolution No. 77 of March 29, 2022.
On December 31, 2024, funds available for the buyback of the shares issued by the Company totaled:
13. Specify the reasons why members of the board of directors feel comfortable that the buyback of shares will have no adverse impact on the ability to comply with any obligations assumed with creditors or the payment of mandatory, whether fixed or minimum, dividends.
The Board of Directors understands that the settlement of the buyback of own shares is compatible with the Company's financial position and foresees no impact on the compliance with the obligations assumed, considering that:
The Company manages its liquidity reserves based on estimates of the funds that will be available for investment, taking into consideration the business continuity in normal conditions. Therefore, full payment ability is assured in relation to financial commitments assumed.
For further details, please see the Note "Cash and Cash Equivalents" in the Company's Financial Statements on the Investor Relations website (
Itaú Unibanco – Comunicação Corporativa
(11) 5019-8880 / 8881
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SOURCE Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A.