Iterum Therapeutics Broadens Patent Estate for Oral Sulopenem

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Iterum Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ITRM) has strengthened its patent portfolio for oral sulopenem with new patents in the US and Canada. The USPTO has issued notices of allowance for two US patents: one covering the use of sulopenem etzadroxil and probenecid in treating uncomplicated urinary tract infections (expiring April 1, 2039), and another for the combination of sulopenem etzadroxil, probenecid, and valproic acid in treating specified infections (expiring March 11, 2041). Additionally, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office has issued a patent for a bilayer tablet comprising sulopenem etzadroxil and probenecid, its preparation methods, and use in treating specified diseases (expiring December 23, 2039). Iterum also has pending patent applications in other jurisdictions, including Europe and China.

Iterum Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ITRM) ha potenziato il suo portafoglio brevetti per il sulopenem orale con nuovi brevetti negli Stati Uniti e in Canada. L'USPTO ha emesso avvisi di concessione per due brevetti statunitensi: uno riguardante l'uso di sulopenem etzadroxil e probenecid nel trattamento delle infezioni urinarie semplici (scadenza il 1 aprile 2039), e l'altro per la combinazione di sulopenem etzadroxil, probenecid e acido valproico nel trattamento di infezioni specifiche (scadenza l'11 marzo 2041). Inoltre, l'Ufficio canadese della proprietà intellettuale ha concesso un brevetto per una compressa a due strati contenente sulopenem etzadroxil e probenecid, i suoi metodi di preparazione e l'uso nel trattamento di malattie specifiche (scadenza il 23 dicembre 2039). Iterum ha anche domande di brevetto pendenti in altre giurisdizioni, comprese l'Europa e la Cina.

Iterum Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ITRM) ha consolidado su cartera de patentes para el sulopenem oral con nuevas patentes en EE. UU. y Canadá. La USPTO ha emitido avisos de aprobación para dos patentes estadounidenses: una que cubre el uso de sulopenem etzadroxil y probenecid en el tratamiento de infecciones del tracto urinario no complicadas (que expira el 1 de abril de 2039), y otra para la combinación de sulopenem etzadroxil, probenecid y ácido valproico en el tratamiento de infecciones específicas (que expira el 11 de marzo de 2041). Además, la Oficina de Propiedad Intelectual de Canadá ha emitido una patente para una tableta de dos capas que comprenda sulopenem etzadroxil y probenecid, sus métodos de preparación y su uso en el tratamiento de enfermedades específicas (que expira el 23 de diciembre de 2039). Iterum también tiene solicitudes de patente pendientes en otras jurisdicciones, incluyendo Europa y China.

Iterum Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ITRM)는 미국과 캐나다에서 새로운 특허를 통해 경구용 설로페넴에 대한 특허 포트폴리오를 강화했습니다. USPTO는 두 개의 미국 특허에 대한 허가 통지를 발행했습니다: 하나는 설로페넴 에자드록실과 프로베네시드의 단순 요로 감염 치료에 관한 것으로 (만료일: 2039년 4월 1일), 다른 하나는 특정 감염 치료를 위한 설로페넴 에자드록실, 프로베네시드 및 발프로산 조합에 관한 것입니다 (만료일: 2041년 3월 11일). 또한, 캐나다 지식재산청은 설로페넴 에자드록실과 프로베네시드를 포함한 이층 정제의 특허와 그 조제 방법 및 특정 질병 치료에 대한 용도를 발행했습니다 (만료일: 2039년 12월 23일). Iterum은 유럽과 중국을 포함한 다른 관할권에서도 특허 출원이 진행 중입니다.

Iterum Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ITRM) a renforcé son portefeuille de brevets pour le sulopenem oral avec de nouveaux brevets aux États-Unis et au Canada. L'USPTO a émis des avis d'octroi pour deux brevets américains : l'un couvrant l'utilisation de sulopenem etzadroxil et probenecid dans le traitement des infections urinaires non compliquées (expirant le 1er avril 2039), et l'autre pour la combinaison de sulopenem etzadroxil, probenecid et acide valproïque dans le traitement d'infections spécifiques (expirant le 11 mars 2041). De plus, l'Office de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada a délivré un brevet pour un comprimé à deux couches comprenant sulopenem etzadroxil et probenecid, ses méthodes de préparation et son utilisation dans le traitement de maladies spécifiques (expirant le 23 décembre 2039). Iterum a également des demandes de brevet en attente dans d'autres juridictions, y compris l'Europe et la Chine.

