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Designed with both novice traders and seasoned investors in mind, our page aims to simplify the complex world of stock market news. By combining real-time updates, Rhea-AI's analytical insights, and historical stock performance data, we provide a holistic view of ITC's position in the market.

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ITC Holdings Corp. has priced a $600 million private offering of 4.950% senior unsecured notes due 2027, expected to close on September 22, 2022. The proceeds will be utilized to fully redeem $500 million of existing 2.700% Senior Notes due November 15, 2022, pay a call premium, and reduce debt under its revolving credit facility and commercial paper program. The notes are offered solely to qualified institutional buyers and certain non-U.S. persons under specific regulations.

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ITC Holdings Corp. and the DATA Coalition highlight a study by Concentric Energy Advisors revealing issues with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Order No. 1000. The report indicates that competitive transmission projects face an average of 12 months in delays and cost increases of 27%. Specific examples include a project in New York with a 67% cost increase and another in the MISO region that met planning-level costs, showing no benefits from competitive bid processes. ITC calls for a return to collaborative planning to effectively address transmission needs.

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ITC Holdings Corp. announced the appointment of Matthew Kurpinski as Vice President and Chief Information Officer, effective January 1, 2022. Kurpinski, who has been with ITC since 2012, will oversee all IT activities, including cybersecurity. He takes over from Ron Hinsley, who will remain with Fortis Inc. Kurpinski's previous roles at ITC include Director of Application Support. Jon Jipping, COO, praised Kurpinski's contributions to ITC's transmission grid operations. ITC, the largest independent electricity transmission company in the U.S., operates over 16,000 circuit miles of transmission line.

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ITC Holdings Corp. (ITC) has appointed Leanne Bell and Jocelyn H. Perry to its board of directors, effective February 1, 2022, and January 1, 2022, respectively. Leanne Bell, with over $6 billion in global power infrastructure experience, previously held prominent roles in financial and operational capacities, while Jocelyn Perry serves as the Executive VP and CFO of Fortis Inc. Both appointments aim to enhance ITC's perspectives on renewable resource connectivity and strengthening the transmission infrastructure vital for electrification.

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