ITT Appoints Maggie Chu, Chief Human Resources Officer at Littelfuse, Inc., to Board of Directors

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ITT Inc. has announced the election of Maggie Chu to its Board of Directors, effective immediately. Chu currently serves as Chief Human Resources Officer at Littelfuse, Inc., a global manufacturer with a market capitalization of over $6 billion. She leads Littelfuse's HR and corporate communications functions globally.

ITT's Chairman, Timothy H. Powers, highlighted Chu's experience in strategic HR leadership across diverse, global industries similar to ITT's operations. Her expertise in attracting and retaining top global talent for multinational manufacturing companies is expected to strengthen ITT's growth and development of a higher-performing culture.

ITT President and CEO Luca Savi emphasized that Chu's experience at large global industrials will benefit ITT as it continues to grow and reshape its portfolio both organically and through M&A. He noted that Chu's approach aligns well with ITT's culture and that the company's teams will benefit from her diverse experiences and adaptable approach to continuous learning.

ITT Inc. ha annunciato l'elezione di Maggie Chu nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, con effetto immediato. Chu attualmente ricopre il ruolo di Chief Human Resources Officer presso Littelfuse, Inc., un produttore globale con una capitalizzazione di mercato superiore ai 6 miliardi di dollari. Dirige le funzioni HR e comunicazioni aziendali di Littelfuse a livello globale.

Il presidente di ITT, Timothy H. Powers, ha evidenziato l'esperienza di Chu nella leadership strategica delle risorse umane in diversi settori globali simili a quelli delle operazioni di ITT. La sua competenza nell'attrarre e mantenere talenti globali di alto livello per aziende manifatturiere multinazionali si prevede rafforzi la crescita di ITT e lo sviluppo di una cultura ad alte prestazioni.

Il presidente e CEO di ITT, Luca Savi, ha sottolineato che l'esperienza di Chu in grandi aziende industriali globali sarà vantaggiosa per ITT mentre continua a crescere e ridefinire il suo portafoglio sia organicamente che attraverso fusioni e acquisizioni. Ha notato che l'approccio di Chu si allinea bene con la cultura di ITT e che i team dell'azienda trarranno beneficio dalle sue esperienze diversificate e dal suo approccio adattabile all'apprendimento continuo.

ITT Inc. ha anunciado la elección de Maggie Chu a su Junta Directiva, con efecto inmediato. Chu actualmente se desempeña como Chief Human Resources Officer en Littelfuse, Inc., un fabricante global con una capitalización de mercado superior a 6 mil millones de dólares. Ella dirige las funciones de recursos humanos y comunicaciones corporativas de Littelfuse a nivel mundial.

El presidente de ITT, Timothy H. Powers, destacó la experiencia de Chu en liderazgo estratégico de recursos humanos a través de diversas industrias globales similares a las operaciones de ITT. Se espera que su experiencia en atraer y retener talento global de primer nivel para empresas manufactureras multinacionales refuerce el crecimiento de ITT y el desarrollo de una cultura de alto rendimiento.

El presidente y CEO de ITT, Luca Savi, enfatizó que la experiencia de Chu en grandes industrias globales beneficiará a ITT mientras continúa creciendo y remodelando su cartera tanto de manera orgánica como a través de fusiones y adquisiciones. Señaló que el enfoque de Chu se alinea bien con la cultura de ITT y que los equipos de la empresa se beneficiarán de sus diversas experiencias y su enfoque adaptable al aprendizaje continuo.

ITT Inc.Maggie Chu를 이사회의 일원으로 즉시 선임했다고 발표했습니다. Chu는 현재 Littelfuse, Inc.에서 Chief Human Resources Officer를 맡고 있으며, 이는 60억 달러가 넘는 시장 가치를 가진 글로벌 제조업체입니다. 그녀는 Littelfuse의 인사 및 기업 커뮤니케이션 기능을 전 세계적으로 이끌고 있습니다.

ITT 의장 Timothy H. Powers는 Chu의 다양한 글로벌 산업에서의 전략적 HR 리더십 경험이 ITT의 운영과 유사하다고 강조했습니다. 다국적 제조 회사들을 위한 우수 인재 유치 및 유지에 대한 그녀의 전문성이 ITT의 성장과 고성능 문화를 구축하는 데 기여할 것으로 기대됩니다.

ITT의 사장 겸 CEO Luca Savi는 대규모 글로벌 산업에서의 Chu의 경험이 ITT가 유기적으로 그리고 인수합병을 통해 계속 성장하고 포트폴리오를 재편하는 데 유리할 것이라고 강조했습니다. 그는 Chu의 접근 방식이 ITT의 문화와 잘 맞으며, 회사 팀들이 그녀의 다양한 경험과 지속적인 학습에 대한 적응력 있는 접근에서 이익을 얻을 것이라고 언급했습니다.

ITT Inc. a annoncé l'élection de Maggie Chu à son Conseil d'Administration, avec effet immédiat. Chu occupe actuellement le poste de Chief Human Resources Officer chez Littelfuse, Inc., un fabricant mondial dont la capitalisation boursière dépasse 6 milliards de dollars. Elle dirige les fonctions des ressources humaines et des communications d'entreprise de Littelfuse à l'échelle mondiale.

Le président d'ITT, Timothy H. Powers, a souligné l'expérience de Chu en leadership stratégique des ressources humaines dans diverses industries mondiales similaires aux opérations d'ITT. Son expertise dans l'attraction et la rétention de talents mondiaux de haut niveau pour des entreprises manufacturières multinationales devrait renforcer la croissance d'ITT et le développement d'une culture de haute performance.