Iterum Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ITRM) hat sein Patentportfolio für das orale Sulopenem mit neuen Patenten in den USA und Kanada gestärkt. Das USPTO hat Genehmigungsbenachrichtigungen für zwei US-Patente erteilt: eines betrifft die Verwendung von Sulopenem etzadroxil und Probenecid zur Behandlung unkomplizierter Harnwegsinfektionen (Ablaufdatum: 1. April 2039) und das andere die Kombination von Sulopenem etzadroxil, Probenecid und Valproinsäure zur Behandlung bestimmter Infektionen (Ablaufdatum: 11. März 2041). Darüber hinaus hat das kanadische Amt für geistiges Eigentum ein Patent für eine Dosierung mit zwei Schichten, die Sulopenem etzadroxil und Probenecid umfasst, deren Herstellungsverfahren und Verwendung zur Behandlung bestimmter Krankheiten erteilt (Ablaufdatum: 23. Dezember 2039). Iterum hat auch anhängige Patentanträge in anderen Jurisdiktionen, darunter Europa und China.

  • Expansion of patent protection for oral sulopenem in the US and Canada
  • Extended patent expiration dates ranging from 2039 to 2041
  • Potential for additional patent approvals in Europe and China
  • None.

The issuance of new patents for Iterum Therapeutics' oral sulopenem is a significant development in the company's intellectual property strategy. Here's why this matters:

  • Extended Market Exclusivity: The new U.S. patents, set to expire in 2039 and 2041, provide Iterum with a long runway of market exclusivity for oral sulopenem. This extended protection is important in the pharmaceutical industry, where patent life directly correlates with a drug's commercial viability.
  • Expanded Geographical Coverage: The addition of a Canadian patent broadens Iterum's international patent portfolio, potentially opening up new market opportunities in North America beyond the U.S.
  • Diverse Patent Claims: The patents cover various aspects of oral sulopenem, including its use in treating uncomplicated urinary tract infections, combinations with other compounds and specific formulations like bilayer tablets. This multi-faceted approach strengthens Iterum's patent position against potential competitors.

However, it's important to note that while patent issuance is a positive step, it doesn't guarantee commercial success. The true value of these patents will depend on the clinical efficacy and regulatory approval of oral sulopenem, as well as its market adoption if approved. Investors should monitor Iterum's progress in clinical trials and regulatory submissions alongside these patent developments.

Iterum Therapeutics' patent expansion for oral sulopenem is a strategic move that could significantly impact its market position:

  • Competitive Advantage: In the crowded antibiotics market, strong patent protection can be a key differentiator. Iterum's growing patent estate may deter potential competitors and provide a more secure market position if oral sulopenem reaches commercialization.
  • Valuation Impact: For a clinical-stage biotech company like Iterum, intellectual property is a important asset. These patent allowances could potentially increase the company's valuation and make it more attractive to investors or potential acquirers.
  • Future Revenue Potential: The extended patent protection, particularly in the U.S. and Canada, could translate to a longer period of high-margin sales if oral sulopenem is approved. This is especially important given the rising threat of antibiotic resistance and the need for new treatment options.

However, investors should remain cautious. While patent protection is important, it's just one piece of the puzzle. Iterum still faces significant challenges, including completing clinical trials, obtaining regulatory approvals and successfully commercializing oral sulopenem in a competitive market. The company's financial position and ability to fund these activities will be important factors to watch.

DUBLIN and CHICAGO, Aug. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Iterum Therapeutics plc (Nasdaq: ITRM) (Iterum), a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company focused on developing next generation oral and IV antibiotics to treat infections caused by multi-drug resistant pathogens in both community and hospital settings, today announced the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued a notice allowance for two U.S. patents and the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) has issued a Canadian patent, all related to sulopenem etzadroxil and probenecid (oral sulopenem).

“We are very pleased to continue to strengthen our oral sulopenem patent estate further with the addition of these new patents and extending existing protection to cover Canada,” said Corey Fishman, Chief Executive Officer.

The USPTO has issued Iterum a Notice of Allowance for U.S. patent application number 18/065,400 entitled “Combinations of Beta-Lactam Compounds and Probenecid and Uses Thereof” that covers the use of Iterum's candidate combination of sulopenem etzadroxil and probenecid in treating uncomplicated urinary tract infection. This Notice of Allowance concludes the substantive examination of the patent application and will result in the issuance of a U.S. patent after administrative processes are completed. The U.S. patent scheduled to issue from this application will expire April 1, 2039, absent any extensions.

The USPTO has also issued Iterum a Notice of Allowance for U.S. patent application number 17/198,335 entitled “Combinations of Beta-Lactam Compounds, Probenecid, and Valproic Acid and Uses Thereof” that covers the use of sulopenem etzadroxil, probenecid, and valproic acid in treating specified infections. This Notice of Allowance concludes the substantive examination of the patent application and will result in the issuance of a U.S. patent after administrative processes are completed. The U.S. patent scheduled to issue from this application will expire March 11, 2041, absent any extensions.

The CIPO issued Iterum a Notice of Allowance for Canadian patent application number 3129337 entitled “Combinations of Beta-Lactam Compounds and Probenecid and Uses Thereof” that covers a bilayer tablet comprising sulopenem etzadroxil and probenecid, methods of preparing the bilayer tablet, and the use of the bilayer tablet in treating specified diseases. This Notice of Allowance concludes the substantive examination of the patent application and will result in the issuance of a Canadian patent after administrative processes are completed. The Canadian patent scheduled to issue from this application will expire December 23, 2039, absent any extensions.

Iterum’s patent portfolio also contains pending patent applications in a number of other jurisdictions including Europe and China, submitted following receipt of the Written Opinion of the International Search Authority indicating that several claims directed to the composition of the bilayer tablet of oral sulopenem are novel and inventive.

About Iterum Therapeutics plc

Iterum Therapeutics plc is a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to developing differentiated anti-infectives aimed at combatting the global crisis of multi-drug resistant pathogens to significantly improve the lives of people affected by serious and life-threatening diseases around the world. Iterum Therapeutics is advancing the development of its first compound, sulopenem, a novel penem anti-infective compound, with an oral formulation and IV formulation. Sulopenem has demonstrated potent in vitro activity against a wide variety of gram-negative, gram-positive and anaerobic bacteria resistant to other antibiotics. Iterum Therapeutics has submitted an NDA for oral sulopenem for the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections in adult women, which has been accepted for review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and has received Qualified Infectious Disease Product (QIDP) and Fast Track designations for its oral and IV formulations of sulopenem in seven indications.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the expected issuance of two U.S. patents and a Canadian patent in connection with the notices of allowance described above. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as “may,” “believes,” “intends,” “seeks,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “estimates,” “expects,” “should,” “assumes,” “continues,” “could,” “would,” “will,” “future,” “potential” or the negative of these or similar terms and phrases. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Iterum’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include all matters that are not historical facts. Actual future results may be materially different from what is expected due to factors largely outside Iterum’s control, including uncertainties inherent in the design, initiation and conduct of clinical and non-clinical development, changes in regulatory requirements or decisions of regulatory authorities, the timing or likelihood of regulatory filings and approvals, changes in public policy or legislation, commercialization plans and timelines, if oral sulopenem is approved, the actions of third-party clinical research organizations, suppliers and manufacturers, the accuracy of Iterum’s expectations regarding how far into the future Iterum’s cash on hand will fund Iterum’s ongoing operations, the sufficiency of Iterum’s cash resources and Iterum’s ability to continue as a going concern, Iterum’s ability to regain and maintain its listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market, risks and uncertainties concerning the outcome, impact, effects and results of Iterum’s pursuit of strategic alternatives, including the terms, timing, structure, value, benefits and costs of any strategic process and Iterum’s ability to complete one, whether on attractive terms or at all, and other factors discussed under the caption “Risk Factors” in its Annual Report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on March 31, 2024, and other documents filed with the SEC from time to time. Forward-looking statements represent Iterum’s beliefs and assumptions only as of the date of this press release. Except as required by law, Iterum assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements publicly, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future.

Investor Contact:
Judy Matthews 
Chief Financial Officer


What new patents has Iterum Therapeutics (ITRM) received for oral sulopenem?

Iterum Therapeutics has received notices of allowance for two US patents and one Canadian patent related to oral sulopenem. These cover the use of sulopenem etzadroxil and probenecid in treating urinary tract infections, the combination with valproic acid for specified infections, and a bilayer tablet formulation.

When do Iterum Therapeutics' (ITRM) new patents for oral sulopenem expire?

The new patents have expiration dates ranging from 2039 to 2041. Specifically, the US patent for treating urinary tract infections expires on April 1, 2039, the US patent for the combination with valproic acid expires on March 11, 2041, and the Canadian patent expires on December 23, 2039.

In which other countries is Iterum Therapeutics (ITRM) seeking patent protection for oral sulopenem?

Iterum Therapeutics has pending patent applications in several other jurisdictions, including Europe and China, for its oral sulopenem formulation and uses.

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