Le président et CEO d'ITT, Luca Savi, a souligné que l'expérience de Chu dans de grandes industries mondiales profitera à ITT alors que l'entreprise continue de croître et de redéfinir son portefeuille à la fois de manière organique et à travers des fusions et acquisitions. Il a noté que l'approche de Chu s'aligne bien avec la culture d'ITT et que les équipes de l'entreprise tireront parti de ses expériences variées et de son approche adaptable à l'apprentissage continu.

ITT Inc. hat die Wahl von Maggie Chu in seinen Vorstand bekannt gegeben, die sofort wirksam wird. Chu ist derzeit Chief Human Resources Officer bei Littelfuse, Inc., einem globalen Hersteller mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von über 6 Milliarden Dollar. Sie leitet die HR- und Unternehmenskommunikationsfunktionen von Littelfuse weltweit.

Der Vorsitzende von ITT, Timothy H. Powers, betonte Chus Erfahrung in der strategischen HR-Führung in verschiedenen globalen Branchen, die den Operationen von ITT ähnlich sind. Ihre Expertise im Anwerben und Halten von Top-Talenten für multinationale Fertigungsunternehmen wird voraussichtlich das Wachstum von ITT und die Entwicklung einer leistungsstarken Unternehmenskultur stärken.

Der Präsident und CEO von ITT, Luca Savi, hob hervor, dass Chus Erfahrung bei großen globalen Industrien ITT zugutekommen wird, während das Unternehmen weiterhin organisch wächst und sein Portfolio sowohl organisch als auch durch Fusionen und Übernahmen umgestaltet. Er stellte fest, dass Chus Ansatz gut zur Kultur von ITT passt und dass die Teams des Unternehmens von ihren vielfältigen Erfahrungen und ihrem anpassungsfähigen Ansatz zum kontinuierlichen Lernen profitieren werden.

  • Addition of experienced HR executive to the Board of Directors
  • Potential for strengthened talent acquisition and retention strategies
  • Alignment of Board capabilities with company's long-term strategic direction
  • Expected benefits for ITT's growth and portfolio reshaping efforts
  • None.

STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Oct. 1, 2024-- ITT Inc. (NYSE: ITT) today announced the election of Maggie Chu to its Board of Directors. Ms. Chu currently serves as Chief Human Resources Officer of Littelfuse, Inc. (NASDAQ: LFUS), a global manufacturer of circuit protection and power control components serving customers across industrial, transportation and electronics end markets with a market capitalization of more than $6 billion. She has been with Littelfuse since 2021 and currently leads the company’s human resources (HR) and corporate communications functions globally. Ms. Chu’s appointment to the ITT board is effective immediately.

“Maggie is an experienced and seasoned Human Resources executive with a robust track record of strategic leadership across diverse, global industries, similar to those where ITT operates,” said ITT Chairman of the Board Timothy H. Powers. “Maggie’s expertise in attracting and retaining top global talent for large multinational manufacturing companies will further strengthen ITT’s growth and development of a higher performing culture. Her appointment continues the Board’s proactive director refreshment process to ensure the capabilities of the ITT board are aligned to the company’s long-term strategic direction. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I would like to welcome Maggie to ITT.”

Speaking on Ms. Chu’s appointment, ITT President and CEO Luca Savi commented, “Maggie’s experience and leadership at large global industrials will be a major benefit to ITT as we continue to grow and reshape our portfolio both organically and through M&A. She joined Littelfuse during a period of significant growth and has a history of acting as a dedicated business partner with an intellectual curiosity and deep, hands-on approach that fits well with the ITT culture. Our teams will benefit greatly from Maggie’s diverse experiences and flexible and adaptable approach to continuous learning. I am humbled to have Maggie join the ITT board.”

About Maggie Chu

Maggie Chu is currently the Chief Human Resources Officer at Littelfuse, a position she has held since 2021, where she serves as a key member of the executive leadership team. Prior to her current role, Maggie served as Segment HR Director at Caterpillar (NYSE: CAT) where she provided strategic HR leadership for the $20+ billion Energy & Transportation Segment and Corporate Services functions. She also previously held multiple senior HR roles over fourteen years at the former General Electric Company in its Lighting, Power and Oil & Gas divisions.

Ms. Chu was born in China where she completed her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Electrical Engineering at Zhejiang University and in Quality Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, respectively, prior to moving to the U.S. in 2001. She also holds a Master of Arts in Human Resources with a minor in statistics from the University of Minnesota.

About ITT

ITT is a diversified leading manufacturer of highly engineered critical components and customized technology solutions for the transportation, industrial, and energy markets. Building on its heritage of innovation, ITT partners with its customers to deliver enduring solutions to the key industries that underpin our modern way of life. ITT is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, with employees in more than 35 countries and sales in approximately 125 countries. For more information, visit


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Source: ITT Inc.


Who is the new Board member appointed to ITT Inc. (ITT)?

Maggie Chu, the current Chief Human Resources Officer of Littelfuse, Inc., has been appointed to ITT Inc.'s Board of Directors.

What is Maggie Chu's current role outside of ITT?

Maggie Chu currently serves as the Chief Human Resources Officer at Littelfuse, Inc., where she leads the company's HR and corporate communications functions globally.

How does Maggie Chu's appointment align with ITT's strategy?

Chu's appointment aligns with ITT's strategy by bringing expertise in attracting and retaining global talent, which is expected to strengthen the company's growth and development of a higher-performing culture.

When does Maggie Chu's appointment to ITT's Board of Directors take effect?

Maggie Chu's appointment to ITT Inc.'s Board of Directors is effective immediately, as announced on October 1, 2024.

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